my pet is boss

Chapter 260 One finger of death!

Chapter 260 Finger of Death!
Zorak waved the staff in his hand, and several tons of [Hellfire Elements] roared and rushed to the bottom of the city wall.

Many orc players around were burned to death by the flames emitted by [Hellfire Elements].

Instead of dying in the hands of the enemy, he was taken away by his own people.

Most of the ballistas and catapults in the distance were destroyed under the fire. In addition to the large-scale blizzard caused by Archmage Jordan, many catapults were destroyed in the blizzard.

Even if Zorak and other Warlock Council members put up the Black Shield defense, it was too late.

But in the past few minutes, the ladder has been erected, and the barbs of the ballista have also been launched to the city wall, holding the city wall tightly.

Ferdinand commanded in an orderly manner, and all the musketeer troops on the city wall were arranged in the back row.The melee soldiers all piled up in the front row of the city wall, and began to use small rolling stones, logs and even boiling hot oil to prevent the enemy from climbing the city wall.

It took a long time to climb the 50-meter city wall of Owendale, but it couldn't stand the continuous attacks of the orcs.

[Hellfire Element] also came to the city, every blow made the city wall roar, and every blow could cause about 200 points of damage.

Now on the entire city wall, only Shen Fei is outputting against the rain of arrows.

【Hellfire Elements】

Level: lv45+
Attack Power: 200 (Chaos)
Blood volume: 40000
Skills: Flame Punch, Sacrifice Aura, Elemental Resistance, Intimidating Roar
Description: Summoned from the sacrifice of hell, it has a huge body composed of fire and earth elements.I don't know what fear is, but only know that it is a terrifying creature that keeps advancing and destroying. It has an extremely violent personality and has a certain resistance to spells.

The only difference between Hellfire Elemental and others is the word "chaos" after the attack power.

Players who are familiar with the game know that all characters have armor.

Such as mage's cloth armor, ranger's leather armor and warrior's plate armor, the amount of armor means how much damage you can reduce.

Shen Fei attacked the catapult just now, because the armor of the catapult was as high as 1000 points, which caused his attack power to hit the catapult with greatly reduced damage.

It was after Fat Tiger broke the defense that half of the opponent's armor was cut, and Shen Fei's attack power was back online.

But the chaotic attack attribute is the only existence that is not affected by armor, that is to say, as much damage as written, there will be as much damage!

Whether you have 200 armor or 200 armor, if you write [-] points of damage, it will be [-] points if you hit it.

This is an extremely perverted attack attribute.

Shen Fei immediately output with all his strength, a dozen hellfire elementals crazily smashed into the wall, even the city wall with millions of HP couldn't stop it.


Shen Fei's attacks poured out like a violent storm.

The effects of Blizzard and Human Cannon are triggered halfway to cause range damage.

Even so, it took Shen Fei half a minute to kill a hellfire elemental.

At this moment, the most attacked city wall only has tens of thousands of blood points left. As long as the attack continues, the city wall will crack open a hole.

A dense crowd of orc infantry climbed up the ladder. Although the attacks of rolling logs, stones and even hot oil were extremely strong, countless orcs were smashed down from the ladder and turned into meat paste, but the following orcs did not have the slightest fear at all and continued to roar. climb up.

The orc archers below kept shooting, and all the soldiers at the top of Owendale carefully avoided, and they also wanted to prevent the orc infantry from climbing up the city wall.

Fat Tiger was also surrounded by many players and enemies. Even if Thunder culled and killed one group, another group soon came up.

"Fat Tiger, come up quickly, don't stay under the city."

Shen Fei saw that Fat Tiger's HP had dropped by less than [-], so he hurriedly called it back.

Shen Fei's voice was quickly drowned out by shouts and explosions on the battlefield, but Fat Tiger and Shen Fei were connected with each other, and they still heard these words.

An electric current surged all over Fat Tiger's body, shaking away everyone who came up, and jumped up with him.

Dodging in the air to avoid the incoming arrows, but some arrows still fell on the fat tiger.

Fat Tiger's godhead fell into the Heavenly God Palace, and now he is just a mortal body with high mana.

The arrow was directly inserted into the fat tiger's chubby buttocks, and it cursed in the air in pain: "Master Tiger hurts to death, when I regain my godhead, I will definitely wipe out the frost and cold beasts!"

It's just that before the words were finished, another dense array of arrows shot at him, making it inevitable.

At this moment, all the arrows shot were suddenly broken, and the fat tiger was covered with a layer of golden translucent shield to resist the attack.

Shen Fei saw Mailer standing tremblingly beside him, and conveniently added a shield to him.

Looking at the pale-faced Mailer, Shen Fei subconsciously picked up the [Blizzard Ballista] and moved a bit, "Don't suddenly fall at my feet, I declare in advance that this matter has nothing to do with me, these two golden shields You set it up yourself, don't try to blackmail people!"

Shen Fei carefully looked at Mailer, for fear that this guy would suddenly fall under his feet, hugging his leg and touching porcelain.

Mailer's face was originally pale, but when he heard Shen Fei's words, his blood was surging, and his face flushed a little.

"I just consumed too much energy just now, just take a rest for a while."

It's just that after Mailer finished speaking, he saw Shen Fei frowning and looking at him with a strange expression on his face. Shock, majesty, confusion, relief, sympathy, and understanding flashed through his eyes successively...

"Did you misunderstand something..." Mailer asked.

Shen Fei hurriedly interrupted Mailer, and continued to focus on eliminating the hellfire element, "It's okay, I understand everything."

The fat tiger flew in the air, protected by the golden shield, but did not come up immediately, but turned into a bolt of lightning and galloped along the city wall of Owendale.

All the ladders on the city wall were cut off at the middle, and then the ladders fell backwards, killing another one.

When the ladder was broken, the morale of the soldiers on the city wall suddenly increased, and they began to attack frantically. The remaining orc infantry on the half of the ladder were also quickly beaten down.

Archbishop Mailer, together with the bishops and priests of the cathedral, released a large-scale shield to block several waves of orc arrows.

Shen Fei solved all the hellfire elements within a few minutes, and finally kept the fragmented city wall.

The great chief Eugene on the Dire Wolf in the distance saw the heavy losses of the orcs, and even failed to climb the city, his face was livid.

"Today's temptation is over, withdraw!"

The orc soldiers didn't lose much, probably less than five thousand.Most of the players who attracted firepower were orc players, and there were still some summoned creatures and siege equipment left.The biggest loss is mainly the air power of the Orcs.

It is unacceptable for anyone to change the old capital that has been saved for decades and sell it at a sudden discount of [-] to [-]%.

The old warlock Zorak nodded slightly, then got off the sand scorpion mount and walked forward step by step while leaning on his crutches.

His eyes fixed on the White Tiger God who was moving quickly on the city wall.

Although the orc's tentative offensive today ended in failure, Zorak was going to give someone a big gift when he left.

If the White Tiger God can be killed here, or seriously injured, the morale of the human empire will definitely be low.

It is not a loss at all to exchange the loss of the orcs today for a high-end human combat power.

The old warlock is behind the battlefield, inconspicuous on the battlefield of 10,000+ people.

Leaning on crutches, Zorak walked slowly and walked among the crowd of archers.

The speed of the White Tiger God was as fast as lightning, and only the afterimage caused by the electric light could be seen.

Zorak also couldn't see the white tiger's speed clearly, but he could know the white tiger's moving direction.

It is going to cut off all the ladders on the city wall, so the remaining ladders must be its target.

Zorak directly planted his staff on the ground beside him, and began to accumulate strength.

"A finger of death!"

There is no gorgeous picture and effect of holding back the big move, there is no legendary change of color in the world, turbulent wind and clouds, there is only a dark green lightning energy, erupting from Zorak's fingertips.Hit towards the ladder from a distance of one mile, which happened to be the next ladder Baihu wanted to destroy.

The dark green evil energy was extremely fast, and it had already spread to the white tiger in the blink of an eye.

When Fat Tiger discovered the energy of [Finger of Death], his own inertia had already rushed towards the ladder, and he couldn't stop suddenly.Moreover, Fat Tiger also discovered that this energy was coming towards it, no matter how it avoided it, it would eventually hit it.

Fat Tiger smelled the breath of death for the first time.

The acupoints in Tianling Gai on the forehead twitched non-stop, as if they were about to burst out of the body at any moment.

Fat Tiger also saw countless unjust souls overflowing from the evil energy.

Mailer was the first to notice this energy containing the breath of death, and immediately put a milky white light shield on the White Tiger God.

[Finger of Death] Hitting Fat Tiger, a strong light was emitted, blinding the eyes of everyone on the battlefield.

This light is like a thousand suns, and the light covers everything on the earth.

Shen Fei first heard a crisp cracking sound, and then immediately followed by the rumbling sound of earth shaking and mountain shaking.

Shen Fei felt the ground under his feet trembling, feeling like he was about to collapse at any moment, so he immediately chose to dodge to the side.


The soldiers around panicked, but they heard the voice of the regent from the crowd, and everyone felt the vibration under their feet and immediately dodged to the left and right.

When the light dissipated, Fat Tiger was hanging in the air, sweating profusely on his body.

It really felt the breath of death just now, but at the moment when the death energy poured on him, the light shield on its body protected it, buying Fat Tiger a moment to release the [Refracting Prism].

The evil energy of [Finger of Death] hit the [Refracting Prism], and all the damage was deflected to the wall on the side, directly creating a gap in the high city of Owendale, and even the broken granite was still shining with green death evil. able.

Mailer swayed. He was sucked out of a large tube of Holy Light energy by Jordan, and just now he applied a super defensive light shield in a hurry. Now he feels that his whole body has been hollowed out, and he doesn't even have the strength to lean on his staff. , crumbling.

Suddenly there was another person beside him supporting his shoulders, so Mailer didn't have to sit on the ground.

He fixed his eyes and saw that it was Shen Fei who came to help him.

Although this guy kept joking just now, he was still trustworthy at critical moments.

Boom boom boom!
The loud drums of war sounded. This was the order for the orcs to retreat. All the orc soldiers retreated in an orderly manner. The few remaining orc players looked left and right. Is this the end?

Shen Fei quickly reacted, grabbed the long sword in Ferdinand's hand, and ordered: "Hit, hit me hard!"

All the musketeers and archers reacted, followed the command to change the flag gestures, and began the final harvest.

It's just that the orc troops retreated in an orderly manner, and the rest of the recruits were some orc players.

Shen Fei euphemistically gave them a ride.

When the orcs completely retreated, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Fat Tiger flew back to the city wall, his legs softened immediately after landing, and he collapsed on the ground.

If it hadn't been for the moment that Mailer had won for it just now, it might have been killed by one finger.

The orcs retreated, but everyone looked at the huge gap in the city wall, without any excitement of victory.

That finger just now dispelled all the joy of human victory.

Shen Fei remained silent, he and Fat Tiger were one, so he knew that Fat Tiger used the skill [Refracting Prism] just now to deflect the attack.

But he never expected that the damage from [Finger of Death] would be so horrific, instantly turning the city wall with a million HP into tofu.

One move can knock out a million HP, no one can stand up to it!

Moreover, this move does not have any momentum or hints, and it is the scariest thing to do it so suddenly that people are caught off guard.

If it wasn't for the far enough distance this time, and Mailer's golden shield bought some time, Fat Tiger might have died on the spot.

What about the next attack?If the distance is closer, you will not be allowed to react at all, and if you are accused, you will die.

Mailer's expression was serious. The energy full of murderous and death just now was really terrifying.

Jordan also rushed over, saw a large part of the city wall destroyed, and immediately squatted on the ground to observe the undissipated evil energy.

Using the crystal bottle cautiously, I extracted part of the green evil energy with a secret method, and prepared to study it carefully.

The human players on the high platform were all stunned. Many of them didn't react at this moment, and they were still in shock.

The [Finger of Death] shot by Zorak just now was really terrifying, hitting from a distance of one mile, it was like a green evil lightning.

They didn't see how the White Tiger God blocked this move at all, they only saw a -1 damage on the city wall, and then a corner of the Owendale Pass collapsed...

"I'm also a warlock, I don't know if I can learn this trick in the future..."

"Just now I thought that human NPCs had an overwhelming advantage, but now this orc NPC is too scary, right?"

"How will the next battle be fought?"

The players chattered and chatted, and the joy of upgrading and obtaining equipment today disappeared, followed by a dark cloud in their hearts.

Afterwards, Shen Fei noticed that the orcs did not return to Mount Doom after they evacuated, but started construction and set up camp twenty miles away.

Ferdinand took a deep breath. Originally, he still had a lot of things to say to boost morale, but Zorak beat them all, so it was useless to say anything now.

"Everyone cheer up, hurry up and clean up the battlefield and repair the city wall!"


At this moment, the bell of the Heavenly God Palace tens of thousands of miles away, the godhead of the White Tiger God trembled violently. At this moment, Suzaku A Li, who was meditating and practicing in the Heavenly God Palace, opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth slightly in disbelief.

Godhead shakes, this is something that only happens when it is extremely dangerous!
What kind of situation did Bai Hu encounter outside, so that his life was endangered?
Ah Li hurriedly got up from the futon and came to his residence in the south of Tenjin Island.

"The white tiger must be in danger outside because he has no mana! I will secretly open a hole in Tianshen Island and give him some mana, so he must have the power to protect himself..."

(End of this chapter)

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