my pet is boss

Chapter 245

Chapter 245
In order to act more realistically, Shen Fei directly grabbed the scar man's thin hair.

In the prison, he had to act viciously so as not to be suspected. As for Shen Fei's nervousness, it was just a disguise to cover up his age.

The man with the scar was lifted up, like a salted fish washed up on the beach, half dead, and he said weakly, "East District, Room B18."

Shen Fei asked the news he wanted, took out the room card, and let go of the man with the scar: "Dog-like thing, get out."

When the man with the scar heard this, he ran away like a pardon.He needs to quickly find a place where he can recuperate and heal his wounds, otherwise his usual enemies will definitely retaliate when he sees how embarrassed he is now.

Shen Fei stood up expressionlessly, and asked as he walked, "Where is room B18?"

Although the surrounding prisoners surrounded Shen Fei, none of them dared to stand up. This new boy was mysterious and unpredictable, and he was a ruthless stubble.

When Shen Fei took a step forward, the prisoner took a step back.Shen Fei saw the word D on the wall through the crowd, roughly understood each district in the southeast, northwest, and subdivided the four districts ABCD.

The two in charge saw what was happening in the East End through the observing eyes of the warlocks in the prison.

The two persons in charge of Scar have also heard about it. They can be regarded as a ruthless character in the Eastern District. The reason why they were imprisoned was that they killed [-] members of the boss's family overnight. After being arrested, they were directly imprisoned in the Holy City Prison in order to appease public anger. .

It's just that such a ruthless character was crushed by Shen Fei, and Elder Shen's strength is also unfathomable!

Shen Fei saw B written on the wall, but these prisoners seemed to have no intention of moving away.

Shen Fei laughed back angrily, pointed in front of him and said: "I didn't speak, and I didn't move away..."

Shen Fei found room B18. Although this room is small, it is actually a single room.Along the way, Shen Fei also saw many prisons in Section D and Section C. The prisons in Section D are all Datongpu, and a room is full of more than a dozen people. Although there are many people in C's prison, the number of people is obviously much smaller. Five people live in one room.When you get to B, it becomes a single room directly, so if you wait for A, is it a deluxe single room?

"The rules of the East District, newcomers should ask the boss to pay homage to the pier."

Shen Fei's eyes brightened. There is a boss in each of the four districts, east, west, north, and south, known as the king of heaven.You can see the king of heaven as soon as you come, so don't you have a reason to make trouble?
"The King of the East? Where is he?"

There were a few chuckles in the crowd, and a strange voice sounded: "As soon as I came in, I wanted to see the face of the Heavenly King, and I really thought about it..."

It's just that before he finished speaking, Shen Fei, like a gust of wind, instantly found the source of the sound, rushed directly in front of the other party, punched the broken-mouthed guy upside down, and hit the iron wall with a bang.

All the criminals onlookers were silent. This young man looked extremely weak, but in fact he was full of violent factors, and he shot at the slightest disagreement.Looking at the prisoner who was sent flying out, although he was not dead, he was vomiting and vomiting, his face was blue, and he fell to the ground and twitched, looking very embarrassed.

[Defeat the wretched man Lv26+ hiding in the crowd, gain 2500 experience points, 2500 points sufficient rest experience]

Shen Fei also realized that the so-called meeting the boss at the pier did not meet the king of heaven in the first district, but the talker in the four places of ABCD.

The heavenly kings of each district usually see their heads and tails, and rarely come out to solve any problems in person. Therefore, the security of each district is assigned to the most powerful characters in the four places of ABCD. This is the so-called pier worship.At first when Shen Fei came to District D, he was supposed to meet the person in charge of Department D, but Shen Fei directly killed the scarred man in Department B, and all of a sudden he was in a mess.

Shen Fei glanced at the wretched man who fell down, ignored him, took out his room card and swiped it to enter room B18.

As soon as the others wanted to speak, they were grabbed by the people around them and shook their heads to signal to keep quiet.

The new boy is a bit strong, since he came in, he killed two people because of a disagreement, and he didn't go to see the person in charge. They don't need to take care of this matter. When the time comes, the person in charge of the two parts of BD will definitely come to him. Teach this guy a lesson.They go up now, just to give each other heads.

Shen Fei lay on the iron bed and closed his eyes for a nap. The hard bed board was very tight, and it felt like a bone could knock on it when he turned over.

He doesn't need to go out at all now, according to the rules of the Holy City Prison, he just needs to wait for the person in charge of the two parts of BD to come to his door.

Shen Fei walked all the way, and after a rough calculation, there are not a few people in the Eastern District, and most of them are elite characters above level 20.

It is very simple to distinguish between elites and non-elites. Some are Lv26, and this one means level 26.

However, some levels are displayed as Lv26+, followed by a plus sign, which means it is rare or elite.

Shen Fei made a rough calculation. According to this experience value, if he challenges the Holy City Prison upside down before the official war between humans and orcs, then he can guarantee to be upgraded to level 45.

It's just that Shen Fei doesn't know if it can be reused. After defeating the opponent to gain experience, he doesn't know if there will be experience rewards for defeating again.

Even Shen Fei took the time to think of a way to make money, when the time comes to restart the holy city prison arena, let five players form a team to buy tickets to come in and challenge.Because the Holy City Prison is not a dungeon, there is no number of challenges, as long as you have money, you can use it, and your daily income is not small.Of course, the difficulty cannot be low. If it is easy to allow players to gain experience, wouldn't this lose the motivation for sustainable development?

After the orc war is resolved, Shen Fei will do this when he comes back.

All the other prisoners dispersed, but there were still some who lingered nearby and refused to leave, wanting to watch the excitement.

The person responsible for the two parts of BD will definitely find him soon, and this kid will definitely be taught a serious lesson by then, and I hope he can still laugh at that time.

Shen Fei put his hands on the back of his head, lay down on the hard bed and closed his eyes for a nap.

The two persons in charge looked at each other in blank dismay. If Elder Shen didn't make a move, it would be a blockbuster!

Both of them were sweating just now, they didn't expect that Shen Fei would attack directly in front of so many people, if the anger of others was aroused and the situation got completely out of control, they would immediately send more people to rush in to maintain law and order.

Fortunately, Shen Fei frightened everyone with a punch, and no riots were caused.

"You still have to pay attention at all times. The two speakers from the East District will come over later. There will definitely be a fight. Inform the security forces and stay vigilant at all times. After receiving the order, rush in to isolate the crowd as soon as possible." The person in charge is in fear, feeling like walking a tightrope.

Not long after, Shen Fei heard two clear footsteps walking all the way to the door of his room.

The door of the prison is composed of iron railings that have been passed through high-voltage electricity. Most people will only be instantly blasted to black with a strong current when they touch it. This is also an effective way to prevent shots at night when they are resting.If the door could be broken easily, the prison would have been in chaos, and everyone would have no peace at night.

Anyway, the number of prison rooms is small, and those who have been bullied to the point where they have no room and live in a corner outside should worry about being maliciously retaliated against.There is always only one rule in prison - to live.

"Hey, kid inside, get out!"

A strong man with a mohawk haircut was next to a man who was as thin as a monkey. Both of them looked at Shen Fei who was resting in the room with unfriendly expressions.

Shen Fei got up from the bed and saw the Lv27+ level marks on the heads of the two, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth...

An hour later, the two persons in charge sent Shen Fei away, exhausted and paralyzed in the office.

"Huh, this master has finally left."

"Don't be too happy. Today, the two speakers of the BD in the Eastern District were all beaten up. I guess they won't survive tonight. The two speakers appointed by the Heavenly King of the Eastern District will be killed within a day. This will definitely not happen. Let it go. It seems that with Elder Shen interfering, the situation in the prison that was finally stabilized is about to become chaotic again."

"I don't think so. If Elder Shen can crush the four districts invincible this time, it will be of great benefit to our management in the future. Although those heavenly kings are locked in prison, their lives are comparable to those of emperors. , As long as you don’t get out of the prison, do you want anything? This kind of life is too comfortable. Moreover, the four heavenly kings of the east, west, north, and south also have struggles with each other, but they have always been carried out by sending agents. If Elder Shen can Unified, I think it's a good thing."

Shen Fei left the Holy City Prison gracefully.

He only came for two hours a day. After defeating Mohigan and Skinny Monkey, the time was almost up. The prison management stepped in and brought Shen Fei out in the name of "picking quarrels and provoking troubles", which just happened to complete today's time.

As for the howling mohawk and skinny monkey lying on the ground, I don't know if they have thought about what will happen today.

Shen Fei came out of the prison and found that there was a new atmosphere in the holy city.

Some faction organizations even began to have special task windows, as well as donations of war supplies.You can get the reputation of the corresponding force by donating, and the reputation can be exchanged for many things, such as skill books, equipment manufacturing maps, and so on.

Shen Fei was a little distracted, he didn't expect that he just gave these leaders a key to the door, and these guys have learned to decorate by themselves.

With such a complete exchange system, one must know that things like skill books and design drawings are useless and renewable resources for big forces.But for players, it is an important strategic resource that is flocked to besides levels.

Only by accumulating a large amount of supplies before the war can we ensure that we will not lose out in the consumption of the war.

There is good news and bad news.

The good news is that Master Lazy Zen also presided over the reputation exchange of the Monk’s Temple. Not only that, if you kill enemies on the battlefield and capture enough orc marks, you can also go to the Monk’s Temple to exchange items. This exchange is similar to the legendary mission [The Horn of War] ] do not conflict, which means that the rewards on his body can complete two tasks.

The bad news is that SI[-] is all dominated by Shen Fei, because the shadow disappeared and Shen Fei also disappeared for two hours, which caused SI[-] to fail to respond in time, and fell behind among several major forces.

But it doesn't matter too much. After all, MI[-] was the first force to implement the mission hall system, and players didn't react very much to it.

Shen Fei gave some pointers, and MI[-] also set up an exchange office in the mission hall to collect various war resources.

Ores, potions, herbs, leather and even weapons and equipment, etc., are always available.

Shen Fei also roughly gave an idea, these herbal medicines will cooperate with the Royal Pharmacists Association, and all of them will be made into medicines for preservation.

The ore was found at the largest forge in the holy city, and all of them were turned into melee weapons used by assassins.

The leather is made into armor and leather armor equipment...

Make the best use of people and things, and make way for the next big war.

Shen Fei doesn't care about the player's life or death, anyway, one who releases life is another hero.On the contrary, the NPC formed by these data, in Shen Fei's view, is more like a fresh life, with only one chance to live.Shen Fei knew that his thoughts were a bit naive, but he didn't want any NPC under his command to die in this battle of empires under his leadership.

Although Shen Fei himself knew that this was impossible, but hope was always good.

There is no way to be inferior to humans in skills, but if it is because the strength of the armor is weaker than humans, Shen Fei will feel guilty.

After MI[-] explained the matter, Shen Fei returned to Xiaozhuxuan and went offline directly.

The gains from the prison were good. Today, after defeating four people, plus the experience accumulated in the illusion trial last time, Shen Fei's current level has risen to level 32.

All players or guilds in the main city are mobilized. While donating supplies, their guilds must also accumulate a lot of materials for land reclamation, or upgrade the equipment and skills of their main battle group.


Frost and Cold Fortress, the Orc Warlock Council, the old orc warlock stood in the center of the magic circle leaning on a skull crutch. In the middle of the magic circle was a brazier with red flames, and the flame was like a tentacles.

"My master, I have provoked a war based on your wealth, and now the war is about to start, what do I need to do..."

The flames in the brazier sprayed a foot high, and the flame tentacles seemed to break free.

"It's done very well. Next, I just need to sacrifice a large number of creatures and use their power to summon my entity. The best place is the Owendale area of ​​​​the Great Snow Mountain. At that time, my torso will spread throughout the Great Snow Mountain, not only disintegrating the human empire , even the dwarf empire will die!"

"The apostles will start from the southern continent, and the Armada will sail directly to the holy city to fight each other. I have something to say first, whoever does better this time will be rewarded more by the ancient gods."

The old orc bowed slightly and put one hand on his chest: "Master, please believe in the power of the orc. This time we will be able to conquer Owendale and complete our mission!"

"Remember the failure last time! If I still fail this time, then I can only use the second plan." The flames suddenly gushed out, and the flames even overwhelmed the orc warlock, and a pair of huge wings made of flames completely enveloped him. That frightening aura overwhelmed mountains and seas, directly pushing the old warlock to the ground.

"Gods above, this is..."

The old orc was speechless, and what was displayed in the brazier in front of him was clearly a violent dragon. This dragon had a familiar name - Guardian of the Earth.

After a long time, the old orc's expression was still shocked, but he regained his sanity, knelt down on the ground and said, "Congratulations, master, you have captured the guardian dragon. This time you can definitely break the seal and return to the human world."

A gust of wind blew up inside the brazier, and all the flames were extinguished along with the whirlwind, leaving only the sparks floating in the wind, dissipating invisibly.

The old orc slumped on the ground, and the ancient gods controlled the guardian dragon. If the mission of the apostles and orcs failed this time, and the master used another plan to release the enslaved guardian dragon, then all the orcs and apostles would be killed. Will perish in the sea of ​​fire.

The last time the orcs attacked Owendale 40 years ago was actually behind the ghosts of the ancient gods. They wanted to take down Owendale and reappeared in the human world at the most critical juncture in Daxueshan, and then spread throughout the north with the entire Daxueshan mountain range as the root. mainland.

But because of the desperate resistance of human beings, the tricks of the ancient gods were not allowed to succeed, and they fell into dormancy again.

The ancient god realized that the power of the orc alone was not enough. During these years of dormancy, it accidentally bewitched and enslaved the giant dragon, the guardian of the earth. These years, it has been brainwashing day and night so that it can barely enslave the dragon.This time, the allied army of the orcs and the apostles attacked from north to south. If it still can't bring it back to the sky, then it can only release the guardian dragon, turn the earth into a sea of ​​flames, and use the blood and wailing of countless creatures as sacrifices to reappear in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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