my pet is boss

Chapter 254 Just output as much as you want

Chapter 254 Just output as much as you want

"What is NPC mode?" Shen Fei was a little puzzled.

Shen Fei was talking to himself, and suddenly found that there was an extra state on his body.

NPC mode: In this mode, the level will be zero after death, and all experience and money will be lost.status until the end of the war disappears.

After reading it, Shen Fei was stunned: "Do you want to be so ruthless?"

To put it bluntly, there is only one life, and after death, it will directly become a level 1 white body, and everything will start again.

What's the difference between that and being dead?
Originally, Shen Fei thought that with his current output, as long as he stood still, he could slaughter into pieces. This battle is definitely a stage for him to become famous, and it will make all the orc players feel the terror.

It's just that he didn't expect the guy from the system to give him an [NPC mode] temporarily, and his infinite life instantly became one life. For Shen Fei, who is afraid of death, his combat effectiveness will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

Archmage Jordan's face was livid, and he clenched his fists and said, "I didn't expect Zorak to summon the hellfire element!"

These words also brought back Shen Fei's consciousness.

"Hellfire element?"

Archmage Jordan nodded: "This is something summoned from the ground with the Warlock's evil summoning circle. Hellfire element has two characteristics of rock element and fire element, so it is extremely resistant to spells. Ordinary spells It does very little damage."

"The key point is that this thing has extremely high blood volume, and it is tall, with a height of 30 meters, and it has additional damage to buildings."

"The most terrifying thing is the fire element on it, which will cause burning damage to creatures within 30 meters around it, regardless of whether it is the enemy or the enemy."

Everyone, let me explain the attributes of [Hellfire Element] clearly.

Ferdinand reacted very quickly. According to Zorak's appearance, after summoning the Hellfire element, he would immediately launch the first round of attack.

"The order goes on, everyone is in place, ready to deal with the first round of attacks."

Following Ferdinand's order, the adjutant began to issue orders, and everyone suddenly moved into action at the originally loose pass.

All the soldiers stood on the city wall. The first three teams were musketeers, followed by melee troops.There are countless small holes under the parapet, filled with artillery.

The mage tower was running at full capacity, scanning Owendale for three miles, and all creatures could not hide within these three miles, even invisible creatures.

There are also archers forming a square formation under the city, always obeying orders and shooting.

Shen Fei lay on the binoculars of the observatory and saw the troops departing from Mount Doom.

The vanguard was the gigantic Hellfire Elemental. The rocks on its body were burnt red, and red flames were still radiating, and thick smoke billowed from the top of its head.

Shen Fei saw ten hellfire elementals through the telescope, followed by densely packed black troops, as if a long snake set off menacingly from Doom Mountain.

"Twenty thousand..."

"Thirty thousand..."

Shen Fei's face was extremely solemn, was it a big fight when he came up?
The frost orcs directly dispatched [-] troops!
Doom Mountain is a hundred miles away from Owendale, and it will take half a day to march quickly.

Shen Fei thought about it for a moment, and decided to issue a mission, asking the players to kill them first to consume part of the orc army's strength.

"Pass down the order, call the warriors, let them lurk and intercept along the way, and find ways to wear down the enemy's troops. Participants will be rewarded."

As the regent, Shen Fei's words were still very useful, the adjutant immediately used Owendale's communication facilities to broadcast the news throughout the city.

All the players in Owendale received the task issued by Shen Fei at the same time - [Order of the Regent].

The expression on the player's face is as uncomfortable as eating shit, who doesn't know that the regent is Shen Fei!

Facing the [-] orc army, Shen Fei actually wanted them to rush forward to die, so Shabi went!
It's just that after clicking on the mission and seeing the reward...

"Don't compete with me, I'll tell you that this task will be covered by our Reading Guild!"

"Where did everyone go? Scattered people form a team, earn money and divide it equally!"

"Guarding human beings is obligatory! I will go first!"

In an instant, everyone started to move, crazily asking the guards to open the gate of Owendale and go out to kill him seven in and seven out.

Everyone in Ferdinand at the head of the city saw how excited the warriors were, their jaws dropped in shock.

After previous contact, they all know that these warriors are very powerful, even favored by the gods, and they can be resurrected in the shrine after death.The only thing that can drive these warriors is profit.

It's just that they have never encountered such a frenzied scene, so several people are curious about what conditions Shen Fei set up to make this group of people so crazy.

"Shen Fei, what kind of reward did you give them to make them flock to them and kill them like crazy?"

The city gate of Owendale has been opened, and countless players roared and killed, with bloodshot eyes and murderous intent.

Even the countess, who was good at management, looked surprised, her lips parted slightly, and she didn't figure out what method Shen Fei used.

Shen Fei smiled casually, and said: "It's not a trick, it's not worth it. I just promised to give them a city building order to the top ten people with points, so that they can choose a place to build their own territory."

Now they all understand why this group of people are so brave.

In the human empire, at least a noble with the status of a viscount can have a fief. The so-called city building order actually grants the status of a viscount so that they can establish their own territory.

But this city building decree is a little different. Noble titles can be hereditary, but the city building decree only has the right to use the land, but there is no such thing as hereditary.

"Where did the land come from?" Grand Duke Ferdinand thought for a while, and found something wrong.

Shen Fei laughed even harder, "Everyone has so much wasteland in their hands, isn't this just a chance to sell the wasteland at a high price..."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and even Countess Mary couldn't help giving her thumbs up and said, "Tall, it's really tall. I claim to be proficient in economics, but compared with the regent, I'm still too young..."

These military ministers have a lot of rewarded land in their hands, but because the manor is the priority for living, there is still a lot of land that is abandoned.

In other words, Shen Fei fooled so many warriors into willingly giving their lives with just a piece of paper to build the city.

With the permission of the city building order, and then bought the land, this is the only way to establish your own power.

Against the audience, what they pay is just "a piece of paper", and they can also clear the inventory and sell the land, which is a bloody profit!
"It's just, isn't this not so good?" Grand Duke Ferdinand asked. It always feels weird to let these warriors fight the enemy bravely on the front line, but they actually benefit from the rear...

In addition, Ferdinand is the Grand Duke and owns the most land, so Shen Fei's plan is the most beneficial to him.

"Grand Duke, you are still too young, and don't look at things superficially. You have too much land and think it is worthless, but for these warriors, it is just necessary to have a place to settle down."

Just as a few people were talking, a large number of players had already killed them.

For those with guilds, being able to gain points and get the city building order has become a death order for many guilds.

With a territory in the game, the future development will be absolutely rapid.

As far as casual players are concerned, if they are lucky enough to get the city building order, they can resell it and go to the new world to live comfortably and become a rich man with peace of mind.

So for players, what is death?
If you die, you will only lose 10% of your money and experience. Now smart players have deposited most of their money in the bank, leaving only a part of their repair equipment and daily use, even if they die, they will not lose much.

Not to mention experience, now that the version is updated and the two countries are at war, do you think there will be a lack of experience?

It's almost a zero-cost thing, and you'd be a fool if you don't take the initiative!

Shen Fei looked at the murderous player, with a smile on his mouth, and thought: Sure enough, no one can violate the law of true fragrance proposed by the famous philosopher Mr. Wang Jingze.

Shen Fei saw through the binoculars that besides infantry, the orcs also had siege troops.

The huge mammoth, arrow tower, and ladder troops are all at the end of the team.

This time, the orcs didn't come to show off their power, but directly wanted to launch a siege.

The orc troops also had scouts and advance troops. The flying dragons and falcons in the sky had already been dispatched and found the human troops rushing to the front.

"Report to the chief, humans have dispatched death squads and are rushing towards us."

The frost-cold orc chief riding a tyrannosaur bared his fangs and snorted coldly: "We also have death squads, let them go up and deal with these human bastards!"

Afterwards, the deputy general immediately organized the manpower, and he didn't know what method was used. The players on the orc side also became more enthusiastic one by one, and they rushed out with one ride.

Shen Fei knew that this plan was useless when he saw densely packed people with different costumes rushing out from the orc army.

The other party also sent players to stop them. You must know that players can be resurrected. Humans and orcs colliding with each other on a large scale will definitely be an endless battle.

Especially in the case of the same number of people, there is no advantage.

It is foreseeable that what follows is an endless battle between players on both sides.

Looking at the menacing orc army, Shen Fei was quite disturbed.

The heavy defense equipment is also ready, and it is in place bit by bit.

Suddenly, Shen Fei saw a dark cloud moving quickly over Mount Doom through the telescope.

Focusing on it, I found that it was an air force composed of bats, double-headed dragons, blood crows, and snake dragons.

Ferdinand also spotted the opponent's air force and looked embarrassed.

"We don't have much air power, only a hundred or so griffins..."

The place where humans raise griffins is on the mountain in the south of the holy city, which is the extreme south of the empire.Even if the Griffon has excellent flying ability, it will take more than ten days to fly from the extreme south to Owendale.

Before the expedition, they had sent a letter to the south to recruit a large number of griffins to Owendale, but they have not arrived yet.

"If the opponent's air force rushes over and wreaks havoc, we will suffer heavy losses!"

The orc air force is densely packed, the number can be said to be in the tens of thousands.As small as bats and blood crows, as large as double-headed dragons and snake dragons, if they are overwhelmingly killed, they will directly destroy the newly built battle line.It even exposed the shortcomings of human beings' lack of air power, allowing the opponent to find an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Archmage Jordan and Archbishop Mailer are both people with outstanding spells, especially when Jordan controls the mage tower, his power is no less than that of a nuclear bomb.However, the orc air force rushed over, and the use of large-scale spells would definitely cause harm to his own people, making Jordan unable to exert his power, and even destroying some of Owendale's defense facilities.

"I can only send these one hundred Griffin Knights to stop them for a while." The Grand Duke's heart is bleeding. After all, Griffon Knights are usually difficult to train, and these one hundred Griffin Knights charge forward, not to defeat the enemy. , but to die.

"I'll go as well."

Just when Ferdinand was struggling, Shen Fei suddenly stood up.

"These griffin knights are all soldiers of the empire. There is no need to die. I will stop them alone."

Fat Tiger, who was eating ham, was stunned. Is this Nima Shen Fei crazy?
Although he has accumulated half of his magic power now, he can't stop the opponent's large numbers of people, and he is still fighting in the sky. If he is not careful, he will be in danger.

And there is an "NPC mode" on Shen Fei, other NPCs can't see it, but Fat Tiger can still see it clearly.

"Is this kid crazy?" Fat Tiger put away the ham with a serious expression on his face.

Upon seeing this, Archmage Jordan also stood up and said: "Yes, these knights cannot be sacrificed in vain. I will go with the regent, and I can use my hands and feet outside." Obviously, Jordan also considered dealing with these air forces in Owendale just now. , I also didn't think of any good way.

"In that case, would you mind bringing along an old man who is afraid of heights..." Mailer smiled while leaning on his staff.

"No! Absolutely not! You are all high-level officials of the empire, the main force of the battle. The three of you go out to face the enemy's air force of tens of thousands. What if..."

Grand Duke Ferdinand immediately stopped the trio's eagerness to move.

"There is no chance! With me here, I can bring them back safely!" Archmage Jordan is not a vegetarian either. He took a step forward with a forceful momentum, and did not give Ferdinand a chance to veto it.

The mage tower is right next to him, Jordan can absorb more mana and do many impossible things alone.

Shen Fei took out his shining longbow, and specially built many armor-piercing arrows in the Holy City for today's expedition.

"Don't worry, it's just an appetizer. If you are worried about our time, you might as well arrange the city defense. If the orcs really attack the city later, you will be laughed at."

While several people were talking, Countess Mary had sent someone to bring three griffins.

Jordan and Mailer went up the griffin's wings, holding the reins.

Shen Fei raised his hand to reject the rein offered by Mary, and kicked Fat Tiger's ass: "Don't pretend to be dead, it's time to fight."

Fat Tiger, who was lying on the ground pretending to be asleep, rubbed his sleepy eyes: "What's wrong? What's the matter? Is there a war..."

Just as soon as the words fell, Fat Tiger was directly kicked off the 50-meter-high city wall of Owendale by Shen Fei.

"Shen Fei, your great grandfather..."

The fat tiger's cursing sound resounded throughout the canyon.

But at the same time, Shen Fei jumped high and jumped directly from the parapet.

Ferdinand, Mary, and the soldiers guarding the parapet were all taken aback, gasped, and stretched out their heads to see what happened.

There was a gust of wind, a white lightning suddenly appeared, and Shen Fei straddled the fat tiger in the air.

The fat tiger's wings are wings transformed from aura.

What was left to Owendale was Shen Fei's handsome and indomitable back.

"En, these wings are transformed very well." Shen Fei whispered while touching the fat tiger's head.

"Tch, I just transformed into a bamboo dragonfly on my head..."

At the same time, Archmage Jordan and Mailer also rode on the Griffin and followed Shen Fei.

Seeing this, Ferdinand, who was standing at the head of the city, shouted, "Back in peace!"

Countess Mary on the side also raised her hands.

"You get the [Battle Cry] status from Grand Duke Ferdinand."

"You get the status of [Battle Sincerity] from Countess Mary."

Similarly, Jordan and Mailer on the Griffin also stretched out their hands to cast spells.

"You get the [Shining Wisdom] status from Archmage Jordan."

"You get the [Bright Holy Voice] status from Archbishop Mailer."

Fat Tiger snapped his fingers not to be outdone.

"You have obtained the [White Tiger Fury Thunder] status from the White Tiger God."

Shen Fei glanced at the five buffs on his body, and was immediately stunned.

It took a while to recover and laughed out loud: "Looking at it this way, I just output as much as I want."

(End of this chapter)

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