my pet is boss

Chapter 232 The Deserved No. 1 Person

Chapter 232 Well-deserved No.1

In the end, Shen Fei was superior and pinched the back of Fat Tiger's fate.

Shen Fei turned over from the ground and patted the dust off his body.Seeing that Shen Fei had let go of his strength, Fat Tiger immediately rolled backwards, flipped up with a movement he thought was extremely handsome, planed the tiger's head with both hands, and showed off the fat with trembling arms.

"Nephew, I made you laugh."

Joshua raised his head and asked with wide innocent eyes: "Uncle Shen, what happened just now?"

Joshua is also very smart, some things can be seen, some things can't be seen!
Shen Fei was very satisfied with Joshua's attitude, and Fat Tiger also dusted off the dust on his body, thinking that children can be taught.

After all, he is Lucian's son and has inherited many of Lucian's fine traditions.

Although I have never met the queen, it can be seen from the shrewdness of Countess Margaret that this person is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Now that the meridians of your whole body have been opened up, and you still have the magic power of the White Tiger God in your body, you won't have to suffer from the cold in the future."

Joshua bowed his head respectfully, and bowed three times to Shen Fei and Fat Hu: "Thank you Uncle Shen and Uncle Hu for solving the chill in my nephew's body." On the ground, I knocked my head three times: "It's hard to repay a great kindness, so I can only thank you three times."

Seeing Joshua's cleverness and well-behaved, Shen Fei took a deep breath and shook his hands: "Fat Hu, you can teach him some monk skills today. I still have things to do."

After Shen Fei finished speaking, he quickly walked into the study room and closed the door, not letting Fat Tiger and Joshua see the sparkle in his eyes.

Fat Tiger hugged Joshua and left, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, can Shen Fei's little trick deceive the majestic White Tiger God?
"Come on, you are now a martial arts prodigy, practice real martial arts with your Uncle Tiger."

It so happened that Fuman came back from class and ran into Fat Hu and Pei Qi on the way back.

Fuman was also curious about why Fat Tiger brought a young man out of Xiaozhuxuan. When Fat Hu thought that Joshua would come to Xiaozhuxuan frequently in the future, he simply introduced: "This is Shen Fei's servant Fuman, who is also from the Monk Temple. Zenzi. The pig next to him is called Peiqi, and it is Fuman's pet."

Joshua's eyes sparkled, this brother Chanzi was a well-known legend in the Holy City.

After the assessment, he became a Zen son in the first battle, and he defeated Master Lan Chan's disciple, Zhang Li, the head of martial arts.Others don't know, but he practiced martial arts with Lazy Chan in the Monk Temple, and as a little prince, the leader of the Royal Guards would tell him the major events that happened in the Holy City every day, so he still knows a lot.

Afterwards, this Zenzi brother also passed the qualification assessment of the Master Academy and the Holy Light Cathedral, and became a person favored by the gods in the legend.The Nine Levels of Talent, the Physique of Faol, the Son of the Holy Light, the God of Investment, any one of these titles is enough to make people the focus.But when so many titles all belong to one person, then this person has only one title—God's Favor.

"Hello, big brother!" Joshua bowed to Fuman respectfully.

He is also a disciple of Master Lan Chan, Fu Man is a Zen disciple, and a servant of Uncle Shen, so it is appropriate for him to be called Senior Brother.

Fuman looked at Fat Hu with doubts on his face, and Fat Tiger patted Joshua on the shoulder: "Little Prince Joshua, the son of King Lucien."

Hearing that it was the little prince, Fuman hurriedly bowed, but Joshua held his arms with both hands: "Eldest brother really broke me."

Then Joshua looked at Pei Qi again. He had heard about this legendary little pig.

"This is the professor of the Royal Academy of Music, Bi Qi with absolute pitch..." Joshua hesitated for a moment, not knowing what word to use to call Qi Qi, master?or something else?
After hesitating for a moment, Joshua said the word "senior brother".

Absolute pitch, one-in-a-million talent, and a professor at the Royal Academy of Music.

"Second senior brother, hello!"

Pei Qi seemed to understand Joshua's words, and groaned a bit, satisfied with this well-educated junior.

"It's good to know each other. I still have to take Joshua to practice, so I'll leave first." Fat Tiger took Joshua and left directly. Before leaving, the little guy bowed respectfully twice.

Fuman and Peiqi came to the study, knocked on the door and found no one answered, thought that Shen Fei had fallen asleep, so they simply went back to their own room.

Fuman came today mainly to explain the recent investment trends and income, but since the young master is not here, let's talk about it tomorrow.

More and more players entered the holy city, and they all heard the legend of Shen Fei when they were in Sentinel Fort.

After all, there were countless civilians and military officers who witnessed it with their own eyes.

Almost everyone knows that the White Tiger God descended to earth and cut off the flames and cut off the flow of water!
When the player heard the NPC's narration, his jealous eyes turned red.

All hunter players envy and hate.

Which hunter player does not dream of catching a mythical beast as a baby. As the saying goes, hunting is expensive, and pets are a symbol of a hunter's supreme status.

Shen Fei fulfilled the dreams of all hunters, so they envy and hate.

The faces of monks and players turned green. The White Tiger, the Four Heavenly God they believe in, has become a player's pet?Where does this make these monk players face?According to their seniority, they are all Shen Fei's disciples!
Many monk players even played the slogan "Kill Shen Fei, rescue the white tiger", calling on more monk players to join the struggle against Shen Fei and save Bai.

Following the launch of merchant ships in Frost Harbor, countless players came to the Inner Sea and saw the two statues in the Inner Sea.

One is called His Majesty the King, and the other is called Shen... Shameless, bah!

"Shen Fei is too shameless, he even erected his own statue in the inner sea, standing side by side with His Majesty the King!"

"I heard from the players who have already arrived in the Holy City that this guy is now taking the position of the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple with the identity of the White Tiger God!"

Many players clenched their fists, what kind of luck is this guy, relying on the White Tiger God to make his way to the top!

Many monk players are silent...

This guy Shen Fei is now the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple, almost covering the sky with one hand.

They also set up a resistance organization, if Shen Fei knew about it, would they give them small shoes to wear?

Don't need to think about it, with Shen Fei's character of retribution, he will definitely do it!
Think about Minister Mao of BASF Chemicals. Because he offended Shen Fei, he was kicked out of the company from the position of the logistics minister of the Greater China region, a senior executive with one person under one person and more than ten thousand people.

Think about Ma Yanzu again, because of fighting against Shen Fei, now he is being chased and killed by the killer sent by his father, the tragedy cannot be more miserable.

Everyone shuddered and exchanged glances with each other.

"Otherwise, this anti-sinking organization will be disbanded in place now?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, although Shen Fei could not be said to be able to cover the sky with one hand in the Holy City, but on the one-acre three-point land of the Wu Monk Temple, he was absolutely a spittle and a nail!Fight against him, there is no good fruit to eat!

"Let's pretend to be friends with him first, but in fact..."

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (30/30)

  It's finally over!
(End of this chapter)

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