my pet is boss

Chapter 240 Sounding the Horn of War

Chapter 240 Sounding the Horn of War

Shen Fei frowned, and an iron ring was pierced on the two protruding fangs.

It's just that this orc is completely different from the orcs Shen Fei has seen before. If it weren't for these two fangs, Shen Fei would definitely think that this is some kind of mutated human being.

This blue-skinned orc assassin was quite confident in his sure-kill blow, he never expected that Shen Fei could react and fight back.

The orc assassin only felt a chill in his chest, and his poisoned dagger pierced into his chest at some point.

His pupils dilated infinitely, and he couldn't believe that the stabbed dagger would inexplicably appear on his chest, the venom sealed his throat with blood, the blue-skinned orc's breath of life was passing away, his skin turned gray, and he fell to the ground.

Shen Fei triggered SI[-]'s code, and soon there were special agents who blocked the area to deal with the matter.

Shen Fei frowned as he looked at the dead orc lying on the ground.

Is the assassination of the orc related to the previous case?

If the orcs were also the mastermind behind the Sean case, it would mean that the empire had colluded with enemies inside and outside, and this news was even more shocking than the discovery of the inner ghost before.The Frostbite orcs are extremely brutal. Once they break through Owendale and invade the human empire wantonly, there will be no towns anywhere, and even the entire human civilization will be destroyed.

The Frost and Cold Orcs marched southward in order to occupy the warm and comfortable homeland of the human empire, and for the resources to survive. They have no empathy for alien races, and all they think about is the extermination of the human race.Cooperating with the orcs is tantamount to taking a chestnut from the fire.

"Boss, preliminary tests have come out. This is a half-orc assassin from the Frost and Cold Empire, a half-orc crossed between a white elf and a Frost and Frost orc. The poison has invaded the lungs, and all the tissues in his body have been necrotic. It's dead."

Shen Fei folded his hands on his chest, glanced at the half-orc assassin who was lying on the ground in a terrible state of death, waved his hand and said: "First transport the body back to SI[-], and follow up with an in-depth investigation to find out how these half-orc assassins entered the holy city." , whether there is a combination of inside and outside."

Half-orcs are hybrids of elves and orcs.

The orc tribe pays most attention to a pure blood. The status of this kind of half-orc is only above the goblin mercenary, and the status of the orc tribe is the same as that of a slave.The elves hate the brutal and dirty race of orcs the most, and they also hold the idea of ​​eradicating [-] hybrids with orc blood, not letting one go.

This hybrid of inferior creatures, regarded as disgusting by both races, has a strong advantage, that is, it has inherited the superior talents of both races, such as magic affinity, natural concealment ability, and strong physique. It is perfect to be trained as a dead man to carry out assassination missions.

Shen Fei himself knew that if he hadn't noticed something was wrong in advance, he wouldn't have paid any attention.There is also the poison on the dagger, if the dagger is only pierced into the body, I am afraid that the half-orc's strength after being seriously injured can still fight him for [-] rounds, this is the strength of the orc blood.

Just after the agents took the corpse back while no one was finishing the on-site evidence collection, a senior agent approached Shen Fei to report the situation.

"Boss, almost at the same time, the leaders of the Grand Duke's Mansion, the Imperial Bank, the Monk's Temple, the Holy Light Cathedral, and the Master Academy were all assassinated. A half-orc assassin."

Everyone has been assassinated!

How did so many half-orcs sneak into the holy city and sneak into the center of many forces.

Is this an action by the mastermind behind the scenes to divert attention, or is it simply a beheading action by the frost orcs?
"Go, take me there."

Shen Fei rushed to the Floating Void City non-stop, and other forces entered the highest level of alert. Shen Fei arranged for the senior agents who followed him: "Fat Hu is in the Monk Temple, you should get the news now, you go to the Temple and tell Fat Tiger , Now you must keep Joshua by your side, in the Monk Temple, and you cannot let him go back to the palace alone."

Several leaders were attacked, which made Shen Fei realize that the little prince Joshua was also likely to be attacked.

Fortunately, he is now beside Fat Tiger, and there is a Fat Tiger with five magic powers guarding him, even if he encounters a real god, he can fight for a while.

Joshua is Lucien's only bloodline and the only legal heir of the empire. If something goes wrong, the entire human empire will collapse and fall apart in an instant.Therefore, the most urgent task now is to protect Joshua and not give the enemy any chance.

Even the Royal Guards can't be trusted now, who knows if any of them have mixed with the other party.

When Shen Fei arrived, all the leaders of the other major forces had also arrived. Everyone's faces were calm, and they worked hard at nourishing their energy. They couldn't tell at all that they were the ones who had been assassinated just now.

"Come on, let's talk in detail after we go in." Archmage Jordan led everyone to the secret room on the upper floor of the mage tower.The secret room is interlocked with nine magic circles, and the enemies with open hands and eyes can't overhear what they are talking about, let alone sneak in here secretly.

When the door of the secret room is closed and all the magic circles are activated, the entire secret room is isolated in a super-dimensional space, which does not belong to reality or other dimensions. cosmic space.Of course, Archmage Jordan placed a beacon in the Floating Void City in advance. As long as the meeting is over and the door is opened, the magic circle will automatically stop, and the secret room will return to the previous position of the beacon.

"What do you think of this time?"

Everyone was silent, but their faces were solemn.

After a while, Grand Duke Ferdinand said: "The army of frost orcs has not yet been dispatched, and the leading army of dead soldiers has penetrated into the holy city. This is an extremely dangerous signal."

Everyone here is not stupid, and they are all aware of the seriousness of the matter.

A group of half-orcs can sneak into the holy city and assassinate in the center of the major forces without being discovered. This is a very terrifying thing in itself.If these dead men appeared in the counties and towns of the empire, and directly beheaded the local officials of the empire, the government system of the entire human empire would soon be disintegrated, and all places would fall into panic.If the news is not passed on by then, it can be said that the entire empire will be paralyzed.Even more extreme, directly create assassinations against nobles and officials in the holy city, create white terror, and cause panic among the people.

Of course, the most frightening possibility is that there are traditional frost-cold orcs in the empire, and they should be brought into the holy city by cooperation from the inside and outside. This is what worries everyone the most.

"I propose to impose a curfew within the empire, and immediately investigate this matter before it happens." Archbishop Mailer proposed.

Shen Fei responded: "Leave this matter to SI[-], and we will definitely find out the truth. In addition, in this special period, Joshua can no longer return to live in the palace. I don't believe that the Royal Guards can take care of Joshua. During this period of time, it is safest to let Joshua stay with Fat Tiger in Xiaozhuxuan."

Several people thought about it, but they couldn't find any reason to defend themselves.

It is true that the palace is too dangerous now, assassins can even infiltrate the centers of several major forces, and the palace guarded only by the Royal Guards may not be safe.If the little prince hadn't gone to the Wu Monk Temple to study today, he might have been assassinated as well.

Countess Margaret changed her sitting position and faced Shen Fei: "I'm afraid the Royal Guards won't agree, Elder Shen's move is undoubtedly slapping the Royal Guards in the face, saying that they can't protect the last blood of the royal family. , they will definitely not let it go."

Shen Fei was unmoved, and said coldly: "If you don't accept it, beat it until you are convinced."

Mary's analysis was correct, and Shen Fei was already prepared for the Royal Guards to find fault, but to be honest, with the size and strength of the Royal Guards, ten out of ten would fight ten out of ten.

"Grand Duke, is there no news from the military front?" Archmage Jordan asked.

Ferdinand shook his head helplessly. It would be great if there was news from the frontline now. At least they could confirm the identity of the enemy, and they would not be as timid as they are now. They must be careful not only of the orcs, but also of the hidden enemies within humans.

"Since there is still a living orc, we might as well interrogate him to see if we can pry something out of his mouth."

Instead of thinking about it here, it's better to get something out of the captive's mouth.

"What if he deliberately told lies and framed him?"

"With Archmage Jordan and Archbishop Mailer here, there is no need to open an interrogation, directly apply mental pressure to extract memories, and know everything you want." Shen Fei has seen all the skills of the cathedral and the mage academy. People, they know exactly what means.

Mary was a little stunned, but immediately understood the reason and didn't say much.

Jordan opened the door of the secret room, and all the strange scenes around him turned into a stream of light, and finally returned to the top of the Master Academy.

Everyone left the secret room and came to the Arcatraz Prison, which was dedicated to detaining prisoners.

The half-orc assassin was imprisoned here, and his hands and feet were bound, and even his mouth was sealed, just to prevent him from biting his tongue and committing suicide.

There are mages in the Arcatraz Prison to maintain the operation of the magic circle every day, and only when the restriction is lifted will all the mages retreat outside.

Now many leaders have come to the Arcatraz, and they have to interrogate the prisoners. All the other mages have withdrawn from the prison, and only the vice-principal is allowed to maintain the magic circle.

Shen Fei saw many grotesque creatures here, including terrifying demons and huge brain-like creatures.

Archmage Jordan opened one of the magic curtains and saw the orcs who had been captured alive and tied into big rice dumplings.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's start directly."

The half-orc could understand human language, and his pupils dilated infinitely.

Originally, when the curtain of magic came down, and seeing so many people staring at him, normal people knew that the next step would be the interrogation session. First, there would be some coercion and temptation, and finally, the real thing.

This half-orc was still waiting for the other party to come soft first, he refused, and then he refused to obey, and finally shouted "Long live the Frost Empire", bit his tongue and killed himself, showing his blood.

But the half-orc didn't expect that this group of humans didn't play their cards according to the routine at all. When they came up, they said "don't talk nonsense, let's start directly", which made him panic.

Don't these people interrogate?
Archbishop Mailer stepped forward with both hands on crutches, and walked up to the half-orc.

The half-orcs panicked. There were young and strong warriors in this group, there were vigorous teenagers, and there were also seductive and charming women, but an old man with a strange smile on his face walked over.

A biting chill rushed to my mind from the tailbone like electricity, and my stomach began to churn.

Mailer tremblingly stretched out his hand and put it on the forehead of the half-orc. The half-orc kept fumbling in his mouth stuffed with a foreign object, but he couldn't say a word. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape an old hand that looked like a withered vine. .

The moment his hand touched the half-orc's forehead, a wave of memories flooded into Mailer's mind, and he began to traverse the half-orc's life.

Memories are like old films, frame by frame in Mailer's mind, and Mailer also re-witnessed the orc's life.But for others, the process of retrieving memories is just a split second.

Mailer put his hand down, and the orc had completely passed out.

Mailer sighed softly and said, "I can only find out about his childhood experiences, his instructions for coming to the Holy City this time, and a memory of training and arrangements in the middle, all of which have been artificially erased and cannot be investigated."

Jordan frowned, and asked: "Memory erasure? Could it be that all important memories were erased by the Warlock Council among the Frost Orcs before the mission, leaving only a little memory of hatred and mission execution?"

Mailer nodded and said: "That's right, it's exactly what you think, they were trained in the model of killing machines, and their memories will be forcibly erased before performing tasks, just because they are afraid that many secrets will be exposed after being captured alive by the enemy. "

"In this case, the brain will also be severely damaged?" Mary asked.

Orcs have lower brain capacity than humans, but are superior to humans in physique and size.

Human beings will become fools after such memory erasure, let alone orcs with a lower IQ than humans.

Mailer nodded slightly, acknowledging Mary's statement. Once the mission is completed, they will recall the instructions after the mission is completed, but the brain has erased this part of the instructions. If there is no result, the brain will automatically trigger the memory. Because the memory is deleted, the brain If a part is damaged, it will directly cause the brain to congest and die instantly.

That is to say, these half-orcs who were sent out to perform the task, no matter whether they succeeded or failed, they could not escape death.

When MI[-] agents perform certain killing missions, they will also put poison in their tooth sockets. Once the mission fails, in order to be abused by the opponent, they will bite the poison bag and commit suicide.

It's just that compared with this, the frost orc's method is a little more ruthless.

"Is there no way to restore the erased memory?" Shen Fei asked.

Archmage Jordan rolled up his sleeves, stepped forward to try it, and quickly withdrew his hand, a puff of white smoke rose from the head of the orc in the restaurant.

"No, the other party used a very vicious curse, and there is no way to restore it retrospectively. Although I can't retrieve the memory, I know this vicious curse. It is officially a 'masterpiece' of the Frost Orc Warlock Council."

Since there is no information from the captives, there is no point in staying here, Shen Fei still has to preside over the work of MI[-], and quickly find out the origin and whereabouts of these assassins.

"You can deal with this assassin archmage yourself. The corpses of other assassins should be sent to MI[-]. Let me do an investigation together..."

(End of this chapter)

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