Chapter 26
Shen Fei came out from the front foot of the dungeon, and his back foot was teleported to the inside of the giant wolf cave. At this time, there was no light curtain behind him to enter the dungeon.

[Congratulations on completing the mission and successfully investigating the truth about the madness of the wolves. You are the first player to unlock the dungeon. Is this news announced? 】

Shen Fei, who had tasted the sweetness, naturally chose to make an announcement without saying a word.

Killing the black-backed giant wolf brought him great prestige. Now that he is called Shen Fei, it is estimated that [-]% of the players in the game know who it is.

Immediately, Shen Fei heard a burst of system announcements coming from his ears.

[Congratulations to Shen Fei for completing the "Giant Wolf Crypt" mission line and becoming the first player in the world to unlock the dungeon. 】

[At the same time, the level 6 dungeon "Rise of the Human Race" will be opened. Players who successfully complete this dungeon will open the level 10 dungeon "Giant Wolf Crypt"]

These two pieces of news were widely spread throughout the world, whether it was the light camp or the dark camp, the news seemed like a thunderstorm.

A few hours ago, this Shen Fei became the first player to defeat the boss.

In less than ten hours, he completed the dungeon quest line and became the first player in the world to unlock the dungeon.

At this moment, in the novice village of the dwarves and white elves of the light camp, no player has successfully unlocked the dungeon quest line.

In other words, when human beings are already opening up dungeons, they don't even have dungeons to play!
"Shen Fei, it's Shen Fei again, why is this guy so powerful!"

"If there will be a world announcement for forging blue excellent weapons, then Shen Fei can gather three announcements a day."

"Does this guy have something to do with knowing the content of the game in advance, so he can complete the task so quickly? Didn't you see that these are both level 6 dungeon missions and level 10 dungeon missions. How can the current players complete the mission line of this level?"

"You are the staff, right? This game only has professional settings, and there are only the original aborigines in the game. All the plots are evolved by the mastermind itself. There is no script or route. Even if there is a relationship, there is no way to know the next plot."

All the players who received the news were envious and jealous, why Shen Fei could do so many things in a short period of time that seemed impossible to others when everyone entered the game at the same time.

If killing the boss for the first time can be considered a fluke, then completing the dungeon mission line and unlocking the dungeon depends entirely on strength.

After the world announcement, Shen Fei discovered that there were two light curtains at the entrance of the giant wolf cave, one of which was a blue light curtain, which was a level 6 copy of "The Rise of the Human Race". .

The dungeon next to the red light curtain is the level 10 dungeon "Giant Wolf Crypt", which tells why the giant wolf went crazy, and at the same time draws out the tip of the iceberg of the tentacle monster.

The only thing that surprised Shen Fei was that the "Giant Wolf Crypt" was positioned as a level 10 dungeon.

Without staying too long, Shen Fei went back to the city directly. In addition, he also found that these dungeons cannot be swiped continuously, and each person can only swipe once a day.His copy of "Rise of the Human Race" was locked because he had already killed the Pale Wolf King, and there were still 23 hours left to unlock it.

As for the "Giant Wolf Crypt", these equipment were extorted from the boss, and the boss was not killed, but it was not locked.

It's just that Shen Fei didn't know if he entered this "Giant Wolf Crypt" again, whether these wild wolves would recognize the vine and wood sword in his hand, whether the Pale Wolf King would recognize him, and even at the end of the level, those disgusting people Whether the tentacles will reappear.

Without thinking too much, carrying all the treasures on his back, Shen Fei's first task now is to go back and realize these items.

Returning to Novice Village, he went straight to the Trading Square without saying a word.

After renting a consignment booth for 1 copper coin, Shen Fei put all the items he could use on the trading desk with a single brain.

The four skill books are general skills for weapon masters, mages, monks and priests.

Shen Fei only left a bow and arrow forging blueprint, and a leather-making blueprint, and the rest of the blueprints were all placed on the trading booth, with a price of [-] silver coins!

One level 6 blueprint, and the remaining three blueprints are all level 10 blueprints, which are definitely high-end products that cannot be seen on the market at present, and are definitely not comparable to those low-end blueprints of the third and fourth levels.Shen Fei was also unambiguous about the price tag. He had seen through the Hongmao Group's dandyism last time. There is no shortage of players in this game.

It is said that the personal credit system will be unlocked after level 10. After unlocking, real credit coins can be used every day to exchange for gold coins in the game in proportion. Moreover, the guild system will be opened at level 10, and it will be the beginning of the inhumanity.

Shen Fei calculated that according to the current player's upgrade speed, soon tomorrow there will be a team opening up the "Rise of the Human Race" dungeon, and the day after tomorrow there will be players who can enter the "Giant Wolf Crypt" dungeon.

Shen Fei couldn't run alone in the dungeon of "Giant Wolf Crypt". The first black-backed giant wolf's boss is possible, but the stone road in front couldn't be passed by alone, even a level 10 thief could stealth , will also be spotted by bloodthirsty wolves with a keen sense of smell.

In other words, Shen Fei's current progress is two days ahead of other players.

Hanging up all the things at the consignment stand, Shen Fei didn't stay longer because he knew that his consignment stand would be overcrowded later.

The word Shen Fei is now synonymous with high-level blueprints and skill books, and it is also known as Gaowan in the game!If he said a word, other players would definitely regard it as a model.

Each player has 18 hours of game time per day, with 6 hours of mandatory rest time.

Because running games will stimulate the nerves of dormant human beings at low temperature for a long time, and if excessive, it will cause damage to nerve tissue.But if you don't enter the game, after 200 years of low-temperature freezing, the nerve tissue will be completely necrotic, so that you can't unfreeze it, let alone wake it up, in other words, you will be a dead person.

The bioelectricity constantly stimulated by running the game will provide energy for the game, and at the same time, the excess energy will be collected to provide energy for the Ark's voyage.

This is a complete set of energy chains. For the 200-year interstellar voyage, countless scientists and game designers have worked hard to develop this nearly perfect balance system, which solves the problem that human beings cannot be awakened by long-term low temperature, and also solves the energy problem during the space voyage of the Ark. .

Players can allocate their own game time and mandatory rest time every day.

Shen Fei still had 2 hours of game time left today, so after some consideration, he decided to take a stroll in Novice Village to see if he could receive any missions.

Arriving at the position of the village chief, Shen Fei opened his mouth as soon as he approached the aged village chief.

"Young warrior, the lair of the giant wolf has been discovered. We need the most heroic warriors to go deep into the cave of the giant wolf to eliminate future troubles forever. At that time, the road with the village and the outside world will be opened, and we will be able to receive news from the outside world. , Warrior, are you willing to..."

"Stop talking, I've accepted this mission!"

As soon as Shen Fei finished speaking, a new task appeared on the task bar.

[Wolf King's Token]: Kill the Pale Wolf King, the final boss in the Giant Wolf Crypt, to eliminate future troubles for the village forever, and bring back any token of the Pale Wolf King, which is considered as completing the task.

After hearing what the village chief said, Shen Fei came to his senses, as long as he completes this task, the village will be connected with the outside world, which means he can leave the Novice Village and go to other places!

(End of this chapter)

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