my pet is boss

Chapter 233 Main Quest!

Chapter 233 Main Quest! (5200 word chapter)
Listening to the speeches of other players or in the guild is not as good as witnessing it yourself.

Merchant ships stopped at the port of Joshua, and crop after crop of players entered the holy city along the straight and wide official road.The whole journey was full of busy scenes, the caravans were loading goods onto the cargo ship, porters and workers at the dock were also busy, and they even saw dwarves and elves at the dock.

Everyone was shocked by the magnificence of the holy city. This huge white city is the only hope for the human empire.

But for these players, the significance of the holy city is only the largest city of mankind. There will be many hidden tasks and opportunities, and there will be various large transactions.

They don't have any feelings for NPC. To put it bluntly, this is just a game, and NPC is just a bunch of data evolved by the mastermind.The significance of the existence of the game is to give wandering humans a living space during these 100 years, so that they will not really die in the long-term freezing.The other is to give the major groups a chance to shuffle the cards. To put it bluntly, the game world is a big casino.

Give it a go, the bicycle becomes a motorcycle, and you can eat delicious food and drink spicy food in the new world.

This is both an opportunity and a challenge.

Several 10 people have poured into the Holy City in a short period of time, and these news are also frequently exchanged among high-level officials, so we have an approximate figure.

Everyone welcomes this. After these people come to the holy city, they usually choose one of the forces to join, to expand the reserves for the major forces in the holy city, and strengthen the power of the holy city in disguise.

At the same time, their investment and consumption in the Holy City also drove the development of major industries in the Holy City.

Fat Tiger taught Joshua martial arts at the Tingtao Pavilion, the highest peak of the Dreaming Zen Realm. Joshua, who opened up the meridians of his body and possessed the magic power of the gods, made great progress, and practiced the white tiger skills as fast as the wind and fierce as electricity. time mastered to a level of terror.

"Well, you are very proficient in martial arts now, you can usually use your own true energy. If you encounter a life-threatening situation, you can mobilize the mana in your body and use the moves I taught you to fight."

Fat Tiger usually laughs and laughs with Shen Fei, but he is still very imposing in front of Joshua, a junior, worthy of being called Uncle Tiger.

Fat Tiger looked at Joshua, and recalled the scene when he and Lucian were drunk and hooked up shoulder to shoulder, calling him brothers. This kid is also his nephew!
Joshua respectfully bowed to Fat Tiger: "Thank you Uncle Tiger for his life-saving grace and teaching."

Hearing how comfortable it is to be called Uncle Panghu, he waved his hand and said, "This is all a trivial matter. From now on, when you come to the Buddhist monastery, you can come to me directly. If you can't find me, go to Shen Fei. Let me tell you about the lazy Chan." You don't have to go." Fat Tiger knew that Lan Chan and the other two elders were preparing for reincarnation recently, and had no time to teach Joshua.This time it happened to be the time for the little prince to learn boxing, so he simply let the two meet.

Joshua bid farewell and left, and when he returned to the palace, he found that Shen Fei had ordered someone to deliver a large box.

Joshua's eyes lit up. The box must contain the Legend of Heroes Aura card machine, and now he also owns an Aura card machine.

But when Joshua opened the box, his legs kept shaking, and his pupils contracted suddenly.

There is not only an aura card machine in the box, but also countless small cloth bags under the aura card machine.

These small cloth bags look familiar to Joshua, this is something that he dreams of besides the aura card machine, card bag!
How many did Uncle Shen send at one time?Joshua glanced at the wooden box, and roughly counted at least one hundred packages, right?

These card packs cost 300 gold coins, and the 5J Seria ham sent by Uncle Tiger, more than 300 gold coins.Joshua touched his chest again, and there was a cash check for 5 gold coins in the lining pocket of his clothes.Not to mention that I have now dispelled the cold poison, opened up the meridians of the whole body, and become a martial arts genius.

He had also asked Uncle Tiger before, what effect would the burst of mana injected into his body have.

Fat Tiger thought for a while, the mana value of a whole pattern exploded with the tricks he taught, it should be...

"Have you seen the two statues in the inner sea of ​​the Holy City of Lions?"

Joshua nodded, one was his father's, and the other was Uncle Shen's.It was just because Uncle Shen was not there at that time, so my father suggested that the facial work should be stopped, and the casting would be completed when Uncle Shen came back one day.

"With all your strength, you can cut down the two statues with one slash!"

Joshua took a deep breath, looked at his little hands that hadn't grown yet, and couldn't believe that such a terrifying power could erupt.You must know that the two giant statues are a full hundred meters high!
In fact, Fat Tiger still has something to hide.

Learned its authentic martial arts, a whole mana.With this palm of the sword, not to mention the two statues, even the mouth of the Inner Sea will have to be enlarged by another third.Without him, the strength can directly collapse the foundation of the Inner Haikou.

Since his father disappeared, Joshua has never felt such a strong affection.

Every time the little aunt Mary came to the palace to take care of him, she just checked his homework and taught him to be a good king in the future.As for the warmth between relatives, I can hardly feel it.

Joshua got a lot of benefits just by meeting and recognizing his relatives. Joshua was extremely grateful, and suddenly remembered that when he was a child, he found the letters hidden by his father in the library of the palace, and was beaten up by his father at that time. I heard about Uncle Shen from my father.

Joshua remembered that the letter was about the appointment of Uncle Shen, but because he was young at the time and it had been too long, he could not remember clearly.

But it doesn't matter, I go back and look through all the books now, and I can always find them.


When the players come to the holy city, they first go to the military headquarters to hand in the task, and then go to the professional guides to do the follow-up tasks.

In the end, all the ranger professions laughed, because after they chose to join the MI[-] intelligence organization, they all got the title of junior agent, and the mission hall did not release various assassination missions to reward money.

It can be said that most thieves, lunatics, and bards spend a day running between the mission hall and the mission location, earning both experience and money.On the other hand, other professions are much more miserable. After joining, let alone a mission, they didn't see half a dime, and they were directly abandoned in the corner after handing in the mission with the guide.

The player originally came to the holy city with curiosity and the idea of ​​seeing the world, but after he actually went to the holy city to explore, he found that this human hero really has no main missions, and all of them are scattered missions in the lower city. It was nothing more than the loss of the Zhang family's dog, or the fact that the Wang family's daughter wanted to elope with the young man.

What about the main mission?
What about the copy?
Nothing, the only advantage is that the transportation system of the holy city extends in all directions, you can reach all parts of the empire from the holy city, and you can even spend money to take a boat to the kingdom of dwarves and elves.

Furthermore, they found that the people in the holy city only discussed two things every day.

The first one is the Legend of Heroes card. As long as it is an entertainment venue, you can see people sitting on the aura card machine playing a game, and there are many people around.

The second thing is the PUBG trial next month. It is said that a lot of forces and skills have been added this time. The trial has added a random climate system to simulate the environment and climate more realistically. Everyone is now waiting for the 15th of the month. Grabbing tickets.There are only [-] seats in total, and it is easy to sell out. If you are a little slow, you will not be able to buy tickets.

The faces of the new players turned black. These things that the residents of the holy city used as novelty and talk, but they have long been tired of playing with them, have now caused a sensation in the holy city. It is really inconceivable.

But everyone also knew about Shen Fei's status in the holy city, and these national-level projects could be promoted so smoothly by him, so it's better not to bother him in the future.

When he was in Tuk County, this guy was just the captain of the security brigade. He also served as the deputy consul for a period of time, and the world has been turned upside down. Now he is the Supreme Elder of the Monk Temple. Players can no longer imagine the bitterness of being targeted by Shen Fei Cool.Monk players are even more cautious about their lives every day, with their tails between their legs. What if Shen Fei notices and imposes a sponsorship fee on every monk player?
The staff of BASF Chemicals were almost crying.I originally thought that BASF Chemicals would be able to recover after leaving Turk County. The gap opened by Dow DuPont before could be narrowed bit by bit. Although it is not difficult to guarantee the weakness on the human side, at least it will not be opened again. .However, after learning that Shen Fei is now the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple and the top management of the empire, the new person in charge of BASF Chemicals suddenly wanted to cry. Now this situation is no longer a matter of whether or not the whole Greater China region can be disbanded directly. .

After Shen Fei woke up, he first immersed himself in making all the skills provided by the major forces and loaded them into the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial.

There are only three days left until the next PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial, and tomorrow is the day for ticket sales. Presumably with the help of the Imperial Consortium this time, the reputation and popularity of the trial can be raised to a higher level.

Afterwards, Shen Fei found Fat Tiger in the Tingtao Pavilion in the Dreaming Zen Realm.

There was no deliberate contact, Shen Fei just smelled the smell of barbecue at the foot of the mountain, followed the smell and found this guy.

Shen Fei's perception in the Dreaming Zen Realm is infinite, Shen Fei has 90% authority, the huge Zen Realm is like a piece of flesh to Shen Fei, he can perceive any disturbance.If you pay attention to a little bit of meaty fragrance, you can lock the source in an instant.

Fat Tiger was twisting his little butt on the mountain, wearing an apron, humming: "I love barbecue, barbecue love me..."

Shen Fei approached quietly, smelled it and found that the barbecue taste really good.

Kicked Fat Tiger's fat ass, Fat Tiger staggered and was about to knock down the barbecue stand, but his soft waist went around at an impossible angle, and fell to the ground with a plop, Shen Fei still Seeing this guy rubbing his face on the ground violently, he made himself ashamed and embarrassed.

Fat Tiger lay on the ground with a face of pain, and said with one hand on his hips, "Oh, Shen Fei, my waist was broken by you!"

The majestic White Tiger God, even if he is now reduced to a false god, it is not enough for Shen Fei to break his waist with one kick.Shen Fei didn't take this guy's exaggerated acting skills seriously at all, and stretched out his hand and said: "Have you done the task interface? It's been a few days, so you haven't done it at all, have you?"

Fat Tiger suddenly remembered that the interface he made for Shen Fei had never been handed over to him, but when he thought that this guy had a bad attitude and kicked his ass for no reason, Fat Tiger was furious: "I don't care, I'm injured!"

This guy is also amazing when he makes jokes, but now it is obvious that if Shen Fei doesn't apologize, he won't get up.

Shen Fei has seen Fat Tiger's moves many times before, and he is directly immune to them.

Turning around and going down the mountain, he muttered: "I'm afraid you didn't make it at all, are you pretending to be here? If I knew it, I would have gone to find Fuman. This guy has now come into contact with monks, holy light and magic three. A power of a different nature may be able to produce better things. Hey, I thought you were unreliable at the time, but I didn't expect to be guessed by me..."

Shen Fei didn't say much, everyone had already descended halfway up the mountain.

Fat Tiger was lying on the ground enchantingly by himself, and the cool wind from the mountain blew it, which directly blew him into a daze.

"Is this gone?"

Is this guy really gone?
Fat Hu hesitated a little, if it was Shen Fei's scheme, he would be begging for nothing and post it upside down, it would lose face at all, okay?
But if Shen Fei really went to look for Fuman, not to mention the blessing of this guy, maybe he really worked out something for him, and his title of "genius hacker" would be snatched away by this guy.

Fat Tiger scrambled and turned over from the ground, and ran to Shen Fei to stop him in three or two steps, and put on a grinning expression: "You said you, I just made a joke with you, why don't you Really gone!"

Speaking of which, Fat Tiger called up the system and tried to transmit it to Shen Fei.

Shen Fei's system received a signal from the same source, and the interface suddenly popped up with a transmission and loading option.

【Whether to accept the upgrade content from Fat Tiger (= ̄ω ̄=)】

The loading dialog box ended up with a cute and cute expression.

Shen Fei ignored it directly and chose to load. After the transmission of the spiritual energy was completed, Shen Fei found that there were two more gray options on the back of his system interface.

One is [task], and the other is [pet].

"Didn't this guy just make a [Task] column, and also add a [Pet] option?"

While Shen Fei was thinking about switching the system to the task interface, the interface was beautiful and grand, and it was completely indistinguishable from the system's own, and the options were also very logical. At first glance, he would only think that it was done by the system. I can't imagine that this is made by Fat Tiger. It seems that this guy really has two brushes in programming.

The number of missions issued, the time, number of people, names, levels, and mission rewards are all listed.

At that time, even if many tasks are released at one time, you can quickly locate and search through the search bar.

Shen Fei then switched the interface to the [Pet] interface, and laughed without saying a word.

This guy, Fat Hu, is completely wicked, and he even counted Fuman and Peiqi in it.Seeing Xi Ya in the gray frame at the end, the smile on Shen Fei's face froze, and the corners of his mouth gradually drooped.

"Are you reminding me to hurry up and take Shia home?"

Fat Tiger folded his hands on his chest, raised his head and nostrils to face Shen Fei: "Who wants her to come back, and compete with me for the position of the number one favorite after she comes back? Am I not stupid?"

Fat Tiger became more and more guilty as he talked, and shook his hands: "Stop talking, I'm going to barbecue. If it doesn't work well, I'll modify it later." After finishing speaking, he ran back to the mountain in despair.

Shen Fei didn't say much, he didn't know what Fat Tiger was thinking.But the matter of looking for Xiya really needs to be more concerned, and the next work should not be delayed because Lucian has not been whereabouts.If you can't find Lucian for the rest of your life, will you spend all your time on this matter?

It's just that the kingdom of elves still needs a few months of preparation.

When the Legend of Heroes card game is completely popular, look for an opportunity to hold a tournament with the Imperial Consortium, and also take the opportunity to find Sia's whereabouts.

I can't remember this kind of thing, but I can also prepare first...

After Shen Fei loaded the system plug-in, he went directly to MI[-] to find the shadow.

In the past few days, while focusing on the trials, he is also paying attention to the players who entered the holy city.

Other NPCs are concerned that these players who come to the Holy City can supplement their forces, and Shen Fei is concerned that these "profit-seeking" players can become his sharp blade.

Now that the holy city has gathered more than 30 players, some bold plans can be implemented.

Shen Fei doesn't care about other forces, anyway, he has the final say on the forces under his control.

If the other leaders have any objections, I, Shen Fei, will be waiting for your visit in the Dreaming Zen Realm!
The nature of Wu Monk Temple is not suitable on the surface, and players will directly associate it with Shen Fei, which is also very unfavorable for Shen Fei to be the mastermind behind the scenes.

The identity background of MI[-] is very suitable for doing this kind of thing. Through the distribution of missions, more players belonging to MI[-] can participate in it, which in disguise expands the intelligence system.

Players can be resurrected after death, which is simply a bug in the game system.

It is perfect to use them as the vanguard and cannon fodder.

It happened to take this opportunity for Shadow to investigate the case of Xiao En's murder and find out the mole with evil intentions.After clearing MI[-], Shen Fei can proceed to the next step of the plan.

"Shadow, from now on, send out ten missions in the mission hall every day. The title of the mission is [The Missing King]. Let these new junior agents do it."

Shadow was taken aback. Although everyone knew about the king's disappearance, there was no need to send missions to these junior agents, right?Besides, what clues could they find?
"Boss, I'm afraid this is inappropriate..."

Shen Fei waved his hands, sure enough this guy is still suitable for investigating lurkers, not for being the boss.

"It doesn't cost money to send out the mission. Of course, it's fine to send it out at will. Anyway, it's good to reward the mission with a higher reward. We don't have any loss if we can't complete it. If we can complete it, we won't lose the king at all!"

The shadow was pissed off by Shen Fei's words, this trick is ruthless!This trick is really ruthless!

"Then why does the boss only send out ten tasks a day, wouldn't it be good to just send them all?"

Shen Fei hated iron and said: "Do you understand Hunger Marketing? If you send out tasks directly to everyone, then this task will not be taken seriously. We send out ten every day, and these junior agents will definitely stay here until they are picked up." up to the mission."

"I've already prepared the statutes and rewards for the task, and you can send them out according to this standard when the time comes."

Shen Fei handed the form to Shadow, then turned and left.

"Boss, what if other families have objections?" Shadow asked.

Shen Fei sneered: "I don't think who dares them!? His Majesty has been missing for several years and has not moved at all. Now we are starting a large-scale search. If they dare to talk behind their backs, I will investigate whoever said it! Maybe they kidnapped His Majesty."

Shadow is speechless, none of these forces are as white as snow behind them, they all have some shady things behind their backs, and it's not a loss if they really want to make a fuss.

PS: The 5200-word big chapter, everyone will enjoy it, and I wrote it smoothly, and it will basically be a big chapter in the future

(End of this chapter)

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