my pet is boss

Chapter 261 Undead Forest

Chapter 261 Undead Forest

When the orc camp was completely set up, night had already fallen.

The atmosphere in the orc camp was tense.The orcs' first wave of temptations didn't work out, and they suffered heavy losses today, with the air elite losing [-] to [-] percent, which made the humans show off their momentum.

If it weren't for Zorak's [Finger of Death] to restore some momentum, the atmosphere in the barracks would be even more embarrassing.

Tribes from all over the Frost and Cold Empire are gathering their forces, and there are still three days before they can reach the Doom Mountain camp.

Great Chief Eugene's face was solemn, and he had to hold the front line for the next three days, waiting for reinforcements.

Human beings will definitely not let them guard the main road so comfortably, and there will definitely be many sneak attacks and harassment.

In terms of the current fighting power of the orcs, if the entire human army attacked, they might not be able to stop it.Zorak's [Finger of Death] has a price.

Zorak stepped forward cautiously and said, "Great Chief, in fact, we can still attract a support army to help us..."

Great Chief Eugene frowned. Of course he knew what reinforcements Zorak was talking about, but whether the reinforcements needed to be put in quotation marks for the time being.

"Are you so sure that the undead in the undead forest will join us?"

"A large part of the undead in the undead forest are the skeletons of orcs who were abandoned in the Fountain of Youth. They became undead after awakening consciousness. Therefore, the leader of the undead in the undead forest is likely to be an orc during his lifetime. As long as you send someone to communicate, Maybe they can be used as reinforcements."

"Then what's the price?" Great Chief Eugene asked, the bones had awakened free will and turned into undead. If you want the undead to serve you, you can't rely on your love in life, you must pay.

Zorak spread his hands and said, "How about the wild land north of the Fountain of Youth?"

The savage land north of the Fountain of Youth is a bitterly cold place, where even the Frost Cold orcs feel that life is harsh and rarely visited.

The undead have only bones, no skin, and will not perceive changes in temperature.

On the other hand, if the orcs can have undead as allies, as long as Owendale is broken, the large piece of fertile land to the south will be theirs, and the frozen soil north of the Fountain of Youth can be given to the undead.

"Don't worry, this time I will arrange the most effective stop, and the orc warriors to handle this matter." Zorak's face was already filled with a smile.In his opinion, forming an alliance with the undead is a certainty.

In terms of the closest relationship to death, the race is undead, but in terms of occupation, what occupation is closer than the Warlock Council, which embraces death and evil energy?
"Then I'll arrange this right now..." Zorak bowed out of the tent, and immediately arranged for people to go to the Undead Forest.

Looking from Owendale, the campfire of the orc camp twenty miles away was brightly lit, and even half of the sky was reflected in red.

Even if you don't stand at the top of the city, if you look up at the sky in the city, you can see the flames soaring into the sky, as if a fire that never sleeps, complements the Doomsday Volcano hundreds of miles away.

The mage tower is running at full power and becomes a lighthouse at night, illuminating all places within a three-mile radius without leaving any gaps.

The mage tower has its own true vision effect, and orc stalkers can't sneak around at night to destroy it.

Soldiers of the First Legion were stationed outside the city, digging trenches and blocking them overnight, and workers were repairing the city walls. Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Shen Fei sent human players and SI:[-] agents to the orc camp to investigate and sabotage it.

And the military spies who came back from Mount Doom brought the latest information to everyone.

"The army of orcs is gathering. It is estimated that there are still 15 troops. They are gathering from all over the Frost and Cold Empire towards Mount Doom. They should be assembled within three days. By then, it should be the time for the Frost and Cold Orcs to attack."

Hearing this news, everyone's faces were dark.

With an army of 15, plus 10,000+ orc warriors, and Zorak's tyrannical [Finger of Death], the next orc attack may be a decisive battle.

With a combined army of 20, and 10,000+ orc warriors who can be resurrected, such a battle will only be a fierce battle, and it will not take long.

The longer it takes, it will be a burden for the logistical support of both parties.

The rations of the 20 troops are a problem.

As with orcs, so with humans.

Both sides are now using the power of the whole country to shoulder this war, and the longer it takes, the domestic economy will be dragged down, so they both want to win a quick battle.

"Do you want to take advantage of the fact that the orc army has not been fully recovered in the past few days, and take the initiative to seek war and launch an attack?" Generalissimo Ferdinand asked.

"We rushed out to ask for a fight. I'm afraid we will fall into the enemy's tricks. Small-scale harassment these days is fine, but it is not suitable for large-scale dispatch."

"We now have an advantage in air power. We can use Griffon Knights to harass every day, or cannibalize the enemy's remaining air power."

Everyone expressed their opinions with each other, which sounded reasonable, but in the end they failed to come up with a reasonable solution.

The main reason is that the [Finger of Death] that Zorak showed today is too terrifying.

If there is an armed raid, someone must be in command. No matter who is in command, as long as he has this kind of lore skill, there is no possibility of survival.

So in the end, after thinking about it, I chose a more secure way.

No matter who loses high-end combat power, it will be a fatal blow to the human empire.

After the meeting, Shen Fei was just about to go back to the rest room to visit Fat Tiger who had been beaten into autism, but at the door he ran into the priest of the cathedral who was already waiting.

"The Regent, the Archbishop is here to invite you."

Mailer did not attend the evening meeting, because he overdrawn Holy Light during the afternoon battle, and he flickered at the end of the battle, so he went back early to rest.

"What did Mailer ask me to do in the middle of the night?"

Shen Fei was a little embarrassed at first, thinking of the way Mailer came out of the mage tower with his waist supported today, and the Archmage Jordan behind him with a satisfied face, Shen Fei felt a chill.

But when he thought of Mailer's back now, this guy was old, so he shouldn't have any problems now.

The priest led Shen Fei to the door, and then retreated knowingly.

Shen Fei entered the room and found that the old boy Mailer was sitting on the seat drinking chrysanthemum tea.


"Why did the Archbishop call me over in the middle of the night?"

Mailer looked at Shen Fei with complicated eyes, and said straight to the point: "If the Regent has time these two days, he can go to the Fountain of Youth."

Fountain of youth?

The previous intelligence said that there are a bunch of undead creatures entrenched there now. What does Mailer suddenly remind him of going to the Fountain of Youth?
Although Shen Fei is definitely going, there are still three days before the orc army is assembled, and if they leave with Fat Tiger at this time, the ability of humans to defend the city will be greatly reduced.

"Why did the Archbishop suggest that I go to the Fountain of Youth at this time? Do you have any other ideas?"

If it wasn't for Shen Fei already possessing substantive evidence, he really doubted that Archbishop Mailer was the one behind the scenes who intended to subvert the human kingdom.

"Because I feel that the Fountain of Youth has what Elder Shen needs, and now is the right time."

Mailer didn't look abnormal, Shen Fei couldn't find any loopholes from his words and expressions.

"Well, I'll think about it."

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Shen Fei left Mailer's residence and returned to his room.

Mailer keeps suggesting that now is a good time to go to the Fountain of Youth, and that must mean something.

If Mailer said this before the expedition, Shen Fei would definitely label him a reactionary rebel.

Now that Shen Fei has ironclad evidence, he already knows who is the real mastermind behind the scenes, anyway, it's not Mailer.

So his words are not malicious, you can listen to them.

Fat Tiger was lying on the sofa with a listless expression.

Today it was still frightened by [Finger of Death], it was only one breath away from death.

This is real death, not the kind that can be resurrected after death.

[Finger of Death] Contains evil energy, the power of death is enough to swallow even Fat Tiger's soul.This move uses the souls of the killed creatures as nourishment. The more powerful the kill, the more people you kill, the more souls you absorb, and the higher the damage of the skill.

Although Fat Tiger doesn't know how much energy each soul can provide, but based on the current damage of one million shots, Zorak's hands are already covered with blood, and the blood is flowing like a river.

But fortunately, Fat Tiger felt that after this life-and-death crisis, his mana recovery speed was doubled. Could it be because of his epiphany at the moment of life and death?
This can only be regarded as luck in misfortune.

Shen Fei was looking at the sand table map.

From Owendale to the Fountain of Youth in Lax Stark, he has the ability to fly a fat tiger, and he can get there in half a day, and it takes a day to go back and forth.

Shen Fei was sure that Mailer wanted to tell him something, but he couldn't say it clearly.

"Fat Tiger, I'm going to the Fountain of Youth to do something, are you coming?"

Fat Tiger rolled up from the sofa and asked, "What are you doing at the Fountain of Immortality at this time? Are you going to get water from the Fountain of Immortality?"

Shen Fei nodded and said: "It was Mailer who reminded me to go. I always felt that he was going to say something, but he didn't say anything clearly, so I planned to go there."

Fat Tiger got up and patted the hair on his body, "What do you say, let's go! It will take half a day to get to the Fountain of Youth, and now it is just right to take advantage of the night."

"You, are you in good condition?"

Shen Fei looked at Fat Tiger, after eating [Finger of Death], Fat Tiger's entire body was depressed.

Fat Tiger patted his shoulders and even bulged his biceps: "No problem, I feel in good shape now. After today's battle, I feel that I have become stronger again, and my current mana recovery speed is faster than before. twice as much!"

"What, your mana regeneration speed has doubled?"

Even Shen Fei was startled. Could it be that this guy broke through when he was hovering on the verge of life and death?
If so, then this trip to the Fountain of Youth would have to go anyway.

Shen Fei even wondered if he wanted to provoke the undead creatures of the Fountain of Youth, and make some threats to make Fat Tiger become stronger again on the verge of life and death.

Fat Tiger stared at Shen Fei's eyes, seeing through the thoughts of this rotten guy.

"Young man, your thoughts are very dangerous, I advise you to give up!" Fat Tiger said seriously.

Shen Fei smiled and said haha.

"I just thought about it casually, how could I put you in danger."

"There is no best!"

The news of Shen Fei's departure did not alarm too many people, they took the opportunity to slip away with Fat Tiger while patrolling at night, and disappeared into the night.

Mailer heard the sound of the white tiger's spirit wings waving, and came out of the room to look at the deep night sky with a complicated expression on his face.

"Hope this trip goes well!"

Some long-lost memories gradually emerged from Mailer's mind.

It was a memory full of hope, redemption, but also darkness and struggle.

In the end, in desperation, Mailer chose to bury these memories without mentioning or thinking about them.

Hearing the front-line information today, there are still 15 orcs gathering, which makes Mailer a little worried. Other human legions are also rushing to Owendale, but it seems that there are not so many people gathered.

The long-lost memory is awakened, and there is another chance at the Fountain of Youth.

It's just that Mailer can't guarantee it now, and nothing has changed in 40 years.

Shen Fei rode a fat tiger towards the Fountain of Youth in the north.

The night was covered with dark clouds, and Fat Tiger carried Shen Fei above the clouds without being noticed by the orcs.

The orc's camp stretched for miles, and the campfire was like a fire dragon. Even above the cloudy clouds, one could vaguely see the continuous flames.

After leaving the battlefield, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and the moonlight shone on the ground. Shen Fei could see the Fountain of Youth shining with fluorescence a hundred miles away at a glance.

The closer it is, the more Shen Fei can feel the vastness of the Fountain of Youth, which is definitely bigger than the Qinghai Lake that he has been to on Earth.

The moonlight is projected on the huge lake, like a mirror.

Next to the Fountain of Youth is a forest glowing with silvery white light. The branches grow wildly and irregularly, like bones piled up at random.

Undead Forest.

Shen Fei heard from intelligence personnel that there are undead creatures in the undead forest.

Fat Tiger landed directly by the Fountain of Youth first.

Standing on the shore, Shen Fei looked at the boundless ocean in front of him, and couldn't help but gasped: "Fountain of Youth, I think it should be called the Sea of ​​Immortality!"

The entire sea is as calm as a mirror.

The moonlight shone on the sea, illuminating the Fountain of Youth and the Immortal Forest next to it, as if it were daytime.

Shen Fei filled a glass bottle full of spring water of immortality and put it away.

The surrounding silence is frightening, there is no sound.

The branches of the undead forest behind him were dry, but they grew strangely and tall.

Under the moonlight, the branches are like white bones, crystal clear and white.

"What Mailer said shouldn't be in the undead forest?"

Shen Fei remembered the location of the ancient battlefield 40 years ago before the Immortal Forest, where the last battle between the orcs and humans took place.

The orc warlock Zorak sacrificed hundreds of thousands of souls, allowing the remaining orc warriors to gain brutal power, fighting until the blood was burned and turned into dry bones.

"This thing feels evil!"

Fat Tiger looked at the mist gradually rising from the wet ground.

"You have a lot of blood, you go ahead!" Shen Fei kicked Fat Tiger's ass.

Fat Tiger was kicked to the front all of a sudden, and his hair exploded in fright.

"That's not what you said during the big battle today!" Fat Tiger's tone was aggrieved. During the day, Shen Fei reminded it to be careful and come back safely.It's really inhumane to kick it to the front in such a horrible place at night!

Fat Tiger took a step, and heard a crisp cracking sound under his feet. It sounded like a branch breaking, and it felt like a bone breaking.

"Don't freeze, let's go."

Shen Fei followed behind Fat Tiger, clutching Fat Tiger's furry tail.

(End of this chapter)

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