my pet is boss

Chapter 259 Siege

Chapter 259 Siege
"Stop the siege troops!"

Shen Fei quickly shouted to the defenders behind him.

In addition to musketeers and archers, Owendale also has many offensive and defensive troops.

Ferdinand waved his hand, and the commander in charge of giving orders fluttered the colored flags in his hands, sending a signal to the attacking defense forces on the high platform.

After the attacking defense force received the signal, the catapult behind the high platform began to determine the precise position and distance. The information transmitted by the colorful flag just now was the precise position coordinates of the orc siege force.

The offensive and defensive troops began to calculate the direction, force and landing point of the catapult based on the precise position coordinates and speed.

As all the catapults were ready, countless boulders were thrown from the snowy mountains on the battlefield with an order.

Each boulder weighs more than ten tons and is directly thrown hundreds of meters into the air by a trebuchet with the power of a powerful winch.

When the boulder whizzed past Shen Fei's head, even Shen Fei felt a gust of knife-like wind passing through the back of his head, which made people terrified.

The huge boulder hit the back of the orc troops, accurately hit the siege troops, destroyed some of the siege equipment, and even trampled a tower.

All the other boulders fell on insignificant positions.

Shen Fei saw that there was a huge boulder heading directly towards the center of the orc army, and the orc chief was surrounded in the center.

If this boulder hits the ground, it will be a great achievement.

It's just that when the huge boulder approached the orc army infinitely, Shen Fei saw that the crooked old warlock standing beside him suddenly rubbed his hands together, and then three dark green evil energies shot out, directly shattering the boulder into pieces. Countless sand and gravel jingled on the armor of the orc soldiers nearby.

From the beginning to the end, the chieftain Eugene Howling did not move.

Shen Fei stared at the old warlock, keeping his appearance firmly in his heart.

This guy who can stand beside the orc chief is definitely not an ordinary person, and he must have an extraordinary status among the orcs.

He can shatter more than ten tons of rocks with a single gesture, and this skill is probably only comparable to that of Archmage Jordan.

"This guy is the Great Elder of the Frost Orc Warlock Council, Zorak."

A voice suddenly appeared behind Shen Fei.

Shen Fei asked curiously: "Why did you run out again without taking a break?"

Jordan laughed twice: "The intruder activated all the attack attributes of the Mage Tower, and now the Mage Tower's energy is fully used for attacking, and I don't have extra magic energy to recover quickly. And I just felt an extremely evil wave spell energy, so come out and have a look..."

No need to think too much, the extremely evil spell energy is naturally the spell that Zorak used to destroy the boulder just now.

A boulder of more than ten tons that fell from the sky with a huge momentum actually fell apart in front of a spell. If it hit a city wall or a person, the consequences can be imagined.

The commander kept sending signals with colorful flags, updating the position of the orc siege troops, and the catapults were constantly changing their direction.

Shen Fei's output didn't stop. With the addition of archers and musketeers, the 10,000+ player army was wiped out in pieces, turned into white light and returned to the shrine more than ten miles away, waiting for resurrection.

Shen Fei could even see a lot of equipment bursting out with blue-green light flashing under the city of Owendale, and occasionally purple equipment.

A huge green energy net suddenly appeared in front of the orc siege troops, two or three li in length and width, enveloping all the siege troops in it.

The boulder projected in the second round hit the energy grid, and the rock was directly turned into dust after touching it.

Shen Fei was dumbfounded, what kind of energy network is this, it can completely smash the boulder under the impact.

The archmage Jordan on the side frowned. It seems that this time the Frost Empire is making a comeback, and the Warlock Council has also made a lot of moths!

There was no energy grid when they attacked 40 years ago. It seems that the Frost Orcs have done a lot of preparations for this attack.

"I'll go to the Mage Tower, Shen Fei, you and Fei Gong will guard it."

Jordan walked in a hurry, picked up Mailer and ran towards the mage's tower.

The Grand Duke stood on the city wall and arranged in an orderly manner, and the giant bed crossbow was arranged to be pushed to a high point.

The orc players saw that the large army behind them covered the green energy grid, and many people began to withdraw towards the energy grid.

But when he first came into contact with the energy grid, he was directly reduced to ashes by the energy above.

Even kill your own people?

One after another, orc players wanted to hide behind the energy grid and advance with the army, but they were wiped out immediately after touching the energy king.

"The NPC doesn't care about our life or death!"

The mage tower is pouring out skills crazily, the damage from Chen Fei on the city wall and the human defenders can cause fatal damage to the orc players every second, and even huge rocks projected from the sky will appear from time to time, directly crushing people into meat paste.

Orc players originally wanted to gain benefits in the "National War", but in addition to earning some mission benefits by relying on population and geographical advantages when the war officially started, today's battle wiped out all the benefits they gained, and even Lost a lot of equipment.

Blood loss!

The remaining tens of thousands of players have been oppressed and have nowhere to go. The energy network behind them is constantly approaching, squeezing their living space.

The damage on the top of the head hit the head and face, and the 10,000+ orc players lost more than half in just half an hour.

There is no way to crush the city return scroll in the combat state. These players can only keep moving forward now.

Orc players can only vent all their impotent rage on the city wall, deal a series of -1 damage, and then turn into white light to "relieve".

Shen Fei noticed that there are many brighter nodes under the energy grid, and every 100 meters is in charge of a warlock from the Warlock Council.

If you want to destroy the energy grid, you must start with these warlocks.

The icy light from the mage tower hit the green energy curtain, only a series of "immunity" popped up.

At the moment, Archmage Jordan and Mailer in the Mage Tower are analyzing the composition of green energy.

"This energy is full of death breath, it seems that only Lao Mei's holy light energy can work on this energy!"

Mailer helped his reading glasses: "How did these sorcerers get such pure death energy?"

Jordan began to draw various temporary magic circles in the mage tower, and then brought a half-person-high magic crystal.

"Come on, Lao Mei, fill this magic crystal with holy light energy. I will write a magic circle to emit your holy light energy and destroy the opponent's energy curtain."

Mailer was trembling all over, with a surprised expression on his face: "Such a big magic crystal, you want to suck me dry!"

Jordan simply ignored it: "You didn't exert much force in the air battle just now, and this holy light is not a trivial matter."

"Hurry up, my magic circle is almost ready here."

"Don't rush an old man!"

Mailer put his hand on the magic crystal, and all the holy light energy overflowing from his palm poured into the magic crystal.

The magic crystal, which was originally lavender and translucent, began to shine brightly.

The holy light energy enters the magic crystal in the form of liquid and rises slowly.

"Old Mei, are you all right? The orc army is approaching the city, and you are still slacking off here." Jordan urged from the side.

"Don't rush, don't rush, that's fine."

Mailer's face paled slightly, and when the holy light was filled, the entire magic crystal turned into a golden color, like a small sun.

"Let me tell you, I've risked everything this time, and it took a lot of effort..."

Mailer was panting heavily, leaning on a cane with one hand, and pointing at Jiangshan with the other.

But Jordan walked over, picked up the magic crystal with both hands, and ignored him at all.

Place the magic crystal in the center of the magic circle, connect countless conduits to the magic crystal, and begin to extract the energy of the holy light as Jordan casts the spell.

The mage tower suddenly stopped all attacks, and through the magic circle formed by Jordan, it combined the energy of the holy light with the air and released it to the outside bit by bit.

Visible to the naked eye, a gradually spreading halo appeared above the mage tower, like ripples on a calm lake, rippling in the air circle after circle, slowly falling with the breeze.

In the orange sunset, the air shimmered with tiny sparkles.

The human player standing on the highest platform, unexpectedly, +1, +1 numbers began to appear on his body.

"These stars are holy light energy!"

"It can return blood!"

The players were all shocked. Although not a lot of starlight was recovered, the energy of the holy light fell slowly like dust in the air, and the healing on their bodies never stopped.

Shen Fei also discovered the holy light particles in the air, and then saw holes that were disintegrated piece by piece on the approaching energy curtain.

After the holy light particles came into contact with the energy curtain, they neutralized the magic energy of the death breath, disintegrating the energy curtain bit by bit.

It's just that during this period of time, the orc army has advanced a lot, and now the catapult is completely unusable at this distance, and there is a possibility of damaging the city wall.

Numerous orc infantry raised their shields to cover the siege troops, covering the ballista tightly, and did not reveal the ferocious appearance of the orc ballista and catapult until they entered the range.

The ballista had already adjusted its angle when it was moving forward. The javelin with barbed claws was installed on the ballista, and it flew directly towards the city wall of Owendale.

There were also soldiers charging on the front line, and a row of people directly held up the ladder and killed them.

The war officially entered a fierce siege battle.

Shen Fei's current shooting range can completely hit the siege facilities, and he used the [Detection Eye] to see the attributes of the siege weapons.

【Orc Catapult】

Type: Siege Unit

HP: 100
Attack: 1000
Armor: 1000
Description: The catapult of the frost orcs has always been known as a death strangling machine.Siege units, will cause 300% damage to buildings.

Siege units deal triple damage to buildings, and hit a wall for 3000 damage.

There are at least a hundred catapults under the city, as well as various siege facilities such as ladders and ballistas. If they all work together, Owendale's city defense really won't be able to hold it for too long.

Shen Fei ignored the orc players and infantry below the city, and focused all his firepower on the siege facilities.


Shen Fei's attack hit the [Beast Catapult], and the damage was only a few hundred points, which was a thousand miles away from the damage he hit the orc player before.

"The armor is still too high!"

Siege units have high armor, canceling out nearly half of their attacks.

"Fat Tiger, do you have a way to weaken the orc armor?"

Fat Tiger thought for a while and said, "Yes, but the effect can only last for 10 minutes."

Shen Fei thought for a moment, then said to Ferdinand: "Fei Gong, mobilize all attacks later, attack the enemy's siege troops, and kill the orc's siege troops in one fell swoop."

Ferdinand frowned. Once all the firepower was diverted to the siege troops at the rear, the ladder troops and melee troops at the front of the city wall would take the opportunity to attack the city, and even set up the ladders. Then they would be ready for hand-to-hand combat. .

Everyone on the city wall of Owendale heard a loud noise and felt a violent vibration.

The boulder on the catapult hit the city wall directly, causing extremely high damage.

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

Ferdinand knew the reason why fighter planes were fleeting, and the siege troops were too fierce. If this continued, Owendale would be directly destroyed today.

"Fat Hu, you should be careful yourself, and if it doesn't work, return immediately."

Having seen the methods of that old warlock, Shen Fei was also a little worried about Fat Tiger.

Although the fat tiger has a BOSS level on its head, its blood volume is only 15.

In this kind of war environment, 15 blood volume is really not much, if you don't pay attention to trap the enemy, it will bottom out after a while of concentrated fire.

"Don't worry, just watch my performance."

After saying that, Fat Tiger jumped down from the city wall, dodged countless enemy arrows, and fell to the ground with lightning speed.

Eugene, the great chief of the orc clan on the throne in the distance, saw the lightning, pointed and asked, "This is the white tiger, one of the four gods of monks, right?"

"If we can catch it back to serve us, then the strength of our orc clan will be further improved."

Zorak let out a gurgle of laughter, and said, "I think this guy's figure is very suitable for the great chief's mount."

Great Chief Eugene sneered: "Then you need to kill the human regent first, and then imprison and brainwash the White Tiger God. That is what your Warlock Council is best at."

After the white tiger landed, the thunder and lightning on its body kept stirring, and no one approached within a range of more than ten meters, and it would be killed by the thunder if it approached.

The palms suddenly slapped together violently, and countless electric currents began to spread with the strength of the palms.

Like a large dense net, it spread directly across the entire battlefield.

Orc players or soldiers, after being swept across their bodies by electric current, their bodies showed signs of paralysis and sluggishness.The electric current passes through the siege equipment, and a layer of current is attached to the surface of all siege equipment.

Shen Fei glanced at the [Beast Catapult] again, and found that the armor had changed from 1000 points to red, weakened to 500 points, and directly doubled.

"Now, output!"

Shen Fei's attack landed on the siege equipment, and the damage immediately returned to the normal level.


500 points of armor, which is about the same as the armor of a plate tank in an orc player.

Archmage Jordan also came out of the mage tower, and began to chant super-wide-range blizzard skills from a high place.

All the attacks in the city fell on the siege weapons of the orcs for a while, and the whole battlefield was filled with a burning smell.

The siege facilities at the rear also collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into discarded parts.

(End of this chapter)

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