my pet is boss

Chapter 243

Chapter 243
"Have you seen what is written on the mission? To capture the main city of humans, you will get points for killing, and the rewards for killing different targets are different. This means that there will definitely be a BOSS. I won't say more. The first boss kill must belong to my Ma Group guild!" Sloppy said in the guild chat system.

"Received, please rest assured, Chairman, this time the first boss kill, the first to capture the Holy City of Humanity, will only be our Ma Clan Guild!"

When the other players in the guild saw this message, they didn't have any doubts in their hearts. If the first kill and the honor don't belong to their Ma Group guild, who else can it go to?

Those manufacturing giants seem to be huge in size, but there are too many players in the life department, and the real thugs are only a few teams.

For example, BASF Chemicals, which is the number one in the Federation, has a total of less than a thousand guild thugs in the entire Greater China region.These thousands of people not only have to download dungeons, but are also responsible for leading the life players in the guild to upgrade, so the number of thugs who are really on the front line is only a few hundred.

But the Ma Group guild is different. They started from virtual e-commerce and mobile payment. All employees are combat players, and the players in charge of the life department are only a small number. With the chairman's financial resources, a group of life department players was directly created. In the country, all the leading places in various life skills are occupied by the Ma Group guild. The veritable No. [-] guild in the Apostle Kingdom is also the No. [-] combat power guild in the entire game.

You must know that Chairman Ma is wearing a purple outfit, and even some seemingly ordinary players in the guild already have purple or blue outfits.

This is a manifestation of the company's deep pockets. It doesn't need to arrange a large proportion of life players, and directly joins the combat players. As the number one god in Asia, some resource companies come to cooperate with them to manufacture equipment and materials. They only need to pay.

Many of the output from guild players downloading dungeons and conquering cities is enough for self-sufficiency, and there is even a surplus.

It can be said that the Ma Group guild has single-handedly controlled all the high-level strategic resources of the Apostle Kingdom, and the skill books and high-level blueprints for the next dungeon are firmly in their hands.

Because the guild's overall combat power continues to increase, a siphon effect has gradually formed, controlling 65% of the resources produced by the dungeon of the apostolic kingdom. Known as the "Millions of Heroes", the Ma Group Guild can afford so many resources.

For normal players and ordinary guilds, they simply couldn't swallow such a large market, and the equipment produced in the end returned to the players of the Martens Group guild.Therefore, under the sloppy design and layout, most of the players and guilds in the apostolic kingdom were reduced to the "logistics department" of the Ma Clan's guild.

Other guilds and casual players also have dungeons, but in terms of output, they can't reach the scale of the Martens Group guild, so they can't affect the market price.

The wasteland team of the Ma Group Guild will organize other members to learn the key points and experience of customs clearance after conquering the dungeon. The skill books produced are limited to meet the needs of the whole team and the guild, and then they will be sold on the market after they are saturated.As for the blueprints, other people are directly found to manufacture them, and they will be turned into real and visible combat power in a short period of time.

Relying on this kind of powerful style, the Ma Clan Group's guild ranks first in the apostolic kingdom. Even in the six major kingdoms of the game, the guild with this configuration ratio can fully deserve the title of the largest guild.

In terms of race, the fighting power of the apostle race is definitely the strongest overall because of Chairman Arima's "military" policy.This kind of combat power directly enters the human empire. Human beings alone face the encirclement of orcs and apostles. It is very likely that the country will be destroyed directly. Coupled with killing many bosses, players who choose human race will definitely be nailed to the pillar of shame. .

Not to mention the rewards given by the throne of the ruins. The three people with the highest points can enter Cangqiong Mountain, the westernmost part of the apostles' kingdom, and be affirmed and rewarded by the apostles Yuanzu.

According to the background of the game, the apostles are not native species on the northern and southern continents, but outsiders who arrived here by aircraft.

The native race of the southern continent is the pharaonic system, and the apostles who landed on the aircraft are regarded as gods in the sky by the pharaohs and the people.The aircraft of that year is the current relic seat, and a city that can accommodate millions of people is a complete aircraft.The apostles endowed the pharaoh and believers with abilities, and the pharaoh and the people regarded the apostles as faith and spiritual totems.

With the genetic modification of the pharaohs and nobles by the apostles, the "evolution" of the apostolic kingdom was finally completed in hundreds of years.

The earliest batch of "outsiders" lived on Cang Qiong Mountain, the highest peak in the southern continent. If they had the opportunity to enter Cang Qiong Mountain, they could grasp a deeper level of power and move one step closer to the goal of sloppy domination of the game.

The other guilds heard the news and were all preparing for the battle. There are three places in total, so single-player points are counted anyway.The first one has been defaulted to the Ma Group Guild, and they can still fight for the remaining two places.

Usually everyone fights the boss in the dungeon, and the origin is not very powerful.

After opening the new version [Empire Afterglow 1.0] this time, the national "national war" was launched directly. This grand setting made all players feel excited.This time the boss to face is the high-level leader of the human empire, and there will definitely be more powerful skill books or design drawings.

"Since we want to sail directly into the center of the human empire, we must figure out the high-level and powerful roles of the human empire. As one of the three races in the dark camp, the apostle kingdom must have some understanding of the composition of the human empire. Your biggest task now It is to update equipment to improve strength, find out which leaders and bosses the human empire has, and make complete preparations before attacking."

Sloppy's thinking was extremely clear, he was not overjoyed when he heard that there was a World Boss kill, and calmly made an analysis and instructions.

Other guilds are also in the midst of intense preparations. This time they will have to travel across the ocean to fight, and it will definitely be impossible to use the city return skills to replenish them. Therefore, strategic reserves must be sufficient in order to gain a foothold on the human land.And according to sloppy guesses, the human empire will definitely not collapse directly, otherwise this game will not be able to continue.

Kill some of the leaders, and the rest will flee the holy city with the remaining humans and open up new homes.Then the human holy city will become a battlefield where apostles and orcs compete for interests.

After the small-scale friction between the apostles and the orcs, they each took a step back to divide their interests, and then retreated and left.

Only in this way is in the best interest of the apostles and orcs.

The apostles have occupied the southern continent for nearly a hundred years, but the entire southern continent is an endless desert.The place connecting the north and south continents is in the northeast of the Apostle Kingdom, and there is a bay that borders the Dwarf Kingdom.But the apostles and the dwarves each established a male city at the bay to check each other.

The casting technology of the dwarves is extremely strong, and the bones of many apostles have been buried under the impregnable city, but there is still no progress.The city is majestic, and there are many steel weapons for defending the city. The war and friction between the twin cities on the east coast have lasted for more than [-] years, and neither side has been able to advance an inch of territory.

So this time when the news of the Frost and Cold Orcs came, the pharaoh couldn't wait to agree. He just wanted to find a chance to get involved in the northern continent after defeating the human empire. As long as the apostles were given a port and a city, they could spread quickly, and even fight against the Frost and Cold Orcs. Confluence to defeat the dwarf empire.

Looking at the map, the pharaoh even thought of the orc apostle coalition army, marching from the west, and then uniting with the night elves, starting from the elf island and attacking from the east, attacking the dwarves from both sides.After the victory, the coalition forces traveled across the oceans and defeated the last threatening white elves, and the three tribes shared the north and south continents.

When the world news sounded, indicating that the version update data chapter was opened, the dwarves, white elves, and night elves were all in a state of confusion.

Why did the expansion pack suddenly start, everyone upgraded and did missions all the way to the capital, and they started the expansion pack inexplicably before they touched the main line. The most important thing is that after the world news was announced, there were no changes or missions, as if this It seems that the opening of the new version has nothing to do with them, and there is no relevant explanation.

"The afterglow of the empire 1.0 expansion pack, what kind of empire does this empire refer to? Could it be that the sky is going to destroy my dwarf empire?"

"It seems that King Lane really can't be found. It is estimated that even Nicholas' blood will be cut off."

The dwarf player chattered non-stop, with a panicked expression.The empire didn't say it clearly, but they can't receive any missions now, and they always have a feeling that they are talking about themselves.

"Not necessarily. Frost cold orcs and humans are both called empires. Maybe they are? You must know that humans have also lost their kings. The orcs may not be able to survive this winter in the bitter cold. The afterglow of this empire said that they would not Definitely!"

"Yes, yes, it must be so. The dwarf empire is now impregnable and has developed so many machines for defending the city. It is absolutely impossible to destroy the dwarves."

Some players agree with this point of view. It is very likely that something happened to humans or orcs, otherwise there is no reason to open a new version, and they have not received relevant tasks.

But the problem arises, the new version has nothing to do with them, so what should they do?
The same problem is also circulating among white elves and night elves. Only humans, dwarves and orcs can be called empires. Apostles, white and night elves are all kingdoms.The new version is supposed to have something to do with all three, but both the white elves and the night elves live on Elf Island, separated by a mirror filled with huge magic.

Whether it is humans, dwarves or orcs, they are thousands of miles away from Elven Island, and they cannot participate in this version at all.

The only connection with the mainland is the commercial cargo ship that sets sail every month. Only by taking a cargo ship can you reach the mainland and go to these three places.It's just that the relationship between the white elves and humans and dwarves is close to zero, and the orcs and the apostles belong to the dark camp, which can be regarded as deadly enemies. In this state, the chances of participating in major events are even slimmer.

"First find a way to get enough favorability with the Elf Chamber of Commerce. Even if the white elves don't make any moves, we will have to rent a few merchant ships to arrive at the Dwarf Empire to participate in this edition."

The person who issued the order was President Xiao Ma of the TX Guild, and even the optical brain was also developed and designed by TX Company.When he entered the game, he brought all the staff to join the White Elf Clan. As a company that mainly focuses on network communication and games, there are many people in the guild who are good at game planning and production. How to get involved.

Continuing on Elven Island will not lead to any major development, it is nothing more than a thousand-year struggle with the night elves.

However, they have fought each other for thousands of years without any outcome, and both sides are evenly matched.

If you want to change the current situation, you can only seek opportunities from the outside world.Whether it is the growth of strength or others, something new is needed to break the current pattern.

These elite game planners have almost figured out the game. Although all the plots of the game are designed by the mastermind's own evolution, they are always the same. The development of everything is not abrupt, and there is continuity. There is a reason. If so, there are traces to follow.Many master-level game planners can calculate the plot of the next game development based on past experience.

In the end, I came to a conclusion that there must be a big event in this version update, and this opportunity should not be missed just because Elven Island is isolated overseas.

You must know that if a version can't keep up, whether it's a skill book or blueprints, if you start to fall behind in terms of rewards, you will fall behind step by step.

Participating in it may not necessarily get rewards, but not participating in it will definitely not get rewards.

What's more, as the TX guild is one of the few big guilds in the game, if it really marches westward, how can it be possible to achieve nothing?

After all, this is the second largest guild that all players have decided to compete with the Ma Clan's guild.

First of all, both companies are Internet companies, and second, both companies are involved in the design and development of Mastermind. The industrial structure is similar, and both are mainly engaged in network virtualization, so after entering the game, the personnel allocation is similar.It's just that Brother Xiao Ma is easy-going and refined, and he doesn't just throw money at the first place like a sloppy one.

But even so, Brother Ma's TX guild is also the largest guild in the entire white elves.

Now that his think tanks have said it, he must seize the opportunity.

Only boats can lead to the mainland from Elven Island, so let the players get enough goodwill with the Elf Chamber of Commerce to see if they can hire a boat, and then go to the nearest dwarf empire in the North Continent to inquire about the specific situation.

The TX guild took the lead, and other small guilds directly chose to follow suit upon seeing this.

Anyway, this wave is not bad, and I can't do anything if I stay here. It's better to try my luck with the TX guild. Even if there is a battle, if there is a tall man to stand up to, these small guilds just follow the soup.

Not to mention the human empire and frost empire guild who are the protagonists of the event, the system will directly prompt the expansion pack, who would dare to slack off?
Only Shen Fei's heart sank.

The twilight of the empire obviously refers to the human empire.

Although the news from the front line is not yet clear, the situation is already very clear. This time, the battle with the frost orcs will be endless.

Shen Fei had finished all the things he could handle at hand, and found Fat Tiger to let him look after Joshua.Fat Tiger didn't have any problems in the big festival, and seeing the seriousness of the situation, he surprisingly didn't make a joke.

After saying this, Shen Fei went to the Holy City Prison again.

Time waits for no one, he must become stronger as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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