my pet is boss

Chapter 25 This is not a dungeon, this is robbery!

Chapter 25 This is not a dungeon, this is robbery!

"Don't mess around, the rotten boat still has three catties of nails, and the old dog has a few teeth!" The wolf king shrank back, his paws were shaking, there was no such thing as a wolf king's aura.

"Yeah, I'm just going to knock that moth-eaten tooth out of yours so you'll feel better."

Shen Fei's words stunned the Wolf King for a moment, and he gradually came back to his senses.

So, the other party didn't discover its true intention?
The cunning wolf king once again moved his mind. He knew that his teeth were fine, but he couldn't bear the teeth and couldn't get his head. He expressed his approval on the surface, but in fact...

"Yes, yes, let me tell you why my mouth hurts so badly for three days, I can't sleep every day, and the hair all over my body is gray." The wolf king lay on his side on the ground, with his claws crossed in front of him. , with pitiful eyes.

Shen Fei smiled, he is good at tooth extraction!

"Open your mouth, and I'll help you pull out the tooth decay. I'll make sure you eat well. After all, we've been friends for so many years, so I can still help with this."

The wolf king simply opened his mouth wide and let Shen Fei "do whatever he wants", and when he got into his mouth to pull out his tooth, he would bite it down!
The wolf king tried to force his jaw, and suddenly felt a hard object in his mouth, which made him uncomfortable.

"Why is Li Zaiwo shaking Donghei?" The wolf king's eyes moved down vigorously, but his mouth was too long and too big, completely blocking his vision, and a sense of fear emerged spontaneously.

Now I can't move, and I can't close my mouth. It seems that I have become meat on a felt board, ready to be slaughtered.

"Oh, I'm going to come in to extract my teeth. In order to prevent you from accidentally closing your mouth due to pain during the extraction, I used a vine and wooden sword to put a shelf for you." Shen Fei's tone was very relaxed. He has now found the sharpest tooth. Yes... Ah no, the broken tooth was wrapped with several loops of rope and tied to the end of the arrow. Later, as I drew the bow and released the arrow, I would use the power of the arrow to blow the broken tooth to the end of the arrow. The tooth was pulled out straight away.

"By the way, don't struggle later. For the convenience of support, I will put the vine-wood sword on the weakest part of your upper jaw. If you use force, the vine-wood sword will pass through the upper jaw and stab into it. Your brain. It won't be dental surgery."

Hearing this, the wolf king's hardened jaw suddenly softened, and even the flesh at the corner of his mouth trembled.

My life matters, my life matters!
After tying the rope, Shen Fei stepped on his teeth and tugged hard to ensure that the thread would not loosen in the middle.

Tears fell from the corners of the wolf king's eyes. He is the majestic master of the wolf crypt, and he has more than a thousand wolves under his command. Today, he is being manipulated by a yellow-haired child at will, humiliating!How humiliating!

The wolf king caught sight of Shen Fei who started to draw the bow, and a rope was attached to the end of the arrow.

"I'm going to cum, you have to hold back, don't close your mouth!"

Before Shen Fei shot the arrow, he even reminded the Wolf King.

The wolf king nodded blankly, now that the arrow was on the string and he had to shoot, and his mouth was blocked, so he couldn't say a word.

Besides, even if it refuses now, will Shen Fei really stop?

No, Shen Fei will definitely say that we voted democratically, the wolf king raised his hand and refused to pull out his teeth, Shen Fei raised his hand to pull out his teeth, a one-to-one tie, and then uphold the original sentence.

Following the arrow's "swish" sound of piercing through the air, the wolf king heard three clear "bang bang bang" sounds from his mouth.

The arrow flew dozens of meters with the heavy object before stopping, and looking at the rope tied at the end, there were three terrifyingly white sharp teeth.

It is white and delicate, and there is no trace of tooth decay at all.

"Don't you just talk about one root? Why has it turned into a root?"

"Hey, why did the goose miss what he said?"

The wolf king looked at the three fangs on the ground without any problems, with a confused expression on his face.

Shen Fei picked up a bunch of three spikes, and put them directly into the backpack under the gaze of the Wolf King, without changing his face: "It's broken, the middle tooth suffered internal injuries, but you haven't noticed it yet. Pulling out the two next to it is also to prevent cross-infection, and I am doing this for your own good, once and for all."

Shen Fei stepped forward, and drew out the vine-wood sword from the wolf king's mouth.

At this moment, the wolf king's bloody mouth closed directly, and the crisp sound of teeth colliding could be heard.

Without changing his face, Shen Fei pulled out his hand and the vine-wood sword from the two flaps of flesh on the upper and lower lips of the wolf king's mouth.

Seeing that Shen Fei's arm was intact, the Wolf King's eyes widened, with disbelief written all over it.

The three teeth that Shen Fei pulled out happened to be the three sharpest teeth on the side, and his hand also protruded from this gap.If it were changed to another place, the arm would have been gone long ago.

Wiping off the drool on his arm, Shen Fei patted the wolf king's dog's head: "Look, I'm saving your life and helping you pull out your teeth. It's not easy to go into the giant wolf's cave. But we all We've been friends for a hundred years, I don't care if I give you money for running errands, I really don't care!"

As Shen Fei spoke, he waved the vine-wood sword in his hand.

Seeing this, the wolf king immediately reacted: "What are you talking about! How can you let your friend run away for nothing? If you don't accept these things, you will look down on me, the pale wolf king!"

As the wolf king said, he reached out and took out three items from the thick hair.

A skill book plus two forging blueprints.

"Oh, what an embarrassment! You said that I came to the Giant Wolf Cave. I was visiting relatives and pulling my teeth. I didn't drink a sip of water..." Shen Fei put three items into his backpack while declining.

Shen Fei stopped suddenly while speaking, waved his hands suddenly and said: "I don't mean anything else!"

It's just that he still held the vine-wood sword in his hand, and when he swung it, there was another gust of wind.

The Pale Wolf King scratched his head, he had already taken out all the things randomly assigned by the system this time, and it was already stretched.

"Hey, these heirs of yours are really unfilial. Seeing that you are suffering from toothache every day, no one comes to see you. I really love you and feel worthless for you!"

The wolf king was very good. With a wolf howl, he recruited the black-backed giant wolf in front and the three giant wolves of different colors in the second level, and asked them to take out their dropped items, and then There was another order, and the four giant wolves came and left in a daze, without taking a single item.

The four wolves don't have much equipment, the black-backed giant wolf only has a skill book, and the tricolor wolf has a skill book and a leather-making blueprint.

This wave of giant wolf crypts can be said to have made a lot of money.

In the end, under the "repeated reluctance" of the wolf king, Shen Fei left the dungeon directly from the exit at the end of the crypt.

After Shen Fei left, the Pale Wolf King sat down on the ground with his legs spread apart, leaving only a lost and shabby back, sobbing: "It's not about the family, it's about the knot!"

Let's take stock of the harvest of these two consecutive dungeons.

A drawing for forging a bow and arrow, a drawing for forging a staff, a drawing for forging a dagger, a drawing for forging a sword, and a drawing for making leather.

Only one of the five skill books was usable by Shen Fei, and the remaining four were skill books for other professions.

In terms of coins, there are a total of 10 silver coins.

This income is really leveraged!

(End of this chapter)

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