my pet is boss

Chapter 244 Prison 4 Heavenly Kings

Chapter 244 The Four Prison Kings
As the Supreme Elder, Shen Fei is also the director of MI[-], so he will definitely go to the front line of the battlefield when the time comes.

He could suffer several assassinations in the holy city, and he might face some difficult situations when he arrived at the frontline barracks. Shen Fei could only deal with these difficulties by raising his level.

Originally, Shen Fei still had a fluke mentality, and used his status as a high-level empire to make the player a thug of the empire, thinking that he would resolve the dispute with the orcs in this way.

It's just that the mastermind's foresight is like a torch. In this situation, he decisively broke the imbalance and directly triggered the new version of the game. In this way, the players of the frost orcs will definitely receive the same task. [Afterglow of the Empire] The protagonist of this version is the war between humans and orcs.

Shen Fei went back and forth within a day, leaving the two directors of the prison, Monk Zhang Er, confused.

But as soon as Shen Fei left, the assassination of the high level of the empire happened.This incident caused quite a stir. Half-orc assassins sneaked into the Holy City, and even the six major forces issued missions at the same time, mobilizing members of the forces to participate in the battle on the front line. , All it takes is an official call to action, calling on the whole people to protect their families and patriotism, and resist the orcs.

"Elder Shen, what advice do you have when you come back?" The two persons in charge didn't understand what Shen Fei's purpose was this time. Was it because he was going out of the prison that he was planning to come to Xingshi to question him?

"Is it convenient to arrange it now, the two should also know about the orc assassin, maybe the front line will officially start a battle soon..."

The two of them naturally understood that when the battle officially started, Shen Fei would definitely have to go to the front line for such important tasks, so they could only seize all the time now.

"Okay, no problem, please wait a moment, Elder Shen, the two of us will make arrangements and prepare."

Shen Fei waited in the office for about 10 minutes, and two persons in charge came in hurriedly: "Elder Shen, everything has been arranged, please move now and change into special prisoner clothes."

The two were trembling, for fear of touching Shen Fei's bad luck.

Shen Fei put all the equipment and weapons into his backpack, and then changed into a brown prison uniform that looked like kraft paper, with the number 9527 printed on it.

Looking at the number 9527, Shen Fei always felt that this was the game designer's stalking, and asked with a smile: "Is there really 9527 prisoners in the Holy City Prison?"

The two persons in charge nodded repeatedly and said: "It is true, but many prisoners have accidents in the prison, and now there are less than 4000 people in the entire prison."

Shen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, more than half of them died in accidents, and the "security environment" in the Holy City Prison is too bad!Or that the fighting between the prisoners was kind of scary.

The two persons in charge seemed to understand the question in Shen Fei's eyes, and said with a embarrassed smile: "This is also the order of the Earl, let us not intervene in the struggle between the prisoners. After all, the hands of these prisoners are stained with blood. It is definitely not a good stubble, and there is no possibility of improving education at all. Too strict discipline will make the atmosphere in the prison tense, and prisoner riots are likely to occur under high pressure. Sending soldiers to suppress it will only cause the empire to lose more material to make."

After hearing this, Shen Fei nodded, admiring Mary's idea.

Anyway, how the prisoners fight is their own business. Prisoners who are criminals are heinous, and they will die when they die, and they can also be used as fertilizer for the land.But it is not worthwhile for the soldiers of the empire to die in order to maintain the law and order of the prisoners. If you can save it, you can save it.

"Then which district does Elder Shen plan to start from?" the person in charge asked, and at the same time was frightened.Shen Fei and Qiao Zhuang mixed in among the prisoners. Although Elder Shen is a legendary figure, the people in the Holy City Prison are not good. If something happens and someone hurts Elder Shen, it will be difficult to deal with the matter later.

The four districts were all the same to Shen Fei, and said: "Then let's start from the east district."

Royal Guard Barton and the Countess both got the news that Shen Fei had entered the prison, and the reason was to exercise their personal abilities and challenge themselves.

Isn't this a neuropathy?
Who doesn't know that Shen Fei and His Majesty the King started in the countryside a hundred years ago, established a mighty dynasty, had the White Tiger God as a pet, and were the Supreme Elders of the Wu Monk Temple, their strength is boundless!Such a being went to the Al-Quds Prison to say something about challenging himself, just like a doctoral student who went back to junior high school and said he wanted to challenge his own limit, which is completely unreasonable.

"Send someone to keep an eye on it, and report anything abnormal," Countess Mary said.She thought that Fei Shen probably knew something and wanted to get close to someone to obtain intelligence or useful news, which was exactly what she didn't know.Regardless of whether it is beneficial or not, she must know everything, and whether she makes a move is her business.

As for the Royal Guard Patton, after reading it, he let out an "oh" and threw the document aside without any fluctuations.This made the adjutant of the Imperial Guard who passed on the information overwhelmed. There must be a deep meaning behind such a lame excuse.

Even if Shen Fei is allowed to use it, at least let the Royal Guards know what's going on, right?

It's just that Barton didn't pay attention to that report at all, and simply pretended that it never appeared.

Seeing the adjutant standing in front of him and not preparing to leave, Barton probably guessed what he was thinking, and held back his anger.How can I care about this, go over to ask Shen Fei, and then come back after touching his nose?Can't afford to mess with me and can't hide?

"Okay, tell them when you go back, take care of Elder Shen's safety, I will take care of this matter."

Barton asked the adjutant to leave after finishing speaking with a dark face. One more thing is worse than one less thing.


Shen Fei was brought to the East District, and two prison guards "escorted" Shen Fei to the prison, muttering behind his back: "Elder Shen, I offended you."

Shen Fei nodded incredulously, this kind of thing must be acted a little bit, otherwise it would be bad if he just came in and showed his secrets.

The two opened the prison door and pushed Shen Fei in.

"Go in for me, stay well, and interrogate you later!" Disdain and contempt were all written on his face.

I have to say that the jailer's acting skills are still there, he just needs to mobilize his previous memories and act in his true colors.

Because the performance in peacetime was the same, it did not arouse the suspicion of other prisoners.

The place where the prisoners were held could move freely, and Shen Fei attracted everyone's attention after being pushed in.

After all, there have been no newcomers for a while. Shen Fei's physique doesn't look fierce, and the face doesn't look fierce. On the contrary, he has "fine skin and tender flesh". Human life guy.

Shen Fei didn't have any stage fright, when a group of prisoners looked at him, he was also looking at these prisoners.

Most of the people who come in have a big round shaved head, and many even have a big bald head. In addition, they use their hands every day, so they are shiny.

Then these people have very strong muscles, and many of them are the kind of big muscle bullies, the kind that can directly cripple people with a single punch.There are also some people with lean bodies. Although they don't have many huge muscles, they can't find any fat on their bodies. The strength of this kind of people is even more terrifying, and their muscles and bones are as hard as steel. When an arm falls, you have to resist it. The feeling was as sour as being hit on a steel pipe.

Shen Fei also saw some shadowy men in the corner, and at a glance, he felt that they were all stubble.

At this moment, a tall, muscular man with a scar came up and directly blocked the light in front of Shen Fei.

Walking to Shen Fei's side, it almost blocked all his vision, and he was at least [-] meters tall by visual inspection.

"Hey kid, what's going on here? I don't see any murderous intent on you."

To be able to enter the Al-Quds Prison, the two most basic conditions are that you have killed someone and committed a heinous crime.Only when these two conditions are met, will he be tried by the Countess and sent to the Holy City Prison.

Such a young man who obviously doesn't have any smell of blood and is physically weak doesn't look like he has blood on his hands.

The only thing that surprised them was that this young man didn't panic in the slightest in the face of so many people staring and sizing up, and even gave them the illusion that he was the one being scrutinized.This feeling made them extremely uncomfortable.

Shen Fei had already thought of this on the way here, and this group of people must have doubts about him.

At this age, this figure, sentenced to Quds Prison, looks out of place.

"Why, it doesn't look like he killed someone before?" Shen Fei sneered, and smiled with his mouth open, his lips were red and his teeth were white, but he looked a bit pervasive.

The man with the scar suddenly saw Shen Fei's smile, and suddenly felt like he was being targeted as a prey, and his hair was creeping.

With so many people watching behind him, if he was really scared off by a young man, he would be ridiculed in the East District in the future.The man with the scar took a deep breath, grabbed Shen Fei's collar, and his expression became ferocious: "I asked you something, who made you compare so much?"

Shen Fei stretched out his hand into a claw and pinched the scarred man's veins, still smiling like a flower.

"If you are so irritable, you can survive until now without being beaten to death. There must be two brushes?" Shen Fei's smile was still creepy, not only did his back turn cold, but even his brows were furrowed.

The others didn't move, but this guy jumped out directly, with a ruthless tone, did he feel that he was easy to bully?

The man with the scar is now in a dilemma. The man's eyes have not shown any fear since just now.He came up just now to try it out, to give the newcomer a bad start.After all, all the prisoners in Al-Quds Prison can be described as "full of evil", and there is not a single good one.Even if there is, in the prison, he behaves obediently and humbly, and all the jumpers are dead.

He appeared in front of Shen Fei, but this young man never showed any frightened eyes, and his evil smile made the Scar Man's back chill. I will be afraid of you again, no one is afraid that your life and death in prison is not in your own hands.

"Dare to fight back?"

The man with the scar took a deep breath, and was about to lift Shen Fei up with one hand, while the other hand was clenched into a fist to gather strength, ready to teach Shen Fei a lesson.

Shen Fei only exerted a little force, and the scar man's entire arm seemed to be electrocuted, and he lost all his strength immediately.


There was an incomparably crisp sound, followed by the sound of the man with the scar falling to the ground and writhing in pain, and howling in pain.

Shen Fei frowned slightly, squatted down with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and patted the scarred man's cheek: "Whatever you shout, you can't die."

The atmosphere in the prison froze instantly, and all the surrounding prisoners slowly surrounded him.

This person is provocative as soon as he comes in, he is quite courageous!
The man with the scar was too scared to whimper, he clenched his teeth and suppressed all the pain below his throat, trembling all over his body, his cheeks were flushed, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

Shen Fei still had a smile on his face, and he didn't have the awareness of being surrounded at all.

All he wants is for these people to take action, the more the better.

After twisting off the wrist of the man with the scar just now, Shen Fei heard the prompt from the system.

[Defeat Scar Man Lv25, get 2000 points of experience, 2000 points of sufficient rest experience]

Although there is no kill, defeating the opponent in the prison will also gain experience points, and there are quite a lot of experience points.

A level 25 scarred man actually provided him with a total of 4000 experience points. If this wave came to the prison, if he could penetrate the four districts of the Holy City Prison, he would be able to return with a full reward.

"Is there anyone else who is curious?" Shen Fei asked with a smile.

The footsteps around stopped suddenly, and everyone looked at Shen Fei with unkind faces, and many of them were shocked by the fact that he broke the scarred man's wrist just now.

This young man looked young, but his attack was so vicious, and he broke the scarred man's wrist with just a light pinch.And he kept smiling, looking full of evil.

The man with the scar is not weak in the East District Prison. This guy has such a personality, so he jumped out to ask the newcomer on behalf of everyone, and by the way gave a little warning, but he didn't expect Shen Fei to kill him so lightly. This is something that many prisoners in the prison can't do. of.

"Ask where my house is."

Shen Fei asked a question, but no one answered.

After confronting each other for a long time, someone in the crowd said: "There are limited rooms in the prison. If you defeat him, then you will live in his house from now on."

Shen Fei's eyes lit up, is there still such a saying in the prison?
It is true that each place has a different ecosystem, but this just made Shen Fei find the reason.

He was worried that he couldn't find an excuse to challenge, and now he could hold the room and talk about it.

Shen Fei patted the scarred man's cheek again, and greeted him with a smile: "Tell me, where is your house?"

It's too evil!
The man with the scar didn't expect the new boy to be a stubborn stubble, so there's no reason not to say it.He didn't want to suddenly die suddenly somewhere in the Eastern District Prison tonight, and find a dead body somewhere the next day.

There are only two endings for jumping feet in prison.

If you have strength, your status will rise and you will become the Four Heavenly Kings.

You have no strength, and the next day you become an unrecognizable corpse, buried hastily, no one will care how you died, who killed you, and no one will remember or talk about you.

This is the ecology inside Al-Quds Prison.

The wardens don't care about the situation inside the prison at all, they just want to ensure that no one escapes from the prison.

However, these criminals didn't even think about escaping. They were "carefree" here, they were bullying and aggressive every day, and they believed in the law of the jungle. Apart from not being able to go out, they could do whatever they wanted here.

(End of this chapter)

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