my pet is boss

Chapter 256 Let's destroy these players as well!

Chapter 256 Let's destroy these players as well!
Vampire bats and blood crows are both products of Doom Mountain, but the two-headed dragon and snake dragon have been domesticated by the orc tribe for a long time, and their combat effectiveness is extremely powerful.

This time, the two-headed flying dragon and the snake dragon are dispatched in full force to break through the sky defense for the orcs.

After the last battle 40 years ago, the orcs went back and did a lot of homework.

Back then, human helicopters and griffin riders caused great damage to the orcs.

After the defeat, the orcs returned to the Frost-Cold Fortress, learned from the pain and began to develop the air force. They found a two-headed wyvern and a snake dragon in the bitter cold land, and they were thoroughly domesticated after decades.

This World War II was also the first time these air forces appeared.

The orc chief Eugene Howling's complexion improved slightly, but he still said: "Although these vampire bats and blood crows do not belong to our orc tribe, tens of thousands of horrible creatures were slaughtered by three people like vegetables. Damage to morale!"

Zorak lowered his head slightly and said, "Okay, I'll let the Air Guard speed up!"

Then Zorak raised his hand high, and the orc commander saw the old warlock's gesture and immediately conveyed it, and the coolies began to beat the war drum.

The sound of the hard drum skin made of Kodo animal skin is deep and thick, and it spreads widely. There is also a mana amplification device of the Warlock Council, and the whole battlefield can hear the shocking sound of knocking on the soul.

When the two-headed flying dragon and snake dragon in the sky heard the sound, they screamed and rushed over immediately.

The densely packed blood crows completely enveloped the three of them, and Mailer kept using the ring of holy light to expel the dirty blood crows with the golden shield on his head.

Jordan has mastered a lot of magic skills, from the beginning to the present, none of the tricks is repeated, even Shen Fei is dazzled.

There are [-] spell books in the library of the entire Mage Academy. It is estimated that this guy can get them at his fingertips.

Shen Fei's movements are the simplest. The arrows in his hands are constantly shooting out, often accompanied by various special effects. The blood crows are torn into blood mist in pieces, leaving only a vast number of black feathers floating on the thousand-meter-high sky. air.

The death squads of humans and orcs on the ground also met face to face, and they fought in chaos if they disagreed.

The legal professions released large-scale blizzards and fire rains in the rear, and they fought non-stop with the damage on their heads in close combat.

The ranger stealth profession has been hidden before the fight, trying to find a way to go around and deal a fatal blow to the opponent's back row, breaking the formation.

10,000+ players are mixed together to fight, it seems extremely fierce, but look at the damage on the field.



The two-headed flying dragon and snake dragon came over, their voices were extremely low, and the blood crows, which were out of ten, felt the terrible breath of the dragon, and all scattered and fled.

Both wyverns and linnorms have a small portion of dragon blood, classified as drakes.

But even with only a meager dragon blood, it is still very deterrent to some creatures.

The blood crow fled in all directions, and the two-headed flying dragon was the first to kill it.

The neck of the double-headed wyvern is extremely long, two or three meters long, with two ferocious heads branching out of it, and the wingspan of its wings is six to seven meters, which is enough to be considered a colossus.

【Double-headed dragon】

Level: lv37+
Attack: 300
Blood volume: 4000
Abilities: Flame Throw, Frost Throw

Description: The top predator in the skies of the Frost-Frost Empire, possessing two magical creatures with completely different attributes, one end can eject fiery magma, and the other end can eject icy frost.Possesses part of the blood of the dragon, a type of dragon.

Seeing the attributes of the double-headed wyvern, Shen Fei couldn't help but gasp.

Isn't this too much?
Elites with lv37+ have twice as much blood as ordinary monsters at level 35.

The two-headed wyvern entered Shen Fei's range, and Shen Fei began to output forcefully.


The output is a bit weak, there are at least hundreds of Wyverns, and these guys don't need to get too close, they can "breathe fragrance" at a distance of 40 meters, and spray hot magma and frost from both ends at the same time.The key is that more than a dozen of them spray at the same time, leaving no way for people to retreat.

Fortunately, Fat Tiger moved quickly, carrying Shen Fei in various difficult tasks in the air, without hindering Shen Fei's output at all.

Mailer kept releasing the golden shield from behind, even so, Shen Fei could still feel the surrounding air sometimes boiling and sometimes freezing cold.

If it is really roasted by this flame, and then frozen into black ice by the cold frost, it is probably enough to drink a pot.

There is a faint magic net behind the great mage Jordan, and mana is continuously transported from the mage tower to Jordan along the magic net, providing him with magic power to release powerful spells.

Hundreds of wyverns breathed fire and frost from their mouths, and half the sky was constantly changing between red and blue.

The players fighting on the ground couldn't help but gasp when they saw the terrifying double-headed flying dragon.

If this double-headed flying dragon attacks the ground, wouldn't it kill a group of players with one bite?
At the same time the linnorm joined the fray.

The whole body is dark green, with two wings and a long tail. It looks like a combination of a snake and a flying dragon.

The pointed head looks more like an arrow, and it can spit out bright red letters.

【Snake Dragon】

Level: lv40+
Attack: 350
Blood volume: 8000
Abilities: Cursed Skin, Stinger Assault, Corrosive Spit
Description: It is full of poison. It is an extremely powerful species of dragons. The saliva in its mouth is extremely poisonous and corrosive. It can corrode rocks and steel. Once they get close to Owendale, the consequences will be disastrous!
Shen Fei glanced at the snake dragon attributes, and couldn't help but gasp.

An elite snake dragon of lv40+, with a blood volume of 8000 points...

The key is that there are at least hundreds of snake dragons.

While the three were entangled with the two-headed flying dragon, the snake dragon was divided into two teams, one part was entangled with the three on the battlefield, and the other part flew directly towards Owendale.

Shen Fei's eyelids twitched wildly. If the snake dragons were allowed to reach the sky above Owendale, relying on the extremely corrosive poison of these snake dragons, they might cause irreversible damage to Owendale's city defense!

When the orc army attacked the city, Owendale might be in danger.

"Jordan, Mailer, stop these snake dragons! Their goal is Owendale!"

Seeing this, Jordan immediately released a ring of frost in mid-air, trying to slow down the linnorm's pace.It's just that while the ring of frost caused damage to slow down, Jordan also suffered damage from the cursed skin.

The linnorm's venomous skin regenerates venomous damage to targets that damage it, an unjustifiable curse on linnorms.

Mailer immediately removed the curse for Jordan, but a moment later the injured linnorm put the curse on Jordan again.

Under the curse, Jordan's spellcasting speed has slowed down, and at the same time, the poison is constantly corroding the mana shell that protects him.

"This snake dragon has cursed skin on it, so it's not easy to hit!" Even Fat Tiger could see the disgust of the snake dragon.

This thing is actually not difficult to kill, the difficult thing is that after you hit it, you will be cursed.

In addition to causing damage, it will also slow down your casting and attack speed.

Moreover, the cursed skin of each linnorm is independent, which means that this effect will also superimpose.

The only way now is to let Mailer keep dispersing.

However, there is also a cooldown time for the use of dispel, and it is impossible to release hundreds or thousands of times continuously.

Seeing the snake dragon that had left the Frost Ring and killed Owendale at full speed, Shen Fei suddenly had an idea.

Both wyverns and linnorms have a thin lineage of dragons and belong to a kind of sub-dragon.

Then it must be influenced by the dragon language.

Shen Fei has Dragon Language IV, and there are not many people in the entire northern and southern continents who have a higher level of Dragon Language than Shen Fei.

Shen Fei inhaled violently, and the surrounding air was trembling violently, as if a storm was about to come.

This familiar tremor made both Mailer and Jordan shudder. They also remembered this feeling once, that is, when they were young and strangled the evil dragon together on the Green Tooth Peak, the air in front of the dragon's majesty was violently moving and rubbing...

It's just that Shen Fei's current momentum is far stronger than when he strangled the dragon back then.

Shouldn't it be...

"Your Majesty!"

Shen Fei's Dragon Language IV read from his mouth, these two words contained extremely terrifying power.

For a moment, the air in the entire battlefield trembled.

When the two-headed flying dragon and snake dragon came, the low-blooded blood crow felt a trace of the dragon's blood and ran away.

Now that Shen Fei spoke the incomparably pure dragon language, only those who have experienced the "Battle of Dragon Slaying" know what these two words mean.

That is the shadow of the earth, the incarnation of evil in the world, Kersu, the dragon of the Lonely Mountain.

When the dragon language was spoken, there was a huge sonic boom first, and the energy generated by the vibration even spread to the ground, directly setting off a burst of flying sand and rocks on the ground, covering all the human and orc players who were fighting.

Tons of sand and rubble spread across the battlefield.

Countless dangerous rocks on the side of the cliff began to shatter and roll down from the mountain.

The two-headed flying dragons and snake dragons in the sky were all affected by an abnormal state called [Longwei].


Category: Aura

Effect: All targets frightened by the Dragon Might -50% Attack Power, -50% Movement Speed, -50% HP.Creatures with dragon blood lose their ability to attack at the same time.

Description: The power of the evil dragon Kersu is enough to shake the entire continent.

Some weak blood crows even fell apart under Longwei, torn apart by the powerful pressure.

The two-headed wyvern and the linnorm were all terrified and stopped attacking.

"Take advantage of this opportunity!"

As soon as Shen Fei finished speaking, Archmage Jordan and Mailer came back to their senses, and began to use their most powerful skills to deal with these snake dragons and two-headed giant dragons.

Now the snake dragon and the two-headed dragon stop attacking, and even the passive curse skin effect is no longer effective, killing them is like killing pigs and chopping vegetables.

These creatures are just spinning aimlessly in the air now, and they don't dare to run far. The companions around them are killed, and they don't respond.The might of the evil dragon Kersu is always pressing on them.

It's like a person reaching out to crush an ant, will other ants have a sense of resistance?
Shen Fei also stood on the spot and output crazily, the damage numbers kept popping up from the flying dragon and snake dragon.

The corpses of two-headed flying dragons and snake dragons fell in pieces from the sky, like a spectacle.

The soldiers standing in the city of Owendale behind them were all stunned. Just now, the regent roared, and all these flying dragons stopped, and now they were slaughtered without any "complaints".

"This is Dragon Language!"

Ferdinand and Mary froze in place, and the level of the dragon language was not generally high.

Although Shen Fei had demonstrated the dragon language once in the holy city, but this time on the battlefield, they saw the real power.


Ferdinand couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and sighed: "If Shen Fei came here in the holy city, I'm afraid half of the holy city will be destroyed."

Wyverns and linnorms are high-level elite monsters with a lot of experience.

All the players on the battlefield were covered with three catties of soil, and after getting up, they all went "Bah, bah, bah."

The player's interface showed that Shen Fei just said a sentence in Dragon Language.

Because there are very few players who understand Dragon Language, only a series of incomprehensible words are displayed on everyone's interface.

But it was this sentence that caused the effect of "destroying the sky and destroying the earth". The two-headed flying dragon and snake dragon that were aggressive just now have now turned into harmless little rabbits, and the battle in the air has turned into a one-sided massacre.

"Shen Fei is too scary, isn't he? One sentence can make the world fall apart."

"Didn't you learn the dragon breath technique and speak dragon language? What did Shen Fei just say?"

The player who has learned the dragon's breath technique looks confused: "This guy's dragon language is too advanced, I can't translate it..."

Among the advancing orc troops.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say that everything can be handled?" The orc chief Eugene's face was ashen. The air force that the orcs had worked so hard to domesticate for decades was just a first attack, and the entire army was wiped out.Seventy percent of the orc's air force was lost in one fell swoop!

The old warlock Zorak also had hatred in his eyes.

"Great chief, that human speaks dragon language! It has shocked the two-headed flying dragon and snake dragon. Now they have completely lost control and can only be slaughtered by mermaid meat."

Great Chief Eugene stood up holding his sharp axe: "So what about Dragon Language? I've slaughtered dragons before, and I'm still afraid of people who speak Dragon Language? Tell the front, move forward at full speed, and you must reach the city of Owendale this afternoon!"

The dragon tooth on Great Chief Eugene's chest was pale white under the sunlight. It was the trophy he had killed the dragon.

"Full speed ahead!"

Following the old warlock's loud shout, the drums in the team sounded thud-thump-thump, and the orc army marched much faster.

Shen Fei was outputting in the air, and saw that the dragon of the orc army had already marched one-third of the way.

Under the feet are human players and orc players fighting indiscriminately.

Players continue to die, then resurrect from the graveyard behind and rush to the battlefield again.

Shen Fei looked at the hundreds of thousands of players fighting in the melee below, and then at the few two-headed flying dragons and snake dragons in the sky.

"Why don't we deal with these players as well?"

It is inexperienced to kill ordinary enemy players, but it is experienced to kill meritorious enemy players.

Now the players below have been fighting for so long, no matter what, they have made meritorious deeds. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.
Human merits are divided into privates, corporals, sergeants, sergeant majors, master sergeants, knights... Grand Marshal from low to high.

The feats of the orcs are scouts, infantry, sergeants, high-ranking sergeants... high-ranking warlords.

Now this group of guys have been fighting for a long time, no matter what, they all have meritorious infantry, right?
"Jordan, Mailer, the top is up to you, I'll go down and look around!"

Having wiped out the orc air force, Shen Fei's current level has become lv55, which is higher than expected.

Most of the following group of players are lv25-lv35 level, and their blood volume is still low. Shen Fei will be killing chickens and dogs if he goes down!

The battle in the sky came to an end, and Shen Fei swooped down on the fat tiger.

The players are fighting in a mess, not daring to relax in the slightest, otherwise they will be easily attacked by others.

At this moment, the players are also playing real fire.

10% of the experience will be lost once you die, but the experience can be increased by killing people.

Some players with good operation and skills just avoided a lot of damage and survived.

Not only did not drop the level, but it was upgraded.

"There are also many monks on the opposite side, so don't go down and meddle, throw me down and find a place to hide."

Shen Fei didn't let Fat Tiger make a move. After landing, Shen Fei directly mixed into the crowd and merged with the players.

The world is collapsing, and the surroundings are either blizzards or underground lava, and no one cares about others.

At this moment, there is a sudden addition of a player, and no one will notice at all.

Shen Fei's attack distance is extremely high, two or three times that of ordinary players.

At this moment, I am standing in the last row of the battle, but the bow and arrow in my hand can hit the place where the fighting firepower is the fiercest, and even cut to the enemy's back row.


Shen Fei's bow and arrow began to output, and the orc players began to fall in pieces.

"Damn it, why did I lose all of my blood all of a sudden?"

"What kind of attack is this?"

"My day, it can't be that someone is stuck with a BUG, ​​right?"

In a bunch of double-digit and three-digit attacks, a four-digit number suddenly popped up, directly disrupting the rhythm of the battlefield.

While the orc player was in a trance, Shen Fei attacked ten times.

The extremely penetrating [Whistling] shot out with one arrow, and the damage directly overflowed the table.

On a line that the arrow passed through, all the orc players died suddenly, and none of them survived.

It actually created a vacuum belt directly on the battlefield...

(End of this chapter)

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