my pet is boss

Chapter 258 The Third Wave of Attack

Chapter 258 The First Attack

"Elder Shen, you..." Ferdinand frowned to dissuade him.War is not a child's play, Shen Fei will cause trouble if he does this.

Standing guard at the top of the city alone, trying to resist the army of hundreds of thousands of orcs is simply wishful thinking.

10,000+ orc warriors who can be resurrected, plus the official siege army of orcs, this combination of human beings dare not neglect.

"It's okay, just let the soldiers squat under the female wall. If I can't support it, you will come out to provide fire support."

After Shen Fei said that, Ferdinand thought for a while and could only nod.

However, Ferdinand didn't dare to bet all his treasure on Shen Fei, and immediately he and the countess began to arrange the musketeers, archers, and defense equipment.

Shen Fei stood at the head of the city holding the [Blizzard Ballista], his back looked extremely tall.

The soldiers on the front line all learned that the Lord Regent wanted to fight against the entire orc army by himself, and all their minds went blank when they heard the news.

After reacting, infinite courage welled up in his heart.

The regents all went to the front line to fight against the orc army alone, so they naturally couldn't fall behind.

The army of orcs pressed down on the land, and even the air in Owendale became thick and turbid.

The soldiers below the city were all swallowing their saliva. Although they couldn't see the situation outside, they could already imagine the situation outside the city wall due to the rumbling tremors of the ground and the breathless air.

The first to rush over was the army of orc players. Without any engineering facilities or ladders, they were "forced" to directly enter the range of the Mage Tower in Sanli and became cannon fodder.

The mage tower scanned the invading enemies, and the magic crystal on the top of the tower began to release ice beams.

Where the icy light beam touched, the orc player was not frozen into ice, but directly wiped out, not even ashes remained.

The ice beam contains extremely cold rays, which can completely destroy the material structure, and do not give the orc players a chance at all.

However, the attack of the mage tower also has disadvantages. Only one trick can be used at a time, and the ice beam cannot stop an army of 10,000+ players.

Shen Fei stood at the top of the city and looked at everything, the denseness of the players was like locusts passing through the territory, not a single blade of grass could grow.

"Fortunately, only 10,000+ orc players arrived at the front line in the first wave. If there are more orc players spitting, they can drown Owendale..."

Although there are one billion people in the game, there are not many who are divided into various camps.In addition, each faction upgrades the fastest, and the players who have completed the most front-end tasks of the information chapter can be counted as high-level players of the top guilds.These 10,000+ people are the top group of orc players.

Sweat dripped from Shen Fei's palms, he supported the [Blizzard Ballista] with both hands, and when the orc players approached, he immediately struck.

The icy light beams from the Mage Tower shot down from a height of several hundred meters, even leaving deep ravines on the ground.

It's just that such an attack hits a team of 10,000+ people, and the damage is a drop in the bucket.

When the icy light stopped, a sunset light suddenly appeared in the sky the next moment, hitting the ground directly from the sky.

"Quickly open!"

The orc players on the ground fled in all directions, and after a while, the light burst out, forming a fiery ring of fire, burning all the orc players within a radius of several hundred meters and turning them into ashes.

Human players are assigned to the high mountains on both sides of Owendale, beware of orc assassins taking the opportunity to sneak into Owendale.

On the high mountain they saw the orcs killed outside, compared to humans, they were much better.

"Is Shen Fei an orc player who plans to carry 10,000+ by himself?"

"How did the bow and arrow in his hand become a ballista? A new weapon?"

Leng Qingqiu also saw Shen Fei standing alone on the city wall, his beautiful eyes were rippling.

"Shen Fei wants to enjoy the experience of orc players exclusively, right? We just played against each other outside. An orc player has at least 200 experience points. These 10,000+ players have a lot of experience."

"It doesn't matter, if it wasn't for his help just now, we wouldn't be able to get so much experience and equipment." Leng Qingqiu knew very well that the human players were able to kill the orc players in the battle just now, thanks to Shen Fei's action.

"Tch, sister, you are becoming more and more biased, anyway, what Shen Fei did is right..."

After Leng Ling said, Uncle Guan couldn't help laughing.

I have to say that Shen Fei and the young lady are really good-looking, but it's a pity...

It seems that Luohua deliberately flows ruthlessly.

Leng Qingqiu couldn't see any expression fluctuations on his face: "I'm just seeking truth from facts."

The mage tower is still carrying out various attacks, but it can only take away a small number of enemies, but there is no way to stop the orc players from advancing.

As the orc players approached, they finally reached Shen Fei's attack range.


Shen Fei's [Blizzard Ballista] has an extremely high attack. When the damage hits the orc players below, no one can withstand it.

Every time a crossbow arrow is shot, a white light will rise from below.

"I'll go, why has Shen Fei's attack power increased again!"

"This damage is too terrible, right? At this stage, no player can withstand it!"

"When will I have this kind of attack power?"

"Don't even think about it, whenever you rank first in the equipment list, you can also have this kind of attack."

The players on the high platform talked a lot.

The orc player was also stunned for a moment. Why did this guy's attack power become stronger again? Could it be that Owendale has some attack bonus?If you do this, play with a hammer!
Some ranged occupations can already attack the walls of Owendale.

Countless long-range attacks hit the city wall, and a series of numbers popped up.


This attack is so fucking real.

"How much defense does this city wall have, and the attack only takes 1 point of damage."

Shen Fei was at the top of the city, so he could see the armor and HP of the city wall.

【Fortified Granite City Wall】

HP: 1
Defense: 100
Description: Sedimentary granite from the deep mountains of Daxue Mountain has a very strong texture and is not easy to destroy.

Each city wall has 100 million blood volume and [-] points of defense. The player's damage is only a little bit of damage, which looks quite chilling.

The human players standing on the high platform couldn't help laughing when they saw this.

With such a little bit of damage, it would take some time before a piece of the city wall could be demolished.

Each city wall is one meter square, and Owendale's city wall has a thickness of 3000 layers. If you want to break through Owendale, you must deal at least [-] million damage!

Shen Fei continued to output, triggering the blizzard of [Blizzard Heavy Crossbow].

With the wisdom buff added by the great mage Jordan, Shen Fei's intelligence now has a full 213 points, and each wave of snowstorm can cause 213 points of damage, and it will cause 5+ damage in 1000 seconds. Players within 300 meters are immediately killed Swept away, as if empty.

There is also the splash damage of the human cannon, and no one survives within 100 meters of a cannon.

The displayed total damage is in the five digit tens of thousands.

Players kept rushing to the city wall, using their weak attacks to hit the city wall, leaving white gouging marks on the hard granite.

The constant display of -1, -1, -1 on the city wall made even the orc players cry when they saw it.

In Shen Fei's experience, with the triggering of blizzards and cannons on earth, he would advance by leaps and bounds, and the speed of upgrading even exceeded Shen Fei's own expectations.

These orc players killed a lot of human players just now, and almost all of them carried honors and feats.

At this moment, everything followed the white light and became Shen Fei's experience.

"How to fight such a siege!"

10,000+ orc players, when facing Owendale's grand pass, are like ants moving in the corner, densely packed but not threatening.

At first, everyone thought that Shen Fei would definitely not be able to defend, but according to the current posture, a lot of people would die in the city in a second, and even before the players behind filled the vacancy in front, they turned into white lights and disappeared again.

"I've already died seven times in a row today, and if I die again, I will be relegated."

"Siege the city with a hammer like this. Before the NPCs and players of the Human Empire have even made a move, a regent stands on it and shoots wildly. One man is in charge."

"Hold on, everyone! The regent must be using a blizzard scroll or something, and he must have an unlimited supply. When the scroll is used up, he can only shoot normally. When the army is overwhelmed..."

Before the words fell, with the sound of a huge cannonball, the human cannon fell to the ground, and the [-]-meter area became a vacuum again.

The orc army had already appeared outside the attack range of the mage tower, but they all stopped and did not charge over in one go.

Out of the range of the mage tower, the orc chief Eugene and the orc warlock Zorak stood at the front, looking at the Owendale Pass.

"Last time, my father failed to conquer here, and even lost the honor of the orcs. Today, I will get everything back!"

The orc warlock Zorak bent his waist and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, Chief, everything is in order. As long as the siege begins, let humans taste our 40-year wrath!"

When it comes to hatred, no one hates humans more than Zorak.

40 years ago, as an orc strategist, he led many large-scale battles, and finally lost and returned with hatred.

This time the orcs made a comeback, most of them were the younger generation of orcs.

They grew up in hatred, and their education from childhood was to fulfill the unfulfilled dream of their parents and conquer Owendale. This is almost something that is fused into their blood.

But Zorak is even worse, 40 years ago he was like a lost dog, and today he wants to beg for everything.


As the glaring sun gradually lost its sharp temperament and turned into a gentle afterglow, the orcs blew the horn of the first wave of attack.

At the forefront is the brave orc warrior, holding an oak shield in one hand and a sharp one-handed ax in the other.

Stepping on the same footsteps, it seems that the entire battle line is pushing forward.

The target of the mage tower has not been switched, and it is still automatically attacking the orc players on the front line.

For the orc chieftain and Elder Zorak of the warlock council, these orc warriors are shields, absorbing the first line of damage.

The only thing that surprised them was that on the entire city gate of Owendale, only the human regent defended it alone, and no one else could be seen at the top of the city.

Shen Fei was worth ten thousand by himself, and the output of the meter made human players and orc players speechless.

He obviously entered the game at the same time, so why can this guy's attack be four digits, or even five digits!

There is no shrine to the resurrection of orcs within three miles.

Once the player dies, he has to go to the shrine fifteen kilometers away to be resurrected. This is the newly built orc outpost.

Fifteen kilometers away, it takes at least 10 minutes for the player to go from resurrection to the front line.

However, according to the current density of players, replenishment is far less rapid than consumption.

What's more deadly is that because these orc players have been killed several times in the previous player battles, and were blocked and killed by human players in the resurrection shrine, now as long as they die, there will be an additional waiting time for resurrection in the resurrection shrine .

There are many orc players who have to wait half an hour to be revived.

Seeing that the orc army started to enter the range of the mage tower, Shen Fei quickly turned his head and said to Ferdinand: "The orc army has launched, and now we can attack."

Ferdinand saw Shen Fei's amazing destructive power through the parapet just now, and was extremely shocked in his heart.

In his impression, only the large-scale spells of the Archmage could produce such an effect, but he didn't expect that Shen Fei, a hunter, did not rely on the power of the white tiger, to be so terrifying, killing people was like chopping vegetables, falling down piece by piece.

Now that the orc army was approaching, Shen Fei was not willful, and directly asked him to start dispatching the army.

Ferdinand's long sword was raised, and the battlefield commander saw it and began to wave the small flag in his hand, giving orders to all the troops on the battlefield.

Following a burst of uniform voices, two rows of musketeers suddenly appeared on the city wall, covering the entire Great Wall of Owendale.

Open fire!
There was the sound of musket ammunition being fired, followed by a burst of smoke from the muzzle.

After firing, the musketeers in the first row squatted on the ground and began to clean the barrel and load the second round of gunpowder.

The musketeers in the second row jumped up and started firing.

Two rows of musketeers fired consecutively, forming an uninterrupted firepower net.

The archers at Owendale were also ready, and as the flag continued to wave in the wind, the order came to them.

Raising the longbow high, aiming at the red-painted sky and shooting them out.


Countless bows and arrows formed an extremely dense net in the air, and flew to the highest city wall in the sky with a parabolic trajectory.

Shen Fei, who was standing on the output of the city wall, heard the sound of breaking wind behind him.

Ding Ding Ding!
The bow and arrow suddenly fell, and directly removed a fixed point within a range, and the attacking orc players were isolated into two parts, the front and the back.

The human players were already speechless. Although the players turned into white light and disappeared without bloodshed or screams after death, all the cruelty of war fell into their eyes.

Separated by a wall, on one side is the neat and solemn army of human beings, and on the other side is infinite white light flickering, as if the most prosperous stars at night are flickering.

"These orc players are finished."

Seeing this scene, Leng Qingqiu couldn't help but said.

The players gathered by humans and orcs are all the top players in each other's camp.

But this is the first day of the war, and the 10,000+ orc players have dropped by more than one level, and their equipment has also suffered a lot.

According to Leng Qingqiu's estimate, it is at least about 10%.

Being trapped into this miserable situation on the first day, it is conceivable that in the following battles, the orc players will not get the slightest benefit.

Shen Fei continued to output, and the elite orc infantry with shields resisted many attacks, and then the towers and ladders pushed forward by the huge orcs gradually approached Owendale.

"The gap in the shield, that's the orc's shoulder blade!" Shen Fei's eyes were sharp, and he noticed at a glance that the tiny gap between the shield and the shield was the shoulder blade of the orc's infantry. Only by attacking this place can the infantry be knocked down.

At the same time, through the gaps between the towers and chariots, Shen Fei saw that at the rear of the siege troops was a huge crushing hammer pendulum.

Once this thing is activated in the city, it can penetrate Owendale's strong city gate in an instant...

 I went out for dinner today, sorry for the late update
(End of this chapter)

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