my pet is boss

Chapter 251 World Equipment Ranking List

Chapter 251 World Equipment Ranking List

The rally in Gospel Square ended, and under the orders of the Grand Duke and Grand Marshal Ferdinand, the First and Second Legions rushed to the front line.

The imperial consortium has a train line dedicated to transporting goods, which is now temporarily reorganized into a military supply line.

The first two legions could reach Owendale in a day and a half.

At this moment, all players in the world are waiting for the refresh of the equipment leaderboard.

Even the dungeon players stopped after cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers, waiting for the update of the equipment list.

The grueling 10 minutes were finally over.

When the equipment leaderboard was opened, almost all online players clicked in.

【Asian Server Top [-] Equipment Ranking】

No.1: Ancient vine wood sword (legendary), player [Shen Fei], no guild.

Reward: +10% damage.

No.2: Dark Scepter (Epic), player [sloppy], Ma Clan Guild.

Reward: +9% damage.

No.3: Ring of Elf Blessing (Epic), player [Little Ma], TX Guild.

Reward: +8% damage.

No.4: Hide (Epic), Hide, Hide.

Reward: +7% damage.


No.10: Cape of the Liberator (Epic), player [Superman Xiao Li], Cheung Kong Industrial Association.

Reward: +1% damage.

When the players saw the server's top ten equipment rankings, they all gasped.

"Although the World Announcement was released three times in a row just now, it was shocking enough, but when I actually saw the leaderboard, I was still shocked."

"Shen Fei is too brute. The other equipment on the leaderboard are all epic, and he is the only legendary equipment."

"I reported that Shen Fei was cheating with my real name. It is said that Chairman Ma spent 200 billion in it to create a suit of epic equipment. What kind of shit luck did Shen Fei have!"

"Fuck, I remembered. Could this vine-wood sword be the one in the altar of Xinshou Village? At that time, Shen Fei just tricked everyone to kneel down and pray for blessings. Later, this guy paid a fee to pray for blessings, and ran away after cheating."

"As soon as you said it, I remembered it. It really happened! There was an uproar in Xinshou Village at that time, and it was a sensation."

The players whispered to each other, and many players who witnessed it with their own eyes even figured out a clue at this moment.

The vine wood sword that dares to hide the mission is really a powerful weapon!
"That's not right. At that time, there was no world announcement after Shen Fei got it, that is to say, the vine wood sword was not at the legendary level at that time. Could it be a prototype, which was later strengthened to the legendary level after completing the mission?"

"And that blessing ceremony is probably related to the upgrade and evolution of the vine wood sword, otherwise Shen Fei wouldn't need to cheat twice in Xinshou Village, and even now he would have to do it in the expedition ceremony."

Players, you talk to each other, and you are even about to analyze the mechanism of the Fujiki sword.

However, players still hold a negative attitude on a large scale. Many players are still wearing blue and green outfits. As a result, the masters on the ranking list are all epic-level equipment.

"I thought it would be awesome enough to spend 3000 million to create an epic piece of equipment, but I didn't expect that I didn't even touch the tail of the leaderboard..."

Not to mention the second-ranked Chairman Ma and the first-ranked Shen Fei, the quality of equipment is another level worse.

Chairman Ma's [Dark Scepter] cost nearly 200 billion to build, so he couldn't get a piece of legendary equipment. One can imagine...

The gap is frustratingly large.

Just when the players complained, many people began to pay attention to the specific attributes of the top ten equipment.

Many people chose to hide some of the effects, not wanting to make their equipment attributes public.

The one that has been checked the most is Shen Fei's [Ancient Rattan Sword], which is legendary equipment after all.

【Ancient Rattan Sword】(Legend)

Physical attack power: 170-200
Magic Attack Power: 170-200
Durability: never wear out
? ? lv35: hidden

Warden lv25: Attack range increased by 250%
Windfury lv15: Attack speed increased by 150%
Berserk lv10: Attack has a 15% chance to make all attacks in the next 10 seconds guaranteed to be a critical strike

? ? lv1: hidden

Seeing this attribute, all the players exploded.

"What kind of fairy attribute is this? If I remember correctly, Shen Fei is a master of survival. His attack distance has been increased by 250%. Who can touch him?"

"Isn't the attack power too strong? I have a total of more than 400 blood now. Doesn't it mean that Shen Fei can kill me with two arrows?"

"Hunter players said that they got wet when they saw the watcher's passive. This is a magical skill!"

"It doesn't matter if the attack is so high, but the skill of Windfury is even more extreme. It increases the attack speed by 150%. This shit is a machine gun!"

"Please take a look at the skill Berserk. This attack speed triggers Berserk. I don't think any player can last five seconds in front of Shen Fei..."

"The announced attributes are already so exaggerated. I just want to know what the two hidden attributes are. I'm afraid it will only be stronger..."

"With all due respect, compared with Shen Fei's [Ancient Rattan Sword], the other nine pieces of equipment on the ranking list are rubbish!"

Jealousy has made the players unrecognizable and hysterical.


In the kingdom of the apostles, there was silence in the guild of the Ma Clan Group. Players did not dare to discuss anything about the equipment list in the guild group.

Sloppy's face was ashen at the moment, when the system asked him, he chose to hide all the effects of the equipment.Unexpectedly, Shen Fei actually opened up some attributes, but these attributes are abnormal, and the two hidden effects are even more terrifying.

"Shen Fei, right? He ruined my good deeds one after another. I've forgotten this grudge!"

Sloppy glanced at his trembling deputy, and said: "I remember that Shen Fei is a human player, this time he attacked the Holy City, and completing the mission was second. Find this Shen Fei and clean him up!"

The deputy immediately assured with a serious expression: "Chairman, don't worry, this guy is a player without a guild. We have a guild of 20 people in the Martens Group. We will definitely complete the task this time!"

The equipment in the game has durability, which will be reduced after the player dies. If there are too many deaths, the equipment may explode and become ownerless. Whoever picks it up will own it.But the durability of Shen Fei's equipment is never worn out, that is to say, no matter how many times he dies, this equipment will not explode.

So in order to eliminate the threat and vent his anger, the only way Chairman Ma can think of is to whitewash him and kill him to level 1.


In the kingdom of white elves, Ma looked around the leaderboard, his expression was calm and gentle, and he was still gentle and refined.

"This Shen Fei is a bit interesting. I don't know if we have a way to bring him to our guild. There is also the fourth hidden person on the leaderboard. If he is also a casual player, it would be even better if he can be brought into the guild. As for the status , you can enter the level of the board of directors, and you can find a way to contact and discuss the rest."

Now that the new version has been opened, it won't be long before he can take a boat to the Dwarf Kingdom, and then he can go west to the Human Empire, and then there is a high probability that he will know Shen Fei.


The human empire was at war with the Frost Orcs, and the dwarves and white elves, sensing danger, retreated from the harbor early.

The surprises brought to Shen Fei by today's expedition ceremony are endless, especially the changes in weapons and equipment, which are too dreamy.

Shen Fei originally thought that he would be satisfied if he could absorb 100 Power of Faith, but he didn't expect Lucian's name to be so useful. Shen Fei later thought about it carefully with [-] million Power of Faith, and calculated it.

All the people in the holy city, plus 10 people in the two legions, together helped him have millions of beliefs.

Shen Fei saw that the chat in his friend column had almost exploded, and all his friends sent congratulatory messages, and even Leng Ling asked weakly if he could show her all the attributes of the legendary weapon.

Shen Fei only replied: "Have you seen the red exclamation mark?"

After posting, he immediately deleted Leng Ling's friends.

When Leng Ling sent out the question mark, he saw a red exclamation mark appearing on the chat interface, and reminded you that he was not friends with the other party.

"Sister, Chen Fei actually deleted my friend!"

"Did you ask him about the attributes of the equipment?" Leng Qingqiu immediately reacted when he heard Leng Ling's words.

Leng Ling shrank her neck and said cautiously: "I'm just curious..."

Leng Qingqiu heaved a long sigh: "Didn't you read it on the equipment list? Why do you still ask? Do you know that since the other party chooses to hide, there must be a reason that cannot be revealed, and you still send a message to ask?"

Even Uncle Guan on the side shook his head slightly: "Second Miss, you are really willful this time."

The Leng Group's guild can rise and become the most popular guild in the human race, which has a lot to do with Shen Fei's help.It can be said that without Shen Fei, the Leng Group Guild would not be where it is today.

"I always thought you could grow up, but I didn't expect you to do it again and again..."


The vine-wood sword returned to its sheath, and at the same time, Shen Fei took on the title of [Regent], and all 50 attributes took effect.

What surprised Shen Fei was that the top of the equipment list actually came with a bonus of 10% damage.

Now Shen Fei's level is lv40, and earth-shaking changes have taken place after 50 full attributes.

The blood volume has reached a terrifying 2300 points, the mana volume is 1130 points, and the long-range attack power is 273-310 points.

Under the circumstance that the damage of most players is only in double digits and can barely exceed a hundred with the blessing of sophisticated weapons, Shen Fei's attack power has reached a terrifying 300 points.

Now Shen Fei is more confident in this battle between the human race and the orc race.

Self-strength is deterrent.

The first and second legions have already been dispatched, and preparations will be made for the next week. Reinforcements from major forces will also arrive. Afterwards, the legions in other places will mobilize their manpower and rush to Owendale continuously.

The little prince still returned to the monk's monastery.

There is still a wave of half-orc assassins left in the holy city, ready to launch a second wave of attacks, but within a day after the major forces released the mission, these half-orc assassins were picked out by aggressive players, and after killing them, they went to the mission point Redeem bounties.

But during war, you never know what the enemy is up to.

The little prince is now continuing to live in the monk's monastery, and will not return to live in the palace until the reinforcements from all forces leave.

At the same time, Shen Fei possessed the status of "Regent", which was to some extent Joshua's act of breaking the boat.He knew that as the only royal blood, the enemy would try any means to attack him during the war.Not every time the danger can be turned to safety, if the last royal bloodline also withers, then all the soldiers and people of the empire will lose their last pillar, the frontline morale will be lost, and even human beings will not exist.

So in order to avoid this situation, let Uncle Shen become the [Regent]. Even if he has any troubles, the power of the empire will be concentrated in the hands of Uncle Shen. Maybe he can lead the rest of mankind to turn the tide, at least there will be no scene of power falling apart.

Joshua has prepared for the worst, after all, in a war, you can't expect yourself to be unscathed.

The monk's monastery was empty, and after the expedition ceremony, all the elite disciples swarmed into Shushan for the trial.

They had already heard about the magic of the Shushan Trial, and if it wasn't for Shen Fei's previous order, they would have come in to experience it a long time ago.

Fuman entered together.

Shen Fei and Joshua stood on the Shushan Square, watching many elite disciples and Fu Man enter the biohazard trial with their heads held high.

There was no smile on Shen Fei's face, when he thought of the disciples in the greenhouse who had never seen this kind of world, thinking of their encounters in the trial, Shen Fei quietly put incense on them first.

Seeing Uncle Shen's expression, Joshua couldn't help asking curiously: "Uncle Shen, is this trial difficult? I see you are frowning."

"I'm worried about them. These elite disciples are all good seedlings of Wu Monk Temple. They have been tormented in the past few days."

Think about it, it was obviously a training camp before going to the battlefield, but in the result of the biochemical crisis trial, everyone was scared to death, and after they came out, they were pulled by the train to the front line.

Now Shen Fei can only hope that these "little guys" will be strong enough.

Joshua took a few more glances, wondering what kind of trial was in Shushan.These are all the elite disciples of the Buddhist monastery, the ones who have passed the illusion test.And the Shushan Trial is aimed at inner disciples. Could it be that these elite disciples can't make it through?
It's just that questions are questions, and everything can only be answered after these elite disciples come out.

Shen Fei brought Joshua to the second floor, and now most of the inner disciples have entered the King of Fighters trial.

Knowing that they will start guarding the holy city in a week, the inner disciples also seized the time to break through, and there will be no chance to come in later.Shushan trial has been open for so long, and they haven't even gone up to the third floor, so they really have the expectations of the elders.

Shen Fei is also looking forward to how these inner disciples will feel when they pass the second level and enter the third level.

It was a completely different experience. Shen Fei also invited Fat Tiger during the design. The two transformed the design together and added a lot of inspiration.After all, Fat Tiger, as the first player to be ravaged by Super Tiger Leo, is very qualified to speak.

The third level of the Shushan Trial, the 3D version of Super Tiger Leo.

The first level of Biohazard is to hone the physical fitness of the disciples, the second level is to hone the disciples' understanding of martial arts and tricks, and the third level is to hone the hearts of the disciples.

Fear is a negative state, as are ego and restlessness.

Although it is named Super Tiger Leo, the content is still the normal version of the Super Mario plot at the beginning. The hidden content of Super Tiger Leo will not be opened until the dragon is finally defeated and the princess lives happily together.

Imagine being a student who struggles to clear a Mario plot, only to find out that it's just a pre-dinner dessert.

What's even more frightening is that the following plot breaks through your cognition and is completely opposite to the previous one.

The power of habit is terrifying, and the plot and content of Super Tiger Leo are based on denying habits over and over again.

Just as Shen Fei was in a daze, a huge portrait was suddenly dropped on the mountain wall of the square where the second stage of the King of Fighters Trial was, and the first group of disciples who passed the stage came out!

(End of this chapter)

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