my pet is boss

Chapter 252

Chapter 252
Three people appeared on the portrait, Zhao Hao, Luo Feng and Sun Xing.

"I didn't expect it to be these three guys."

Shen Fei didn't expect that it was actually a combination of these three people.

A teleportation array appeared on the square, and the three of them teleported out from the trial with excited expressions on their faces.

"Successful, we succeeded!" Zhao Hao shouted excitedly.

The last boss big snake is really too difficult to fight. Once this guy is allowed to use the big move of sunshine, he will be killed immediately if he can't prevent it.

And Orochi also has skills such as teleportation and defense breaking.

The strategy of the three of them is also very simple. First, Luo Feng, who has the best combo skills, will fight against the three heavenly kings. Afterwards, the plot-killing snake appears, and it is only with the strength of the three that they manage to kill the big snake.

The three of them had just finished their excitement when they saw Shen Fei and the little prince Joshua standing on the square.

"Hello, Supreme Elder, the three of us didn't pay attention to the elder just now, and we are a bit meng Lang, please punish the Supreme Elder!"

Shen Fei was in a good mood, he waved his hands and said: "You three are all very good, I never thought that you could defeat Big Snake so soon."

After being praised by Shen Fei, the three of them couldn't hide their smiles.

Ranked No. 213 and cleared the King of Fighters Trial, with [-] attempts.

At the same time, the three of them admired Shen Fei very much. The trial that the Supreme Elder thought of was simply too powerful. After only two trials, they felt that they had already improved to an extremely high level. They also have the confidence to beat it.

"There's more time now. If you have nothing to rest, you can go to the top of the mountain to experience the trial of the third level."

The three of them nodded again and again: "There is no need to rest, we are in good condition now, and we are going to challenge the third trial."

The eyes of several people were burning, and they couldn't hide their excitement.The first two trials are already so exciting, as the last trial of Shushan, the third trial will definitely not let them down.

Shen Fei didn't say anything, and waved his hand to signal them to go now.

At the same time, during the biohazard trial at the foot of the mountain, there were all kinds of ghosts and wolves howling.

"I'm going, what the hell is this! What are these things!"

"My arms! My legs! My eyes!"

"Woooooh, mom, I want to go home..."

But there were also fat people who were so frightened that they ran wildly with their eyes closed, tripped over the stones under their feet, flew straight up and crashed into the window on the first floor, and then smashed open the wooden door. He ran around with his eyes closed, but avoided the attacks of all the monsters.

Desperately pushed the door open, a licker immediately shot his tongue at Fuman, and the licker behind him also shot his tongue. As a result, Fuman lowered his head subconsciously, and the tongues of the two lickers tangled and tangled together. In a group, they also blocked the zombie dogs and other monsters behind them...

Sometimes, luck is also a part of strength...

Zhao Hao, Luo Feng and Sun Xing rushed to the top of Shushan Mountain.

This is the last trial of Shushan, and the three of them are looking forward to it.Being able to serve as the last trial of Mount Shu must be extremely powerful, and there will be more innovative challenges.

The three of them looked at each other, saw the excitement in each other's eyes, and rushed in together...

"Damn it, why do you have to use the top of your head to turn your head? It hurts so much!"

"Why do you die if you touch a mushroom or a turtle?"

"Why is there a man-eating flower coming out of this green sewer?"

The three of them were completely dumbfounded...


In the last seven days, Shen Fei was preparing another crucial thing.

Level 10 bows and arrows are no longer suitable for this level, and Shen Fei didn't deliberately upgrade his forging technology before, which made it somewhat useless.

SI:[-] and Monk's Monastery, with all kinds of stuff contributed by players.

There is no shortage of ores and design drawings.

However, the player's level is generally at level 20-30, and most of the donated blueprints are not used, and the level will be lower.

Shen Fei set his sights on the original inventories of several major forces.

Most of the SI:[-] weapons are melee weapons, but the long-range weapons have assassination heavy crossbows, but this thing is relatively heavy, and it is okay for fixed-point sniping, but it is still a little bit worse for fast movement.

In the end, Shen Fei found the Imperial Consortium, a place that claims that money can turn ghosts around.

After spending 40 gold coins, he actually bought a lot of rare design blueprints, all of which were level [-] bow and arrow design drawings.

Shen Fei is now level 40, and can forge 40 pieces of equipment every day.

The blueprints for Forging Professional Proficiency are contributed by SI:[-] and Monk Temple players, as well as the original inventory.

A piece of equipment increases proficiency by 10 points, and Shen Fei easily reached the limit of a junior blacksmith. However, as Shen Fei [Regent], he casually said a few words to the boss in the blacksmith shop, and the blacksmith shop boss respectfully Upgrade Shen Fei to an intermediate blacksmith.

Shen Fei spent 6 days of forging experience in a row, and was directly upgraded to an expert blacksmith.

During the period, many blue and purple weapons were also forged, all of which were put away by Shen Fei.

The entry of these weapons into the market will greatly enhance the player's strength.

Although they are all level 30 weapons, Shen Fei can't use them, but putting them on the market will definitely cause an uproar.

Shen Fei didn't support the players' interests and hobbies. He kept all these weapons. If he had the opportunity in the future, he would form a team of rangers and give them all to NPCs.

That's right, in this game, players can also trade equipment to NPCs, and by giving them what they like, they can gain favorability or reputation. NPCs can also wear equipment.

"Huh! Finally, the forging profession has finally rushed to the expert level."

Shen Fei let out a long sigh of relief, if he hadn't had the proficiency of forging before, he would not be able to rise to the expert level this time.

Shen Fei's forging proficiency exceeds 3000 points, plus the blessing of [Dwarf King Ryan's Forging Essence], there is a 60% probability that the item will be upgraded by one quality after forging.

"It should be almost there now!"

Shen Fei took out a few blueprints, which were the forging blueprints he had prepared long ago.

Prepare a few in advance, who knows if you are unlucky and you will hit the 40%.

In addition, Shen Fei still has several design drawings of crossbow arrows.

I thought it would not be useful before, but then I thought that there might be a siege battle in the war. After the heavy crossbow is ready, put it in the backpack, and there is no chance that it will be useful.

Anyway, the materials are included in the donated materials, so there is no need for Shen Fei to prepare them specially.

"Gods and Buddhas, please bless!"

Shen Fei muttered something casually, and then started forging.

Ding Ding Ding!


The sound of hammer forging appeared one after another, and Shen Fei forged five longbows and five heavy crossbows in a row.

Shen Fei didn't even need to appraise the scroll, the most famous appraiser in the holy city stood by and waited early to serve [Regent] Shen Fei.

As expected of the most famous appraiser in the Holy City, he didn't need to identify each of them one by one. After scanning back and forth, all ten pieces of equipment on the table shone with incomparable brilliance.

Seven handfuls of purple, two handfuls of blue, and one handful of green.

Shen Fei didn't even look at the blue and green equipment, and just glanced at the seven purple equipment.

Finally, compare each other and choose the most suitable one for you.

【Zakarum Howling Longbow】

Rating: 40
quality; epic

Ranged attack power: 150-200
+80 power
+60 Dexterity
+40 Stamina
Zakarum's Choice: While standing still, your Attack is increased by 50%; while moving, your Armor is increased by 50%
Howling: Zakarum's wind can pierce enemies, and after every 10 attacks, a piercing arrow will be shot automatically. The attack power of the piercing arrow is equal to the total attack on the panel, and the damage will increase by 10% for each target pierced.
Durability: 80/80
Manufacturer: Shen Fei
This level 40 longbow has extraordinary effects, what surprised Shen Fei the most was its high attribute bonuses and special effects.

"If I had known that the level 40 purple equipment would be so terrifying, I should have changed all the equipment on my body!"

Shen Fei was also very satisfied with the effect of the second heavy crossbow.

【Blizzard Ballista】

Rating: 40
Quality: Epic

Ranged attack power: 200-300
+100 power
+100 Stamina -
80% movement speed
Blizzard: The attack has a 5% chance to summon a huge blizzard lasting 5 seconds with a range of 300 meters, causing damage equal to the user's intelligence every second, and slowing down by 30%
Human Cannon: Attack has a 5% chance to cause your next attack to cause a splash effect in a range of 100 meters. The closer you are to the center of the attack, the higher the damage

Durability: 100/100
Manufacturer: Shen Fei
Shen Fei looked at the attributes and effects of [Blizzard Ballista], and was speechless for a long time.

This heavy crossbow really lived up to its name, both its attributes and trigger effects were extremely exaggerated, and could even be described as abnormal.

The only shortcoming of [Blizzard Ballista] is -80% movement speed.

The deceleration effect of many players' skills is not so exaggerated. Sure enough, this heavy crossbow is only suitable for fixed-point defense. Even if Shen Fei is holding this heavy crossbow, he can't move an inch, and he can't show it off even if he wants to.

It's just that the effect of defending the city with this heavy crossbow can be described as abnormal.

After directly replacing it with [Zakarum's Howling Longbow], the system reminded Shen Fei that this weapon had qualified for the equipment list.

Shen Fei considered for a moment and chose to hide. After all, having a legendary weapon firmly occupying the first place is already abnormal enough, there is no need to use a longbow to draw hatred.


10 minute later.

"Hey, the equipment leaderboard has been updated!"

The equipment leaderboard is updated every 10 minutes, but the leaderboard has not changed these days. Someone subconsciously clicked in to take a look, but unexpectedly saw a different scene.

【Asian Server Top [-] Equipment Ranking】

No.1: Ancient vine wood sword (legendary), player [Shen Fei], no guild.

No.2: Hide (Epic), Hide, Hide.

No.3: Dark Scepter (Epic), player [sloppy], Ma Clan Guild

"I'm going, a mysterious brother actually appeared and squeezed out the sloppy chairman!"

"Could this number two and No.5's mysterious brother be the same person? Because in the top ten rankings, only these two chose to hide."

"Sit second without saying a word, it seems that the sloppy chairman is going to lose his temper again."

The players whispered. At this moment, some players in the Apostle Kingdom also discovered the update of the equipment list, and the news spread quickly.

Sloppy looked at the leaderboard in front of him and remained silent. It was fine to be overwhelmed by the legendary weapon, but now there was another hidden guy riding on his head.

As the richest man in Asia, sloppy naturally has his own pride.

More importantly, I spent more than 200 billion on a suit of epic equipment. Now that a leaderboard comes out, the money I spent before will melt away in an instant!

Sloppy is in the Internet economy and knows how important hype is in the game.

200 billion not only does not want to be weaker than others, but also has a momentum effect.

Becoming No.1 in the game has a great effect on the expansion of the Ma Group.

After all, the main direction of the Ma Group Association is electronic payment and network security.Electronic payment cooperates with the Federal Government Bank, and one of the products is the networked credit points. Electronic currency does not require physical objects.

However, in the early days of the New World, industrial groups were definitely more popular, so the Ma Group Guild wanted to take advantage of the game to make a fortune, or acquire and merge many industrial companies to make a "soft landing" for the New World.

It's just that he didn't expect that 200 billion was thrown in, but was suppressed by two people one after another, which made Sloppy very unhappy.

The entire guild was silent, and no one dared to say a word.

The os of these guild players is also beeping dogs. Why are there so many awesome people in the game? Every time they slap the chairman in the face, it will be miserable for them, guild players, to run around and work again...

"It's up to you to figure it out. Don't talk about legendary equipment before the expedition, at least it must exceed No.2. Do you understand?"


After forging the weapon, Shen Fei returned to the Monk Temple.

The atmosphere in the monastery these days is very interesting, the elite disciples are all downcast and frowning.

I thought that the inner disciples could pass, and they would definitely pass easily, but I didn't expect that this Shushan trial would slap me firmly on the face.

Resident Evil Trials are really scary!

The elite disciples have clearly passed the test of illusion and turned from inner sects to elites, but they were still scared out of their wits in Resident Evil.

After dying dozens of times, many disciples gradually adapted to this terrifying and doubly painful trial.

Then calmly began to think of ways to break through.

Just when everyone was still trying to pass the illusion test, a ray of light suddenly appeared in the square, and Fuman fell to the ground with his eyes closed, eating shit like a dog.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he was already outside.

He got up and looked around, and found that no one saw his embarrassment, so he quickly patted the dust on his body, dressed roughly with his hands behind his back, and "leisurely" went up the mountainside.

After six days, most of the elite disciples came to the second stage of the King of Fighters Trial.

The King of Fighters Trial is a little less difficult for them. After all, they are elite disciples who are already very powerful in moves and power, but they still need to master combo skills if they want to pass the level.

So there are things like elite disciples who are not ashamed to ask, and find inner disciples to make up lessons...

Later, many top-notch elite disciples caught up with the progress on the fifth day, and started the last stage of the Shushan Trial, the Super Tiger Leo who wanted to die.

Zhao Hao, Luo Feng and Sun Xing, who were the first to clear the level, spent two days clearing Super Mario.

I originally thought that saving the princess would be considered as completing the trial, but I didn't expect to open a new door from here...

They used the same method, and then lost 270 lives in the first level, crossing the river by feeling the stones and entering the sewer of the second level.

That's right, everyone has 1000 lives in the third test!

Even so, the three of them used up all their lives and failed to pass the second level.

When the three of them were teleported to the square, they collapsed directly on the ground, their moods collapsed.

Even the three of them showed varying degrees of self-harm, slapping themselves to vent their anger.

I was so angry that I was so stupid, I knew how to get through it, but there was a problem in the operation, which led to restarting from the first level.

In the second wave, it was Longlong and others who pulled down the third floor, and the same situation happened.

When the few people came down from the top of the mountain, their faces were extremely ugly, and the other disciples gasped when they saw it.

These people can be said to be the true elite group of the Wuseng Temple, the pioneers of the Shushan Trial.

Why is the third level so scary?The people who were originally confident were all ashen at the moment, as if they were mourning.

"Is the trial of the third level really so terrifying?"

On the sixth day, with the instruction from inner disciples, more people learned combo moves, and many more people passed the second stage of the King of Fighters trial, and they all rushed to the third floor excitedly.

After all, all the elite disciples will set off tomorrow, and the inner disciples must also guard the holy city with all their responsibilities, and all Shushan Mountains will be closed to prohibit trials.

If you don't hurry up to experience the third level, you will lose your chance.

But on the sixth night, when all the disciples came out of the third pass, the expressions on their faces were the same as those of the previous ones, all of them were mournful and inexplicably sad.

The mentality is completely broken...

"I died a thousand times, but I didn't even pass the second level!"

Mentality exploded to doubt life...

All the disciples were pulled out from the Shu Mountain trial by Shen Fei, and then the Shu Mountain was closed. With the rumbling sound, the Shu Mountain completely sank into the earth and disappeared into the Dreaming Zen Realm.

"If the human empire can defend the attack this time, the day when the soldiers of the empire return triumphantly will be the time when Shushan reopens!"


When the first ray of sunshine shone on the holy city in the morning, countless residents of the holy city waited at the train station, sending each other with tears.

The troops of the six major forces, plus high-ranking officials of the empire, all rushed to the front line of Owendale by this train.

After a day and a half, they will arrive at Owendale, the northern border of mankind, which is also the first and only line of defense for human beings.

At the same time, countless ships in the port of the apostolic kingdom set sail.

With an army of 20 apostles, plus [-] apostle players, the Armada departs from the port. After [-] days of sailing, it will arrive at the inner sea of ​​the human empire and launch a fatal blow to its capital, the Holy City.

(End of this chapter)

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