my pet is boss

Chapter 237 Lurking

Chapter 237 Lurking
Shen Fei came to the second floor of Shushan Trial, and found that the "Roll of Honor" on the top of the mountain was still bare.

He was not disappointed, after all, it was a trial that incorporated the essence of The King of Fighters 97.

Shen Fei directly designed according to the plot mode. In the middle of the game, there will be bloodthirsty Leanna and crazy Yagami, and the finale will be the awakened Three Heavenly Kings. Only after defeating can you see the final boss Orochi.

The difficulty of such a game is definitely not lower than that of Resident Evil Trials.

At the beginning of Shen Fei's design, the Resident Evil Trial and the King of Fighters Trial were two completely contradictory existences.In the biochemical crisis trial, all monk skills of the disciples were closed, and only their reaction and consciousness were exercised.But in the King of Fighters Trial, the reaction and consciousness trained before can be used, but the scope of use is fatally limited, and the only thing that can help them pass the level is the monk skills they have learned.

The battle stage with a specified range is either the top of the stone statue or a narrow suspension bridge. In short, there is no flat place.

These terrains limit the movement of inner disciples, so they can only work hard on their skills to seek breakthroughs.

Shen Fei's eyes pierced through the mountains, and he saw the five teams in the King of Fighters Trial.

Every time you enter the King of Fighters trial, the team is randomly assigned, so 15 people have the opportunity to match each other.

Before entering the Shushan Trial, there was the "crane tail faction" dominated by Zhao Hao, and the "strong faction" dominated by the top ten inner sects. The two sides looked down on each other.The crane tail faction feels that the training method of the inner sect is too simple, if you have the ability, you come to the Resident Evil trial to see the horror of the heart-pounding.The traditional strong faction of the inner sect feels that even if the inner sect has practiced, it is still the end of the crane, and the trial should be divided into whoever uses it.

But after all the disciples of the inner sect devoted themselves to the Shushan trial, everyone's thoughts changed.

After experiencing the biochemical crisis trial, the traditional school was really scared to death by the monsters in it, and their cultivation bases were banned. Everything depends on their own reactions and brains.Especially the [-]% pain sensation during the trial made these traditionalists wonder for a while how the crane tails persisted.

Of course, there are also improvements at the end of the crane.The top ten in the inner sect is by no means in vain. Some disciples showed impressive strength even though their cultivation bases were banned, and they cleared the level with a very small number of times.

In the Resident Evil Trial, except for Zhao Hao and Longlong in the top ten, the remaining eight top positions were divided among the top ten.

There are also disciples who have cleared the level at the end of the crane, but they have broken through too many levels and have not been photographed in the top ten.

But after this trial, everyone has changed each other.

The traditionalists put away their contempt and no longer look down on the tail of the crane.

After these people entered the second stage of the King of Fighters trial, they behaved more intimately.Because this level focuses on training the use and connection of skills by inner disciples. In the past, the Zen Academy used the illusion test to test this part, but after experiencing it once, Shen Fei found that the illusion test was just the right time to train the disciples. Using skills, when can elite disciples selected at this level be promoted to elders?
In this level, the top ten disciples of the inner sect were not stingy at all with their unique insights on monk skills, and exchanged experiences and opinions that were regarded as treasures before.

Originally, these disciples thought that they had passed the biohazard trial. No matter how severe this trial was, they would not be as embarrassed as they were when they first came into contact with the Shushan trial.

It's just that they still underestimated Shen Fei's ruthlessness.

Zhao Hao, Long Long, and Sun Xing had fought three times before, but they didn't even kill a single team.

Afterwards, the top ten in the inner sect passed the Biohazard Trial and entered the King of Fighters Trial one by one. After hearing the rules of the trial, everyone's faces were filled with confident smiles. In terms of mastering the skills of monks, no one in the inner sect would be better than them. Gao, this trial is simply specially designed for them.

But when they formed teams randomly and encountered the first group of "Hungry Wolf Legend Team", they were beaten to the point where they couldn't take care of themselves.

It's just a red vest Terry's martial arts plus I Liu's noisy killing method, which made these inner disciples suffer a lot.

Luo Feng's team was lucky enough to defeat Terry in the red vest at the cost of two people, but Andy, the white-clothed blond-haired man, with Shiranui Ninjutsu, forcibly pressed him to the ground and rubbed him.

Seeing how powerful the King of Fighters' trials are, the inner disciples dare not underestimate them. After the trials, they all took out their private experience to communicate and improve with each other.In addition to this PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial, seeing the performance of the elite disciples, everyone immediately buried themselves in the trial after returning.

"This time we will try to kill the Hungry Wolf legend team!"

Fifteen people stood in the mountainside square and made the most firm oath.

Of course, this time they also got their wish and met Dong Zhang, the last character of the Hungry Wolf Legend team.

This guy who is good at muay thai and can swing terrifying punches and whirlwinds suddenly became everyone's nightmare.

After Luo Feng struggled hard, he ate a powerful death tornado on the suspension bridge, and he couldn't avoid it and finally fell down.

Shen Fei watched it with relish from the outside, these inner disciples still improved.Before entering the King of Fighters Trial, it can be said that there is a huge difference in the mastery of monk skills.Shen Fei looked at Luo Feng's skill release, he has achieved the ultimate in a single skill, his timing is also very sophisticated, and his skills are powerful, worthy of being the No. 1 in the inner sect.

But just at this level, it is obvious that he cannot pass the King of Fighters trial.

Relying on the power of a single skill or physical ability, defeating the Hungry Wolf Legend team is already the limit.If you want to win the next team, you need to learn to use your brain and improve your combat awareness and skills to a new level, so that you can gain benefits in the next battle.

Luo Feng, Zhao Hao and Sun Xing got together.

After a group was destroyed, everyone "resurrected" again. Zhao Hao used his own life to drag out [-]% of the red vest Terry's blood. Sun Xing killed Terry after playing, and suppressed Andy's blood volume below [-]%. Feng came out to kill Andy, and met Dongzhang, the third member of the Hungry Wolf Legend team.

But after a fight, he was defeated by Dongzhang with a big move that he couldn't dodge without any dead ends.

A death tornado really brings death.

Luo Feng knew that he had tried his best, even if he tried again, it would be the best result.

"I think our understanding of this trial may be a bit wrong." Luo Feng couldn't help expressing his opinion, "If we use the current method of fighting hard, we may be able to kill the Hungry Wolf Legend team by stumbles, but the next What about the eight teams? Do we still use this method to bite the bullet and kill them? Just like the Resident Evil trial, it is to exercise our reaction speed and physical fitness. This King of Fighters trial is to exercise our proficiency in monk skills. But I don’t think it should be so easy to master…”

Zhao Hao and Sun Xing couldn't help but nodded.

According to the thinking of the Supreme Elder, it will definitely not be so simple.The trial is to practice skill proficiency, yes, Zhao Hao and Sun Xing still have a slight gap, but Luo Feng is good at almost all skills, even if compared with the elite disciples, he is not far behind, so he can't beat Dongzhang, so he can Explain some problems.

They must have not really understood the original intention of the Supreme Elder, or there was some omission somewhere...

Zhao Hao remained silent, and began to recall various details of the match against the Hungry Wolf Legend team.

Zhao Hao suddenly had an idea and said, "You tell me, does the Supreme Elder mean to let us combine various skills to form the same combo or big move as the opponent?"

Zhao Hao grasped this inspiration, then stood up excitedly, and began to peel back the cocoon: "If nothing else, let's talk about Andy and Dongzhang, a violent whirlwind received three uppercuts, and finally a death tornado, Luo Feng After being hit into the air by Dongzhang's punch, he almost lost control of his body throughout the entire process. He was only hit by the opponent's continuous moves, and was directly taken away by a set of combos when he was still half alive. .”

"It seems to make sense. We have also knocked down our opponents in battle, but it was just a simple knockdown. When we rushed to follow the punch, we were either flexibly dodged by the opponent, or we could only press and punch twice, and there was no formation. Systematic tactics."

The three of you talked to each other, and found that this was a good breakthrough.

Then the three of them sat cross-legged on the ground and began to discuss the combo.They have never had the concept of combos before, and they have never even paid attention to the connection of normal moves. Most of them are interspersed with some skills in addition to ordinary punches and kicks.

"Look, the monk skill Qinglong Zaitian can beat the enemy up, and then we can use many different moves. What I think of here is to connect Lili Yuanshang, pinch a white tiger while the enemy is in the air, and then A simple straight punch to finish it off."

Zhao Hao had a flexible mind and took the lead in putting forward his own ideas.This also gave the other two some inspiration and inspiration, and then various theoretical combos were developed, and Zhao Hao was responsible for recording these theoretical combos one by one.

The 10-minute break ended, and everyone was teleported into the boxing ring again.

"Now it seems that the Supreme Elder is unpredictable and gave us a break in advance, so that we can brainstorm during the period..." The three people's admiration for Shen Fei is like a torrential river.

It seems that the Supreme Elder has already thought of everything.

Shen Fei stood in the distance and watched everything that happened in the Shushan trial. The other groups were still using brute force to break through the level. Only Zhao Hao and his group touched the key points of the real test of this level.

That's right!

What Shen Fei wanted was to let them master the skills of monks and practice them to the point of perfection.

Shen Fei has specialized in the skills of monks, and many of them have immobilization or knock-up effects. Instead of arranging and combining these skills directly, it is better to create a trial for them to create by themselves. After all, the creativity of the masses is infinite. Qunzheng's young and energetic inner disciples definitely think more than Shen Fei alone.

Afterwards, Shen Fei discovered that Longlong's team seemed to have begun to discover problems, but it was missing a finishing touch.I know there is a problem with the current method of testing, but I haven't thought of a solution yet.

Shen Fei estimated that it would take at least a month from having a clue to clearing the customs.

After all, it takes a certain amount of time to get used to the monk's skill combos. Although Zhao Hao and the others seem to have created a lot of theoretical combos, they don't know that many of them "do not work" until they are actually used.Among them, the connection of skills and the excessive strength are all related, how can it be realized perfectly by just thinking about it.

In a month's time, even if you can't break through the barrier successfully, you can still meet the Three Heavenly Kings.

Shen Fei flicked his sleeves without taking away a single cloud, hiding his achievements and fame.

These inner disciples are pretty good. Besides the normal top ten inner disciples, there are also disciples who are at the bottom of the inner sect such as Zhao Hao and Long Long.The boring education in the past had many disadvantages and buried some disciples, but after the Shushan trial, even if the best disciples could not be screened out, the quality of all inner disciples could be raised to a higher level.

After Shen Fei left Shushan, he went straight to MI[-].

Since the shadow wants to investigate the traitor, he will send the traitor out to carry out the task, and the shadow hiding in the dark will catch the spy and investigate more.

Shen Fei seldom came to SI[-], but this time, many mid-level agents and senior agents were a little surprised.

Shen Fei raised his hand to signal them to continue to sit down and work, "Don't be nervous, I'm just here for a stroll, by the way, I'll let you know that after the deputy director shadow finished the mission, he suddenly received an urgent message to go to the Frost Empire to investigate the Frost Orcs and gather troops For one thing, by the way, I performed some missions to assassinate high-ranking orc officials, and I may not be able to return within half a year. During this half-year period, MI[-] is operating normally. If you need to report something, you can come to Wu Monk Temple directly to find me. If I am not here, and Baihu Tianshen Or Zenzi said the same thing."

Shen Fei observed while talking, and didn't see anything strange in the eyes of the four people that Shadow said.

"There are still some tasks here, and each of you chooses one to assign."

Shen Fei threw the tasks on the four people's table and asked them to choose and assign them respectively.

These quests were created temporarily on the way here, and they were not big quests, but they were all quests that required time-consuming investigations, and they also met the requirements for high-level agents to accept.

The four of them had no doubts, bowed their heads and began to assign tasks.

Shen Fei left the office, and then went to the place where the middle-level agents were resting and working, and found Wasp who was "currently the highest-ranked middle-level agent".

Wasp is just a middle-level agent. Although he has performed brilliantly in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial, he never thought that the director would ask him to talk with him in person, and it would be a one-on-one conversation.

"Waspie, I have a task for you now. This task is very difficult, even the most experienced senior agents may not be able to do it..."

Wasp was already nervous when he saw Shen Fei. After all, the director is a legend in the Holy City. When he heard that he had a mission, he said so exaggeratedly. Wasp was never nervous in the PUBG trial, but now his palms were already sweating.

"Director, please rest assured, Wasp will definitely complete the task..."

Shen Fei raised his hand and interrupted before he finished speaking: "This task is very difficult. Although I believe you can do it, I have to reiterate that it is very difficult and you may die."

The director said the task was so difficult that even the most experienced senior agents might not be able to do it, but he believed that he could complete it. This was more exciting to Wasp than getting PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds No.1. Changhui believes in himself so much.

"Director, Wasp vows to complete the mission!"

Shen Fei didn't say much, Hornet's background was completely clean, and it was definitely not a traitor inserted by others.Personal strength and on-the-spot response have been certified in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial, so there is no need to say more.

"Remember, once your life is in danger, the mission will stop immediately, I need you to come back alive!"

Shen Fei patted Wasp's shoulder heavily, and then handed him a forged identity and experience certificate, as well as a mission statement.

"From now on, forget the code name Wasp, your current name is Ren Yang (yang)."

(End of this chapter)

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