my pet is boss

Chapter 246 Joshua's "Grand Plan and Hegemony"

Chapter 246 Joshua's "Grand Plan and Hegemony"

[Empire Afterglow 1.0] It has been a day since the opening of the information chapter, and many casual players chose to go to Owendale alone after receiving the mission.

The Grand Council didn't kill them immediately, instead they handed over supplies in the holy city to boost their reputation.Quickly build up your reputation, exchange for skill books and blueprints, and then go to Owendale to kill the frost orcs after upgrading.

Sharpening knives does not cut firewood by mistake, and there is no chance to exchange skill books and blueprints when you get to the front line.

From Owendale to the holy city, it takes at least a week to go back and forth. This week is spent in the carriage, with no way to practice or upgrade. The whole process is extremely boring.

The first batch of casual players have already boarded the carriage to the front line of Owendale today. Some soldiers have also received military missions to inform the frontline soldiers of what happened in the holy city, especially the half-orc assassins who sneaked into the holy city to assassinate the high-level human beings. matter.This is to make the front line more vigilant, especially the patrolling of the Daxueshan Mountains. These half-orcs are likely to cross the Daxueshan Mountains into the human empire.

In the past, all the players basically played independently, some joined the guild, and there were also casual players.

But after the opening of the data chapter, all players got the main task, and all worked hard towards one side.

The leaders of the major forces in the holy city all opened their mouths wide open after seeing the results of opening the prestige exchange reward for half a day.

The materials received in this half day are even comparable to all the gains of several major forces for several months or even half a year.

Even in the Floating Void City and the Imperial Consortium, Jordan and Mary found many rare and rare materials.

"How did this guy, Shen Fei, come up with this method? He's a genius!" Jordan looked at the materials collected today, including magic crystals, and some equipment containing magic. Raise the magician's strength to another level.

The Imperial Consortium also received a lot of supplies, because the money rewards and experience points given by the Imperial Consortium missions are the highest, so many casual players choose to temporarily join the Imperial Consortium to get more rewards and experience points.

Under Fat Hu's arrangement, Joshua also lived in Xiaozhuxuan, which was in the room next to Fat Hu.During the day, Fat Tiger taught Joshua martial arts and practice, and lived in the Buddhist monastery at night.

Lake Heart Pavilion.

Joshua's cheeks were flushed red from the fire, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all.

"Yes, that's it. When the meat is a bit more cooked, start to sprinkle the seasoning, and spread it evenly." Fat Tiger leaned on the rattan rocking chair beside him, holding a cattail fan in his hand, pointing to Joshua.

The meat skewers are grilled on the fire, making the sound of sizzling oil overflowing.

Joshua stretched out his hand and pinched a handful of seasoning with his fingers, rubbed his index finger and thumb to sprinkle the seasoning evenly on the meat skewers, and the spicy smell mixed with the smell of meat overflowed immediately.

"Well, your kid is very talented in grilling, and he has roasted very well in the past two times." Fat Tiger sniffed the smell of the skewered meat, the proportion of spices and the aroma of the meat were perfectly blended, just right, just two The first time he has learned the essence of his barbecue skills.

After being praised by Fat Tiger, Joshua had a bright smile on his face.

"Uncle Hu, I just think that barbecue is the same as governing the country. My father used to say that governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. The two have the same effect. I think it makes sense and benefits a lot. It is said that this was first said by Uncle Shen of."

Fat Tiger didn't expect Joshua to have such insight at such a young age, and sighed: "You will definitely be better than your father in the future, at least your father was still a down-and-out painting apprentice when he was as old as you. "

Joshua raised a wry smile, as if thinking of his long-lost father.Although everyone said that his father was just missing, Joshua never knew how to expect that one morning when he opened his eyes, his father would suddenly appear in front of him and tell him that everything was just to train him.Later, Joshua has tacitly accepted that his father is dead and it is impossible to come back.

"Uncle Tiger, are humans really going to go to war with orcs this time?" As a prince, it is impossible for Joshua to know everything, not to mention the fact that today's assassination has caused a lot of noise. Almost all high-level officials have been assassinated. They all began to accumulate pre-war resources, and there was only an official call to action before the official start of the war.

Fat Tiger's expression also became solemn. The frost-cold orcs have lived in a place of bitter cold for a long time. This time, they will definitely have the mentality of "if you don't break Loulan, you will never return it". For humans, this will definitely be a hard battle.

"Well, your father scared them 40 years ago, drove away the Frost and Cold Beast Race, and guaranteed the human race to live and work in peace and contentment for 40 years. This time you have to defeat them and guarantee the century-old foundation of mankind."

Joshua nodded emphatically and said: "Although I can't take charge of the government now, I always think that the suspect should not be used, and the employing person should not be suspected. Since it is a war, let it be handed over to the most skilled person."

Joshua also used this to comment on the gossip in the Holy City.

Everyone said that Grand Duke Ferdinand had the intention of rebellion and hegemony, but Joshua didn't think so.

Since his father disappeared, Fei Gong left his family property and took charge of the Holy City.Joshua also has a bill for the monthly expenses of the Grand Duke's Mansion.As a descendant of royal blood, Joshua is not as "innocent" as he seems, although he is young, and he has obviously thought about some things.

Fat Tiger had a new understanding of Joshua, and asked with a smile: "Then why do you tell me everything? Are you not afraid that Shen Fei and I will be bad for you?"

Joshua shook his head resolutely, and said: "My father told me before that if Uncle Shen hadn't disappeared, half of the territory of this empire would belong to him, and what he hopes to see more is an alliance of two human empires that will help each other. Rather than the current lion-heart human empire. And based on my understanding of Uncle Hu and Uncle Shen these days, Uncle Hu, you prefer to enjoy life, and Uncle Shen prefers to make money in his heart."

Fat Tiger touched Joshua's head, but he didn't expect this guy to have a lot of ideas despite his small head.Judging people is also quite accurate, one sentence sums up the ambitions and characteristics of it and Shen Fei.After all, who would want to fight and kill all day long if he could be Mr. Xiaoyao.

"I'm waiting now, waiting for the military ministers to hold a meeting and issue a statement as the blood of the royal family, calling on the people of the empire to take up weapons in their hands to resist foreign aggression and formally declare war on the frost orcs. I don't think it will take long. I will wait for the first one in a week. When the spies come back, war will be officially declared. At that time, I can propose Uncle Shen to become the regent, and to lead all affairs of the empire during the war. With your help, Uncle Tiger, this time the war between humans and the orcs will definitely become Shen. Uncle sits firmly on the stepping stone of the Regent, leaving others speechless."

Fat Tiger was a little surprised, he didn't expect Joshua to think so far, and use the Frost Orc attack to make a fuss, taking advantage of the opportunity to officially push Shen Fei into the political arena of the empire.

Joshua was still talking about his thoughts.

"Fei Gong is currently in charge of the country, but at the beginning of the war, he must go to the front line to command the soldiers. He has to be responsible for the battle plan and army command every day. He doesn't have more thoughts to take care of the overall situation. At this time, it is a good time to push Uncle Shen to the position. Timing, I think my father would have decided if he had been around.

And the war is imminent, Uncle Shen has the identity of the monk Taishang elder, cooperates with several other companies that have the trial of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and also has business contacts with the Imperial Consortium, even if other people have any ideas, they will not act at this juncture. dispute.After all, the ones who offend after opening their mouths are the Monk Temple, MI[-], the chance of trial, and a true god. "

The fat tiger was amazed, it just thought that Joshua was young and ignorant, and his mind was pure.It's just that I didn't expect Joshua to have such an exquisite and clear idea. The analysis is very reasonable and the feasibility is very high!
It's just that the only problematic point in Joshua's thinking is Fat Tiger. Fat Tiger is at most a "false god" now. He has lost the core of the true god. He is just a false god with empty mana, and his mana is not very much now.

But Fat Tiger didn't have much worry about the war with the frost orcs this time.

As long as he goes out on his own, he will destroy the frontline frost orcs and create a deterrent effect. If it doesn't work, he will go to the slaughter camp and kill the generals and leaders of the frost orcs first, so that they will collapse without fighting.

Fat Tiger thought of many ways, but he also thought that since these half-orc assassins were targeting Shen Fei, it would be unreasonable not to know the majestic White Tiger God, maybe the Frost-cold orcs also thought of ways to deal with it...

After returning from class, Fuman returned to Xiaozhu Pavilion, and was immediately attracted by the overflowing fragrance, and followed the fragrance to the Huxin Pavilion.

"Eldest brother, you are back, this is my grilled meat skewer, you have a taste."

Fuman took the meat skewers, the meat was fat and thin, and the spices were evenly sprinkled, it looked like a craftsman.It's not surprising that Fat Tiger is a gourmet who can do this, but Joshua can do it, so it can only be said to be talent.

Fuman took a sip, his lips and teeth brightened, "Junior brother, you have the talent to be a chef, do you want to practice with me in the evening!" Fuman may not be confident in other aspects, but cooking is the key to his self-reliance. Zhiben is still very confident.

Before Joshua could speak, Fat Tiger pushed his shoulder with his hands, signaling Joshua to agree.

If Joshua learned a good cooking skill, wouldn't he be able to cook for him in the future?This wave of its fat tiger is not bad at all.

The news of the war has spread throughout the holy city, and even the surrounding towns have also received news. Some clues can be seen from some players protecting the dignitaries.

"So the result of the discussion between the three elders and the young master is to send all the elite disciples to the front line, and all the inner disciples stay in the Wuseng Temple." Fuman has recently practiced with the inner disciples, but most of them are obsessed with the Shushan Trial. Self-extrication, so basically Fuman gets any news first, and then finds an opportunity to inform other inner disciples.

Fuman is very envious that inner disciples can enter the trial, and he also wants to enter the trial and pass through the test together with everyone. After all, listening to them talk about the content of the Shushan trial every day, I heard that Fuman is very yearning for the three trials. This group hopes to integrate into the inner sect.

It's a pity that Fuman has to go to class on time every day, and he can't come out in time after entering the trial, so Shen Fei has not allowed Fuman to enter the trial.Now that the war between humans and orcs is about to break out, Fuman has no chance to enter the trial experience.

At the same time, Leng Qingqiu had already returned to the Holy City with two groups of combat groups under him. After receiving the mission for a little supply, he set off again in the dark and headed directly to the front line of Owendale.

When the sky turned pale, Shen Fei came out of the study, looked up at the faint waves of light on the sea in the distance, saw an irregular shadow on the ground, and returned to the study again.

An hour later, Shen Fei came out from the study room again. Originally, he planned to go directly to the Holy City Prison, but after thinking for a while, he decided to go to the Floating Void City first to see if the million-dollar treasure that he specially ordered from Archmage Jordan was completed.

Shen Fei didn't even need to notify when he came to Floating Void City. The magic guard saw that it was the Supreme Elder of Wu Monk Temple, and let him go directly, and notified the dean.

"Elder Shen, Mr. Dean is in the magic laboratory right now, let me take you there."

In the magic laboratory, Shen Fei immediately thought of the treasure worth millions of gold coins that he asked Jordan to order.

Shen Fei was brought to the magic laboratory, the magic guards retreated consciously, and Shen Fei saw Jordan in overalls.He hadn't seen Jordan wearing this kind of clothes before he came here. He usually wears a delicate magic robe, but today he is wearing an insulating suit that can isolate magic power and wrap himself around, revealing only a pair of eyes.

Jordan raised his head and glanced at Shen Fei, then focused his attention on his magic microscope again.

Shen Fei saw circles of magic circles engraved on the huge microscope tube, some of which flashed with strange colors during operation.

"Elder Shen is here to pick up the ring, wait a moment, wait until I finish engraving the last few magic circles."

Shen Fei could see the ring through the magic mirror. Jordan was manipulating the subtle magic energy, drawing the magic crystal into silk, and making it into a transistor that could hold magic power.

Shen Fei took a deep breath, this small ring actually condensed tens of thousands of transistors, forming a magic circle densely overlapping several layers.

Jordan glanced at the stunned Shen Fei, and explained while operating: "These transistors can hold mana and aura, and the aura is converted into mana through the most central processing device, and then output to the magic circle panel. This mana panel has a total of Fifteen magic circles are integrated, such as augmentation circles, space circles, time circles, inertial stability circles, slow falling circles, wind resistance circles, etc."

Shen Fei didn't expect a ring to be so complicated. Fifteen magic circles, tens of thousands of transistors and magic power arrays are integrated on one panel. Let alone the efficacy, just this craft is enough to call it an art Taste.

"Jordan, the production fee of 100 million gold coins, you didn't make money at a loss, did you?" Although Shen Fei loves money, now that he saw the production method of this thing with his own eyes, he suddenly felt that a million gold coins would be too little?Could it be that the friendship price given to him by the archmage Jordan made a loss-making business.

Jordan kept his hands on his hands, but he smiled sassyly: "Don't worry, the loss is definitely not a loss, but I can't tell you how much you earn. Otherwise, you must be thinking about it, and you will get it back from other aspects when you do business in the future."

Shen Fei blushed, and said: "What are you talking about? Am I, Shen Fei, the kind of person who breaks the rules for a little profit?"

"By the way, I taught you the method yesterday, but in the afternoon, I saw that several of your major forces have opened reputation exchanges. Who came up with this method?"

Jordan replied casually: "Only Mary can come up with such a shrewd idea. We planned to do what you said at the beginning. Later, Mary said that in order to increase the enthusiasm of these people and get them mobilized, we simply opened it." Material donations, the materials obtained by the forces can be converted into war resources, and at the same time these people also get skill books and design drawings, which can directly improve their strength. Later, as soon as we had no problems with the total, we did so directly."

Shen Fei nodded, and he also thought that it was probably designed by Mary, a business genius, and it really is better than blue than blue.

He planned to do this when he was raising money in the future, but Mary thought of it in advance.

It's really a church apprentice, starving the master to death.

After Jordan finished laying the last transistor, he took off his protective goggles, took out the ruby ​​ring from the magic power stabilizer, held the ring and walked in front of Shen Fei and said: "The production is complete, you can try the effect first." .”

Shen Fei took the ring and carefully looked at it from all angles, but it was difficult to see traces of transistors.

This thing is really too small. In the hands of Archmage Jordan, it was all condensed in the ruby ​​and turned into something the size of gravel.

Shen Fei really didn't know whether to lament the greatness of technology or the wonder of magic.

"This thing won't explode, right?" Shen Fei had some doubts, the disorder of magic power is a very dangerous thing, not to mention that this ring also integrates a top-level magic power boosting circle.

Shen Fei is familiar with the magic book of Floating Void City, and he is familiar with these magic circles.

Let’s just say that this top-level magic power amplification circle allows a junior magic apprentice to make an ice spike out. After the magic power is boosted, the power and destructive power caused are greater than the power of a thick and thin icicle held by one person.

If Shen Fei's spiritual energy is injected into it, if there is an explosion, it may destroy the entire floating city.

"Don't worry, the integrated magic circle includes a protective magic circle and an absorption magic circle, as well as a triple stable magic circle, which can output over-powered aura, and the ring will collect these energies through the compression magic circle for the next use. If my laboratory explodes, this ring will not explode."

"I'm relieved when you say that, so I'll try now?"

Shen Fei said that he couldn't wait to put the million-dollar ruby ​​ring on his middle finger, and then injected his aura into the ruby ​​ring.

The surging spiritual energy entered the ring, entered the integrated magic circle through the transistor, and then began to operate...

After a while, Jordan personally sent Shen Fei to the Suspension Bridge of the Floating City.

"Just send it here, you haven't slept for two days and two nights, go and have a rest." Shen Fei patted Jordan on the shoulder and said.At first, he thought that he could make it by just preparing the materials and casting spells casually. Today, he was curious about the progress and came to the Mage Academy, and only then did he know how this ring was made bit by bit. Of course, the effect is quite powerful.

"Okay, then send it here, Elder Shen, go slowly." Jordan was not polite, and stood on the suspension bridge and waved to Shen Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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