my pet is boss

Chapter 239 Orc Killer

Chapter 239 Orc Killer

It is good to have conclusive evidence to follow the clues to dig out the mastermind behind the scenes, but if the other party has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance and can't find it, it's okay.In short, now that his identity is confirmed, Shen Fei has plenty of ways to lead the other party by the nose.

"Of course, don't just stare at the poisonous snake. SI:[-] is definitely not the only spy planted in, there are also people from other forces, all trying to find out."

Shen Fei would not believe that an intelligence agency would be infiltrated by one side, there must be spies from other forces, Shen Fei needed to find out all these spies to ensure the secrecy of MI[-].

Shadow was a little ashamed. When Boss Xiao En was still there, there were not so many spies infiltrating SI:[-]. Even if spies joined SI:[-], they were all low-level agents.How come there are so many spy infiltrations when he took office?Some of the spies were selected by him himself, and when he thought that he didn't know the people, his shadow was a little bit unbearable.

His own mistakes need to be made up for by himself. Now he will dig out these spies and moths of MI[-] one by one, and expose them to the sun without hiding.

The black shadow disappeared from the wall, and Shen Fei also walked out of the dark alley, continuing to walk towards the prison.

The prison in the holy city is in a very remote place in the lower city.It is heavily guarded and jointly controlled by the military, the Countess and the Royal Guards.

Next to the prison is a military camp, where a combat battalion is stationed all year round to ensure that prison riots are suppressed at any time.

You must know that the prison in the Holy City, the center of the empire, holds many very important prisoners.After all, being able to be brought to the Holy City High Court for trial is a "honor" in itself.Some ordinary theft, robbery and homicide cases can be carried out by their own courts and juries in various places. If they can be brought to the holy city, they will naturally commit major crimes.

In addition to her status as the head of the Imperial Consortium, the Countess is also the Empire's Minister of Finance, Minister of Justice, and Supreme Judge of the Imperial Tribunal.It can be said that each of these prisoners held in the Holy City Prison was sent in by the Countess herself, so naturally they hated the Countess deeply.

Staff from the Royal Guards and the Ministry of Justice work together to oversee the prison.

The warden in the prison is a member of the Royal Guards, and the deputy is a member of the Ministry of Justice.

Before approaching the prison, there is already a "no man's land" within a radius of 1000 meters. There is a watchtower in the military camp in the distance. The gray concrete wall of the prison is at least 20 meters high, and it is a cold cage.

According to information from MI20, the [-]-meter-high concrete wall is to prevent prisoners from escaping. It is said that the concrete wall is poured with solid lead, and it is stable.

Secondly, the internal walls are all coated with special materials, and the walls are so smooth that even insects and flies cannot settle down, and it is even more impossible to escape through the walls.

As Shen Fei approached the prison, the soldiers on the watchtower of the barracks were the first to discover Shen Fei, and began to shout with a loudspeaker: "The front is the military management area, ordinary people please stop, ordinary people please stop!"

Soon afterward, a two-person team ran over from the barracks to check their identities.

When they saw Shen Fei's identity certificate, the two corporals stood upright in fright and gave Shen Fei a standard military salute.

The two corporals never expected that the Supreme Elder of the Wuseng Temple would come to such a "dirty and messy" place as the prison.

The two respectfully brought Shen Fei to the gate of the prison, and then handed over to the guards at the gate of the prison. After a while, the gate of the prison opened with a bang, and the two persons in charge of the prison walked out quickly to greet Shen Fei.

Shen Fei saw the big winch at the gate of the prison, and the solid and thick city wall. Even the door was filled with lead, and the outside was covered with three-meter-thick cement.This time, in order to welcome Shen Fei, the gate of the prison was completely opened, and the sound of rumbling earthquakes was very shocking.

"Quds Prison is really impenetrable."

Shen Fei couldn't help sighing.

The two persons in charge had smiles on their faces, but they were overwhelmed in their hearts. They never expected that Shen Fei would come to the prison, but since Shen Fei came, they would naturally treat him like a leader of the power.

The news that Shen Fei is the top leader of MI[-] is only known to the Minister of Military Aircraft and MI[-]'s mid-level agents and above, the rest of the people only know that Shen Fei is the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple.

"In order to welcome Elder Shen, we opened the door to the maximum this time to show our welcome to Elder Shen."

Shen Fei thinks about it too, he doesn't know how much power was used behind this kind of door opening.Just these two gates would probably weigh a hundred tons. If they were opened and closed all the time, they would not be exhausted that day.

"I came this time mainly because I want to see the prison arena." Shen Fei went straight to express his thoughts.

The two were stunned for a moment before they came to their senses and said, "Elder Shen, please!"

In any case, they never thought that Shen Fei came to the prison to visit the arena. You must know that there are very few people fighting in the arena.After all, there are not many people who can be sent to the Holy City Prison by the trial court.If it happened every day, the laws of the empire would have existed in name only.

Those who can survive in the Holy City Prison are those who know their respective strengths. In addition, in order to avoid too many casualties, the Holy City Prison is divided into four areas, east, west, north, and south. strong.

Under the leadership of the two persons in charge, Shen Fei went to the inside of the Holy City Prison, and saw the neat and orderly scene inside the prison.

"Because the struggle in the Holy City Prison was quite serious in the past few years, people died every day in the arena. However, as more and more people were killed and injured, some rules appeared among the prison inmates. The strongest one roughly maintains the balance of the prison. The prison has been calm for a few years, and the arena has gradually been neglected. Now, except for some personal disputes, few people come to the prison arena to fight."

Shen Fei walked in the prison, the purple magic prison restricted the prisoners, leaving only less than ten square meters of space for movement.

"These solitary convicts are all serious criminals. They are villains who have killed at least [-] lives innocently. The magic barrier is designed by the archmage himself, and there is a special supply of magic power. There are mages who patrol every day, so it is very safe. .And we can see them, we can't be seen inside the prison."

Shen Fei saw many grotesque creatures in the prison besides humans.

The person in charge explained in a timely manner: "Most of the prisoners here are prisoners below the leader level. Some criminals who are extremely powerful and good at magic are all detained in the magic prison of the Floating Void City Mage Academy."

Shen Fei's eyes lit up, Floating Void City was still holding a leader-level prisoner, after that he would take Fat Tiger in for a walk, upgrading experience was one aspect, and there might be some explosive things coming out.

Shen Fei saw that the powerful prisoners all occupied a room by themselves.For those who are weak, more than a dozen people are crowded in a room of ten square meters, so crowded that they can only sit in rows and eat fruit.

There is an activity area in the four districts of east, west, north and south. Standing on a high place and looking down from the glass, there are almost no people who make troubles, and they are all well-regulated.

Then Shen Fei went to the arena of the prison under the leadership of the two persons in charge, and found that there was no one in it and it was very deserted, so he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

The news Joshua gave him was correct, but Joshua also heard it from the Royal Guards, and it was all outdated old news.Since each of the four regions has a leader boss, except for the new arrogant people who come in from time to time, who want to compete for the position of the king of heaven, they will challenge the king of heaven to compete in the arena. Respective areas are resolved privately.

Even the prison managers have formed a certain tacit understanding with these prisoners.

You deal with it yourself, we turn a blind eye and close one eye, and then we can deal with the dead bodies.

Don't make it difficult for us, and it won't make it difficult for you.

Shen Fei was disappointed, he thought he could improve his experience here, but he was hurt by the outdated news, so he made a trip for nothing.

As the leader of the prison in the Arcatraz, Shen Fei thought about it for a while and it was still inappropriate.

The Archmage Jordan would definitely agree to what he said, but once those leaders with high mana are released from the shackles, the battle will definitely cause energy shocks, and it will be dangerous to fight too hard and destroy the Arcatraz Prison, let alone all Prisoners who know magic, it would be a lot of fun if they were freed from the shackles and escaped directly with the secret method.

In order to avoid these situations from happening, the Archmage Jordan must be on the side during the battle, so that Shen Fei will expose his true strength, this kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable.

Shen Fei suddenly thought, if he pretended to be a prisoner and went to prison, wouldn't he be able to challenge these people?And with the status of a prisoner, it is more convenient and unscrupulous to do it.

Shen Fei's eyes swept over the two persons in charge, looking at them with hairs on their backs, but he didn't know how to ask, he always felt that Elder Shen had something to hide from them.

Shen Fei casually visited the two districts plus the arena, and was then led to the office by the two persons in charge.

After pouring tea and water desserts for Shen Fei, the two persons in charge looked at each other, and still asked unreasonable questions for a long time.

"I don't know why Elder Shen came here today to ask for advice?"

Shen Fei thought for a moment, and said bluntly: "I hope the two wardens will arrange for me to be a prisoner."

"Why does Elder Shen want the status of a prisoner? Is it necessary for the monastery?"

Shen Fei shook his head and said: "This is my personal matter, and has nothing to do with the Wu Monk Temple. I heard that there are some strong experts in the prison, so I want to challenge them and hone my skills."

When the two wardens heard this, they all gasped.

Shen Fei's purpose is obvious, that is to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings of the Holy City Prison.

Now that the Holy City Prison has finally stabilized, with Shen Fei's meddling, will the Holy City Prison be in chaos again.

Shen Fei seemed to understand the thoughts of the two of them, and quickly said: "This time when I came to the Holy City Prison, Joshua said that there is an arena in the prison."

One of the two wardens represented the Royal Guards, and the other was the countess. Now that the little prince told Shen Fei, the two looked at each other and fell into entanglement.

Needless to say, the Countess is in the "honeymoon period" with Shen Fei, and Legend of Heroes cards are very popular even in prisons, not to mention the hard-to-get tickets for the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial.

If Shen Fei went directly to the countess, I believe that Mary would agree to Shen Fei's request without hesitation, and the warden did not doubt his boss' behavior at all.

As for the warden representing the Royal Guards, he was also a little hesitant at the moment.

After all, there have long been rumors about the relationship between Elder Shen and the missing His Majesty the King. Even seeing Shen Fei with his own eyes today, the thought of the sculpture in Neihai strengthened his inner thoughts.

The relationship between Shen Fei and the royal family is definitely beyond their imagination, otherwise, how could His Majesty the King stand against all opinions and erect Shen Fei's statue on the inner sea, at the same level as him.

Shen Fei gave the little prince a check for 5 gold coins, and also gave him a Legend of Heroes aura card machine, and a hundred packs of cards, and even let the White Tiger God cure the little prince's congenital meridian blockage. It's no secret anymore.Even if Shen Fei is rejected today, he can still get permission from the little prince, so he might as well sell Elder Shen a favor...

"Since Elder Shen is interested in this, we will naturally do it properly!"

Shen Fei also put forward his own thoughts: "I can't stay here for a long time, I can spare two or three hours a day, without revealing my identity, can you do it?"

"Elder Shen, don't worry, your identity has been properly arranged for you. When your time is up, we will call you directly through the prison. The excuse is to take you for interrogation, and no one else will find out."

Shen Fei nodded, thinking that this is a good way to get out, without being suspected by these people.

"Elder Shen let go of his hands and feet, anyway, most of the prisoners in the Holy City Prison are death row prisoners, and it doesn't matter even if they die."

"Well, I won't go in today, and I will go to jail tomorrow."

Shen Fei got up and left the Holy City Prison under the farewell of the two.

He was not afraid of leaking the news, he left the Holy City Prison, and the news would be sent to the table of Joshua and the countess, and he had nothing to hide.

Walking out of the "no man's land" of the prison, the journey was extremely bleak and deserted, which was quite different from when I came here just now.

Shen Fei was a little speechless, he never thought that a city as prosperous as a holy city would have such a deserted and desolate place, the bluestone bricks had already been dyed black under the cold, damp and dirty, and they were still shiny black with oil.

From the alley came the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves, rolling up the old newspapers or bamboo baskets on the ground, giving Shen Fei a desolation of economic depression, dilapidation and no one.

Shen Fei was walking on the desolate and deserted streets, when he suddenly felt a chill and murderous intent coming from the back of his head, which seemed like a thousand years of ice.

Shen Fei, who had expected it for a long time, pulled out the rattan sword at his waist, and directly used the counterattack storm to block the attack.

After Shen Fei walked out of the "no man's land" under the control of the military, he felt strange. The depression here was too abnormal, and it was so strangely quiet, so he paid more attention, and did not expect to be assassinated again.

After encountering assassinations again and again, the clay figurines also became angry, Shen Fei wanted to see who sent them this time.

But when Shen Fei turned his head, a blue-skinned face suddenly appeared in front of him. The pupils of his eyes turned out to be scarlet, and his appearance was closer to that of a human. The only thing that made Shen Fei different was that the assassin stretched two A huge fang...

(End of this chapter)

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