my pet is boss

Chapter 242 Version Opening Big Event

Chapter 242 Version Opening Big Event
The players in the holy city received a legendary mission, and the junior agent of MI[-] also received an epic mission [The Missing King].

For this reason, there are even occupations that specifically give birth to shared tasks.

A ranger can share tasks with up to four teammates, which may not be fully digested within the guild, so many ranger professions have started special compradors.

After receiving the task, share the task at a high price to earn benefits.

Other professions are envious. SI:[-] has exclusive epic missions, but they don't even have daily missions.

Some players had just traveled long distances to kill the copy of the Mithril City strategy, and then heard that the Holy City had opened the main mission, the legendary mission, and they were going to fight the frost orcs in the north. It was suspected that they would start a faction PVP confrontation.Reluctantly, they had to put down the dungeon quest line at hand, and all rushed back to the Holy City like a swarm.

Leng Qingqiu and everyone just arrived in Miyin City, and they were preparing various equipment and potions, and rushed in as soon as the dungeon was opened. As a result, they received information from the left-behind players of the guild in the Holy City, and the major forces in the Holy City collectively began to release legendary missions. Humans are about to start a formal war with the Frost Orcs.

Leng Qingqiu reacted decisively, discarding all the investment in the previous preparations, and rushed back to the holy city immediately.

"The task of protecting senior officials is too scattered, which is not conducive to our centralized arrangement, so we only need to arrange a small number of players to protect the towns around the Holy City. There cannot be too many orc dead soldiers in the Holy City. Hundreds of thousands of people search for a few Orc dead soldiers are unrealistic. Staying in the holy city and continuing to search is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. It is better to rush to the Owendale border as soon as possible after receiving the mission. It is easy to encounter orcs when you go out of the country, and we have a large number of people, so the speed of completing the mission will be faster. a lot of."

Leng Qingqiu got up from Miyin City, and at the same time issued orders to the remaining guild players in the Holy City. After receiving the mission, he went to the Owendale pass immediately, waiting for her instructions.

Although the task is about individuals, in fact, forming a team does not affect the completion of the task, but the output must be shared equally with other people, but this way the acquisition speed will be faster, and getting together on the enemy's territory to keep warm is definitely better than a single person It's much better to be a lone ranger.

All the players in the Holy City started to move. The human players who were still behind in Touk County or Sentinel Fort, who were behind in level and equipment before, all speeded up their progress, trying to reach the Holy City as soon as possible to receive the main task.

I don't know how long it will take for this war to start. No player knows how long it will last in the "cold war" moment before the two sides officially start the war, so take advantage of the current time to complete the task quickly. stage tasks.If you miss the first phase of the task because of laziness now, and you can't receive the task later, it will be a big loss.

The Frost and Cold Empire is surrounded by snowy mountains on all sides. More than 60.00% of the entire territory is covered with snow all year round. The land available for planting under normal weather is less than one-tenth of the territory. In this harsh living environment, the Frost and Cold Orcs are resilient Completely, and even gradually got used to this harsh condition.

The last time he planned to capture the yet-to-be-formed human beings, he not only failed to capture them, but also seriously injured himself, so he hid back in the frost fortress to lick his wounds.Human beings united as one, and then established a human empire, occupying the most abundant and affluent land in the northern continent.On the other hand, the Frost and Cold Orcs, [-]% of the dead after a big battle, returned to the Frost Cold Fortress after the rout, and even less than [-]% of the adult orc men, barely survived the first winter after the defeat.

After decades of reconstruction and accumulation, after learning that the king of the human empire, Lucian, was missing, the Frost Orcs were ready to move again.

The Frost and Cold enemy has a vast territory, but it is located in the bitter cold of the northern continent, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, which is not suitable for the development of farming civilization. So until now, the Frost and Cold orcs still maintain the characteristics of nomadic civilization and develop in groups of large and small tribes.

After repeated investigations determined that the king of the human race, Lucian, was missing, leaving only a bloodline who was young and unable to govern, the Frost Orc's eyes lit up and saw the hope of sending troops south to occupy the fertile land.

After 40 years of recuperation, those infant children have grown into the strongest fighters in Shuanghan.They have experienced the most difficult period of the frost orcs, and their hatred for humans is endless.How many children's fathers died in the front line, and even the corpses were not found. Now they have their own children, and they cannot let their children repeat the mistakes of the past.

Without a strong leader in the human empire, the entire empire is like a mess of sand. This time they can definitely break through Owendale and bring all the rich lands under the Frost Empire's rule, so that their children will never suffer from hunger and cold.

There was snow falling in the sky above Frostfrost Fortress, but the inside of the fortress was full of heat, and the sound of trumpets overwhelmed the waves.

"Great Chief, the last batch of fighters has been assembled, and the advance troops are already on the way to build supply roads."

The Great Chief of the Frostbite Orcs has a strong body, his muscles are tightly covered by blue skin, and next to him is an elder with a hunched back, crutches and a hood.

"Master, what happened to the assassination troops sent out? Is there any news?"

The old orc pointed to his staff and said, "Great Chief, look carefully at the fifteen soul stones on the top of my staff. The red ones indicate that they are still alive, and the ones that are extinguished indicate that they are dead. Five soul stones have been extinguished now." , indicating that the first wave of assassinations failed, and the remaining dead soldiers can only wait for an opportunity."

A faint trace of disgust flashed in the eyes of the great chief. The orcs are a race that advocates force, and what they admire is their own power. They naturally feel disgusted with this kind of borrowed power.In addition, on the battlefield 40 years ago, the Warlock Council used secret techniques to forcibly enhance the strength of hundreds of thousands of orc warriors and let them burn their blood to fight. In the end, hundreds of thousands of young warriors burned their flesh and skin and turned into one With withered bones, wandering on the battlefield thousands of miles away, the great chief's father was also one of them.

"What about those people from remote tribes? This battle is a battle that bets the entire race, and let them also participate in the battle. The Frost Empire does not support idlers."

The old orc warlock bowed slightly: "No problem, we can let these weak orcs harass Owendale, and when the army actually arrives, we will rush to kill the pass. In addition, we will send some to guard the northern border with the dwarf kingdom to prevent the army from When the dwarves heard the news after we set off, they caught us off guard and killed us from behind."

The great chief nodded. The Frost Empire borders both humans and dwarves.Mountains can block orcs and humans, but for dwarves who live underground and are good at digging, snow mountains can't stop them at all.After the war began, the frost orcs wanted to break through Owendale with desperate momentum. As long as they broke through the entire pass, the human empire would be as easy as picking something out of a bag.But what they are most afraid of is that at a critical moment, the dwarves who are greedy for money will suddenly hit them in the back and ruin the good situation.

"Although the relationship between dwarves and humans is cold now, we can't take it lightly."

"Don't worry, the great chief, all the arrangements have been made, and the news from the apostles has also passed. They will cross the sea from the south and directly attack the inner sea of ​​the holy city on the day of the summer solstice. When the time comes, they will attack from both sides. Ashes, become history."

The last time the orcs provoked a war, because the supply line was destroyed, tens of thousands of people fought desperately, and finally failed to break through Owendale, but humans also paid a heavy price, which can be said to be a tragic victory.

This time, the Frost and Cold Orcs have made complete preparations, and there are even many new forces joining. Even the new chieftain has a great advantage over the old chieftain in terms of personal bravery and imperial rule. With the aid of the apostles from the Southern Continent, they formed a double-team situation. This time, they can definitely take down the Human Empire.

The old warlock orc unfolded the map and pointed to the inner sea of ​​the human empire: "The apostle's fleet will land from here and directly attack the holy city of the human empire."

Great Chief Eugene Howling glanced at the map and said: "Then we must take Owendale before the summer solstice, and try to catch the soldiers before the summer solstice. We only promise the apostles, and after the victory, all the human captives will be taken back as spoils of war, and other things They don't want to take it away."

"This is the Great Chief of Nature."

"The army moves out!" The chief raised the battle ax beside him and roared with all his strength, the last batch of orc troops in Frostfrost Fortress began to march.Both sides of the fortress were full of old and weak women and children, and sprinkled icicles on the road to pave the way for the soldiers to pray.

"Go ahead, gather those new orcs now, let them go to the front line to wreak havoc, and try to buy time for the large army. The front line has been under construction for so long, and with the assassination troops sent out, the enemy must already know our purpose, There is no need to cover up anymore." Eugene Howling arranged from the height of the fortress.

"Don't worry, the chief. These new recruits are not weak. If they are all deployed on the front of the battlefield, there will be unexpected effects. Maybe Owendale will be taken down by these recruits before the army is in place." The old warlock orc smiled. .

"Hurry up and do it, this time the holy city is bound to be won!"

The old warlock orc left the royal court and released the mission immediately after returning to the warlock council.

Orc players have been able to see the army going out every day during this period of time. They were originally doing tasks to upgrade in various tribes. Because of the summoning order of the Great Chief of the Frost Fortress, they came to the Frost Fortress with their respective tribes, but found that the orc army was going to The whole team was dispatched and went south to attack the human empire.What's more deadly is that all the orc warriors have enlisted in the army. Dimension and their players have been singled out, as if they have nothing to do with this incident and have nothing to do with it.

Of course, it doesn't really matter. They still received some tasks when they came to Frostfrost Fortress.

But what kind of resource missions are they, donating money and supplies, providing supplies for the battle of the frost orcs, and so on.

Because they could gain prestige, the orc players put all their energy into donating supplies, and finally worked together to donate enough supplies. Food and grass went first, and the army moved out. Suddenly, it had nothing to do with them.

The orc players were wondering, when someone suddenly sent a message saying that they had received a legendary mission from the Warlock Council, and it seemed that everyone could receive it.Immediately, the players swarmed to level the warlock council and received the mission about the war.

"It really is going to war with humans, this is a big event!"

"Our side has issued a legendary mission, and the human side is probably the same. Players from the two camps can finally fight with real knives and guns."

"There don't seem to be any powerful guilds on the human side, right? The top few large enterprise guilds seem to be manufacturing companies. Most of the guilds are casual players. There are not many thugs who can really go to the front line."

"We are completely worthy of PVP with humans. The racial talent of human beings is discounted, and the racial talent of our orcs is berserk, which specializes in dealing damage. We must not treat them like grandchildren."

Orc players are eager to try, and many of them choose the dark faction orcs, because the orcs have an extremely powerful racial talent - berserk.

That's right, just like when the bloodline of the boss drops to a certain level of rage, it can increase the attack damage, and it is triggered actively.

Although it can only be used once a day, the burst skills that the entire race has are very useful no matter when doing missions in the wild or downloading dungeons.

Therefore, in terms of the dark camp, the speed of the orcs' copying has always been at the forefront of the three races, because everyone has a burst skill.

For legendary missions, the rewards are calculated based on the number of heads killed by the enemy during the war.

As long as the number of responses is reached, the military honor can be promoted.The military honor of the orc tribe is very useful. When it reaches a certain level, it can lead troops to fight, and many NPC fighters will be assigned to it.Although it can't be brought into the dungeon, but with a few burly men around in the wild, it feels like a peak of beast life.

In the apostolic kingdom of the southern continent, in the port of Ramses, battleships fluttered in the wind, and hundreds of ships competed.

The dock runs 24 hours a day, just to produce more ships that travel across the ocean as soon as possible.

The apostle player came to the center of the kingdom - the ruins of the throne, and found that from the pharaoh to the priests and civilians, all NPCs were devoted to building ships.

And this is not a normal ship building. In a game term, this level is completely violent.

Afterwards, all the apostle players in the throne of the ruins also received a legendary mission. They will board the ship and travel across the ocean to the north, heading straight for the holy city, the lair of the human empire.

The apostle players were all stunned, and then the pot exploded.

This is the direct start of the PVP mode!

Moreover, the apostle players also got more important information. This time they joined forces with the Frost Orcs to attack from the north and the south at the same time, directly captured the human empire, and shared the fruits of victory.

This doesn't mean much to the players. Dividing up the fruits of victory basically has nothing to do with the players. The only thing that has anything to do with them is the quest rewards.

Those with the top three points will have the opportunity to enter the holy land of Cangqiong Mountain and receive gifts from the gods.

Of course, there is another reason why the apostle players are very confident. The most sloppy player in Asia is the apostle player. With the full support of the Ma Group Guild, how could the apostle player fail to complete the task?
As the most powerful guild among all guilds, the 20 members of the Ma Group guild can be said to be armed. After all, sloppy spent 200 billion credit points in it to upgrade the equipment for the main battle group and ordinary members of the guild.

When many players of other races were still wearing blue-green outfits, Sloppy was already covered in purple epic-level equipment. It deservedly became the No.1 in the game!
This time the battle to capture the human empire will be his battle to truly reach the pinnacle!

Just after many people from the three clans took over the mission, the long-lost world announcement sounded again.

[The Afterglow of the Empire 1.0 expansion pack is officially launched, all players are requested to go to their main cities to receive related tasks]

(End of this chapter)

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