my pet is boss

Chapter 255 The Arrow Comes!

Chapter 255 The Arrow Comes!

[Battle Cry]: HP increased by 1000 points, lasting for one day.

[War Sincerity]: Attack power increased by 100 points, 10% of the damage you deal will be converted into healing effect, which lasts for one day.

[Shining Wisdom]: Intellect increased by 100 points, lasting for one day.

[Bright Holy Voice]: Reduce all damage you receive by 30%, and restore 40 points of extra life per second, lasting for one day.

[White Tiger Fury Thunder]: Strength increased by 100 points, and the attack has a special effect "Breaking Wind and Thunder". After every five attacks, the chain of "Breaking Wind and Thunder" will be triggered, which will damage and stun ten nearby targets for one day.

Shen Fei scanned the five buffs one by one, Ferdinand, Mary, Jordan and Mailer, these four are all epic NPCs, and the buff effects are top notch.

Although Fat Tiger lost his godhead, his godhead was not broken, and he was recognized as a legendary NPC by the system.

The addition of buffs to these five NPCs can be described as abnormal.

Shen Fei's current panel attack has reached an extremely exaggerated level.

3300 points of health, 473-510 points of long-range attack power, 223 points of intelligence.

This is just panel damage. You must know [Asia Top Ten Equipment Ranking] Shen Fei has two pieces of equipment on the list, No. 3 and No. 10 respectively, which provide 8% and 18% damage, and add up to [-]% .

There is also a bow and arrow special effect [Zakarum's Choice], and the attack power increases by 50% when standing still.

Shen Fei was standing on the body of the fat tiger, and he could output without moving his feet.

According to the current attack power, one player per arrow is really not a joke.

This is just the basic panel attack power, there are various special effects on Shen Fei's weapons and buffs, when the time comes, it will not be the displayed damage.

Players running around on the ground also saw countless monsters flying out of Doom Mountain, forming a large fast-moving dark cloud in the sky in groups.

"The orcs will not be out in force this time, will they?"

Just as everyone was marching to kill them, they saw fast-moving dark clouds in the sky.

The orcs sent not only ground troops, but air power as well.

The human player turned his head subconsciously, only to see a jaw-dropping scene.

From the Owendale city defense, two griffins "slowly" floated out, and Shen Fei straddled the white tiger god.

"I'll go, isn't that the White Tiger God and Shen Fei?"

"The people sitting on the two griffins are God of Law Jordan and Archbishop Mailer!"

"Could it be that the three of them want to directly wipe out the orc's air army? Isn't this a joke!"

God of Law Jordan and Archbishop Mailer are very strong, and Baihu Tianshen is also very strong. Although Shen Fei is considered powerful among players, if this lineup of "Emperor Superstar" is not worth watching.

Three people wiped out tens of thousands of monsters, even the god of law can't do this!

The main reason is that many of the players are also mages. The large-scale spells of mages require the establishment of a magic circle to implement them. Now that the magic god Jordan is in the air, there is no way to build a magic circle at all, and the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

Similarly, Archbishop Mailer is a priest who is good at healing and increasing blood, but he is obviously weaker in terms of group output.

Such a combination of three people came out to fight, isn't this a joke?
Griffins and white tigers are extremely fast in the air, and soon surpassed the players on the ground.

"Elder Shen, Lao Mei, you two just need to be behind me later, I'll carry these monsters."

Archmage Jordan stood on top of the Griffin, his magic robe fluttering in the gust of wind, like an immortal Feng Xu Yufeng.

Shen Fei also stood up, he and Fat Hu are connected with each other, they are one, so there is no need to worry.

The bow and arrow have been wound, and the firepower will be fully fired after entering the attack range.

Shen Fei is not afraid, one is the protection of the fat tiger, and the other is an epic-level professional healing NPC standing behind him to increase blood, so what else to worry about?
The distance in the sky was getting closer and closer, and Shen Fei saw the level of these monsters.

Vampire bat lv30, blood crow lv35, double-headed dragon lv37+, snake dragon lv40+.

"You can see everything at the level, it would be great if you could see the specific blood volume..."

Shen Fei couldn't help nagging, vampire bats and blood crows are okay, but these two-headed wyverns and snake dragons are all elite monsters, and their attributes must have increased significantly.

Fat Tiger's furry ears trembled when he heard this.

"Look at the monster's attributes? It's not easy!"

Fat Tiger snapped his fingers, and Shen Fei suddenly got a buff.

[Detection Eye]: You can check the level, blood volume, skills, etc. of the hostile target. Duration: permanent.

"I'll go, why didn't you take out such a good thing earlier!"

Shen Fei stepped on Fat Tiger's fat head and big ears.

Fat Tiger breathed heavily, and said aggrievedly: "It's not my fault, I only discovered the magical effect of aura some time ago. Hostile target data, have you not seen that the duration is permanent?"

"Your aura programming is already so powerful, you have some skills, Fat Tiger!"

Shen Fei also praised him, if he gave this guy some more time, he might even be able to get administrator privileges...

Shen Fei scanned the fastest flying vampire bats one by one with [Detecting Eye], and saw the detailed information of these monsters.

【bloodsucking bat】

Level: lv30
Attack: 230
Blood volume: 1800
Skills: Rodent Bite, Poison Attack, Blood Drain.

Description: The sleeping vampire bats in Mount Doom become extremely bloodthirsty after being awakened by Zorak. Their fangs are full of poison, and after a bite, you will paralyze your nerves and stiffen your limbs.

The speed of the vampire bat was extremely fast, and it was at the forefront of the team in the air, so Shen Fei could easily see the attributes of the vampire bat.

"There's a lot of blood, it takes two or three arrows to kill a vampire bat." Shen Fei calculated his attack power and bonus.

There are thousands of vampire bats, Shen Fei lightly tapped Fat Tiger's head with his toe: "It will all be up to you later."

Fat Tiger smiled casually, clapped his arms and said, "Don't worry, I'm not as fast as Suzaku and Qinglong in terms of speed, but I'm much stronger than these miscellaneous fish, you can just output as much as you want!"

With Fat Tiger's rhetoric, Shen Fei felt relieved, he drew the bow and controlled the string, and waited for the enemy to enter his range.

Shen Fei suddenly felt an inexplicable air flow around him, gathering towards Archmage Jordan.

Countless amounts of air were sucked into Jordan's lungs, and at the same time, his lungs glowed red through the robe.

The vampire bat was getting closer, and the air was filled with the ultrasonic scream of the vampire bat.

Archmage Jordan urged the griffin and slammed into the "cloud".

At the moment of intimate contact with the vampire bat, hot flames spurted from the mouth of Archmage Jordan, accompanied by a huge dragon roar.

With Archmage Jordan as the center, within 300 meters in front of the fan, everything is covered by fiery dragon breath.

Countless vampire bats were reduced to ashes in the dragon's breath, forming a vacuum.

The players on the ground were stunned when they saw this.

"I'm going, the strength of the archmage is too scary! A dragon's breath technique can cover 300 meters!"

"At first I thought I could get the purple skill book [Dragon's Breath], which is awesome. A dragon's breath can be sprayed within a range of 15 meters. Now compared with the archmage, I feel that I am short and thin..."

"This dragon's breath can destroy the world, isn't it too terrifying?"

Even Shen Fei was completely shocked. Damn, is this still the dragon's breath technique?Forget about changing it to Dragon Spray!
At the same time, Shen Fei was also frightened by the information that the system kept swiping the screen.

"Congratulations on successfully killing [vampire bat lv30] with a team, gaining 1500 experience points and 1500 adequate rest experience points."


A vampire bat provided Shen Fei with 3000 experience points, Jordan's spray just now killed at least eight or nine hundred vampire bats.


One mouthful gave Shen Fei 270 million experience, and the level was directly raised from level 40 to level 45.

Shen Fei was a little unsteady, if all the air units were eliminated, wouldn't they be able to directly upgrade to level 50?
The other vampire bats were not frightened by the dragon's breath technique, and immediately filled the empty space and killed the three of them.

As soon as Archbishop Mailer raised his staff, all three of them had a layer of translucent protective golden shields emitting glow.

The vampire bat entered Shen Fei's range, and the arrows swished wildly without saying a word.

Shen Fei can now shoot two arrows in one second, the damage falls on the vampire bat, and bright red numbers appear above its head.


Three arrows and one vampire bat, the speed is extremely fast, but compared to Archmage Jordan, the means seem a bit sloppy.

Archmage Jordan stood on the Griffon, leaped into the air with a flash and appeared at a height of a thousand meters, and then applied a slow fall technique to himself. After the vampire bats gathered, the arcane explosion and the freezing of thousands of miles, countless vampire bats were directly killed. Frozen, falling freely from the air.

Archbishop Mailer was holding the golden shield behind him, and kept tapping with the staff in his hand, one after another. The swarms of vampire bats couldn't break the archbishop's defense at all.

"Isn't this too terrifying? Is this the strength of the archbishop and the archmage?"

"Although Shen Fei's attack power is not as good as the two epic heroes, he is too perverted among players!"

"Only those of us go up, Shen Fei doesn't shoot one arrow, and when changing tanks, he shoots twice."

"I'm going, why is this guy's attack speed so fast, he can shoot two arrows in a second?"

The brains of human players are in chaos at this moment, and it seems that something is completely beyond their understanding.

Also a player, why is Shen Fei's attack power and attack speed so high?It has completely surpassed the scope of players.

Shen Fei was outputting crazily, triggering the violent lv10 effect of [Ancient Rattan Sword] and the longbow's whistling penetration passivity.


"I'm going, what kind of attack is this, why is the attack power suddenly so high!"

Even Shen Fei was taken aback, he didn't expect the effect of berserk lv10 and howling effect to be triggered together.

Howling is the effect of the longbow. After every 10 attacks, a piercing arrow will be shot. The piercing attack power is equal to the total attack on the panel. The damage of each pierced target increases by 10%.

Vampire bats come in groups, densely packed in thousands.

The arrow passed through, and all the vampire bats where the arrow passed were ripped apart, torn apart by the wind attached to the arrow, and turned into blood mist.

The archmage Jordan who was fighting on the side also gasped, he did not expect Shen Fei's arrow to be so terrifying.

The key is that Shen Fei's current attack speed is extremely fast, it can trigger the [Whistling] piercing arrow effect once in five seconds, and the high attack speed will also trigger the "Broken Wind and Thunder" thunder chain effect.Shen Fei stood on the back of the white tiger, like a machine gun running at full speed.

Pieces of vampire bats were torn apart and turned into blood mist, and their attack efficiency was no lower than that of Archmage Jordan.

"Be careful, the second wave of attacks is coming."

Fat Tiger was dodging in the air, while Shen Fei standing on his back was as steady as Mount Tai.

The two are connected and cooperated seamlessly, even the archmages Jordan and Mailer beside them are also very envious.

The second wave came up with denser blood crows, more in number than the previous vampire bats.

【Blood Raven】

Level: lv35
Attack: 150
Blood volume: 2000
Skills: Frenzied Dive, Black Feather Attack

Description: The blood crows raised by Black Edge Fortress live by sucking the flesh and blood of living beings. They are good at dispatching in groups. There are a lot of them. Once they lock on the target, countless blood crows rush forward and kill them until they kill the target, eating flesh and sucking marrow.

Although the blood crow's level is higher than that of a vampire bat, its attack power is not high, and its blood volume is only slightly higher than that of a vampire bat.But in terms of quantity, it is not a level at all.

This group of densely packed blood crows number at least over ten thousand...

Shen Fei squatted down slightly, and said, "Rush straight up!"

Fat Tiger immediately understood Shen Fei's intentions, and rushed directly into the pile of blood crows without saying a word.

Countless blood crows seemed to smell the most delicious meal, and rushed towards Shen Fei like a swarm, like sharp black arrows, all arrows were fired.

Shen Fei jumped up and flew directly to the center of the pile of blood crows.

Mailer's golden shield helped Shen Fei resist all the damage, and then he fired [Strafing], releasing 36 arrows centered on himself.

The arrows inherited the effects of the critical strike and [Whistling] piercing arrows, instantly the blood crow screamed, and countless black feathers fluttered in the air.

Shen Fei fell from the sky, a thunder surged from the white tiger's body, and the surrounding blood crows crashed down.

The white tiger jumped to catch Shen Fei, and the two continued to fight as one.

Just as the vampire bats around Archbishop Mailer were finished, they were surrounded by even denser blood crows.

This good-natured old man was unbearably troubled. A ring of holy light surged out directly from the staff, forming an ever-expanding ball of holy light. All the filth was pushed away and purified by the holy light.

At the same time, the spreading Shenghui touched Shen Fei and Jordan, and restored their health and increased their armor.

"Let you flat-haired bastards know how many teeth old dogs have!"

Shen Fei can't care about looking at the experience value now, anyway, the experience value on the interface has been refreshing crazily, so fast that he can't see the numbers clearly.

The experience bar is also growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the walls of Owendale, countless people watched the three of them display their magical powers, and they all paid homage to the regent, the archmage and the archbishop.

The orc players also saw the three high-level human NPCs, and their mouths opened wide in surprise.

There are also many monks among the orcs. When they saw the white tiger god who worshiped every day being fought on the crotch, their three views completely collapsed...

Among the advancing orc troops, the orc chief let out a chill when he saw the air troops being slaughtered in droves.

Zorak from the Warlock Council laughed and said, "Don't worry, chief, it's just a small appetizer. The really powerful two-headed wyvern and linnorm are yet to come!"

 Thanks to Wanshou, whose ice has withered, and other friends for their rewards, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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