my pet is boss

Chapter 236 The Treasure Worth Ten Thousand

Chapter 236 The Treasure Worth Millions
"I have never seen such a vicious curse before, Elder Shen, I have an unfeeling request..."

Before Archmage Jordan made a request, Shen Fei nodded and agreed: "You can collect some samples and go back to study, but if you find anything, please inform me as soon as possible. The deputy chief of the SI:[-] Division is against the Empire. I absolutely agree." Won't let him go."

Shen Fei was furious. Shadow is the deputy director of SI[-], and the most powerful "King of Agents" of SI[-]. He was killed while performing a mission. This is a provocation to the empire!Now that MI[-] has no person in charge, Shen Fei needs to shoulder the heavy responsibility.

Archmage Jordan took out a crystal bottle from his arms. It is the habit of every mage to carry a crystal bottle with him. After all, you don't know when you will suddenly find something rare.

Fill a small portion of the crumbs into a crystal bottle, seal with a cork and magic.

The black curse was separated from the flesh and blood, struggling in the glass bottle, forming a twisted and terrifying skull face.

According to Jordan, he has seen many curses before, even the curse of the most vicious dark warlock of the frost orcs, is not as vicious as the curse in front of him.

This is probably the most vicious curse he has ever seen, bar none.

"Shadow is the deputy director of MI[-]. With the current situation in the Holy City, I hope everyone can keep it a secret and not share the news, so as not to cause unnecessary panic."

Ferdinand agrees with Shen Fei's words very much, the country is now in turmoil, and it can no longer withstand any news of blows.

"I'm afraid the news of the Frost-cold orcs' invasion will not be kept secret for too long, ranging from three to five months to half a year at most. Now the empire cannot have any abnormalities."

"What? The Frost Orcs are going to attack?"

Shen Fei had been taking care of Shadow in the room just now, and didn't know about this situation.Ferdinand briefly told Shen Fei about the situation, Shen Fei's brows were wrinkled, and his face was ugly.

The king hasn't been found yet, MI[-] has lost its generals, and now even the frost orcs have gathered an army.Behind the seemingly prosperous empire is riddled with holes, and the building is about to collapse.

"All news about the shadow is closed, and the funeral is kept simple. Let's bury it in the back mountain of the monk's monastery. As far as MI[-] is concerned, I said that I will go out to perform a secret mission and will not be able to return for a long time. Let's talk about it after a while." Shen Fei also made a decision. Make up your mind, the matter of the shadow must not be revealed, otherwise the public opinion and the public will panic, and something big will happen.

"The news of a frost orc attack is enough, the empire can't afford any other negative news."

"Elder Shen, don't worry, there are only so many people who know the news today. Everyone is for the sake of the empire and will never disclose the news."

Countess Mary stood at the door and said, "I'm afraid that those who hurt the shadow don't think so, they might spread the word to create chaos, and even force the shadow to come out."

Shen Fei frowned, this is indeed a big problem, he thought for a while and said: "It's okay, I've found someone to dress up recently, anyway, the shadow doesn't often appear in the public eye, everyone doesn't have a deep impression of him, I hope I can get away with it .”

"This is also a way, at least to stabilize the situation first." Mary replied.

"It just so happens that everyone is here. If it doesn't work, let's just hold the funeral. Everyone is Shadow's former friends. Apart from that, he has no relatives..."

Everyone had no objection to this, and they happened to be here today, so the funeral was held by the way.

Shadow's funeral was very simple, with no mourning or music, only a few "comrades in arms" during his lifetime.

The funeral was presided over by Archbishop Mailer, and he was buried in the back hill of the Monk Temple in a drizzle of rain.

"Shadow, you were the king of agents who guarded the empire in the shadows during your lifetime. Today, many friends have witnessed your history and experience. Although your body has been buried forever, your spirit will always guide us. The heroic spirit is immortal. May you rest in peace."

After Mailer finished speaking, he sprinkled a handful of holy light on the cemetery, and the holy light completely melted into the soil of the cemetery, spit out new tender green shoots.

The sudden departure of the shadow shattered the joy of the PUBG trial. Coupled with the latest news from Ferdinand's military, the face of the Minister of Military Affairs of the Empire was covered with gloom.

Everyone bid farewell and left one by one, only Archmage Jordan stood in front of the cemetery for a long time.

"People can't be resurrected after death, everyone has already left, why are you still standing here?" Shen Fei asked, staring at Archmage Jordan's back.

"Maybe it's because I'm getting old and I like to hurt the spring and the autumn!" Archmage Jordan put his hands on his back, turned and prepared to leave.

Shen Fei raised his hand to stop Jordan, and asked, "Can the archmage make something for me, and I can discuss it with more money."

Archmage Jordan was a little surprised, he didn't expect Shen Fei to ask him for help.

"There are still things Elder Shen can't handle, let's talk about it..."

Shen Fei told the archmage about his needs, Jordan's brows became more and more tight, and when Shen Fei finished speaking, he said: "This thing can be made, but because the cost is relatively high, and the materials are extremely precious, so in terms of price..."

"Just tell me how much it is, and you can understand why I want this thing."

Archmage Jordan pondered for a moment, calculated and said: "100 million gold coins."

"No problem. For the money, I will ask Fuman to transfer the money directly to your mage academy account. I hope to get the finished product as soon as possible."

"In that case, I'll go back and prepare right now."

Archmage Jordan was quite envious. He didn't even blink his eyes for a million gold coins, but he also understood Shen Fei's sense of urgency. After all, no one can tell what drastic changes will happen at that time, so make preparations in advance to minimize the loss as much as possible.

After Archmage Jordan left, Shen Fei returned to the study and let out a long sigh.

A black liquid-like thing suddenly slipped in through the crack of the door, and then gradually got up and took shape, turning into a shadow.

"Thank you boss!"

Shen Fei waved his hands and said: "There is no need to say thank you between us, now everyone thinks you are dead, you have really become a shadow."

Shadow smiled sassyly: "Only by becoming a shadow can some things be investigated."

"I haven't asked in detail just now. You said that the other party sent a team to encircle you, and finally got cursed in the dark and used the hidden image technique to escape?"

Shadow's face was extremely ugly: "I went to investigate this matter. Except for adults who knew, I told three senior agents before I left that I wanted to test it out, but I almost lost my life." Shadow Touching his chest, when he saw the bombed corpse on his chest, he couldn't help gasping, and he still has lingering fears.

The opponent had been prepared for a long time, and was going to kill the shadow with one blow.

If there is no Shen Fei, the shadow will really be like the buried corpse today, being cursed by darkness and dying of heart explosion.

An hour after Shadow woke up, he suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his heart. When he tore open his clothes, he saw something wriggling in his heart, and his meridians turned black, like a spider's web.

Just as Ying Ying was about to say something to Shen Fei, his heart exploded directly, piercing through his chest, and blood spattered all over the ground.

Shen Fei was also frightened by this scene, and immediately carried the corpse of the shadow to the Dreaming Zen Realm, using the authority to isolate all the surrounding perception.First, he used his absolute control over the Dreaming Zen Realm to imitate an identical dead body, and then used [Luna's Blessing] to bring the shadow back to life with the power of the Moon God.

It is definitely not a simple matter to bring a dead person back from hell.

The price was that Shen Fei lost four-fifths of Luna's favorability, and the remaining favorability could only summon two beams of Luna's light.

Because of the isolation of the authority of the Dreaming Zen Realm, no third person knew about the movement of summoning the Moon God.

After the shadow was reborn, he told Shen Fei what happened to him.

Shadow was sure that some of the senior agents had "leaked" the news, and wanted to investigate but was stopped by Shen Fei.

Now that the shadow is dead, let this identity disappear from the world, and the shadow will be a dead person from now on.The real shadow will change its face and appear in front of the world with another identity.After learning the news of Shadow's death, some people can rest assured, and their attention will be diverted to other places, which makes it easier for Shadow to investigate.

That's why there was the following scene, Shen Fei appeared in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial, told everyone about the murder of the shadow mission, and held a funeral for him, making this person disappear from the world completely.

No one would have thought that a dead person would continue to appear in the world and be engaged in previous investigations.

"So, after you found out the news, you followed the clues, and finally sneaked into Downton Abbey, and was caught by the enemy who had already ambushed?"

Shadow's face was extremely ugly. As the king of secret agents, it would be a shameful thing for him to be imprisoned.

"Downton Abbey is an aristocratic manor or a member of the imperial consortium. Does this matter have anything to do with the Countess? Do I want to..."

Shen Fei raised his hand and interrupted Shadow: "I will leave this matter to other people to investigate, and you are now focusing on the insider of MI[-]. In the next period of time, I will arrange a lot of 'secret' for senior agents Task, when the time comes to find out the details and hand over the list to me."

This time, the shadow was almost killed, which was a standard conspiracy between inside and outside.

For the safety of intelligence in the future, Shen Fei must find out all the insiders of MI[-].

You don't need to clear them all, just have a list.

When the water is clear, there are no fish. The same is true for SI:[-].

Keep these people in SI[-], and give them some "food" at ordinary times, so that they will mistakenly think that they have not been noticed.Give wrong tips on key information, and when the time comes, together with the forces behind them, they will be wiped out.

"Boss, Downton Abbey is extremely dangerous. If you hand it over to other people, you might die..." Shadow was worried. Although there were traitors inside MI[-], most of the agents were still loyal and let these people die. I can't bear it.

"Don't worry, investigation is not just a method of infiltration. The enemy can plant moles in us, and we can plant moles in them. What do you think of the wasp?"

"Waspie, is that the mid-level agent who was No. 1 in the last PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial?" Shadow was very impressed. After all, winning No. 1 in the first PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is also the glory of SI:[-].

"He also got a good result of No.2 in this PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial, so don't worry about his strength."

Shadow also watched the PUBG test last time, and being able to get the top few results in it was more a matter of adapting to the situation than luck.Wasp was able to get No.2 this time, which shows that he has a strong adaptability and is fully qualified for this task.

Shadow nodded. Since Wasp has this strength, it is perfect for infiltrating the enemy.

"Okay, everything is up to the boss, and I will contact you in the future."

"By the way, Grand Duke Ferdinand also said today that the Frostbite orcs have changed, and the horn of war is about to sound. We must solve the internal problems before the external ones. As the saying goes, we must first settle the internal problems..."

Shadow nodded heavily. The frost orcs had started to move before, and Shadow had already guessed that they would move, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly and violently, so there was not much time left for them...

After saying that, the shadow left directly. As the saying goes, the three caves of the cunning rabbit, the shadow itself has many secret bases.

Now that his identity has been "whitewashed", he has more identities and ways to investigate, and on the contrary, he has removed his shackles.

Now all his targets are on a few senior agents, and he wants to see who is behind the traitor.

Shen Fei's mood is indescribable now, there are moths in the empire, and they started attacking it more than ten years ago.This time, when Shadow was about to find out the truth about Sean's murder, he almost ended up in the same fate as Sean.

When foreign aggression is approaching, he still wants to do something to his own people, which is simply insane.

Shen Fei has already done some backhands now, and only hopes to suppress it with thunderous means when the real crisis breaks out.

The holy city is still normal, and no waves can be seen. Only a few people know the "truth", and only a few people have grasped the truth.

In the afternoon, Shen Fei walked around the inner door and found that the classroom was empty, only the elite teacher was meditating alone.

"Uncle Master, all the disciples of the inner sect have gone to Shushan for trials, and they won't be back until tomorrow."

"It's only been a few days since the last trial, why did they go in again?" Shen Fei was a little curious, wouldn't this group of guys soak in the trial every day?
"They just went in today. Some disciples from the inner sect spent money to buy tickets for the trial of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. After seeing the performance of disciples from other forces, they felt ashamed, so they all went to the trial after the end."

Shen Fei laughed, even if he felt ashamed, it was the business of elite disciples, a group of inner disciples followed suit.

"Okay, I see, I'll go and have a look now."

After Shen Fei finished speaking, he went directly to Mount Shu to check the situation of the inner disciples' trials.

When he came to the foot of Shushan Mountain, Shen Fei saw that before the first Cen killed the biohazard trial, all ten portraits on the mountain wall had been filled, and at least ten people had passed the trial.Afterwards, Shen Fei checked through the permissions, and 15 people have successfully passed the customs trial.

This also means that there are at least five teams in the King of Fighters Trial on the second floor.

Now it's interesting...

Shen Fei would like to see how far these disciples' ideas can be unconstrained under the continuous moves of the King of Fighters Trial.

(End of this chapter)

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