my pet is boss

Chapter 257 Exclusive access to all treatments

Chapter 257 Exclusive access to all treatments
This [Whistling] completely alarmed all the players, they all turned their heads to stare at the direction of the arrow, and saw——

Shen Fei with the three big characters "Regent" above his head.

All the human players gasped, when did Shen Fei sneak into the crowd of players?
Oh, almost forgot he was a player too!

The gasping sound of the orc player on the opposite side was even more overwhelming.

This NPC is even more shameless, actually sneaking into the player team to output output secretly.

King to king, general to general, shrimp to shrimp.

This person is so shameless, he rushed to the player pile to output!
Isn't this equivalent to Kobe abusing people on the elementary school basketball court!

Although being locked on by everyone's eyes at this moment, Shen Fei kept a speed of two shots per second at all times.

When the orc players encountered Shen Fei, it was basically a matter of seconds with an arrow.Even if the physique is slightly higher, it is still a matter of two arrows.

These players fought fiercely just now, and none of them had ten heads.

Especially for players with area damage, if you throw down a skill, if you are lucky, you can always kill one or two.

As for the job of cutting the back row, at least one can be exchanged for one after showing up, killing two is earning.

Infantry and Sergeant experience is not high, a player with the title "Infantry" can only give 200 experience points, and a "Sergeant" can provide 300 experience points.

But can't stand the crowd!

Shen Fei sent [Whistling] up, providing at least [-] experience points.

Shen Fei has a steady stream of experience. Fat Tiger in the back has already found a concave slope and covered his face to hide. It's too shameful not to know this person.

In ancient times, there was no competition with the people for profit, but now Shen Fei has experience.

It was only at this time that the human players reacted in a hurry. Shen Fei's random entry into the battlefield gave humans a great advantage.

The original balance has been broken, now take advantage of this opportunity to get more benefits.

"Quick, activate that human regent NPC, kill him and we will win!" The orc player quickly realized that as long as Shen Fei is killed, no matter how heavy the loss in the air today, the orc will win today's battle.

But Shen Fei's attack range is extremely far, even the long-range occupations with long arms can't touch Shen Fei, let alone the melee occupations blocked in the front line.

Moreover, Shen Fei was in NPC mode during the war, so these orc players could only see an NPC with the title of [Regent], so they naturally thought it was the top boss of humans.

All the orc players came to their senses and rushed towards Shen Fei without caring about the other players.

Human players are not vegetarian either, with Shen Fei's "nuclear bomb" output, many healers spontaneously add blood to Shen Fei's various shields.The first-line tank professions form a defensive line to prevent the enemy from coming, leaving enough room for Shen Fei to output.

With Shen Fei's "Assist Fist", the human player's aura suddenly opened up, counterattacking like a ferocious beast.

In the previous battles between the two players who were evenly matched, the healers from the rear could increase blood too much, but now Shen Fei's terrifying attack directly kills the players with excessive damage, and does not give you time to heal at all.

The bow and arrow in Shen Fei's hand was like a sickle, and the orc players were more like leeks, they were harvested and fell down wave after wave under Shen Fei's rapid shots.

Rapid shooting can easily trigger the [Ancient Rattan Sword] berserk lv10 effect, and the damage is greatly increased.


The resurrection speed of the orc players couldn't keep up with Shen Fei's output speed. In less than a minute, the number of orc players on the field had been greatly reduced. Even under the advance of the front row fighters, the orc players gradually lost their occupied territory and began to retreat in unison. .

"Fuck, Shen Fei's output is too violent, it's so cool!"

"This is completely a unilateral massacre, machine guns on the battlefield!"

"They're both hunters, why is Shen Fei's attack range so far away and the damage so high..."

"As expected of the number one person on the weapon list, and the longbow in Shen Fei's hand seems to be very effective!"

In less than 10 minutes, the battle formation of the orc players was completely disintegrated, and the remaining players threw away their armor and fled.

The crowd didn't give up, but directly killed all the way to the shrine where the orc players were resurrected, and once the orc players were resurrected, they would directly kill them on the spot.

However, the hostile players revived by the shrine will not provide any honor and experience points for a short time.

Shen Fei saw the orc players who were defeated and killed by various traps, so he found an opportunity to evacuate without even thinking about it.

Only human players are still killing the small-scale orc players at the resurrection shrine.

"Let's go, these people are inexperienced, let's go back first." Shen Fei stepped on the fat tiger and slipped away. Mailer and Jordan had already chosen to return to Owendale after killing the orc sky troops.

Human players kept killing orc players in the shrine. Although there is no prestige and rewards now, everyone vented all their anger these days.

Before the Great War, human players entered Lakstark to do missions, and they were often beaten by groups of orc players.

After finishing the mission, many of them crushed the scrolls of returning to the city on the spot and slipped away.

Now I finally found the opportunity to step on these orc players, how could I miss a good opportunity.

When the orc chief Eugene saw the orc warriors being pitted and killed in the distance, he snorted coldly: "They are all a bunch of trash!"

The air force, the trump card, lost [-]%, and the orc warriors of the vanguard were also killed endlessly at the shrine, which could not stir up any waves.

Before the two armies officially fought, it ended with two waves of orc defeats.

Now even the old orc warlock Zorak had nothing to say, this group of orc warriors were really useless.But at the same time, with sharp eyes, he also discovered that the guy who killed the orc "Sky Guard" and rode a white tiger mixed into the crowd for a while to output.

If he read it correctly, that person should be the new [Regent King] of mankind.

"Great Chief, although the morale of the two waves of routs has been greatly damaged, it seems that it is not all bad news for us."

As the "Emperor Master", Zorak's words are quite important among the orcs, and the great chief Eugene in front of him was raised by him alone.

"How do you say that?" Great Chief Eugene asked.

The old warlock Zorak pointed to the white tiger that flew back to Owendale, "The three people who came out just now, one is the most outstanding archmage Jordan of mankind, and the other is the archbishop of Holy Light Mailer, these are the people of the human empire during World War I. Greatest hero."

"What about the last one?"

Great Chief Eugene heard the meaning behind what the old warlock said, and the last young human might be the good news.

"According to the information sent back before the last assassination, this young man is the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple. It is said that he is over a hundred years old. He made a fortune with the human king Lucian, but he has been missing for many years for unknown reasons. I just returned to the holy city before, and now I am the regent of the human empire."

The great chief Eugene had a strange expression on his face, the king of the human empire, Lucian, was missing, and the little prince was young, all of which he knew.

Unexpectedly, this person actually obtained the status of regent who symbolizes the highest human rights.

"Rushing to the front line with such an identity, and even intervening in the battle between the warriors, doesn't this just provide us with an opportunity to lure the enemy into deeper? As long as the regent dies and news spreads to the human empire, there will be chaos in the rear, and we will cooperate at that time Our assassins will definitely make Grand Marshal Ferdinand overwhelmed, and breaking Owendale is just around the corner!"

Shen Fei's performance today has a lot of loopholes. Although he is extremely brave, he also showed the old fox Zorak his weakness.

Aggressive and aggressive.

It is a good candidate to lure the enemy to go deep, and perhaps we can make a fuss about this later.

Great Chief Eugene's face turned gloomy, which seemed to be the reason.

Looking at it this way, it doesn't seem to be such a loss. If you can really find a chance to trap the Regent of the Human Empire, then this loss of air power is really nothing.

"Send a team of wolf cavalry to disperse the group of humans, let these orc warriors roll to the back of the team, and go up to attract firepower when they attack the city later." Seeing the resurrected orc players in the distant shrine kept being killed, everyone The chief's face darkened, and he said "trash" in his heart.

The wolf cavalry of the orc race came aggressively, and the human players who killed them saw the wolf cavalry with a level of lv50+, and they also chose to retreat wisely.

In the previous fights, the ground troops they were most afraid of encountering were the orc wolf cavalry and Kodo beasts.

One is super maneuverable and can cast a net to trap people.In addition, the Kodo beast has thick blood and high defense, and there is also a group skill such as [Thunder Stomp], all players will fall down when they get close.

"The orc army is coming, let's withdraw quickly!"

"Hahaha today's wave of kills was great! Although I didn't get much honor and experience, I was very angry."

"Although Shen Fei is more troublesome than usual, but in the war mode, it is still very cool to have such a strong teammate!"

Human players fought and retreated, and 10,000+ people rushed back to the defense range of the mage tower.

After the shrine was revived by the orc player who was murdered, he wanted to counterattack, but when he looked up, there were still human players, and he didn't know where he went.

"Damn it, these guys, run away!"

"Keep fighting if you have the ability, what kind of a hero is he if you run away!"

"Human players are as timid as mice, and they dare not face up on the battlefield!"

The wolf cavalry guards who came to the side heard the group of fools still clamoring, and snorted coldly: "A bunch of trash, we orcs have lost their face! Go back quickly, and rush to the first place when the city is attacked later." The line will make atonement!"

Many players were left speechless by the NPC, the key is that they did not dare to talk back.

If you talk back, your intimacy and reputation will be lowered, and the rewards for your previous hard work will be in vain.

The players were so angry that they fainted. They were killed by a pass just now. Many players died more than 10 times, and their level dropped by one level.

If you have to stand on the front line after attacking the city, doesn't that mean you will die several times?
It's just that the words of the Wolf Cavalry Guard Captain are orders and mandatory tasks. If you refuse, there will definitely be no rewards for the war after that.

The human players all returned to Owendale, all smiling with great victory.

"Haha, I just killed this group of orcs stupidly, and I also picked up a lot of equipment."

"I went, and I even picked up blue-quality equipment. You are really fast!"

"You're not bad either. I picked up two pieces of green equipment, and my level has also been raised by one level."

Players gathered together to whisper and exchange results.

The players of the Great Guild gathered together, their faces flushed, and they counted the spoils.

I thought it would be an endless battle, but I didn't expect that after the fight, not only did I not lose money, but it even escalated.

The promised player PK turned into a unilateral massacre...

"Uncle Guan, you were on the top line just now, and a piece of equipment exploded. We just picked up a level 20 epic equipment here, which happened to be on top."

"And Leng Ling, don't be so reckless next time, you know! If the equipment on your body explodes, it will be a big loss for you and the guild. But your damage today is the highest among the big guilds."

Uncle Guan laughed loudly: "This wave is not bad. I broke a level 30 white outfit and picked up a level 20 purple outfit with better attribute bonuses. In the future, if there are more opportunities for this kind of hundred-regiment battle Alright, make sure to kill those grandsons of the orcs!"

Leng Ling also patted her head and laughed, she, a berserker, dual wields weapons, and it is a weapon made by Shen Fei, with extremely high damage.

Even the front row of the opponent's plate armor couldn't withstand Leng Ling's ax at all.

Then he mixed into the crowd and started Whirlwind directly, the harvest was exhilarating.

"I heard from them that after defeating the sub-dragons in the sky today, Fei Shen also landed and strangled the orc players with us, otherwise we wouldn't be able to kill them so fast."

"I've heard it too. I was on the front line, and I saw a few swishing arrows, and all the orc players on a road were cleaned up. It feels like playing Zhenwushuang before, killing people like mowing grass .”

Afterwards, all players started fighting for loot. Every time an orc player is killed, there will be an extra mark in the backpack. Turning in these marks can be exchanged for reputation, blueprints or skill books, which is quite useful.

This wave of tens of thousands of battles has really brought human players to a higher level.

Shen Fei returned to Owendale, stood on the city wall, and began to count his spoils.

Just now, a wave of battles in the sky made him rise directly to lv55, and then he killed a wave of orc "leeks", and his level directly soared to lv59.

"It's no wonder that some people make war fortunes. Do I count this as making war fortunes?"

If all the players and NPCs had defended together just now when the orc air force approached, Shen Fei would not have gained so much experience at all.

But this wave is only him, Archmage Jordan and Archbishop Mailer, the three of them have exclusive experience, and Shen Fei earns a lot of money.

"Perhaps calling Ferdinand and Mary next time to form a five-member team can attract more orc players..."

The free attribute points obtained by Shen Fei did not add indiscriminately, because now there are various buff bonuses, and there is obviously no shortage of life points, which can be reserved for later.

Fat Tiger was already out of breath, and took out the rattan chair to rest beside him.

It has been a long time since I have experienced this level of strenuous exercise, and my physical strength is a little weak.

Jordan and Mailer are also resting for a while. They have used a lot of powerful skills in a short period of time, and they are all returning to blue to rest this time.

Boom boom boom...

The earth began to tremble slightly, and the dark clouds in the sky kept advancing.

The orc army rushed to kill them, less than twenty miles away from Owendale.

And before that, the front line is still the Death Squad of tens of thousands of players.

Seeing this scene at the parapet, Shen Fei couldn't help but gasped.

What a locust!
Putting on [Blizzard Ballista] without further ado, Shen Fei rubbed his hands and licked his lips, the most favorite part finally arrived.

"Meile, tell your disciples and grandchildren to treat me later!"

"Listen to the healing monks of the Monk Temple, all of them will give me blood later!"

Today, he Shenfei wants to enjoy the experience of tens of thousands of people exclusively!Exclusive access to all treatments!
(End of this chapter)

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