my pet is boss

Chapter 235

Chapter 235
Fat Tiger quickly came back from the Dreaming Zen Realm. Seeing the dying shadow, before he had time to ask any more questions, he took out the cloth bag from the tiger skin pocket, took out the gold needle and began to administer the needle.

"Fuman, I need your help for the next acupuncture. You wrap the shadow's heart with the breath of the green dragon. You can't slack off in the whole process. Can you persevere?"

Fu Man nodded heavily, Fat Tiger didn't talk nonsense, Thunder Gale had all the gold needles and silver needles on the shadow, especially the acupuncture points near the heart were all sealed.The green dragon's breath in Fuman's hand stably wrapped around the shadow's heart, with neither too much energy nor too little energy. Fat Tiger couldn't help sighing that Fuman's talent and strength were unparalleled.

Shen Fei can't do anything right now, and can only quietly wait for the result.

Shen Fei's mind is full of doubts, the shadow must have found something before he was "silenced", if even Fat Tiger and Fuman's cooperation can't help, then he can only use that method, even if he pays the price .

If something happened to Shadow again, the clue would be completely cut off.

Fat Tiger's acupuncture has reached the final stage, and an hour has passed, Fuman's green dragon's breath is long and long, and there is no sign of weakness at all.Although Fat Tiger was concentrating on saving his life, his heart was already beating. This guy's talent is terrifying, and it's really weird how the true energy in his body is so lingering.

After Fat Tiger completed the injection, he channeled in some of his own mana and infuriating energy.

The breath of the white tiger was extremely fierce, and after the encounter with the breath of the green dragon, it was evenly matched, and it reached a subtle neutralization.The wounds on Shadow's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Muscle tissue and nerve tissue seemed to have a life of their own, and cells began to grow at an accelerated rate, "bridging" the broken places.

Shen Fei saw that the shadow's pale face turned a little more rosy, and then he let go of his hanging heart.

Baihu pulled out all the gold needles and silver needles, signaling to Fuman that he didn't have to cross the green dragon's breath.

"Fortunately, it was discovered quickly. If his heart tissue is completely necrotic after another hour, it will be really difficult to save."

"How long will he be awake?"

Fat Tiger reached out his hand to roll over Shadow's eyelids, opened his mouth to look at the coating on his tongue, stretched out his hand to signal his pulse, and faltered for a while: "In half an hour, if you can't wake up in half an hour, then wait another half an hour. If you still don't wake up...then wait another half an hour."

Shen Fei pinched the fat tiger's fat face, rubbing it round and widening it, and said with a serious expression: "Tell me, don't be joking!"

Fat Tiger is also very helpless: "I have tried my best, and his body has indeed improved, but his body has been severely injured, and his brain has closed his self-awareness and entered protection mode under extreme circumstances. When he can wake up depends entirely on his willpower. I can't guarantee that."

Now Shen Fei understood, "In other words, he has temporarily become a vegetable, right?"

"Vegetable? This statement is quite appropriate, and it is exactly what you think."

Fuman brought the shadow to the guest room, packed the bed and covered the quilt. Fat Tiger has connected all the broken nerves and blood vessels, and repaired the wound. Fuman's green dragon breath is attached to the heart, providing energy and power for the shadow. All vital signs were normal.Now I can only wait for the shadow to wake up by itself.

"You go to meet the leaders of the major forces later, Fat Tiger will give the speech, do you know how to say it?"

Fat Tiger put his hands on the back of his head: "I know, I know, it means the level of competition and the style, the competition is the first and the friendship is the second, you can rest assured when you leave it to me!"

"If the shadow doesn't wake up after an hour, I'll come over again. If someone asks, you know how to answer?"

"Let's just say, young master, you're still busy, so it's inconvenient to get away." Fuman was dull in some places, but smart in others.

When the two left, Shen Fei moved a stool and stood by the bed, crossed his hands on his chest and frowned, it seemed that the shadow had really found something this time.

The strength of the shadow is extremely strong, even the archmage Jordan is unwilling to fight against the shadow in the dark night, even if he meets a leader-level powerhouse, even if the shadow loses and wants to escape, he can still do it.Now he almost died, what happened!
Looking at the extremely peaceful shadow lying on the bed, Shen Fei inexplicably wanted to put a bouquet of flowers on his chest.

The current situation is the same as it was before Xiao En was killed. The dual-jue powerhouse was ambushed and died.

Shen Fei pinched the time, half an hour passed, and the shadow didn't make any movement other than the long breathing.

According to what Fat Tiger said, if he couldn't wake up within half an hour, the chances of waking up later would become lower and lower.

Shen Fei's heart sank, and he had a bad premonition.

The sound of fireworks for the start of the game came from the Dreaming Zen Realm, and the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial officially kicked off.

Shen Fei carefully looked up and down the shadow, couldn't help sighing, he seemed to see the shadow's eyelashes trembling in a trance.

In the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial site, except for Shen Fei, the leaders of the other five major forces have all arrived. This time, the six major forces have sent disciples with good strength and quick responses to participate in the trial, and even conducted relevant special training yesterday.

Everyone's attitude towards the PUBG trial is also very clear, so treat this as a training ground and train your troops well!Emphasis is placed on cultivating students who have performed well and performed brilliantly.

It's just that Shen Fei was missing in such an official competition today, and even the opening speech was made by the White Tiger God.

It's not that the White Tiger God is not qualified enough, but that Shen Fei, as the initiator and master, was not present for the first complete trial, which is a bit unbelievable.

Grand Duke Ferdinand looked at the vacant seat in the middle, and couldn't help asking: "Is there something urgent for Elder Shen? Why hasn't the trial arrived now that the trial has started?"

Fuman said with a sneer: "My young master has other things to do now, he said he would come over immediately after he finished his work, and please watch the trial first."

The Countess Margaret curled her lips slightly: "I'm curious what could be more important than the opening of the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial, so many of us are left here?"

"Okay, okay, let's watch the trial first. Today's trial has added a lot of skills, as well as weather changes, to simulate a more realistic scene." Archbishop Mailer hurriedly interjected, interrupting Mary's question.

Mary curled her lips, stretched out her hand to pull the hair on her temples and said, "I specially made a new shape when I came here today. You pedantic old woods certainly don't know how to appreciate it, so I'll wait for Elder Shen to come and praise you." , the result is that people still have something to do, so I am playing the piano with my appearance today..."

"When he comes later, I must make him look good!" Mary stretched out her hand and squeezed her fist vigorously as she spoke, as if she wanted to squeeze Shen Fei to death in her palm.

One sentence offended the leaders of several other major forces, and said that they were all bulls, but there was no one on the podium to refute, and they all pretended not to hear.Ferdinand and the others understood one thing very early on—never reason with women.

There are one thousand and 37 results of reasoning with women, except for the word "win".

"Look, it's starting to rain in the central basin!"

Archmage Jordan's words attracted the attention of others, and everyone looked at the basin in the center of the trial ground.

There was heavy rain in the basin, but the mountains in the distance were shrouded in thick fog, and the desert on the edge of the trial was also blown up by strong winds. Various random weathers appeared, which brought many changes to the trial.

The contestants in the thick fog in the mountains were cautious and did not dare to move at this moment.The fog is severe, and the visibility is even less than five meters. In this case, the sound becomes the key to identify the location.

In the woods in the basin, the pouring rain brought disorganized sounds, crackling and rustling mixed together, even the sound of an explosion would be covered up and could not travel too far.

All the disciples in the Basin Forest were very thoughtful, especially those who picked up the SI:[-] Assassin skills. Under such circumstances, it was best to carry out the assassination.

"There's something about this 'Wasp'. The last time I won the first place, I thought it was all luck. This guy picked up a mage skill today, and he is so powerful. He used the terrain and the environment to steal four people."

"Well, this kid's reaction and adaptability are extremely strong, especially his thinking is unconstrained, and he will have a very good future in SI:[-]." Archmage Jordan praised Wasp. This guy just used the levitation technique to descend from the sky. A player hiding at the foot of the mountain sent a fireball with arrogance, hitting the disciple with all kinds of meat and vegetables.

Use the underwater breathing skills you picked up to hide under the bridge and sneak attack.Covering his body with grass and trees, turning into a sheep for passing players, and then sneaking into the blind with a sap...

"There are also other outstanding disciples. This trial has screened out many outstanding talents for us!"

The happiest ones are Archmage Jordan and Grand Duke Ferdinand. These two are representatives of the actual combat faction, and they definitely welcome both hands to improve their disciples in actual combat.It's just that compared to Archmage Jordan's pure joy, Ferdinand's inner emotions were obviously much more complicated when he said this. After all, he spent 10 gold coins to sit here and let people from the military department participate in the trial.

Military expenses were tight, and the Grand Duke's Palace did not have so much money. In the end, Ferdinand sold Mary the endorsement rights of all 15 places in the military department in exchange for 10 gold coins to join the trial.That is to say, if any of the 15 members of the military department needs to take an advertisement to receive endorsements, Mary will not pay any endorsement fees, and the military personnel who participate in the election must obey unconditionally.

The trial is still going on, and the chaotic weather in various places is in motion. The desert wind swept the sandstorm and flew to the central basin. Immediately afterwards, the sky that was originally dense with heavy rain began to become dim and dark, and sand fell from the sky. Covered with a layer of khaki.

The fog on the mountain dissipated, and everyone fell into a fierce battle again, but an earthquake ushered in again.Some contestants who hid in dangerous places were directly crushed to death by falling rocks on the mountain, and the trial ended with hatred.

Changes in the weather and environment have brought a lot of unpredictability to the game, but it has also brought a lot of eye-catching operations.

Many disciples who have performed brilliantly in actual combat can only be regarded as mediocre in ordinary study and exchange, but in actual combat they use various natural environments to create advantages for themselves.

Some disciples even hid in the forest and spent time weaving a set of dead leaves clothes for themselves, lying on the ground to hide their breath, even if others stood beside them, it would be difficult to detect it.

The observation and creativity of these disciples are astonishing!
The final battle is between the previous champion Wasp and an army fighter.

This military soldier picked up a lot of skills. When he was in the final safe zone, he threw more than a dozen smoke out of his head, and then directly threw grenades. Under the greetings of twenty grenades, the wasp couldn't avoid it. Avoid drinking and hating to eat chicken butt.

Fat Tiger and Fuman looked in the direction of the entrance of Dreaming Zen Realm, but Shen Fei still didn't appear.

One tiger and one pig frowned slightly with complex expressions.

Mary also looked in the direction of the two guys, with a disappointed look on her face: "Come before the end of the agreement, and now there is no trace."

Archmage Jordan applauded, and glanced at Mary's words, but did not see Shen Fei's figure, and replied casually: "Maybe there is really something important!"

Archbishop Mailer kept shaking his head with both hands on crutches.The 15 disciples sent this time were all priests, and they were completely panicked when fighting in close combat, or they were completely unsuited to close combat. They didn't pick up the Holy Light skill book, and they ran around like headless chickens. Knowing how to fight, it seems that next time I have to find some warriors of the Holy Light to participate in the trial. It is time for the cathedral to enhance its actual combat capabilities.

Although it is enough for the priest to stand behind and bless and increase the blood, he must have at least the power and awareness of self-preservation on the battlefield, but this group of disciples failed to show their due level at all. If you can protect your comrades, you can't even protect yourself.

Especially when he thought that he had paid twice the sponsorship fee to let these disciples come in for training, Mailer felt a twinge of angina. It seemed that he had to give these disciples a good drill when he went back.

"Hey, now that the northern border is tense, hold this kind of trial a few more times, and then we can gain a little advantage on the battlefield." Ferdinand said worriedly.

As soon as they heard the tension at the border, the expressions of other people also became serious. Archmage Jordan asked first: "Why, the Frost Orcs have moved again recently?"

The Frost and Cold Beastman Empire, the other major forces have no eyeliner to infiltrate, but the military forces are all over the mountains, and scouts and spies often enter the periphery of the Frost and Cold Empire, draw detailed maps, investigate and investigate, and have certain information.

Ferdinand nodded helplessly: "The scouts at the forefront went deep into the hinterland of the Frost and Cold Empire for a thousand miles, and found that some towns and villages were beginning to concentrate, and began to build roads and fortifications. These were clearly provided for the subsequent deployment of the army and the transportation of food and grass. Convenience, it seems that the Frost and Cold Orcs are determined to launch another attack, and this time they obviously have a long memory, fearing that there will be problems with the logistics supply, and started to build roads dedicated to food and grass in advance."

These news were sent from the front line to Ferdinand in the army this morning.

"I just said that you look gloomy today, so you got the news." Countess Mary suddenly realized.

Although they haven't seen the army yet, it is obvious from the news that they have received that the frost orcs are gathering troops and preparing to launch a second attempt against the human empire.

According to this speed, the shortest three to five months, slowest one year, the frost orcs will come to Owendale.

"Now the empire is short of troops, and the disappearance of the king has led to insufficient control over various places. If we go to the front line, the rear..." Archmage Jordan did not continue.The frost-cold orcs have made a comeback. Compared with the last time when humans were united as one, they repelled the enemy under the leadership of King Lucian. But now the king is missing, the morale of the empire has plummeted, and the control over the frontier has also been greatly weakened. If a war really starts, the consequences Unbelievable!

Fat Tiger stepped down and awarded a medal representing honor to the final winner. By the way, he announced that this trial is completely over. See you next week.

The audience was enthusiastic. This time, the battles in various climates were extremely exciting. They joined the cathedral, the military and the imperial consortium guards. Everyone's skills were also varied, and the battle was dazzling.What's even more gratifying is that some people who placed bets were right, and left happily to go to the casino to receive their prizes.

Unlike the lively exiting audience, the leaders of several major forces on the rostrum frowned at this moment, and their faces were very ugly.

"According to Fei Gong, it seems that it is good to hold a few more PUBG trials now, at least to hone the disciples' ability to deal with actual combat."

"It's troublesome again!"

"Sorry everyone, I'm late." A tired voice came from behind the crowd, Qi Qi turned around and found that it was Shen Fei with an extremely haggard face.

Fuman was so frightened that he lost his mind, and hurriedly stepped forward to help him. He didn't know how the young master became like this in just one hour.

Several other people were also taken aback, because Shen Fei looked haggard and aged a lot now.

"What happened? Why is Elder Shen so haggard?" Archbishop Mailer raised his hand while speaking, a holy light flashed, and Shen Fei's haggard face gradually became rosy.

"Hey, shadow, gone..."

Fuman felt like being struck by thunder, and blurted out: "Didn't Fat Tiger and I stabilize our injuries before, why did we suddenly..."

"I stood by and waited for him to wake up, but he didn't wake up for an hour, and then his heart suddenly beat a few times, and then he burst into death. This guy must be under some kind of curse!"

Fat Tiger also came back from below to present the awards, and frowned when he heard Shen Fei's words.

"There is still a curse? When I was healing..." Fat Tiger stopped before he finished speaking. It really didn't pay attention to the heart when it was healing, but let Fuman use the breath of the green dragon to continuously provide the heart with beating Energy, he was responsible for connecting all the meridian nerves and blood vessels in the body, but forgot to check the most critical position.

The others were also stunned. They didn't expect Shen Fei to bring such news suddenly that the shadow of the deputy director of MI[-] actually died!
"Master, you have seen a lot, let's go over and check the corpse together to see what clues we can find."

Shen Fei invited everyone to Xiaozhuxuan, and explained the reason on the way.

Shadow went to other places to perform a mission, but in the morning he collapsed dying at the gate of the Monk Temple. Fuman and Fat Tiger worked together to treat him, but to no avail, and finally died of a heart burst.

When Shen Fei led the crowd to the scene, he saw an extremely bloody scene outside the guest room door, blood from a burst heart splashed everywhere.

Seeing such a bloody scene, Countess Mary suddenly changed color and raised her hand to block her face: "I won't go in."

The others frowned, but still bit the bullet and entered the house to check.

Archbishop Mailer put on reading glasses, and Jordan and the two looked at the splattered heart fragments and the scars on his chest.

"There is a gentle breath of life, which should be the breath of the Qinglong of the Holy Son, and there is also a strong breath of true energy, which should be the breath of the White Tiger God."

"Hiss! Why do I feel a terrible dark power from the broken heart." Mailer was dumbfounded.

After careful inspection, Jordan frowned, and said after a while: "This is an extremely dark curse magic. The caster attached this curse when attacking the shadow, and as the injuries gathered in his heart, he could realize Curse remotely, end the opponent's life!"

 A 5300-word chapter, thanks to Ren Yang and QAE Qianfeng for their rewards, and other friends for their rewards, congratulations to QAE Qianfeng for becoming the master of this book!

(End of this chapter)

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