my pet is boss

Chapter 234 Secret Infiltration

Chapter 234 Secret Infiltration
Shen Fei could already imagine the excited expression on the player's face when he received the task.

He set this task as a purple epic task. Even if there is no obvious reward for such a task as finding the king, these players will rush to do it.

Shen Fei's method of issuing missions through MI[-] is also quite tricky.

Only Ranger players can receive the task, but this task can be shared when it is designed. Players who receive the task can share the task with five teammates.The purpose of Shen Fei's design is to increase the importance of players joining SI:[-] in the player team, which can bring greater benefits in the future.

It seems that Shen Fei can only drive the players of SI:[-], but in fact, after these players take the mission and go out, they will find their close teammates to share their characters, and control more people in disguise.

Shen Fei patted Shadow on the shoulder: "The case needs to be investigated, and don't forget about MI[-]."

Shadow nodded heavily, just in time to arrange the distribution of tasks. Taking advantage of the recent influx of players as cover, it is difficult for a "newcomer" in Flaubert to attract the attention of others.

"By the way, the economy of MI[-] has also improved. Boss, the money you donated to help before can be returned to you with interest." Speaking of this shadow, his eyes lit up, and his admiration was beyond words.Received Shen Fei's first step of supporting funds, and soon the mission hall began to operate.In addition, SI:[-] received a lot of orders through connections and dark tips, and half of the orders were used as rewards for these junior agents, a net profit of half of a task!
Shadow still underestimated the enthusiasm of these junior agents, the tasks released every day will never be left until the next day!In just a few days, the Mission Hall has turned a profit and accumulated a considerable amount of wealth.

"It's okay, you keep the money, and you can release more advanced missions in the future, and increase the rewards appropriately. In addition, you can try to add a little military exploits or prestige to give them a head start."

Shadow kept Shen Fei's words in his mind without leaving a single word, and now what Shen Fei said was regarded as a treasure by him.

Shen Fei left, and the shadow recruited the person in charge of the mission hall to arrange the distribution of missions.

When the senior agent saw the content of the mission, disbelief was written all over his face, and his voice trembled a little: "Boss Shadow, are we really going to send out the mission?"

Looking for the king, it's not that MI[-] has never done it before, but it has been a secret search by senior agents. There has been no news for several years, so it has come to an end.

Now reopening, is there any new discovery?
Moreover, the mission hall is full of low-level agents who carry out assassination missions. Wouldn't it be too hasty to directly ask them to investigate missions that only senior agents can get involved in?

"This is a task issued by Boss Shen himself, so don't doubt it and execute it."

When the senior agent heard that the task was personally arranged by Boss Shen Fei, his expression immediately became serious: "Boss Shen Fei's decision will not be a problem, it must be that my current level is too low to see through the mystery."

Shadow is very satisfied with the awareness of the senior agent: "Since you know it, then do it quickly, and there is no delay!"

Not all the wealth accumulated by SI[-]'s missions was saved. Some of the money was used to increase the wages and benefits of mid-level and senior agents, update their equipment, and some of it was used for research.The various hidden assassination equipment used by assassins, as well as the configuration of poisons, all need to be constantly updated.

Shen Fei chose to cooperate with the Royal Pharmacists Association to produce various hallucinogens and poisons.

Recently, mid- and high-level agents have performed missions, and the assassination rate and completion rate are extremely high, and the updated equipment and potions are also well received.

In the past, everyone knew that SI:[-] was in short supply, and never imagined that one day they would be able to go out with such a complete set of things to carry out missions, let alone what Shen Fei said before, missions can fail, but people must come back intact.

Although Shen Fei didn't show up often, and the number of times he came to SI[-] was still below double digits, but the strategy he formulated really benefited everyone in SI[-], and these agents were very grateful to Shen Fei.Not to mention going through fire and water, they would never question Shen Fei's orders.

How could a boss who improved the survival rate and welfare of agents be cruel enough to let them die?
The senior agent immediately returned to the mission hall with the information, and posted the mission on the bulletin board after sorting it out.

The high-level agents in the mission hall will not have direct contact with these low-level agents.After posting the task, just press the button, and the task board will be launched directly to appear in the task hall.After reading the quest, everyone felt that they could take it, so they tore off the quest, signed it, and handed it to the clerk in the quest hall for registration, and the quest was accepted.

There are players in the quest hall all the time, either returning to hand in quests, or picking quests that suit their level.

Because SI:[-] has received many assassination, eradication and sabotage missions, some of which are targeted at individuals, and some need to eradicate a certain force outside the Holy City, so there is a difference between individual missions and team missions.

Players who were selecting tasks saw a new board pop up with new tasks on it, and many people walked over to check it immediately.

【The Missing King】(Epic)

Mission content: The king of the human empire, Lucian, has been missing for three years and has not heard from him for three years. The young king and the grand duke are in power, and the control of the Holy City over the empire is no longer as good as before.All parties in the holy city are undercurrents. If you find the king as soon as possible, or get any news about the king, you will be rewarded by MI[-].

Quest Requirements: Retrieve the King/Find any clues about the King

Task duration: unlimited

Task reward: find the king 10 gold coins, any useful clues 1000 gold coins.

Special rewards: 1000 prestige points for each of the six major forces in the Holy City, the title of Empire Warrior, and favorability with the leaders of the six major forces in the Holy City.

"Epic mission?"

There are no thresholds and requirements! ?

When the players saw the mission, their minds suddenly went blank, and the sudden purple epic mission caught people off guard.

Some quick-witted players rushed up and tore down the quest sheet before the others could react.The sound of tearing paper was like a switch, which woke everyone up instantly, and they all competed to see who had the fastest hand speed.Before the players in the distance could come over, the five missions had already been divided up, and they quickly went to the clerk to register.

When the task was officially received, the few people breathed a sigh of relief and smiled contentedly.

The mission hall has been bombed. In the past few days, these junior agents have received ordinary white missions. Occasionally, there will be some green difficult missions. Today, purple epic missions suddenly appear, and there are still five missions in one shot!
"This is involved in the task of finding the king?"

Players who get the task post the task for others to see, and there are some rewards for the task.If the king can be retrieved, a one-time reward of 10 gold coins is directly equivalent to 1000 million credits. With this money, landing on the new earth, although it is not a rich life, it can definitely guarantee that there is no need to worry about food and clothing in this life.There is also a reward of 1000 gold coins for any clues found, which is quite a bargain. You don't have to take risks yourself, just hand over the task to MI10, and you will get [-] credits for running errands. Where can you find such a good thing?
The prestige and titles in the special rewards are actually not very attractive to players. After all, the prestige of the six major forces can be obtained by doing tasks, and 1000 points of prestige can be achieved by doing more tasks.What is useful here is the favorability of the leaders of the six major forces.

What's the use of a player having a good relationship with a friendly BOSS?Just look at Shen Fei, he has all kinds of status and status!

Shadow saw everyone's reaction through the hidden gap, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned in the darkness, very satisfied.

"Remember, this task is released randomly every day, and only five copies can be released a day. I will go out for business in the next few days and I will not be in the Holy City. If you have urgent matters, you can go to the Zen Academy to contact the director."

Shadow emphasized it again to the senior agent. When he left, he glanced at the agent who was working from the corner of the eye, and then left SI:[-].

"This time, Boss Shen and the three senior agents are the only ones who know that I'm out on a mission. If there is any accident this time, they can be locked down as undercover agents."

That's right, Shadow didn't block the news that he was going out.After a series of investigations, Shadow locked on some suspicious targets.

The sentence that was said suddenly was not arranged by Shadow before, but when he came into the office to explain the matter, he found that it was just right to say it casually.

Shadow thought of what Boss Sean said to him when he was there: "Sometimes agents are more adaptable. No matter how well-planned you are in advance, there will always be variables. As long as you grasp the timing, some things will be solved easily. "

Before leaving today, I inadvertently planted a seed, but I don’t know if it will bear fruit when I arrive at Flaubert.

The news that the ranger players received an epic mission in SI[-] quickly spread in the Holy City, and these five professional ranger players became the focus of all players in an instant.

Because the task can be shared with four people, countless guilds and forces began to win over five people.

Everyone is more concerned about the content of the mission, to find the missing king.

All the people who shared the task at once began to look for the whereabouts of the missing king, and inquired about the news through various NPCs.So there was an interesting scene in the Holy City. All the people were talking about the Legend of Heroes card game, or talking to each other. Have you got the tickets for the PUBG trial tomorrow?

The players kept talking about the disappearance of the king. Even if they couldn't find the king, they could just find some clues to claim the reward!
Players of other professions had grimaces on their faces. The professional organizations they joined had no missions, and they acted like nothing had happened for a day.Look at SI[-], they not only gave him the title of [Junior Agent], but they can also accept missions to make money every day, and now they can actually receive purple epic missions.

Several other forces also knew about MI[-] issuing missions to low-level agents, and they couldn't figure out that Shen Fei would use this method to find His Majesty the King.What is the difference between this and handing out leaflets and small advertisements on the street?
It just so happens that tomorrow is the second PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial. As the leaders of various forces, they will still appear in the arena to watch their disciples' wonderful performances. When the time comes, they will just ask Shen Fei what he thinks.

Some players were also curious about what kind of trials Shen Fei did to get out, so they bought cheap civilian seats at their own expense, and visited the Monk Temple by the way.

Just as Shen Fei returned to Xiaozhuxuan, he saw Fuman and Peiqi waiting at the door of the study.

"Why don't you go to class and stay at the door?"

"Young master, the academy and the cathedral are closed today, and they said they would give intensive training to the disciples who will participate in the trial tomorrow. It happened that you were away yesterday, so I want to report to you about the latest investment situation."

All of Shen Fei's bank accounts were managed by Fuman, including the sponsorship fees received from the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trials, and all the money was invested by Fuman.

"Then tell me about your recent investment."

Shen Fei saw that Fuman took out a thick stack of paper from his bosom, and after unfolding, most of it was hanging on the ground, it turned out to be a large sheet of paper after folding.

Fat Tiger started from the initial responsible investment and income.

"Invest in the local silver mine company in Mitrher City. Three days later, the silver mine company discovered a rich mineral deposit in Thirty Miles in the western suburbs of Mithral City. The proven reserves can be excavated for 50 years, and the investment rate of return is 270%..."

Fat Tiger read it several times, but Shen Fei didn't see him flipping through the recorded investments dragged on the ground, thinking about when he would finish reading this, he quickly raised his hand to interrupt: "You just need to tell me now, we have a total of Just make as much money as you want.”

"Oh, wait a minute, master, let me take a look." Fat Tiger bent down and picked up the origami that was dragged on the ground, turned to the last line and said: "As of now, the balance in the bank account is 147 million gold coins, and the amount of investment in transit is 359 million."

Hearing Fuman's report, Shen Fei couldn't help but gasped.

He understood, and now there are 147 million gold coins lying quietly in his bank account, and his various investments abroad have totaled 359 million so far, accumulating 506 million gold coins.

The 359 million is only a temporary valuation. After these projects soar, the amount will increase rapidly, appreciate, and double!
Shen Fei earned less than 50 yuan from the hands of several major forces. In just two weeks, Fuman actually helped him increase his wealth tenfold!
Shen Fei took a deep breath, looked at Fuman and said: "Fuman, you have helped me earn so much money, is there anything you want to buy? Do you have any wishes?"

Shen Fei really doesn't need to do anything, as long as he hugs Fuman, the God of Wealth tightly, before he arrives on the new earth, he can thrive in the new world.

Fuman thought for a moment: "I have nothing to buy. My biggest wish is to help the young master. If the young master is happy, I will be happy."

Shen Fei was speechless, this guy...

"By the way, how is your spell and holy light study going?" Shen Fei was like a parent, caring about Fuman's "study" as usual.

Speaking of this, Fuman suddenly smiled.

"Master, both the archmage and the archbishop said that I can graduate in half a month, and they have nothing to teach me."

Shen Fei just took a sip of water and choked.

"Ahem, ahem, I'm afraid these two thieves are not good at teaching..."

Fuman hesitated for a moment and said: "Young master, in fact, Fuman has something to ask for."

"Say, I'll do my best to satisfy whatever request you have."

"When I graduate from the cathedral and the academy, I want to go to the Shushan Trial with the inner disciples. Watching them discuss the Shushan Trial every day, but I have never been in it once. I always feel that there is an invisible layer with the inner disciples. Generation gap, unable to integrate into them."

Shen Fei didn't expect Fuman's request to be this, but he frowned slightly when he thought of the three-level trial in Shushan.

Is a fat man like Fuman, who is harmless to humans and animals, really suitable for the Shushan trial?I'm afraid that the section of the road leading to the bungalow in Lawrence Manor after entering the biohazard can scare Fuman out of his wits.

But since Shen Fei has already said it, he must help Fuman fulfill his wish no matter what.

"Okay, after you graduate from the two schools, I will allow you to go to Shushan for a trial after you come back."

At worst, he will watch from the side, and if there is any accident, he will directly drag this guy out.

"Thank you, young master, then I will go to work!"

Fuman was overjoyed and decided to study harder from today, striving to graduate from the two schools as soon as possible.

After Shen Fei finished handling the work at hand, he suddenly had nothing to do.

The Legend of Heroes card game is on its way and is now the most popular game in the empire.Even the aristocratic gathering salon revolved around the game, and imagined some tactics or some awesome cards.

As for the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial, there are competitions every week, and sponsorships, tickets, etc. are all sold out.Gambling and endorsements are also derived. All the gambling houses in the holy city are all run by the imperial consortium, and they have made a lot of money.It doesn't matter to endorse Shen Fei, these disciples got it by their own luck and strength, Shen Fei is very principled, some money can't be taken.

After much deliberation, Shen Fei got up to find Fat Tiger, and plunged into the illusion trial again—upgrade!
Now that I have [-]% of the authority, I can enter the illusion trial whenever I want, and I can come out whenever I want, so there is no need to worry about being locked.

It's just that the illusion trial was done by the dean many years ago, so Shen Fei didn't have permission to modify it, so he just went in and brushed him three times first.

Fat Tiger doesn't care at all, anyway, it doesn't affect it to play game consoles or eat ham.

Shen Fei's level is already level 40, and the monsters in the illusion trial also fluctuate according to the strength of the tester, but this time Fat Tiger didn't help, all of them were fought by Shen Fei himself, which is called skilled cooperation.

After finishing the three waves of monsters, the experience bar reached 85%, and Shen Fei went straight out of the illusion trial.

It was already the third watch when he came out, Shen Fei went back to Xiaozhuxuan and went off the assembly line to rest wrapped in a quilt.

When Shen Fei woke up, he heard the mess inside Xiaozhuxuan, and Fuman's hasty voice was explaining something.

"Pu Qi, go find Fat Tiger and come back, and tell him that there is something urgent! I can only temporarily suppress his injury now."

Shen Fei frowned slightly: "Who was injured, and Fuman brought him to Xiaozhuxuan?"

Shen Fei pushed the door and came out, just in time to see a person on Fat Tiger's shoulders, and then looked at the whole body in black clothes, Shen Fei frowned suddenly, this was clearly the shadow's attire!
"What's the matter, what happened?"

Fuman pressed one hand tightly to the shadow's heart, continuously injecting the energy of the green dragon to continue his life, and said, "Just a quarter of an hour ago, when I came back from morning class, I saw a person lying at the door of Xiaozhuxuan, and it turned out to be Shadow, when I found him, he was already seriously injured, so I rushed to help him in for treatment, my own strength is only enough to help him protect his heart veins, if he wants to, he has to rely on Fat Tiger for help."

Shen Fei frowned even tighter. Shadow went to Flaubert to perform a mission yesterday to investigate the case of Xiao En's murder, which he knew.But he never expected to be hurt by someone.

What kind of strength is the shadow, and there are latent image techniques and various concealment methods, and it can be seriously injured to such an extent.The person who hurt him was at least a leader-level existence.

Who was the shadow injured, how did he escape back, whether someone wanted to stop him from continuing the investigation or something else, Shen Fei was full of doubts now, and could only wait for the shadow to wake up and ask for confirmation.

 5300 word chapter

(End of this chapter)

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