my pet is boss

Chapter 249 The King's Speech

Chapter 249 The King's Speech

The Minister of Military Aircraft discussed the soldiers and supplies for this expedition, and even the initial strategy, and finally decided to gather 12 soldiers from the empire to the front line, and the remaining 3 soldiers stayed in various places to maintain public order and stability.

These 12 people are the number of pure legions. As for the militias in all townships and towns, they all sounded the alarm and participated in the maintenance of law and order.

At the same time, all the commercial lines in wartime have been turned into material supply lines. The supply lines extending in all directions of the Imperial Consortium do not even need the military to send out troops to protect them. The Imperial Consortium itself has a good armed force, which is enough to ensure the safety of materials.

"The cathedral will send 10 bishops, 100 senior priests, and 500 trainee priests." Archbishop Mailer adjusted his glasses. This is the most combat power that the cathedral can provide on the battlefield.

"Mage Academy, you can send 2 seven-star mages, 10 six-star mages, 50 five-star mages and 200 three-star mages." Archmage Jordan sent almost all of his combat power, leaving only some four-star mages to guard the holy city and maintain For the operation of the mage tower, the remaining one-star and two-star mages are too weak, and there is only one word of death on the battlefield.

Shen Fei represents MI[-] and Wuseng Zenyuan, MI[-] needless to say, some things don't need to be discussed in the open, everyone knows it well.

"Warrior Monk Temple will send all elite disciples to participate in the war."

As soon as Shen Fei said this, the others all gasped.

"Elder Shen, don't you plan to keep some elite disciples in the gate?"

Both the cathedral and the mage academy left some powerful mages or priests in command, yet Shen Fei chose to deploy all high-end combat power.

Joshua looked at Barton beside him, with a smug expression on his face, meaning that the regent he suggested was much more enlightened than others.

Although Button is angry with Shen Fei, but this guy really has nothing to say.

"No need, those inner disciples are enough for the town gate." Shen Fei replied flatly.

Everyone else shook their heads, and the division of the strengths of the major forces is very clear to each other.

The outer disciples of the Wushu Temple are mostly ordinary people who have just learned the way of the monk. The inner disciples start to study moves and Zen principles before they can be regarded as "introductory", and the elite disciples can be said to be proficient and have the power to fight.

It's just that since Shen Fei, as the Supreme Elder of the Zen Academy, has already made a decision, it's not easy for outsiders to interfere, at most they say a few words and think twice.

The imperial consortium is the Countess's own mercenaries, and it is not easy to go to the battlefield. Therefore, the mercenaries of the imperial consortium are mainly responsible for the safety of the grain transportation line, preventing enemy spies from making sabotage.

"Uncle Shen, you are the regent now, and I will leave the drafting of the proclamation to you." Joshua arranged a task for Shen Fei without saying a word.

Shen Fei shook his head and refused.

"This time is a battle between the human empire and the orc empire. As the only heir to the royal family, you must stand up! This is your inherent responsibility. I can assist you, but you cannot shirk your responsibility .”

The smile on Joshua's face froze for a moment, then gradually faded, and his expression became sincere.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Shen, I'm the one who went wild, so I'll leave it to me to write the proclamation, and then Uncle Shen will assist you." Joshua has a correct attitude, although at his age he will definitely not be able to go to the front line, but he should do a good job. What the prince should do, this is his responsibility and obligation.

"Time is running out. The First Legion and the Second Legion will go out tomorrow morning, and the swearing-in meeting will be held in Gospel Square."

Joshua knew that Uncle Shen was speaking to him, meaning that he should write the proclamation tonight.

After the meeting was over, all the leaders went to seize the time to explain and arrange things. The war is really coming this time!
Shen Fei also returned to the Wuseng Temple, called a meeting of all the disciples of the Temple, and notified important matters about the war.

"The first and second regiments will set off tomorrow, and the disciples of our monk monastery will set off together with other forces in five days. These five days are your final training time, so I approve elite disciples to enter Shushan for trials, and at the same time There is a PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial every day. Of course, inner sect and elite disciples can sign up to participate."

After listening to the words of the Supreme Elder, the inner disciples all had troubled faces.

During this period of time, they feel that their strength has improved a lot. If they set up a ring now, they really are not afraid of the so-called elite disciples.

These inner disciples have all grasped the essence of the King of Fighters' trial, and now they are more slippery than one in a row.Now Zhao Hao and Luo Feng who are progressing the fastest are stuck in the final boss Orochi, and most of the others are stuck in the Crazy Iori Temple or Mutant Three Kings.

To be honest, at this point, the disciples of the inner sect know in their hearts that with their current strength, it is absolutely accurate to break through the illusion trial. As for the current floating combo, they can give you three or four sets on the spot. There are also people who invented a combo that specializes in the next three rounds. The monsters in the illusion trial may be killed by them if they have no chance to make a move.

"Why can't our inner disciples go to the front line! I think with my strength, I can kill many orc bastards at the front line!"

"Those elite disciples may not be better than us!"

After going through the Shushan trials, these inner disciples really swelled up, and now they dare not take elite disciples seriously.

But this is also normal, as far as the monk's skill combo is concerned, it is only circulated among inner disciples, elite disciples don't even know about it.

Shen Fei heard the chatter in the inner sect, including the elite disciples, all glared.

This year's inner disciples are too bad, right?You haven't even passed the illusion trial, and you look down on elite disciples, who gave you the courage?

Shen Fei glanced at the inner disciples who were "filled with righteous indignation" in the audience, and said with a smile: "The battle on the front line is fierce, but the stability in the rear is also very important. I keep you inner disciples as a surprise soldier in the holy city. The front line is anxious, and the enemy I will definitely find a way to do things in the rear, so that we can't look at each other from head to tail.

During the war, you can't immerse yourself in the Shushan trials in the rear as before. You need to patrol around the holy city every day, and report any abnormal information immediately. "

Hearing that there was work in the holy city, the inner disciples finally stopped complaining, and the expressions on their faces turned into wishing that there would be civil strife in the holy city so that they could solve it immediately.

Shen Fei was speechless for a while, these guys seem to be too jumpy recently, do you need to suppress them?
Shen Fei didn't go to the three elders, knowing that these three old guys were preparing for reincarnation.The matter of reincarnation is very complicated, and any link must not be sloppy, otherwise there will be no way to wake up the memory of the previous life.

Shen Fei found Fuman.

"Fuman, the Monk Temple will be handed over to you when I am away. The three elders are preparing for the reincarnation, and I guess they will be too busy. You are a Zen son, and you have a very important status in other forces. The matter of the Holy City Pay more attention. If the Chanyuan can’t solve it, use your identity to contact other forces to solve it.”

Fuman's face was flustered, and he was about to cry: "Master, won't you take me with you when you go to the front line?"

Shen Fei looked at Fuman, the front line is not a joke, it will kill people.Although it is said that a man of destiny like Fuman will be fine, but everything happens in case.Before Shen Fei thought that Lucien was the Son of Destiny, so he disappeared anyway?

Besides, once their powerful main forces leave, the defense of the Holy City will be very weak, and some people will definitely show their minions...

"What are you thinking, it will be of great use if I keep you behind!"

Shen Fei hugged Fuman, this fat man is good everywhere, but he is a bit glassy, ​​once he said that he would not be taken to the front line, this guy would doubt whether he was useless, the whole Shen Fei wondered if he did something wrong , I have a feeling that I am a bad person.

"There is a force in the holy city that is not good for Joshua, and they want to take advantage of the war between humans and orcs to be bad for him! The purpose of keeping you in the holy city is to let you take good care of your junior brother. When the time comes, you must be on your own! The point is, after I leave, I don't trust anyone else, so this important task can only be entrusted to you!"

Hearing that the young master entrusted him with such an important task, Fu Man was wet.


"Don't worry, young master, I will definitely protect my junior brother and prevent the bad guys from succeeding!"

Shen Fei patted him on the shoulder and said: "Didn't you always want to go to Shushan for a trial experience? In the past few days, go in with the elite disciples and have a try."

When the war comes, it is difficult for those who are soft-hearted and too innocent to resist the past. It is also time for Fuman to see blood and exercise.

Under the busy schedule, time passed quickly.

Early the next morning, everyone came to Gospel Square.

This is the largest square in the Holy City, which can accommodate 10 people at the same time, and a high platform rose overnight.

Because of the venue, many people and players couldn't be there, but the Mage Academy had already thought of a way to collect the sound, amplify it with the Mage Tower, and spread it out, similar to the effect of broadcasting.

There are not many players in the holy city. On the one hand, most of the players have left the holy city to perform the task after accepting the mission; on the other hand, the people of the holy city are more concerned about this matter, so they came to the scene early to wait.

In the early morning, many people were wrapped in quilts and stood in the square, especially the older people standing in the front row.

These are human veterans who fought in World War I 40 years ago.

No one thought that the happy and stable life that was created by throwing their heads and blood, would suffer the disaster of war in a blink of an eye.

It was still the eyeing enemy, the only difference was that it was not King Lucien standing on the stage today, but the king's son, little prince Joshua.

Joshua has no stage fright.

Originally, he hoped that Shen Fei could host today's meeting, so that the identity of the regent could become the protagonist.

But what Uncle Shen said made him enlightened. The reason why the empire is an empire is because the blood of the royal family is poured.

This is his responsibility and obligation, which cannot be evaded.

Joshua took a deep breath, walked to the front of the stage, and looked at the parents and people in the audience.

" missing."

Joshua's first words caused an uproar in the audience.

The faces of the ministers of military aircraft on the stage changed suddenly. They asked Joshua to speak to boost the morale of the army and the people, and to fight against the enemy at the most difficult moment, but Joshua's first sentence poured cold water on everyone.

Grand Duke Ferdinand wanted to step forward to stop him immediately, but was stopped by Shen Fei raising his hand.

"Elder Shen, do you know that saying such things before the battle will damage morale!" No one knows morale better than Grand Duke Ferdinand, and morale is more important than anything else on the frontal battlefield.

"I trust Joshua."

Shen Fei didn't say much, from his chat with Joshua before, to Fat Tiger telling him that Joshua "conspired" him to become the regent.Shen Fei knew that he was not as ignorant of worldly affairs as he appeared on the outside, on the contrary, because of the loss of his father, he matured early, and also came into contact with politics, trade-offs and other things in advance.

Joshua, in fact, is a very mature child, but other people present still regard the little prince as a flower in a greenhouse.

Joshua ignored the conversation of the few people sitting next to him, paused and continued.

"Father is missing, I feel like the sky is falling. I used to think that my father was really just missing, but as the days passed, he didn't show up. I once looked in the mirror and saw the light of hope in my pupils gradually dimmed. This is a child's most sincere wish for his father.

I know that it's not just me. Everyone in the empire hopes that the brave and temperamental man will return. How many people have the same dream as me, hoping that King Lucian will appear in the holy city again after waking up...

But as I grew up, I found that my father would not come back when I woke up from the dream.Fortunately, the empire still has important ministers like the grand duke, who supported the operation of the empire with his own body, and then the appearance of Uncle Shen, the name I have heard countless times from my father, and together they established the first human federation , let the weak human beings a hundred years ago condense the first force...

I am a child of my parents, and all of you here are also children of your parents, or parents of your children.

My mother left when giving birth to me due to dystocia, and my father also disappeared for no reason, and there was no news for three years.Although I bear the identity of a little prince who is envied by thousands of people, how I wish I could use this title in exchange for my father and mother!

Now the greedy and bloody orcs are once again fighting Lax Stark. They sharpen their knives and want to break through Owendale and enter the rich territory of the human empire. They burn, plunder and do all kinds of evil.Their attack this time will be more ferocious than 40 years ago!Be more prepared than you were 40 years ago!
To be honest I was terrified!
Everyone is afraid, and no one is not afraid.

Even King Lucian, who everyone thinks is invincible, once told me the story of the year in the palace, and said that he was also afraid on the battlefield.I once asked him why he was so scared in his heart, but he still waved his big sword and went forward bravely, rushing ahead of everyone.He replied, because there is something behind him to protect, which is more important than his life!

I'm only a nine-year-old kid, and I've never been on a battlefield, or even seen a lamb being slaughtered.I am much more afraid now than my father was back then...

I said yesterday that I want Uncle Shen, who is the regent, to be the initiator and caller of this time.

But Uncle Shen said something that made me change my mind.

He said that he can assist from the side, but today's speech must be done by me, because this is the responsibility and obligation of the royal blood, and it is also destiny!

Yes, I have the blood of Lucian, I am a descendant of the royal family, and protecting human beings is something that is fused into my blood. Even if I am afraid a hundred times and a thousand times, I must still take my responsibility!
Soldiers, behind you are wives and children, children!
I'm already nine years old, but the Regent and the others agree that I won't be able to go to war.It is my regret that I cannot fight with the soldiers.But in front of everyone, I can also make my promise, if Owendale is broken, the human empire is in turmoil, and the blood of the empire will never retreat!

Behind you are us old and weak women and children.When the orc army comes to the city, I will stand in front of everyone to meet the enemy!Behind me are all human beings, the blood of Lucian, never retreat! "

After Joshua finished speaking, he drew the great sword from his waist and raised one hand high.

"Fight to the death!"

The Grand Duke, Shen Fei, and the Countess drew out their swords at the same time, while Jordan and Mailer had already raised their staffs.

The veterans standing at the front of the stage had tears in their eyes, and the children on the stage in front of them gradually overlapped with King Lucian and gradually became a person.

"Your Majesty the King!"

The veterans wailed loudly.

All the people in the audience clenched their fists and stretched them in the air.

At this moment, two words kept floating in the entire holy city.

Fight to the death!

Fight to the death! !
Fight to the death! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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