my pet is boss

Chapter 238 Eliminate the traitor

Chapter 238 Eliminate the traitor
Wasp nodded heavily.

He was brought back to SI[-] by the shadow boss from the orphanage, and he was taken care of as his own son since he was a child.For example, there are still many agents like Wasp in SI[-], which is also the tradition of SI[-], and only agents who are free from worries can perform their tasks better.Only agents who regard MI[-] as their home will devote themselves to it with all their heart.

"The boss named me Ren Yang, because he hoped that I would let the wind blow, not act recklessly in the task, push the boat with the flow, and advance by retreating."

Shen Fei was relieved that Wasp could see through the reason why he gave him this name at a glance, so he could rest assured that Wasp really had hope of completing this task.

"Open the mission when no one is around, and then you will face an unprecedented test. You are alone, with no teammates to respond, and you are surrounded by enemies. Stealing information on the basis of not being discovered by the enemy is already difficult. It's better than an S-level mission." Shen Fei said while staring into Wasp's eyes, trying to see the timidity in his eyes, but he was disappointed in the end.

Wasp's eyes were burning, exuding fighting spirit and joy.

"We must live up to the expectations of the boss and complete the task!"

After Shen Fei left, Wasp found a secret room to solve the task.

"Find a way to sneak into Flaubert Downton Abbey with a legal identity, gain the trust of the nobles of Downton Abbey, and collect any private information on the estate." Wasp looked at the identity that Boss Shen Fei had prepared for him. He was a man from a small village. A young man who came out to work in the town of Flaubert.Identity, background, and family information are all there, even the keys to his own house in a small village, and his identity can stand the test.

Wasp sorted out the work at hand, then left SI:[-] in a different form, and took the last carriage to Flaubert today.

From then on, SI[-] lost a Wasp, and Flaubert gained a dream-seeking young man who went to work in the city.

Shen Fei left MI[-] and returned to Xiaozhuxuan, thinking about all the news he got today.

Shadow almost lost his life in an attack on Flaubert's Downton Abbey, and he saved Shadow back at a great price.

Downton Abbey is just a small aristocratic manor, and it is definitely not the murderer who killed Sean. There must be someone else behind the scenes.

To be able to plant a traitor in SI[-], and to be able to quickly prepare for an ambush with such means, must be someone with quite a background.

You must know that if you have power, you can design an ambush in a short period of time, and you can also place agents in MI[-]. This is definitely not something that a small noble manor can do.

60.00% of Flaubert's commercial market is owned by Countess Marguerite, and all nobles and merchants are part of the imperial consortium.With the current situation, Shen Fei had no choice but to cast suspicious eyes on Mary.

Mary has the conditions and means to commit the crime, but the only thing Shen Fei can't figure out now is Mary's motive for committing the crime.

There is no such thing as a crazy demon who commits crimes and kills according to his preferences, but it will definitely not appear on this person.Extraordinary wisdom, stunning beauty, incomparable wealth, and status below one person, Shen Fei couldn't figure out what motive Mary had to attack Sean.

Or, like the last time he was assassinated, this was a deliberate move by the mastermind behind the scenes to make the empire suspicious and suspicious of each other.

Subjectively, Shen Fei thinks that Mary is very suspicious, because there are not many people who can control everything, and she has this ability, and she is very suspicious.But objectively, Shen Fei couldn't find any motives. Mary was already an extremely powerful minister, and taking action against Xiao En would not bring her any benefits. In addition, the assassin's obvious blaming last time made Shen Fei hesitant, and he could no longer tell the difference. True or false.

"Forget it, let's wait for the results of the investigation."

Shen Fei sent all four senior agents to carry out the mission, and with the supernatural power of the shadow, he would definitely know the news.

Now that the shadow has become a real shadow, it will be much more convenient to do many things without reporting or preparing. I hope to get some breakthroughs from the traitor line.

Shen Fei went offline directly in anxiety.

For online players, many people bought tickets to watch the trial of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and their eyes almost popped out of shock.

They have all heard about this "ancient" game, and many similar holographic games have been produced since then, but they never expected that Shen Fei could make a trial like this.

All the six major forces sent people to participate, and the skills they picked up were also different, as well as weapons, armor and supplies.

When some mage players saw the dragon's breath technique and the wheel of destruction, they trembled from the bottom of their bones.This is the ultimate ultimate move that all mages dream of, and no one expected to see the effect here with their own eyes.There are also berserkers who have turned on the desperate and fanatical, and can even charge to the front with three or four spells. The amazing combat power makes people feel chills behind.

They also saw the legendary White Tiger God with fluttering white clothes and the palm of his hand. It was just a White Tiger God passed on by the residents of Sentinel Fort. It seemed that there was nothing mysterious about it.

If Fat Tiger knew what these players thought of it, he would definitely move his furry ears and curse: I never heard that everything is based on the real thing!
The senior members of the Leng Group Guild also bought tickets to watch the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial.

It was the first time I came to the Wuseng Temple, and it was the first time I saw the vast Zen dream.When they learned that this Dreaming Zen Realm was equivalent to "the universe in the sleeve", everyone showed incredible expressions.

When they learned that Shen Fei had the right to control the Dreaming Zen Realm, they were even more envious.

It is said that the Dreaming Zen Realm is thousands of miles large, and having the right to control it is equivalent to owning a small world.This Dreaming Zen Realm is a congratulatory gift from the Four Heavenly Gods of Tenshen Island to the first Martial Ancestor, and it is also a legendary item.

Even Leng Qingqiu, who has been strong since Xinshou Village, can't help but sigh, Shen Fei is a quick step, step by step.

In the beginning, one person leapfrogged the level and singled out the field boss, and then he was the first one to finish the mission line of the dungeon, and the first one to create excellent equipment, clear the dungeon, and enter Tuk County in advance...

By the time he was upgraded to Touk County, Shen Fei had already become a great hero admired by everyone in Touk County, the captain of security, and acting consul.

Since then, the gap between the players and Shen Fei has become wider and wider. The current players are still upgrading their equipment, and Shen Fei has already become the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple. He has started to make wind and rain in the holy city and lead the trend.

"This PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial has at least 20 viewers, and the ticket revenue alone is a lot of money." Leng Ling didn't pay attention to these things at all, but everyone on the streets of Shengcheng was discussing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trials and Legend of Heroes cards, you will naturally understand after hearing too much.What else is the sponsorship fee and advertising fee? It is said that the archbishop of the Holy Light Cathedral, Mailer, directly spent [-] gold coins in sponsorship fees in order to allow his disciples to participate in the trial!

Leng Ling's teeth itch with envy, their Leng's Group guild is one of the most advanced guilds on the human side, and has absorbed many casual players. The balance it has developed to the present is not as high as a sponsorship fee, and it is not too difficult to make money.

Today's PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial has also become the talk of players after dinner. Many people are even attracted by the exciting plot, and many people make a special trip to see the effect of skills. After all, you can see many ultimate skills here, and you can't learn them yourself. Take a look to satisfy your hunger, right?

"I stayed in the holy city for a week, but I didn't find any trace of the dungeon, and the mission is basically completed. I heard that some players in Mithral City have opened the dungeon quest line, so we can focus on Mithral City in the future." Leng Qingqiu proposed My own opinion.

At this stage, the Leng Group guild can become the guild with the most progress in the human dungeon, relying on one step at a time.

It has been a week now that no useful things have been discovered. The players who came to the holy city are frantically doing missions to narrow the gap.

It's not that Leng Qingqiu didn't think of wooing Shen Fei before, it's best to bring down the guild, even giving status and shares.It's just that after coming to the holy city this time, Leng Qingqiu put an end to this idea.Shen Fei's current status, he is the one who has the final say in the Monk Temple, and also has the decisive right to speak in the entire empire.With such a status and status, she is the vice president of a small guild, and the shares are treated?The value of the entire guild is not as much as the sponsorship fee Shen Fei casually collected, it has become a complete joke...

"When the time comes, all the first and second groups of the guild will go to Secret Silver City, and the others will stay in the Holy City." Leng Qingqiu also has considerations. The Holy City is the center of the human empire, and all players will gather here. This is a natural business place. Whether it is raw materials or molding equipment, there is no shortage of markets.

They need the full support of other members of the guild to open up dungeons on the front line.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements for it later. The news that the dungeon is about to open in Miyin City will reach our ears, so other guilds must have heard of it, and there will inevitably be a fierce battle." Uncle Guan couldn't help but said, he still likes it. Take charge of the dungeon alone, and fight against the BOSS with flesh and blood.

There are more and more players in the holy city, now there are millions of them, and they are increasing at a faster rate. I believe that it will not be long before the holy city will become a gathering place for human players.Whether you just came or left, you will set a return point in the holy city.


It was already night when Shen Fei woke up, and he dragged the sleeping Fat Tiger to the illusion again to try to spawn monsters and upgrade.

For Shen Fei, the Illusion Trial is the latest and most convenient upgrade point, but the number of attacks in three waves a day is a bit small, and if you want to gain a lot of experience, you need to stay for seven days at a time, and the level and number of monsters will gradually increase.It's just that the Holy City is not peaceful recently, and the Monk Temple and MI[-] have to take care of it, and the shadow may report to him, so Shen Fei has no spare time to stay in the illusion trial for seven days.

After Shen Fei came out of the illusion trial again, his level increased by one level, and the speed did not satisfy Shen Fei.

It was not the shadow but Joshua who was waiting.

It was time to come to Wuseng Temple to attend classes again, this time he heard what Fat Hu said, and went directly to Xiaozhuxuan to look for Shen Fei.

Fat Tiger was about to lead Joshua to practice martial arts, but Shen Fei stared at Joshua thoughtfully.

Although Joshua is young, he has lived in the Holy City for so many years. He has a loyal Royal Guard in terms of audio-visual, and he has his own channels to understand the news about the Holy City.

"Joshua, do you know where there are powerful enemies in the holy city, where you can practice actual combat?"

Joshua thought about it for a while. There are only two places where he can fight to practice actual combat, and he has powerful enemies.

"Uncle Shen, there are only two places that meet the requirements, one is the underground boxing arena, and the other is the prison arena."

Shen Fei knew about the underground boxing arena, it was a place where black boxing was played, although life and death were of no concern, but people couldn't be beaten to death every time.What's more, when Shen Fei passed by, not to mention the boss of the underground boxing field, even those who fought black boxers would not dare to make a move.

"Where is the prison arena?" Shen Fei had never heard of this place before.He naturally knows that the prison is the place where the holy city detains the prisoners, but what is the arena in the prison? Is it a place for prisoners to fight duels in the prison?
"There are many prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment in the prison, and many of them are very capable bad guys. Because they will be angry if they are locked up all the time, so there is an arena in the prison. They fight duels every day, and there is a way to relieve them. Of course, because Many of them are life-imprisoned or death-row inmates, so they are all murdered. Many people have already died in prison before they are sentenced."

Such a place is very violent!

But after careful consideration, it fits Shen Fei's requirements very well.

Not only can he shoot without mercy, he has experience, and he doesn't have to be responsible after he misses.

"Okay, let Fat Tiger take you to practice boxing."

Shen Fei waved his hand, and Fat Tiger carried Joshua away.

Joshua was still worried on the way: "Uncle Hu, do you think Uncle Shen will go to the prison arena alone?"

Fat Tiger chuckled lightly and said, "You don't have to worry about this, your Uncle Shen cherishes his life very much and never does anything he is not sure about."

Shen Fei just stepped out of the monk's monastery and was about to go to the prison to take a look, even if he didn't fight today, it would be good to take a look.

It's just that not long after Shen Fei walked out of the monastery, he suddenly felt a finger tap on his shoulder twice, but he didn't see anyone when he turned around.

Shen Fei came to the civilian area without making a sound, and stopped in a dark dead end.

A dark shadow moved across the dark, mottled wall.

Facing the wall, Shen Fei couldn't help asking: "Actually, I've always wanted to know, if the latent image technique is used to stick it on the wall, will it stick to the clothes if the wall is dark and damp?"

"Cough cough..."

The shadow was choked by Shen Fei's curiosity for no reason, the brain circuit of the boss of the secret channel is different, different from ordinary people, no wonder he can overcome many confusions and point to the truth.

"The latent image technique is to completely transform oneself into a shadow. The shadow cannot touch anything. Even if there is magic or a weapon cuts on it, it will not suffer any harm." The tone of the shadow is a little proud, after all, this is Even his master "Shuangjue" Xiao En couldn't create such a powerful and hidden skill.

"Then how did you get discovered when you were at Flaubert, and you were cursed to explode..."

Shadow was speechless, and simply pretended he didn't hear, and began to report: "Boss, you sent those four people to perform missions in other places, and I have already found signs of locking the target."

"Oh? Who betrayed you?"

Shen Fei was quite curious. At that time, when he sent tasks to the four of them and said that the shadow would not be able to return for a long time, none of the four of them showed any abnormal behavior.This can only explain two situations, one is that it is well hidden; the other is that it is just a mole planted by the other party, who only has the role of passing on information, and has no right to know how the organization handles it.

"It's a poisonous snake."

"Viper" was the code name of this senior agent. Except for Xiao En and Shen Fei, no one in SI[-] used their real names.

The shadow covered the wall without revealing his real body, but Shen Fei could guess that his face was not good-looking now.

Someone else's spy actually got into SI[-] under his nose. Does this mean that he is stupid, or that he doesn't know people well?

Shen Fei remembered the information about the poisonous snake, and was a little surprised: "This poisonous snake entered MI[-] after you became the deputy director, right?"

Shadow was silent for a moment and said: "No, he was already in SI[-] before I became the deputy director. It was just that he was still a low-level agent at that time, and he didn't catch the eye at all. In action, he has a brilliant performance, which I appreciate."

"Because I just took office at that time, I needed to cultivate my trustworthy right-hand man, so I assigned him many tasks of the Omniscient Sect, and he completed them all excellently. It was logical that he was promoted from a low-level agent to a senior agent. Now that I think about it..."

Shadow couldn't help shivering, now thinking about it, there are many abnormalities in the matter.

Shen Fei frowned, the mastermind behind the scenes is very powerful!

Using the Omniscient Cult to lure Sean out, after killing Sean with the knife of the Omniscient Cult, the traces must be completely erased, but before that, he used the Omniscient Cult, which had become an abandoned child, to insert himself into SI[-]. a spy.

Have you ever heard that one dish, two meals, can also serve two purposes in the Omniscience religion?

This plan is definitely not a temporary idea, because it needs to break into SI[-] in advance, so...

Establishing the Omniscient Sect to attract Xiao En, and then using the merits of destroying the Omniscient Sect as a stepping stone for Anzi to be promoted in MI[-], this series needs to be deployed in advance, and the time exceeds...

Shen Fei was recalling the time when Viper entered SI[-], and when he started to rise out of control because of the case of the Omniscient Sect, the period was more than five years!

The more he probed into it, the more Shen Fei felt the bone-piercing coldness all over his body.

Just opening the tip of the iceberg makes people shudder.

"It seems that we are facing a giant monster this time." Shen Fei said meaningfully.

Shadow was silent for a long time, and said: "Boss, I have a bold guess, this matter is very likely related to Uncle..."


Shen Fei stretched out his index finger and put it on his lips to signal the shadow to silence.

"There are some things that don't need to be said, go to investigate and produce evidence to speak out. We will not wrong a good person, but we will not let a bad person go."

"The motive for the attack, the evidence of collusion, these are the only things that can't lie. Think about the assassin who assassinated me last time. There are many such frame-ups. Maybe she is the mastermind behind the scenes, or maybe it's the enemy who distracted us by stealing our attention. It is estimated that the situation will be led to a situation that we are happy to see..."

"The poisonous snake?"

"Next, I will arrange tasks for him. It's best to find out what can be found. If you can't find out...just leave it to me to deal with."

(End of this chapter)

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