my pet is boss

Chapter 248 Enthroned as King

Chapter 248 Enthroned as King
Leng Qingqiu's people were all wounded and dying, and they were sitting on the ground eating and drinking to recover their blood.

"We can retreat after the supply. Now there are more and more enemy players. If we don't go back, we may all be wiped out here."

Leng Qingqiu originally thought that he would encounter monsters or orc NPCs, but he did not expect to encounter hostile orc players after going deep into Lakstark for three days.

Fortunately, Leng Qingqiu came out this time and brought two five-person teams. The team that encountered the enemy just now was still lucky enough to kill them, but they also paid a painful price-the treatment was lost in seconds.

It is the first time for everyone to fight against hostile players PK, and playing NPC is completely two kinds of experience.Fortunately, the equipment of Leng's Group Guild was slightly better, and the cooperation was more meticulous, which finally swallowed the opponent completely.But even so, at the last moment, all the enemies focused their fire and killed their healers.

What Leng Qingqiu was worried about wasn't that his healers would be killed, but that the orc players appeared in Lax Stark.

Judging from the situation of the fight just now, this team of orc players is obviously a temporary team, basically there is no cooperation at all, but a wave broke out at the final checkpoint, and the collective transfer of firepower dropped one of their healers in seconds.

When you encounter a team of orc players, it means that there are other players nearby. After recovering and waiting for the recovery of the runaway corpses, they should retreat immediately.In the past few days, they have also found many survivors, and they have to escort and fight at the same time, which is a big trouble for Leng Qingqiu.

What worried her even more was that these orc players would call in other helpers after they died, and then both teams would be killed here.

The healing player was revived, and Leng Qingqiu directly hit him with two healing lights, filling up his blood volume.

"Let's retreat quickly and return to Owendale as soon as possible. This place is too dangerous. If we are targeted by orc players, we may not be able to return."

The other players also nodded sternly, knowing that the chairman is not alarmist.

Being targeted on the territory of the orcs, they will definitely be guarded by the other party after they die once, and they will face another murder after being resurrected.If you usually choose to find the angel sister to resurrect in the cemetery, at most you will be in a negative state of -80% of all attributes, which lasts for one day.

But now Leng Qingqiu and the others still have the task of escorting the injured scouts, if they choose the cemetery resurrection task, they will be completely reimbursed, and all the efforts of two days will be in vain.What worries Leng Qingqiu the most is that these orc players will chase all the way to the cemetery, kill them infinitely in the cemetery, and directly cleanse them to level 1. Then Leng Qingqiu and their efforts during this period will be in vain.

Not long after Leng Qingqiu and the others withdrew, the orc players came over.

"What about the human players you promised? No fart, just a waste of my time!"

The orc player who was revived from the battle just now was stunned, "I was fighting here just now, why did everyone disappear so quickly?"

"Hurry up, you shouldn't have run too far!"

Orc players also have missions, which can be completed by killing enough human players.These orc players are like ghosts wandering around in Lakstark. In the past few days, they have only encountered human scout NPCs, not a single human player.

Some scout NPCs were injured and escaped, and some were directly killed by them and turned into experience.

Today, I finally saw a human player appearing and haunting, but the team was wiped out by the opponent.In the soul state, many nearby orc players were called, and after a group of people assembled, they all rushed to nothing.

Leng Qingqiu and his party struggled to escape back to Owendale. If it weren't for Leng Qingqiu's powerful healing ability, they might suffer losses on the way.

There is a huge mage tower on the Owendale Pass, which radiates a range of ten miles around.The orc players stopped chasing after reaching the range of the mage tower.

"[Leng's Group Guild], I remember!"

These orc players are also casual players. They formed a team when they came to the front line to get to know each other so that they could do missions. They wanted to eat this team of human players, but they didn’t expect the opponent to have so many tricks. On the way back, they even organized two or three counterattack.

The most impressive ones are Leng Qingqiu, the Templar Knight of the Leng Group Guild, and the short berserker Leng Ling.

The Templar Knight's healing recovery ability is beyond comprehension. Not only can it heal, but it will also have a healing effect when dealing damage, which is unacceptable to casual players.As for the berserk warrior Leng Ling, he was even more violent. How powerful is this guy's attack power? As long as it is a cloth armor profession and is targeted by this guy's charge, rushing to the front means that you can give up resistance.

Under the same faction, players can choose to display or hide their names, but when there is a cross-faction conflict, all names will be forced to open, which is also the game's tacit approval and even encourages players to PK.

Regardless of the fact that the total number of people on both sides encountered in Lax Stark this time was no more than 40, a small stone thrown into the water can also create ripples.

Human players have already arrived in Owendale, and even entered the territory of the Frost Empire. After that, encounters will only become more frequent and more intense. This also shows that the game plot will soon advance, and the confrontation between humans and orcs will officially begin.

Leng Qingqiu returned to Owendale and successfully brought back 6 injured human scouts.

The city guard general was shaking with excitement.

"Dear warriors, thank you for risking your life to rescue these human scouts. On behalf of the military, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

After the city guard general finished speaking, everyone who handed in the task was also stunned. They never expected that a task would add 600 points to the reputation of the human military, and opened the reputation and exchange of the front line of Owendale.

This is a brand new prestige, born out of any holy city forces. In short, the role of this [frontline prestige] is infinite, which is equivalent to a collection of six major forces.On the front line of Owendale, you can see various professional NPCs and strongholds from the military, monks, imperial consortium, mage city and cathedral, but the trading chips on the front line are nothing else, just [Frontline reputation] and killing orcs. keepsake.

"Warriors, you have been recognized by the frontline soldiers with your abilities, and then you can exchange for many items through reputation and tokens. Now I need to gather the information of the scouts and request the empire to officially declare war and send troops..."

Three days later.

Shen Fei swept across the four heavenly kings in the east, west, north, south, and north of the Holy City Prison, completing the unification of the interior of the Holy City Prison for the first time.

And during these four days, Shen Fei continued to ask the prisoners under his rule to find him to practice duel with him as the king of heaven.

With the deterrent status of the king of heaven, these prisoners have no way to refuse even if they don't want to go.They often go in standing up, and when they come out, they are all wounded and colorful.

Revenge prevailed in the Holy City Prison in the past, but since Shen Fei called hundreds of people in to practice with each other every day, suddenly this "evil trend" in the prison stopped abruptly.

Because no one knows if it is you who will be called in to practice with you next.

If he took revenge on someone who had a grudge before, but he went in in the blink of an eye, would others also take revenge on him?
As a result, everyone consciously gave up, and got out after training with Shen Fei, and there were even "good-hearted people" who helped them back to the prison, in order to win over a little friendship, and when they really had something to do, the other party could help them out.

Except for the tyrannical King of the Southern District who was killed by Shen Fei directly during the PK in the arena, the rest of the Heavenly Kings of the Western and North Districts were all spared by Shen Fei.

Shen Fei received a signal from outside at the "resort" of the former Tianwang in the Eastern District.

"Elder Shen, there is the latest news from the Owendale frontline, saying that an orc outpost has been found outside the border, requesting to officially send troops to support."

Shen Fei rolled over from the bed when he heard the news, the news from the front line came back, and the time was exactly one week!
Owendale issued a request for additional troops, indicating that the front line has already been fought. Now that he is requesting to send troops officially, it is obvious that the two countries will formally declare war.

After Shen Fei changed his clothes, he walked out of the prison through the "secret door" of the resort, and came to the palace immediately.

The little prince Joshua is sitting on the throne of the palace, the leader of the Royal Guards is standing on the left, and the fat tiger is crunching and shaking on the rattan chair on the right.

But everyone, including the Grand Duke, ignored the existence of Fat Tiger. After all, this guy is a true god, as long as he doesn't blow up the holy city, he can do anything!
Shen Fei was the last one to enter the palace, seeing that everyone was already standing in the audience, seeming to be arguing about something.

"It's all due? What are you talking about? It's so hot." Shen Fei saw that everyone was discussing, and he seemed to have missed some things at the beginning.

Everyone looked at Shen Fei's expression a little strangely, but Joshua on the throne had bright eyes, and Fat Tiger beside him had a half-smile.

As he expected, it took exactly one week from the time the first group of warriors responded to the call to when Owendale sent back the news.After the news from the front line came today, Joshua immediately took out the prepared edict.

"Okay, now that the Lord is here, let's listen to Shen Fei's opinion." Countess Mary said.

Grand Duke Ferdinand is on the fence about the award.

On the one hand, when the war officially broke out, he really needed to be in the front-line barracks all the time, and he had no time to deal with the affairs of the Holy City. He was originally going to hand them over to Countess Mary, but he did not expect that the little prince would propose that Shen Fei be the regent.

The meaning of the Regent is that the Grand Duke Ferdinand needs to step down as the supervisor of the country, and only need to focus on the Grand Duke and the Grand Marshal, and preside over the military.

As the regent, Shen Fei will have the greatest power in the empire, in short, he is the "Emperor of Earth".

On the other hand, the regent's authority is too great. Although Shen Fei has done a lot of powerful things, even the tax revenue of the holy city has increased by 20% because of the card game, Ferdinand is still a little worried about Shen Fei. Shen Fei's time in the holy city was too short.

Countess Mary objected. After all, the matter of the regent was not a joke. Shen Fei was not clear about the legal provisions and various matters of the empire. Presiding over the operation of the empire at this juncture would easily cause internal and external chaos.

Archmage Jordan fully approves of Shen Fei's superiority. He is optimistic about this person's vision, talent and governance level, and believes that Shen Fei still has a lot of talent and level to show.

Archbishop Mailer was as on the sidelines as the Grand Duke, neither agreeing nor disapproving.

Button is the leader of the Royal Guards, and he is only responsible for the safety of the royal family. Even if he doesn't like Shen Fei very much, he can't make suggestions.

Shen Fei listened to Barton recount the discussion just now, and took a meaningful look at Countess Mary and Mailer.

Mailer was so frightened that his hands on crutches trembled slightly, it was definitely not a good thing to be stared at by the "small-minded" Shen Fei.

Countess Mary was neither humble nor overbearing, and looked directly at Shen Fei.

"Actually, Shen Fei becoming the regent is also a good choice. One more person can share the pressure during the war, and it can also attract the attention of most of the enemies, and provide living space for the high-level frontline officers and non-commissioned officers." Mailer was so frightened that he quickly changed the topic. .

Grand Duke Ferdinand's eyes lit up, and Mailer's analysis from this angle was good!

If Shen Fei really became the regent, then the attention of himself, the country supervisor and general marshal, would definitely be much less, and even the soldiers in the frontline barracks would be much safer.Humans can do things like beheading, and so can orcs.

Human beings launched Shen Fei as the regent, so most of the assassinations would go to Shen Fei. As for Shen Fei's strength, does it need to be said?
The identity of a [God Lord] represents everything.

Mailer defected midway, and the approval rate rose immediately. Now only Countess Mary is opposed, so the opposition is invalid.

"According to the archbishop's intention, then I also agree to Elder Shen's appointment." The originally neutral Archduke Ferdinand also changed his flag to support Shen Fei's appointment, the sooner the better!

Shen Fei looked confused, looked at Mailer and then at the excited Ferdinand.

What are you two talking about!
Do you dare to love me, Shen Fei, as the regent, the role is to go to the front line to attract firepower?
If you think so, then...

"I will be the Regent!"

"Contribute to the empire, even if you are in danger, it is your duty!"

Joshua was equally excited that his first step plan was a success.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player [Shen Fei] for becoming the Regent of the Lionheart Human Empire and earning the title [Regent]."

[Regent]: The regent of the human empire, when displaying this title, he can command all races.

Deterrence (active): Release the majestic breath of the regent, which can make all humanoid creatures within 300 meters feel the pressure, -20% movement speed, -20% attack power.

Breath of the King (Passive): Your body embodies the luck of the human empire. When you display this title, all attributes will increase by 50 points.

Shen Fei was stunned when he saw the titles. Previously, his own titles also had effects, such as [Lord of the Forest Tarantula] and [Lord of the Gods], but at most they only added prestige or commanded the clan, such as [Regent] The title is both an active effect and a passive effect, this is the first time.

50 full attribute points is equivalent to 250 free attribute points, which is definitely not a small amount!

"Congratulations to Elder Shen, oh no, it should be said to be congratulations to the Regent on his appointment."

Everyone congratulated, even Countess Mary, who had refused just now, knew that the overall situation was settled at this moment, so she put on a pleasant expression to congratulate.

"The next thing is to send troops. Now the Imperial Legion can gather a total of 15 troops."

"With 15 troops, there must be troops in the local area to maintain stability, and they cannot all be drawn to the front line to fight..."

Next, everyone entered the intensive discussion and preparation time.

(End of this chapter)

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