my pet is boss

Chapter 253 Enabling NPC Mode

Chapter 253 Enabling NPC Mode
"I don't know if His Royal Highness is safe in the holy city."

Ferdinand was worried. This battle is about the fate of mankind.The confrontation on the front line is extremely fierce, and the last thing he wants to see is that bad news suddenly comes from the rear when he is fighting the enemy bravely on the front line.

Especially now that the leaders of several major forces have all left the holy city, the defenses in the holy city are empty, leaving the enemy with an opportunity to take advantage of.

"Don't worry, besides the Royal Guards, there are many other people guarding the Holy City behind the scenes, so it won't be so easy to cause trouble." Shen Fei smiled when he said this.

"Is the Regent so confident in those inner disciples of the Zen Academy?" Ferdinand was puzzled. All the elite disciples of the Zen Academy were brought by Shen Fei to Owendale to fight against the orcs, and the inner disciples who stayed in the holy city must still be inferior to the elite disciples to be honest. Yes, why did Shen Fei have such great confidence in them?

Shen Fei smiled sassyly, if the disciples who passed the two trials of Shushan Mountain were still regarded as inner disciples, they would suffer a great loss.

These people are now at least at the level of elite disciples.

"Fei Gong, don't underestimate those inner disciples. After my intensive training, their level is no lower than any elite disciple." Shen Fei didn't say a word.

Moreover, he also left a hole card in the holy city - the shadow.

In this battle, Shen Fei did not let the shadow come to the front line.

Because the shadow of some things has been investigated, and the shadow cannot appear in the front line to fight in a fair manner. Even the supply is a problem, so Shen Fei simply let him stay in the rear, secretly protecting Joshua's safety.

Seeing that Fei Shen was extremely confident, Ferdinand was a little relieved.After all, after getting along for a period of time, Ferdinand still has a general understanding of Shen Fei, and generally he will not do things that are not guaranteed.

The train gallops across the wilderness, passing towns and villages.

Through the glass window, you can already see the snow-capped mountains in the distance, and the magnificent Owendale Pass.

Although it is called a pass, the Owendale Pass built on the side of the mountain is larger than ordinary towns.

A single Owendale can have [-] soldiers, and the depths of the mountains have also been dug through and developed, hiding soldiers in the mountains.

"Speaking of which, Owendale has been developing and strengthening every year for the past 40 years. It is now on a grand scale, far surpassing other fertile lands. It is also second to none in the entire human empire, and it is only slightly smaller than Mithral City."

The sky at the top of Daxue Mountain is covered with dark clouds, but in contrast to the human territory, it is a cloudless scene.

The weather of heaven and earth seems to be separated by this mountain range into yin and yang.

"We're about to enter the Owendale Pass."

Ferdinand and the others stood up, and the day and a half of trekking was finally over. They came to the Great Pass of the Human Empire, the front line against the Frost Orcs.

A buzzing sound rushed into the train, and then the scenes on both sides turned black, and even the entire carriage entered darkness.

Shen Fei saw only two rays of light outside the window.


As the train gradually braked and slowed down, the surrounding scene gradually became clearer.

This is an underground station in a big mountain, and there is a military factory next to it.

There are a lot of ores in the Daxueshan Mountains, and the soldiers guarding Owendale use local materials to build weapons and city defense facilities.

When the arms of all forces arrived in Owendale, they all obeyed the command of Generalissimo Ferdinand, immediately dispatched divisions to rest, and then merged into their respective troops.

The high-level people of the empire took the elevator to the city of Owendale on the Daxue Mountain.

The cities on land are quite prosperous, and there are many shops doing business in the pass, and there are many people in different clothes on the streets.

"There are a lot of bounty hunters here on weekdays, and there will be gold masters who will release some characters who need to go out to the beastman's land, all relying on these people. Now that the war is coming, some bounty hunters come to try their luck and see if they can receive the official distribution. Task."

Ferdinand was very familiar with Owendale, and explained the anecdote of Owendale to Shen Fei along the way.

Shen Fei has never been to Secret Silver City, but in terms of scale, Owendale is more than three times larger than Tuk County!
Moreover, everything in Owendale was excavated from the mountain, the entire stone city.Even the protective magic circle can be vaguely seen on the city wall.

When everyone came to the top of the city, they saw through the female wall and looked towards the Frost and Cold Empire in the north, and what they saw were dark clouds billowing in the sky.

This is the first time for Shen Fei to see the area of ​​the Frost and Cold Empire. Looking far away, he saw a huge lake, where the sea and the sky meet, like a sea.Then, black smoke rising continuously was seen in the canyon with mountains and mountains in the northeast.

Ferdinand pointed to the smoky Grand Canyon and said, "That's where the orcs garrisoned, Mount Doom. The entire Mount Doom is huge. It was the general rear base of the orcs during the last World War I. It is a large valley stretching hundreds of miles across. It can accommodate millions of giants."

"Then what about the left side?" Shen Fei pointed to a large lake covered with mist on the left side.

Ferdinand said in a low tone, "That's the location of the final decisive battle during World War I, Lakstark's Immortal Fountain."

Fountain of Immortality!
Shen Fei suddenly took a deep breath, this sea-like place is called "Immortal Spring"?
The Owendale Pass is 5000 meters above sea level, and only a small part of the Immortal Spring can be seen from a distance, which can be said to be a glimpse of the leopard.

According to Shen Fei's experience, the scale of this Immortal Spring is probably comparable to Qinghai Lake on Earth, or even Lake Baikal...

Shen Fei still remembered that his suit had the three most difficult items to collect, Merovingia's Stabilizer, Fountain of Youth, and Aiken's Memoirs.

The Fountain of Youth is just two hundred miles away, and Aiken also died in battle in the Fountain of Youth. This war somehow attracted him here.

Shen Fei must go to the Fountain of Youth.

"However, the Fountain of Youth is an ominous place now, and neither humans nor beastmen want to set foot here."

Ferdinand frowned.

"Why can't you set foot on the Fountain of Youth now? It's just an ancient battlefield..."

Ferdinand's eyebrows were a little more worried. This news came some time ago, and it was information from players sent by major forces.

"The Fountain of Youth has experienced the last war. The land was corrupted by the blood of the fallen, and a large number of bones of the victims were accumulated, turning it into a barren land. As a result, the disciples of the major forces who cooperated with each other some time ago went to investigate the Fountain of Youth, but found A group of terrifying undead creatures have been bred in the Fountain of Youth."

"That's right, I saw evil black energy constantly coming out of the forest next to the Fountain of Youth. This is the breath of death. Now that forest may have become a land of the dead." The binoculars glanced at the undead forest, and his hands were shaking.Such a strong undead breath, the number is at least over ten thousand...

What's even more frightening is that the undead will have a leader, and now everyone doesn't know what the undead leader means.

At the juncture where humans and orcs are about to fight, there are tens of thousands of undead staring at them, and anyone would feel uneasy.

If at the critical moment of the war, this force comes out, no matter which side it leans on, it will have an immeasurable impact on the battle situation.

Many undead are concentrated in the leader's undead will, so before the war, you have to find a way to send someone to "negotiate" to find out the true meaning of the undead.

It is best not to offend the river. If the undead choose to cooperate with the orcs, it will be a major blow to humans.

"Leave the negotiation to me. No matter who you go, it's not easy to get out. It's safest for me to take Fat Tiger there. Even if the other party makes trouble, I can get out." Shen Fei chose to take on this task. If you want to go to the Fountain of Youth to collect materials, you must go all the way.

Ferdinand nodded and said, "Okay, I'll have to trouble the regent with this matter."

It is indeed the case, the most suitable people to go here are Shen Fei and Archmage Jordan, both of whom have the ability to negotiate and the means to escape.Others may have an accident if they go.

"According to the news that has been investigated in the past few days, the orc army has gathered in Doom Mountain, and the attack will start soon. This time, the orcs specially built a road to escort food and grass along the way. There are many outposts along the way. Jordan, you The plan to go deep behind enemy lines and set fire to the granary may come to naught."

Jordan just smiled. Although the orcs looked rude and wild, they still had brains.If it weren't for the granary fire 40 years ago, I am afraid there would be no human empire today.

Shen Fei walked back and forth along the female wall to look around, and found that it was only separated by this wall.

The south is as warm as spring, fertile and wild for thousands of miles.

To the north is freezing cold, icy and snowy, and covered with dark clouds.

No wonder the orcs tried their best to break through Owendale's line of defense and occupy human land.

Anyone who sees this kind of fertile land will be envious.

The pass of Owendale is howling, and the entire Daxue Mountain range blocks the cold wind from the north, allowing the human empire to have normal seasons.

Shen Fei saw that there were many high platforms built on the high part of the female wall and the snow-capped mountains in the distance, which seemed to have traces of the age, so he pointed and asked, "What are those high platforms for?"

Ferdinand glanced at it and said, "Oh, that's the Beacon Tower, which leads to the Dwarf Empire along the Daxueshan Mountains. This was built when the Human Empire was first established. Humans and Dwarves formed an offensive and defensive alliance in this way. When the orcs attacked, we ignited the beacon of hope and offered rescue to the elves, but they betrayed their promises and forgot their promises, and did not help humans."

The Sanshan Council failed because of Shen Fei's accidental disappearance, and humans and the other two races only had a business agreement.

But once the frost orcs successfully go south, the dwarf empire will be surrounded on three sides, and they cannot escape the fate of being conquered by the frost orcs.

Not to mention the elves, ninety years ago when the frost orcs attacked the land of elves, Shen Fei and the white elves fought together, and in the end Lucian also sent reinforcements, and together they repelled the frost orcs and drove them back to the land of ice and snow. north.

Even though the three clans did not have an alliance agreement, for the sake of helping each other in the past, the two clans did not do anything, which made Lucian feel ashamed.

Since then, all these beacon towers have been abandoned, and even the supply pipelines built in those years have been abandoned and very old.

It turns out that there is still such a period of history, Shen Fei sighed endlessly.

If I hadn't gone offline at that time, I'm afraid the entire game pattern would have changed now.

Just not so many ifs.

"I read the report just now. These days in Lax Stark, there will be small-scale conflicts between humans and orcs almost every day. The two sides have tacitly agreed not to send a large army, and they are all composed of dozens of small groups of warriors. These warriors are favored by the gods and can be revived in shrines after defeat."

Ferdinand said while holding the documents in his hand.

Shen Fei wasn't too surprised by this, after all, sooner or later NPCs would know about the player's magic.

Just as several people were patrolling to understand the situation, suddenly dark clouds in the sky towards Doom Mountain began to accumulate and become thicker, and even thunder and lightning began to flicker in the dark clouds.

Archmage Jordan frowned, and said to everyone, "Quick, let's go to the Mage Tower to see the situation together."

The Mage Tower is the highest place in Owendale, and it is a huge tower with a height of [-] meters.

At the top of the giant tower is a huge "magic eye" powered by magic runes.

Everyone boarded the mage tower and came to the center that controls the magic eye.

Under Jordan's control, the position of the magic eye changed, towards the direction where the cloudy Mount Doom was.

The magic eye shot out a section of energy, pierced through the dark cloud covered by the spell, and saw what happened in Doom Mountain.

dong dong dong dong!

The shocking drums sounded rhythmically, and a huge summoning circle was drawn on the ridge of Doomsday Volcano.In the center of the magic circle is an old blue-skinned orc warlock with a hunched back.

"Damn it, it's Zorak!"

Archmage Jordan manipulated the magic eye to look at the giant summoning circle, trying to figure out what it was.

Countess Mary standing next to Shen Fei explained to Shen Fei: "Zorak, the veteran warlock of the Orc Warlock Council, was also the one who sacrificed hundreds of thousands of blood to the violent orcs at the last moment of the war 40 years ago. Toughest foe for an orc."

Shen Fei frowned slightly, remembering the appearance of Zorak in the picture.

This guy is equivalent to a tactical nuclear weapon for the frost orcs, and his actual combat ability is also extremely terrifying, which can improve the entire orcs' combat.Even the Immortal Spring and Immortal Forest were written by this guy.

Warlock Council, amazing!

Zorak felt the fluctuation of magic power and found the light projected from the magic eye hundreds of miles away.

Zorak stared at the light, with a piercing smile and sharp fangs on his face.

"Long time no see, old friend. This time, I brought you a big gift!"

After Zorak said that, a group of shirtless orcs with strange patterns tattooed on their bodies came out from the orc army, and then stood on the nodes of the summoning circle.

Immediately afterwards, there was an incomprehensible magic spell. A group of orcs took out their daggers and stabbed them in the chest.

Countless fiery blood was sprayed on the magic circle, and along the tunnel dug out by the magic circle, the blood filled it.

Mount Doom began to tremble violently, and even Owendale, hundreds of miles away, could feel a clear tremor.

The magic power was disturbed by energy, and it began to become blurred, but in the final stage, several high-level officials saw an elemental giant made of flaming stones crawling out of the ground in the camera...

"The war has officially started. It has been checked that you have the title of [Regent], and the NPC mode is forced to be activated..."

(End of this chapter)

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