my pet is boss

Chapter 24 The Worst Wolf King in History

Chapter 24 The Worst Wolf King in History

"Mist grass, you can actually talk!" Shen Fei was so frightened that he quickly took two steps back, he never expected that the Pale Wolf King could speak human language!
This opening scared Shen Fei half to death.

The Wolf King was also startled by Shen Fei's sudden reaction, and his tone was quite aggrieved: "It's just a common language, and pigs have learned it in 100 years."

The wolf king's mentality has improved due to the influence of whispers, and only the wolf king has learned the common language in the entire Giant Wolf Crypt.

Shen Fei gradually recovered from the shock, he was just not used to this setting for a while.

In his opinion, it is a high-level intelligent creature like the Lone Mountain Evil Dragon who can learn the common language. A wolf does not go out to hunt, but spends all day in its giant wolf burrow doing scientific research and learning foreign languages. What kind of spirit?
Self taught!This standard lingua franca is passed level six.

It would be easier if they could communicate, and it would save Shen Fei a lot of trouble.

Shen Fei now roughly understands the reason for the madness of the entire wolf clan, but there are still some things that need to be confirmed.

"I have driven you back to the crypt before, why did you let your sons move around the village?"

The pale wolf king's expression changed wildly: "I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Then the Pale Wolf King told how he was bewitched by the weird whispers in his mind, the crypt was torn apart, magma gushed out from the mountain gap, and the strong sulfur smell was like hell.

Countless tentacles sprouted from the cracks in the rocks, infecting and controlling the wolf king, and then controlling the wolves in the entire cave.

When Shen Fei asked about the tentacle, the Pale Wolf King shook his head helplessly, he could only feel that the tentacle in the giant wolf's crypt was just the tip of the iceberg.

Having said that, Shen Fei's system prompts that the [Wrath of the Earth] mission has been completed, successfully exploring the truth about the madness of the wolf tribe in the Giant Wolf Crypt.

However, Shen Fei didn't leave directly. After finally meeting an "old friend", how could he not reminisce about the old days?
"Is it okay for me to call you Xiaobai?" Shen Fei also said cheekily.

Anyway, he knew that the wolf king was afraid of the vine-wood sword in his hand. Although if the wolf king directly charged at Shen Fei, he would definitely not be able to defeat him, but the timidity that was embedded in his bones was irresistible, and Shen Fei became more courageous.

"It should be, I should be, I am also a junior, the name Xiaobai is good, I like it very much." The proud pale wolf king also wanted to fight with Shen Fei in his heart, and a young boy actually pretended to be a master in front of it.It's just that he was hit by a wave of intelligence-reducing blows from the tentacles just now, and his ribs were broken by the way, and he was in a semi-disabled state. Now he can't get any benefit from the beating, and he is showing weakness strategically.

"Little Bai, come to think of it, we've known each other for a hundred years, right?" Shen Fei said in an old-fashioned tone, the angry pale wolf king ground his teeth, wishing he could swallow this guy in one gulp.

Shen Fei waved the vine and wooden sword, with a look of horror on his face: "Why are you grinding your teeth, do you want to eat me?"

"No, toothache, toothache!"

The dignified wolf king covered his face with his claws at this moment.

"Open your mouth and let me see, you are a level 10 boss, why do you still have a toothache?" Shen Fei's face was full of concern, and he even walked in front of the wolf king.

Originally, the Pale Wolf King was going to do a [cull], crushing Shen Fei under his body, but with a little force on his two hind legs, there was a piercing pain in his ribs.

Damn, not only the ribs are broken, but also the kidneys seem to be broken, what the **** tentacles did in his body!
He yelped twice in pain, the pale wolf king looked unlovable, and suddenly he had a plan in his heart, and when Shen Fei came closer to see his teeth, he opened his mouth and bit his head off, so that it would be It's done! ?

The Pale Wolf King was overjoyed. Sure enough, it was right to study behind closed doors all these years, and felt that his whole mind has become more flexible.

Shen Fei walked up to the wolf king, patted its dog's head, ah no wolf's head: "Open your mouth."

The pale wolf king was ecstatic in his heart, opened his bloody mouth, and was about to swallow Shen Fei in one gulp.But as soon as he opened his mouth, Shen Fei ran away several meters away, and stretched out his hand to pinch his nose with disgust on his face: "It stinks, how long have you not brushed your teeth?"

How long have you not brushed your teeth?
The wolf king was stunned, this is a question that directly hits the soul.

Wait, didn't I just want to bite off this kid's head?It has nothing to do with brushing your teeth or not!
Shen Fei walked over holding his nose, the pale wolf king opened his mouth, the sour smell almost made him faint just now, it was too smelly.

The wolf king blinked his eyes, his eyes were full of grievances, could it be his fault for not brushing his teeth?They wolves have never brushed their teeth.

Shen Fei also reacted immediately, look at what he said just now, if this wolf can brush his teeth, that would be an anecdote.

With the heart of a doctor's parents, Shen Fei squeezed his nose and leaned over again.

Because I opened my mouth for too long, I started drooling non-stop.

With a look of disgust on his face, Shen Fei stood on tiptoe to avoid the saliva that oozed out like spring water, and took a look with his head.

The wolf king's eyes suddenly became sharp, full of killing intent.

Come closer, come closer, yes!As long as there is a little more, it can crush Shen Fei's head in one bite.

However, Shen Fei stopped suddenly, and no longer stretched his head forward.

The Wolf King was a little anxious, resisting the pain and dragging his body forward a little, wanting to take Shen Fei down with one bite.

The moment the wolf king bit his teeth, Shen Fei raised his head and stared at the wolf king seriously, and the wolf king's eyes also stared straight at Shen Fei, terrified.

It's over, it's over, my intentions have been discovered!

How to end it now, I am very anxious to wait online!

"I can explain it..." The wolf king's heart thumped, and his intention was discovered by the opponent. Now it is in the state of [disabled], its movement speed is slowed down by 80%, and even its health is below 20%. If the opponent If you shoot, you can only be kited alive.

It's useless to howl and call his heir.

The status of the head wolf is sacred and inviolable in the wolf clan. It had already urinated at the entrance of the cave and left a smell. Death?

Shen Fei flatly raised his hand to refuse: "No need, I already know!"

The pale wolf king wanted to cry but had no tears, why are you so anxious, who would have thought that Shen Fei would shrink back at the last moment.

"Then what are you going to do..." The wolf king squeezed out two tears with difficulty, and they fell on the ground, trying to win Shen Fei's sympathy.

But the surroundings were full of hot magma, tears fell to the ground, before Shen Fei could see them, they completely vaporized and disappeared.

Shen Fei waved the vine-wood sword in his hand, with a smirk on his face: "Hey, what do you think I am doing?"

The lava cave was extremely hot, but the wolf king was frightened by Shen Fei's strange smile, and shivered suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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