my pet is boss

Chapter 262 Memoirs of Aiken

Chapter 262 Aiken's Memoirs

One person and one tiger walked into the undead forest. As the two of them got deeper and deeper, the forest began to be filled with fog, and they could only see the field of vision within a range of more than ten meters.

After more than 40 years on the ancient battlefield, the ground under our feet is still soft, and there are places like muddy swamps.

"Those corpses and bones may have been decomposed into nutrients long ago."

Shen Fei and Fat Hu continued to walk forward, and vaguely saw the outline of a building in the mist.

"There seems to be a house over there, let's go and have a look."

Shen Fei flicked Fat Tiger's tail, signaling Fat Tiger to go towards the house.

Passing through the fog, the two came to the bottom of a tower-like building. The tower was white and 30 meters high, and it looked four stories high from the outside.

The windows were mottled, and even the glass had been broken into pieces, leaving only the decayed and blackened window frames.

The doorway to the tower is covered in cobwebs and dust, and it looks like it has been decaying for a long time.

"Be careful, there may be something in this tower."

Shen Fei didn't relax his vigilance just because the tower looked dilapidated. Since there were traces of spider webs, there must be spider creatures in the Undead Forest.

The two entered the tower, with a solid column in the center of the interior, and a spiral staircase leading to the highest level.

From the outside of the white tower, it seems that each floor can be moved, and it is only after entering that there is no flat floor.

"Looking at the shape of the tower, it should be a human-style building, and it should have been built during the Undead Forest War 40 years ago..."

"But it's not right. The undead forest is the place where the orcs sacrificed their sacrifices and fought. When did the human empire build a helpless tower inside the undead forest..."

Shen Fei himself was confused. He didn't understand why there was a human building in the depths of the undead forest.

Walking to the top of the white tower, Shen Fei saw a tidy office, and he could see the sky above his head. Shen Fei saw the aura of the magic circle, which made him more sure that there were people living in this white tower.

Walking to the table, he casually picked up an exquisitely packaged book, opened the first page casually, and the system reminded him before Shen Fei.

"Ding! Get [Aiken's Memoirs (1)]."

Shen Fei was stunned. The [Memoirs of Aiken] that he had been looking for for a long time was actually in the white tower of the undead forest, and he got it easily?
[Countless souls howled in the forest, forming a mournful elegy.My soul wanders in the forest, looking for traces of the Holy Light everywhere.I prayed for the mercy of the Holy Light, but no answer came.

There are countless unjust souls wandering in the woods, exuding a disgusting smell of corruption and darkness.I saw many orcs who died in battle with burning blood, their eyes were empty and their souls wandered.

I struggled for a long time before I had to admit the fact that I was abandoned by the Holy Light and became an abandoned person of God.I have felt the Holy Light countless times, but have not received any feedback.

The war has ended, and the woods next to the Fountain of Youth are full of ruins, mountains of corpses and seas of blood, even the Fountain of Youth has been stained bloody.

Maybe I will become a wicked ghost...]

Shen Fei saw the first section of [Aiken's Memoirs], and after reading it, the expression on his face was a little weird.

Fat Tiger was already trembling aside: "It seems that Aiken has really turned into a ghost, how can a dead person still write!"

【Memoirs of Aiken (1)】

Type: quest item

Description: The memoir has five sections in total, and a complete memoir can be synthesized by collecting five sections.

Shen Fei searched the white tower for a while, but unfortunately did not find any other useful information.

"These things were all written by Aiken when he became a soul after his death, so the remaining four memoirs should also be in the undead forest..."

Reminiscent of the information sent before, that there is an army of undead in the Immortal Forest, Shen Fei couldn't help but have a bold idea.

Could it be that Aiken awakened his free will and became an undead?
Judging from the current situation, it is very possible.

"In short, it's better to be careful when exploring in the undead forest."

Fat Tiger nodded in agreement, this place is full of weirdness, so of course you have to be careful.

Shen Fei and Fat Tiger came down from the white tower, Shen Fei looked at Fat Tiger's cautious look, with an indescribable expression on his face: "You can even block Zorak's [Finger of Death], how come you can't get to the Immortal Forest?" Afraid of becoming like this?"

Fat Tiger's tone was aggrieved: "Is there any inevitable connection between strength and timidity?"

Shen Fei was speechless after asking a single sentence.

The two continued to go deeper, and the surrounding fog became thicker and thicker, and the visibility was even less than ten meters.

cluck cluck...

The two were walking when they suddenly heard a crisp sound.

It's like the sound of a bone hitting a bone stick when it steps on a hard branch.

Shen Fei vaguely saw the skull in the mist, and without saying a word, he directly drew the bow and shot the arrow.


Shen Fei's attacks were extremely fast, and after he soared to level [-], Shen Fei added all the free attribute points to strength and agility.

Strength affects attack power, and agility affects movement speed, attack speed and dodge.

The buffs imposed by several epic NPCs have not disappeared, and Shen Fei's attack power is now amazing.

When the bone skeleton approached, Shen Fei saw the detailed information of the bone skeleton.

【Skeleton soldiers (close)】

Type: Undead

Level: lv45
Blood volume: 3500
Attack: 350
Skills: Slam, Charge, Last Stand.

Description: Undead skeletons in the undead forest, who have mastered all the fighting skills in life, and after accepting the control of consciousness, their combat skills become more proficient, usually appearing in the form of a team.

In a blink of an eye, a [Skeleton Soldier (near)] fell to the ground, and at the same time many skeletons emerged from other places.

There are melee soldiers, archers, and skeleton mages.

Shen Fei and Fat Tiger killed these skeletons and miscellaneous soldiers three times, five times and two times. After killing them, all the bones collapsed, and several white souls broke away from the bones and flew towards the depths of the undead forest.

"Go, chase after!"

Shen Fei and Fat Tiger chased in the direction where the soul disappeared, not noticing that the bones that had fallen apart on the ground were trembling slightly, and then spliced ​​together again, continuing to patrol as if nothing happened.

Shen Fei chased after him, but the fog was so thick that his vision was blocked, he couldn't catch up with the flying away soul.

The two continued to walk along the direction, and saw a garden-like place within sight.

A garden made of branches and stones, but inside it grows something that makes one's scalp tingle.

What emerged from the soil were all white bones, either struggling hand bones, leg bones growing upside down, and ribs turned outward.

There was a small pavilion for cooling off beside the garden, Shen Fei tiptoed over and found the second book [Aiken's Memoirs (2)] on the table.

"Did you find another one?" Fat Tiger in the distance asked when he saw Shen Fei picking up a book.

The bones planted on the ground in the garden suddenly stopped moving when they heard the sound, and froze in place.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of rustling and loosening the soil, and these bones slowly crawled out of the ground, each of which was a complete bone skeleton.

Shen Fei looked at Fat Tiger helplessly, and said more, take out the bow and arrow and start fighting!

After a while, the bones fell apart and were planted in the garden again.

Shen Fei and Fat Hu fled away.

Only then did Shen Fei have time to read the second book.

[I wandered in the forest for three days, and saw the same scene every day.There are wandering, aimless souls everywhere.

I'm used to that disgusting resentment, because it's the key to keeping the soul alive, it's like oxygen to the soul.

There is no resentment outside the forest, so the footprints of the soul cannot go out of the forest.

I seem to be trapped in the forest forever, surrounded by darkness and decay all day long...


On the tenth day, a strong wave of holy light energy suddenly erupted in the forest, and the trajectory of the holy light crossed the entire forest and reached the soul.I could feel this familiar light, the light that came from ** (obliterated).I felt my body and soul reconnect, and I could feel the fragments of corpses scattered here and there.

I excitedly followed the place where the holy light erupted, but I didn't see anyone expecting it.

The forest is still a pool of stagnant water, only darkness and resentment.

The connection between body and soul grew stronger until I had complete control over my body.

No, to be precise, it should be a skeleton.

I got redemption and completed the "resurrection".But at the same time, he was also cursed and turned into an undead...

How ridiculous, the priest who once believed in the Holy Light has now become the evil and filthy thing he once hated the most! 】

After watching the second section, Shen Fei took a deep breath, he finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

The name that was erased in the second quarter should be Mailer.

After the war, Mailer came to the front line of the battle, trying to find the body of his lover Aiken, but found that Aiken's body was scattered everywhere and could not be identified.

With Mailer's strength, he can naturally see the ghosts wandering in the undead forest.

According to the records in the memoirs, Aiken's soul and body re-established a connection, which is very likely to be the ghost of Mailer.

It's no wonder that this old boy made himself come to the Fountain of Youth by insinuating. It turned out that there was a reason for this.

"Could this guy want me to persuade the undead to help the human empire attack back and forth?"

"Is this old guy crazy!" Even Fat Tiger shuddered, and Mailer actually wanted the undead to help the human empire in a whimsical way.

Even if the undead were to go out, it would definitely be helping the same "evil" orcs.After all, an evil warlock like Zorak is the same kind of person as the undead.

Humans believe in the light, and there are many priests or knights who believe in the holy light.

You must know that the greatest enemy of the undead is the Holy Light, and it is simply impossible for the undead to help humans.

Shen Fei said: "Since you are here, let's explore it carefully, at least collect [Aiken's Memoirs]."

For the materials to make the set items, Shen Fei is now only short of this memoir and [Merovingia's Stabilizer].Merovingia is the chief alchemist, and he can get it when he returns to Tuk County when he finds a chance.

The two continued to explore, and [skeleton soldiers] appeared in the misty undead forest from time to time, and the frequency became more and more frequent as they went deeper.

Shen Fei also rose to lv60 by constantly killing the patrolling [skeleton soldiers].

When players were generally in their twenties and thirties, Shen Fei's level had already reached level 60, crushing all players.


The lieutenant general of the orc army, the capable general of the warlock council, and the team organized by the orc players took the flying dragon to the undead forest as soon as they received the mission.

"We must complete this mission, and the rewards for special missions must be extremely rich."

"Although our Quantum Foundation lost equipment and levels in yesterday's battle, our points rank among the top in the entire Orc Guild, which is why we got this special mission opportunity. Everyone must take good care of it and try to make up for it. Get them all back!"

"Boss, don't worry, the rewards for this kind of special mission are very good, and the elite can convince the undead in the undead forest, and it will be easy to defeat human beings by then!"

South, the president of the Quantum Foundation, sneered: "Originally, I joined the Asian server to snipe sloppy again. I never thought that this guy would choose the apostle camp, and this time he became an ally with us. The apostle's armada came from the south The mainland drove directly to the holy city, wanting to destroy the hub of the human empire with one blow. Naturally, we must not lag behind on the northern front, at least we must take the lead in breaking through the city, and rush to the holy city ahead of time, otherwise we will leave an excuse for sloppy jokes .”

"Besides, there are undead troops in the undead forest. Maybe there will be something related to my profession, necromancer, during this trip."

The speed of the flying dragon was extremely fast, and in about three or four hours, they landed on the outskirts of the undead forest.

"Hey, isn't this place too evil?"

There are branches growing everywhere, like bones.

It looked like a large cemetery of bones.

"Time waits for no one. Ten of us followed the second elder of the council and went in to find the whereabouts of the undead creatures."


Shen Fei continued to explore in the Undead Forest, the dense fog did not dissipate at all, even the top of his head was full of fog at this moment, and it was impossible to tell whether it was night or day.

Saw an empty log cabin and found the third volume of memoir inside.

[Loneliness strikes again.

I was the only undead creature in the entire forest, and even the crow felt that the evil spirit was too strong and chose to leave.

An indescribable sense of loneliness is tormenting me, I desperately want companions who can talk, even undead creatures!
I have studied the Holy Light and know how to bring souls back from the dead.But now the Holy Light has abandoned me. The Holy Light can only purify the undead, but cannot resurrect them, but the knowledge about the light still exists in my mind.Since that person can reconnect my soul with the decaying corpse, then I can also reconnect these wandering souls with their respective bodies...]

Seeing this, Shen Fei felt chills down his spine.

Aiken actually wanted to "resurrect" others!

If this is the case, then the undead creatures in the undead forest are likely to be resurrected by Aiken!

After all, this guy is an undead creature who has truly awakened free will.

Pack the third memoir in your backpack.

Just as Shen Fei and Fat Hu stepped out of the cabin, suddenly the surrounding ground trembled violently, and a majestic voice came from the mist.

"Discover the breath of the living! Living people are forbidden in the Undead Forest!"

A strange creature with three skulls, only ribs on the upper body, and two huge bone wings on the back, holding a bone ax in both hands, slowly appeared from the mist.

This is like an undead creature deliberately stitched together, which is extremely huge.

Just three heads, about the same height as Shen Fei.

A pair of bone wings spread out, at least twenty meters long.

The bone ax in his hand was shining with faint blue fluorescence, and it was as huge as five meters.

Shen Fei quickly threw a scout up.

【Lord of the Dead】

Type: Undead BOSS
Level: lv50+
Attack Power: 1
Health: 100
Skills: Death Storm, Life Siphon, Deadly Slash...

Description: The Lord of the Dead in the Undead Forest, whose body and spirit are assembled from the bones of several different creatures, is extremely crazy and brutal, and is one of the most powerful in the Undead Forest.If you deal with it carelessly, your body and soul will become new materials to expand his body.

 The book written by Wan Jun in 2013, the copyright has expired and now I have got the starting point to republish. The novels that have been completed are guaranteed to be updated. Everyone recommends votes for this book.

(End of this chapter)

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