my pet is boss

Emergency on the front line

Emergency on the front line

Several other companies have no objection, and the investigation should indeed be handed over to MI[-].

Shen Fei pondered for a moment, it was enough to protect the Holy City with the strength of their several major forces, but it seemed so lackluster to maintain the entire empire.

Players must be involved too!
The total number of all the people and troops in the entire Holy City is only in the early 40s, but the number of players who just poured in has almost reached a million.And these millions of players are not rotten fish and rotten shrimps, but they have real combat power and have "immortality".

"Didn't your major forces recruit a lot of new recruits recently? Now is the time when you need to contribute. Sending them out can greatly reduce the burden. For example, the safety of the holy city, we only need to pay a small price. You can let them be responsible for catching potential orc assassins in the holy city, or let them protect the officials of the empire. Millions of powerful people can reverse the current decline if they are good at using them."

Shen Fei's words caught everyone's eyes, this is indeed a good way.

Shen Fei originally didn't intend to hand over the method of controlling players to a few people, but now for the sake of the safety of the Holy City and the survival of life and death, he had to reveal this method.But even if Shen Fei didn't say anything, it is estimated that after a while they will also realize the benefits of the expansion of SI:[-] agents and follow suit.

With this approach, the dominance of several major forces will become stronger.In the process of issuing tasks, they will definitely discover the "profit-seeking" nature of this group of people, so they can make full use of them, give them higher benefits, and let them participate in more important tasks.

"As expected of Elder Shen, one word really awakened the dreamer. After I returned, I immediately called on these newcomers to the military to go to various places to protect the personal safety of officials."

Ferdinand was the most excited, because there were hundreds of thousands of people joining the military. Originally, he was not optimistic about these "free and undisciplined" people, thinking that they could not be counted as soldiers, at most they had learned martial arts warrior.But Shen Fei's words made him wake up like a dream, these people can go out to perform tasks, since they are not good at teamwork, let them do more tasks that rely on individual bravery.

Several other people were also thoughtful, secretly admiring Shen Fei's thoughts.

"I think that since the Frost-cold orcs have started to move, we might as well issue a joint mission with several of our major forces, and let these people form a small team to collect intelligence on the front line. Relying solely on the military to collect information on the front line is not only dangerous but also inefficient."

Archbishop Mailer asked: "Going to the territory of the Frostcold orcs, it's a narrow escape. These people may not be enthusiastic."

"There is no such thing as a narrow escape that you are unwilling to take part in. There are only benefits that are not in place. I think Mary should be very clear about this." Shen Fei glanced at Mary as she spoke, and Mary nodded approvingly, and then gave Shen Fei another high-pitched look. , I didn't expect him to sum up the relationship of interests so well.

"Let me arrange this matter. At that time, it will be calculated according to points. Killing a frost orc soldier will be counted as one point, and rewards will be given to the top three teams and individuals. Rewards are not something that costs money. Their certain monetary compensation, as well as the opportunity to meet several leaders, I think they will definitely not refuse based on their character. At that time, a few compliments, pointers, or what status to give, everyone can think about it for themselves."

When several people heard what Shen Fei said, their eyes lit up. This is indeed a method, but the reward of meeting will really make these people swarm to the front line?Several people still have doubts in their hearts.

"Trust me, just wait and see." Shen Fei was full of confidence, no one knew the psychology of these players better than them.

Being able to be summoned by an important minister of the empire and a BOSS-level NPC to talk and give advice alone, this reward is enough to make all players crazy.

Players don't even need to pay any price, just rush to the front line to collect information, or kill the enemy in advance.If you die, you will lose money and experience, but if you complete the task and rank among the top, what you will get is a promising future.

"Okay, then follow Elder Shen's wishes. This time we can strike ahead and end this war on the land of the frost-cold orcs." Ferdinand's confidence doubled when he thought of the hundreds of thousands of combat power.

Everyone left, and after returning to their respective mansions, they handed over the Orc assassin's body to MI[-] for investigation and research.

Shen Fei issued tasks to MI[-] and Wu Monk Temple almost at the same time.

This time the task is higher than the purple epic level, showing the golden legendary level task.

[Clarion of War] (Legendary Level)
Mission content: Frost Orcs are about to invade the empire, now it's time to take up arms to defend the empire.Humanity needs to win this war, otherwise it will face the destruction of the empire, and there will be no eggs under the nest.Arise, you who would not be slaves!

Task requirements (choose one from three):
1. The Frost and Cold Orcs have sent a deadly army to assassinate high-ranking officials of the empire, causing domestic chaos. You need to ensure the personal safety of high-ranking officials everywhere.

2. The dead soldiers sent by the frost orcs have secretly sneaked into the holy city to assassinate all the military ministers.Find the remaining hidden dead soldiers in the holy city and kill them!
3. The Frost Orcs are gathering troops. Owendale previously needed a large number of spies and harassment troops to collect the movement of the Frost Orcs, harass them to build fortifications, and assassinate the senior officials of the Frost Orcs!

Task period: half a year

Task rewards: The top three people with points will have the opportunity to meet the leaders of the major forces, and get the opportunity to make friends or give advice. Handover person.

Shen Fei passed the prepared plan to several other leaders, and everyone was quite satisfied with the task formulated by Shen Fei. The three methods are considered to have completed the task. These people can choose by themselves, and the flexibility and task requirements can be guaranteed.

Almost at the same time, the major forces set up their own task handover office and points office to calculate points and task rewards.

If it is really possible to kill many orcs, it is really not a big deal for the leaders to personally teach a little skill and give advice.Such talents should be taken care of in the future.

An hour later, there was an extra NPC at the most conspicuous announcement office of each faction to issue tasks.

MI[-] also chose to hang the missions in the mission hall and distribute them in unlimited quantities every day.

Some people were at the faction, and they were stunned when they found the new NPC. Before they could react, a golden exclamation mark lit up on the heads of all NPCs!
Usually the tasks you see are all yellow exclamation marks, but this time a golden exclamation mark suddenly appeared, and all the players who saw it gathered together.

It's just that after watching the mission, almost all the players gasped.

"Is this the start of the main mission? This is the start of the PVP confrontation mode!"

"Golden legendary level mission, the top scorer can even get a personal interview from the leaders!"

"You said that if I were the top three and received by the Archmage Jordan, would I be able to learn the destructive magic circle?"

There are quite a few players who have watched the trials of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and experienced many forbidden spells. If they can really rank among the best and learn a powerful spell, they will be able to shine in the family, turn over and become the envy of everyone.

Many players came to the Holy City for a week, gritted their teeth and finished all the trivial tasks in the Holy City, and even decided to go to Mithral City to play a dungeon. As a result, a legendary quest came suddenly, which shocked everyone.

"This must be the main task. Now everyone is concentrated in the holy city. After a week, the country confrontation mode is directly activated. It seems to be a war between humans and frost orcs, but it is actually a battle between players from the light camp and players from the dark camp. First confrontation."

"But fortunately, we are fighting against orc players this time. If the apostles choose to join the war, then we will face Chairman Ma of the Ma Group."

The players felt very fortunate during the conversation, after all, no one wanted to meet the number one Shenhao.Chairman Ma has obtained epic weapons a long time ago. Now that such a long time has passed, the level, skills and equipment have definitely been enhanced drastically. In addition, there are 20 employees of the Ma Group and the hired "temporary workers" "Thugs", what they have to face is the hundreds of thousands of enemies of the Ma Group.

This is just a Ma Clan guild, plus other apostle players, human beings really can't get any cheap.

Players of almost all factions were overjoyed after receiving the "main mission". Unexpectedly, the game plot took advantage of the opportunity to go through the confrontation between the two countries, and opened the PVP mode. What's the point of fighting NPCs in the copy? The game is fun.

There is also a setting in this game. Killing a player will have a chance to explode the opponent's equipment. The lower the durability of the equipment that kills the player, the higher the chance of exploding.

The golden belt of killing and setting fire, if you can kill several orc players in a row, you can also get equipment, it is not a loss at all!

The hundreds of thousands of online players in the Holy City are all excited, and the players in the Dimension Warrior Monk Temple are lacking in interest.

What do you think is the use of accepting this task?People and other forces end up meeting the leader. If you have a good relationship, you can learn powerful skills, gain favorability, or start hidden missions.But what's the use of monk players dying to do tasks?In the end, I went to see this guy, Shen Fei, not to mention not getting any benefits, maybe even counting the money for him if he was sold.

As a result, the players in the Monk Temple were cautious, not to mention the players who did the quests, even if they took the quests, there were very few of them.

Because Shen Fei has a mission system, he can monitor the players who receive the mission in real time.

The other forces don't know, but there are very few players who accept the mission in the Monk Temple, which makes Shen Fei feel puzzled, such a good treatment, these guys are actually unmoved, could it be that they have no desires after entering the Temple? Please, become a saint?
Shen Fei quietly ordered an outer disciple to infiltrate the player to investigate, and asked him to bring back all the player's original words.

It's just that the words from the outer disciples made Shen Fei almost faint from anger.

It turned out that the reason why this group of guys did not accept the mission was because the boss of Wu Monk Temple was Shen Fei, and the final reward must be worthwhile.After all, Shen Fei's "fame" among the players is still very strong, and everything he has done is clearly picked up.

"You, go and tell them that whoever can complete the task in the end, let him be promoted to the inner sect, and allow them to enter Shushan Trial and Illusion Trial!"

Shen Fei was so angry that he could only throw out something attractive in the end.

The illusion trial is a copy from the player's perspective, and it is a copy of massive experience. Only inner disciples can enter these two trials.And all the players who joined the monk's monastery were assigned as outer disciples, or even handyman disciples.Facing Baoshan Kong of the Monk Temple, drooling, but unable to join.

Sure enough, after the disciples from the outer sect passed Shen Fei's "overweight" to him, the number of players who accepted the mission on Shen Fei's mission interface increased rapidly.

"Damn, this group of players is really mercenary! It's so real without throwing out a little weight!"

The players of the Monk Temple are now feeling comfortable. They have long heard that there is a copy of the Illusion Trial in the Inner Sect. Shen Fei not only created the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial in the Dream Zen Realm, but also created a big mountain called Shushan.It is said that there are three major trials on Mount Shu, and even Luo Feng, the strongest disciple of the inner sect, cannot pass through the trials successfully.It is said that even among the elite disciples, very few can pass.

Now that you have received the main task, after completing the task, you can be promoted to the inner sect and obtain the dungeon authority, then the monk player can upgrade at the door of the house in the future, and you don’t have to go to Miyin City to download the dungeon. .

Not to mention the distance, the players who received the mission started to search inside and outside the holy city in a swarm, looking for any lurking orc dead soldiers. Even the leaders were frightened. Just such a little "interest" can make them willing Ruoyi, they seem to have learned something...

Before Shen Fei's butt was warmed up, an elite disciple outside came to Xiaozhuxuan to report: "The Supreme Elder, the commander of the Royal Guards, Barton, asked to see him."

Shen Fei didn't expect that less than two hours after the meeting, the commander of the Imperial Guard came over, but the matter could not be avoided, so it is better to solve it as soon as possible.


The elite disciple retreated, and it didn't take long for Shen Fei to hear the sound of armor clanging and rattling. Barton rushed into the study aggressively, with four words written on his face - I am very angry.

"Did Elder Shen exceed his authority? Protecting the royal family is the inviolable sacred duty of the Royal Guards. Elder Shen left the little prince in the Monk Temple without saying a word. Isn't this against the rules?"

Shen Fei sat on the seat, with neither sadness nor joy on his face, he asked instead: "You know about the assassination in the Holy City today?"

Patton nodded. He was really frightened into a cold sweat. Several military ministers were all assassinated by orc assassins, and even the Monk Temple was attacked.If you think about it with your little finger, you will know that since you can infiltrate the places where these dignitaries and military ministers are, you can definitely infiltrate the palace. If the little prince is really assassinated and the royal blood is completely cut off, his royal guard will become the biggest sinner of the empire.

At that time, when he learned that the little prince was in the monk's monastery and that the three elders of Lazy Chan were also attacked, Barton ordered someone to investigate. Later, he was relieved to learn that the little prince was studying with the White Tiger God.

"I very much doubt whether the Royal Guards have enough strength to protect Joshua. Lucian is missing. Joshua is very likely to be the only blood in the empire. I think you can't bear the crime of letting the blood of the royal family wither." Shen Fei To put it bluntly, I just don't trust the strength of the Imperial Guard.

Although the Imperial Guard is classified as one of the major forces in the empire, its strength can be said to be the lowest among them.

After all, the Royal Guards were composed of some of Lucien's personal soldiers. To put it bluntly, they were a group of brave soldiers with mortal bodies. If the opponent really wanted to send some combination of mages and warlocks, these people would not even be able to resist.

Veins popped up on Patton's forehead. Shen Fei looked down on the Royal Guards and ignored them at all. Even though this guy has a good relationship with His Majesty, the glory of the Royal Guards cannot be desecrated!

"The imperial guards have existed since before the establishment of the empire. They have always been responsible for taking care of the royal family. Elder Shen erased the credit of countless soldiers who died in defense of the royal family with one sentence. The blasphemy of the honor of the army! The imperial guards have guarded the royal family for decades, and there has never been an accident, and now they want to deprive the royal guards of their rights just because of Elder Shen's question, what a fool's dream!"

Shen Fei stared at Barton curiously, wondering how this guy had the face to say such a thing.

"Commander Patton, you seem to have misunderstood a causal relationship. There has been no accident in the royal family for decades. This is because Lucian is powerful. What does it have to do with your Royal Guard? Let me ask, the Royal Guard has force. Someone stronger than Lucian?"

Button was left speechless by Shen Fei's questioning, and there really was no one in the entire Royal Guards capable of fighting His Majesty the King.

"Also, you said that there was no accident, but why did His Majesty lose it? I read the file, and the one who went out to camp that day and was responsible for the security work was the Royal Guards, right?"

Shen Fei didn't give Barton a chance at all, and questioned again.

Barton was extremely angry, but he couldn't think of any reason to refute it, so he could only pant heavily, his heavy snorting like a spring-haired bull.

"If it were me, I would have been so ashamed that I would have covered my face and fled. I wouldn't have the confidence to stay here to demand someone. Not to mention my status as the Supreme Elder, Joshua stayed in the Monk Temple, by the side of the White Tiger God. Do you not believe that the holy city can find a safer place than a true god?"

Shen Fei stared at Barton, ignored his reaction at all, and said to himself: "To put it bluntly, the Royal Guard guards the royal city, and it is enough to guard against thieves at ordinary times. Now it is an endless war between countries. , it’s a special situation, those soldiers can’t understand it, can’t even the commander who walks through Yang with a hundred steps not understand the current situation?”

"The war has come! This time, the Frost Orcs have assembled a large number of troops, started to build military transportation lines in the Frost Empire, and even sent troops of dead soldiers to surprise the Holy City. Do you understand what this means? It means that there will be no end to death." , This is a war of genocide at every turn. Now that the horn of the war has sounded, I don’t want humans and the Frost Empire to fight, just because the blood of the royal family is withered, this war will be defeated before it starts. You know me mean?"

"Of course, if you still don't give up, you can send someone to snatch Joshua back by any means. If you can snatch it, I am convinced."

Patton felt MMP in his heart, and his face was bitter.

Shen Fei is too shameless to say this, the little prince is by the side of the true god, is this asking him to move another true god to snatch the little prince back?His Barton's face is not that big, and he can invite a true god.

Barton's voice was full of bitterness: "Since Elder Shen has already made plans, please ask Elder Shen to take good care of His Royal Highness."

"You don't need to say it, it's just your master, but to me it's my nephew!"

Shen Fei was also merciless, scolding Barton three times and successfully persuading him to quit, it will be regarded as a good story in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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