my pet is boss

Chapter 263 The Skull Sea

Chapter 263 The Skull Sea

This is the strongest lord boss Shen Fei has seen so far. First of all, 10 blood points are enough to make people gasp.

Before Shen Fei opened his mouth, Fat Tiger had already killed him immediately.

How can there be no reason not to masturbate when there is a BOSS?
Fat Tiger's mana had been used a lot on the battlefield yesterday, and some of it was left to support the two of them flying back, so they just used ordinary claws directly.


Seeing this, Shen Fei hurriedly drew his bow and shot arrows, and stood behind and output crazily.

In just a moment, the blood volume of the dead lord dropped by one-tenth.

"Taste the taste of death!"

The lord of the dead held the handle of the huge bone ax in both hands and spun on the spot, and a strong wind began to blow around.

Shen Fei used [Traction Chain] to open the distance, Fat Tiger also immediately opened the distance away from the center of the storm.

The blood volume of the dead lord continued to decrease, and 20% of his blood volume was lost during the process of casting [Death Storm].

Shen Fei and Fat Hu were only touched by the outermost wind, and lost hundreds of points of blood.

"Run? Let's see how far you can run!"

"Life Siphon!"

One of the dead lord's heads suddenly turned to stare at Shen Fei, and slowly opened its mouth.

Shen Fei saw the crimson light in the skull's eye sockets, and then the blood on his body was pulled out of his body, forming a thin red line in the air, connecting the Lord of the Dead and Shen Fei.

At the same time, Fat Tiger's blood volume was also sucked, and the blood volume of both of them decreased proportionally.

The blood volume of the dead lord increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and after a while, the blood volume recovered by [-]%.

The fat tiger rushed up and interrupted the dead lord's [Life Siphon] skill with a roar.

Shen Fei's high attack speed triggers a critical strike plus a whistling armor piercing, causing a lot of damage to the Lord of the Dead.


Fat Tiger's blood volume of 15 is now only 8.Just taking a sip of [Life Siphon] almost killed them both.

When the lord of the dead had only one-third of his health left, he summoned a large group of skeleton soldiers, but it was useless to Shen Fei, as a cloud-piercing arrow wiped them all out.


As the blood volume gradually decreased to 0, countless souls suddenly gushed out from the body of the dead lord, scattered in the mist.

Then the huge skeleton body crashed to the ground, turning into a pile of unconscious white bones.

Shen Fei rushed up to pick up the spoils.

Several gold coins, [Bone Fragments]*100 for summoning skeleton soldiers, and a purple skill book.

【Copy Skill Book】

Quality: purple

Description: After use, it can perfectly copy a player skill, regardless of level or occupation.

Shen Fei took a breath, this skill book is too strong!
You can steal a player skill regardless of level and occupation.

Shen Fei's mind instantly thought of the thief's stealth.

If you can learn to sneak, then this is too strong.With super long range and stealth, you can completely destroy the enemy invisible and become a sniper.

"If this skill book can be used against NPCs, it will be invincible. Go back and steal a shadow's latent image, and it will explode instantly."

Fat Tiger sat on the spot, took out his Seria ham, and gnawed his blood back slowly, while gnashing his teeth.

"If it wasn't for my godhead not being on me, I would have slapped the garbage boss just now!"

Fat Tiger's blood volume returned to full, and the two continued to explore in the undead forest.

There are still two memoirs to be found, and Shen Fei also wants to know where the souls of these defeated bones escaped to.

Shen Fei used [Hawkeye Eye Technique] to look through the fog, and after searching for a long time, he found another building.

This is a cemetery. There are many tombstones erected in the cemetery. The first wooden tombstone has the words "Tomb of Aiken" written on it.

There is a small house next to the cemetery, and Shen Fei found the fourth volume of memoirs.

[After thousands of failed experiments, I finally found the right method.Soul and bones are like water and vessel...

It's just that none of the undead shaped by me has awakened free will.I stood on a high place and looked at the 10,000+ undead skeletons below, but I still felt lonely.

I am like the creator, these "resurrected" undead are only my orders.

I have to find something to divert my attention so that I don't get lost in loneliness.

The setting of water and container is not perfect, when the cup is broken, the water is difficult to complete.Undead do not feel pain and fight fiercely, but defense is a big problem. Once the bones are lost, the soul will dissipate. I must find a new method, a way to keep these undead alive...]

After reading the fourth volume of memoirs, Shen Fei became more determined in his mind.

The real master of the undead army in the undead forest is Aiken.

It's just that 40 years have passed, and I don't know if Aiken still has humanity.

If there is still a bit of humanity left, then there is still talk of letting the undead join humans.

Now there is only the last memoir left, and Shen Fei can get the whole book together.

Continue to go deep into the undead forest, and encounter more and more skeleton soldiers on the road, and the experience is also good.

These skeleton soldiers have a lot of gold coins on them. I don't know if they carried them with them during the battle.

Secondly, Shen Fei has already accumulated a full 1000 units of [Bone Fragments] on his body.

This thing is of no use to him, it will explode when he kills the skeleton soldiers, so he has to carry it with him first.


Orc players guard the deputy of the war and the second elder of the council.

After entering the undead forest, I also encountered two waves of skeleton soldiers, all of which were killed by players from the Quantum Foundation.

After continuing to go deeper, I saw a higher-level undead guard.

After expressing the intention of this visit, the boss of the undead guard bluntly stated that he must be defeated in order to meet the master.

Everyone in the Quantum Foundation's eyes lit up, and without a word, they opened up the front and started fighting the boss.

As the strongest guild of the orc race, the Quantum Foundation has also invested a lot of money in the game. Although the boss South is not ranked in the top ten equipment rankings, he is quite capable in a purple outfit, and he focuses on giving his necromancers Characters improve their combat effectiveness and get various skill books.

The undead guards stopped fighting when their HP was hit to 30%, acknowledged their strength, and led a few people to the Palace of Bones to meet the boss.

"You performed very well this time, and you did not disappoint the chief and the elders of the council. This skill book is your reward this time." The second elder of the warlock council took out a book and handed it to everyone in the Quantum Foundation.

"Boss, it's the necromancer's purple skill book!"

Soth hurriedly said: "Hurry up and bring it here!"

A skill book of purple quality, if it is listed in the auction house, it may sell for millions of gold coins.

But Sous came here in person this time because the second elder who led the team is a necromancer, and the rewards given may be related to occupations, so he personally led the team to the Undead Forest.

Sure enough, he got it.

"Haha, this is the skill that all necromancers dream of."

Soth learned the skill without saying a word, and studied it for a while and said: "All the [skeleton fragments] that exploded from the skeleton just now are handed over to me!"

There are a total of 10 [skeleton fragments] on Soth's body, all of which were placed on the ground, and he fiddled with his hands to cast spells. The bone fragments began to tremble slightly, and then slowly climbed up and turned into a skeleton.


This is a skeleton soldier!

Everyone in the Quantum Foundation gasped.

At the same time, Sous saw the attribute status of the skeleton soldiers.

The level of the summoned skeleton soldier is the same as that of the summoner. The skeleton soldier is lv35, with an attack power of 150 points and a blood volume of 2000.

Seeing a series of attributes, everyone in the Quantum Foundation couldn't help gasping. This attack power and blood volume are too powerful!

The heavily armed tanks in the guild don't even have 2000 HP, and their attack power is still very high.

"The most important thing is that the summoned skeleton soldier is permanent. Even if it is dead, it can be summoned again, but it needs to consume [skeleton fragments]."

Sous himself was taken aback, as expected of Necromancer's purple signature skill, with this skeleton soldier, he would be able to easily fight two in the future.

"The Second Elder and the War Envoy went to the Palace of White Bones to discuss the alliance. Let's take advantage of this time to fight more bosses and monsters on the periphery and accumulate more [Bone Fragments]."

Everyone in the Quantum Foundation took action immediately and began to wander around in the fog of the undead forest, looking for the patrolling skeleton guards or the boss to fight.


Shen Fei took the fat tiger to "wander" in the undead forest. Hawkeye scanned the surroundings, but couldn't find any buildings.

The aimless search encountered only countless patrolling skeleton guards.

Shen Fei's attack was astonishing, he could wipe out a skeleton soldier in two seconds, and the five-member skeleton squad he met basically couldn't hold out in front of him for 15 seconds, and would turn into experience points and a pile of bones.

"Forget it, I can't find the direction anyway, and I don't need [Eagle Eye Technique] to investigate, just choose a direction and hit it."

Shen Fei chose a direction at random, and led Fat Tiger towards it.

Boom, boom, boom...

The white mist blurred the vision, but could not block the sound.

Shen Fei didn't know how long he had been away, when he suddenly heard a rumbling sound not far ahead, like the sound of a battle.

Shen Fei quickly walked up with Fat Hu, only to see another big boss.

【Flesh Puppet】

Type: Undead BOSS
Level: lv50+
Attack: 500
HP: 300
Skills: Corruption of flesh and blood, howling of pain, differentiation of puppets, unstable explosion...

Description: The Lord of the Undead tried to splicing flesh and blood into a creature with an extremely unstable soul. This is a "creature" forcibly created in violation of the laws of nature.

The BOSS with 30 health is currently being beaten up by more than [-] orc players.

Because [Flesh Puppet]'s attack power is not high, and the attack speed is not fast, so it is not difficult for a group of people to fight, just be careful with the boss skills and add blood to the tank.

While outputting, Sous added blood to his skeleton soldiers.

Skeletons are undead mobs and are incompatible with all healing stats.Necromancers have a [Life Transport] skill, which can transport their own life in the form of a percentage.

[Flesh Puppet]'s blood volume has been worn out by half, as long as it continues to fight, the boss can be killed.

Suddenly [Flesh Puppet] caused an unstable explosion around the body, and Sous didn't add blood between using skills, causing his skeleton soldiers to be directly killed by the explosion.

"Hold on first, I'll summon another skeleton soldier."

Sous put the [Skeleton Fragments] that he had called before on the ground, and then began to cast spells to summon the skeletons.

Shen Fei and Fat Hu hid aside and looked dumbfounded.

"It turns out [Bone Fragments] are used to summon skeleton soldiers, no wonder so many exploded just now!"

Afterwards, Shen Fei saw a skeleton soldier appearing in front of Sous, casually threw a scout on it, and saw the attributes of the skeleton soldier.

Level 31, 2000 blood points, 150 attack power, and skills.

"This skeleton soldier is not bad! It grows according to the player's level. Then I am now level 60, and the three-dimensional attribute of the summoned skeleton will be higher!"

"This skill is a bit cowhide, it can be regarded as a growth skill!"

One didn't stop, Sous then summoned a skeleton soldier, and the two skeleton soldiers killed together, instantly decompressing a lot.

Shen Fei stared straight at it, isn't there a limit to the number of this skill?

"Hurry up, I don't have much materials on me, so I can't waste any more." Soth said.

Fortunately, Shen Fei "had dealings" with orcs before, knew a little bit of orc language, and still understood what this orc player meant.

Can this skill be infinitely summoned as long as it has materials?
Fat Tiger glanced at Shen Fei, and Shen Fei glanced at the more than 1000 [Bone Fragments] in his backpack, and fell into deep thought.

"Fat Tiger, you said..."

It's just that before Shen Fei could say anything, Fat Tiger covered his mouth with his paw.

"Don't say it, go directly!"

Although Fat Tiger couldn't see through other people's systems, from his perspective, this skill should at least be a purple skill.

Since there are so many [skeleton fragments] on his body, it is not a loss to steal this skill.

Even Fat Tiger encouraged him, and Shen Fei used [Copy Skill Book] on this orc player without saying a word.

After a while, the orc player's skill list appeared in front of Shen Fei, and a purple skill suddenly appeared in the list.

【Summon Skeleton】(Purple)

Description: Necromancer's "ultimate" skill, you can summon skeleton soldiers to fight for yourself.Skeletons scale with player level.Summoning requires [Bone Fragments]*10, and the number of summons is unlimited.

Ultimate skills!
Each profession has an ultimate skill that best represents the characteristics of the profession.

The ultimate skill of the survival master is [Feign Death], and the ultimate skill of the Necromancer is [Summon Skeleton].

It would be interesting to steal the ultimate ability of another class all at once.

Fat Tiger also saw the skill description, and covered his mouth excitedly. He was already imagining the scene of Shen Fei summoning hundreds of skeletons in his mind. The sea of ​​skeletons is really spectacular.

Without saying a word, Shen Fei chose to copy the [Summon Skeleton] skill, and a purple skill was added to the skill column.

Shen Fei is ready to move, seeing that the boss has a lot of blood, it will take some effort to wipe out this group of people.

Shen Fei and Fat Hu got into the mist, planning to give this group of orcs a big surprise later.

"The front line of the orcs is also half a day away from the undead forest. In the case of a battle on the front line, no player will come to this kind of place leisurely. The undead forest is full of monsters above level 30. These players over level [-] are very good at fighting. Difficult."

Unless, these people have received a mission and want to join the army of undead in the undead forest!
The tens of thousands of undead army in the undead forest seems to have become the target of the competition between humans and orcs, and the winner of the war.

"All in all, even if I can't convince Aiken, I can't let the orcs succeed."

As Shen Fei said, he poured out all the [Bone Fragments] from his backpack, and began to use the [Summon Skeleton] skill.

 Wan Jun's book, everyone collects and recommends tickets to go for a walk


(End of this chapter)

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