my pet is boss

Chapter 264 How Many People Are You?

Chapter 264 How Many People Are You?

"Come on, there's only one third left to kill the boss!"

Everyone in the Quantum Foundation activated their explosive skills one after another, and the output became more violent.

At this moment, an arrow shot out of the mist and hit [Flesh Puppet], causing a -1433 damage to the boss's head.

The level of everyone in the Quantum Foundation is only more than 30, and the damage is only one or two hundred.

This four-digit damage number made everyone gasp, and then they all looked towards the foggy place.

A human figure and a tiger shape were outlined behind the mist.

Seeing this figure, everyone in the Quantum Foundation stepped back subconsciously.

The mist gradually passed over Shen Fei's head, shoulders, waist, and crotch, and appeared in front of the orc players.

"We meet again."

Shen Fei said in jerky orc language, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The orc players also recognized Shen Fei, after all, there are still three prominent characters on top of his head - Regent.

"It's the Regent of the Human Empire, why did he appear here?"

This is the only question left in the minds of Quantum Foundation players.

Sous calmed down, and now it was impossible to escape.

The range of this human NPC is extremely long, and the damage is also very high. It is not a problem to kill a child with one arrow. All he can do now is to rush up and desperately. Even if he is killed, he can be resurrected at the shrine in the undead forest.

But another bold plan was instantly created in South's mind.

Since there are only the human regent and the white tiger god now, why not kill them in the Immortal Forest, this is definitely a great achievement!
Although there are only a dozen or so players in the Quantum Foundation, they have the right time, place and people.

The undead forest is the territory of the undead, and there are tens of thousands of undead creatures here. Once the orcs and the undead choose to cooperate, these tens of thousands of undead creatures will become their help.Coupled with the feature that players can be reborn after death, they can completely consume Shen Fei and Baihu Tianshen to death here.

No matter how powerful this person is, in the misty undead forest, there will be no storms.

This is the king regent whose human status is second only to that of the royal family. If he is killed, good things will definitely come out, and he will be rewarded with the highest reward from the orc clan.

"I'll do it first, and the thieves will go back to the Second Elder and the War Envoy in stealth and report the matter! We are going to kill the human regent in the Undead Forest today."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the Quantum Foundation was surprised at first, and then their eyes glowed with green light.

Shen Fei has seen this kind of look before, and he can usually see this kind of greedy look when he defeats the boss to pick up equipment.

There was a chill behind Shen Fei, this group of guys probably wanted to kill him, right?What a joke!
Following the Necromancer Sous cast a [Curse of Pain] on Shen Fei, everyone in the Quantum Foundation directly chose to give up the boss [Flesh Puppet], and directly killed Shen Fei.

At the same time, the thieves player who was hiding behind everyone, relying on the cover of everyone's body, blended into the fog. After leaving the combat state, he turned on stealth mode and went to the Palace of Bones to find the war messenger and the second elder of the Warlock Council.

Shen Fei didn't expect that this group of orc players would give up attacking the boss so resolutely and attack him instead.

Sous knew that now that there were human NPCs harassing him, it was impossible to take down the [Flesh Puppet] with 10 points of blood left. At the speed of the regent's arrow and one person, they would be wiped out in the blink of an eye. Instead of doing this, it is better to directly test this human NPC against the attack of [Flesh Puppet].

In NPC mode, Shen Fei also has a blood bar.

Unlike monsters, hostile missions display health bars, but not health.

However, it has been a few months since the game, and the player has already mastered a set of ability to rely on attacks and mentally calculate the approximate blood volume of the boss.

When opening up wasteland dungeons, the specific blood volume of the boss will be calculated through trial and error, so as to specify the tactical strategy.

The [Curse of Pain] released by Sous took effect, and a conspicuous number appeared above Shen Fei's head.

Compared with Shen Fei's blood bar, there has also been a change.

100% → 98%!

Everyone in the Quantum Foundation gasped suddenly, with disbelief written all over their faces.

The damage of 78 points actually took up 4000% of the NPC's blood volume. Doesn't it mean that his total blood volume is not even [-] points!
Immediately afterwards, everyone's eyes flashed with a strange expression.


This high-attack, high-speed boss is not invincible!

As the system is designed, there is no perfect BOSS, all BOSS have focus and expertise, the mastermind will not create an existence that the player cannot defeat.

Like [Flesh Puppet], with blood volume as high as 30!
But also his attack power is only a pitiful few hundred points.

This is a balance.

[Regent] This NPC is also the same, behind Gao Gong Gao Min, his blood volume is pitifully low, only less than 4000 points!
Everyone was surprised here, not because of too much HP, but too little!

Shen Fei understood the eyes of these orc players, and was slightly flustered.

Self, exposed!

But in the next second, when the second round of damage from the [Curse of Pain] abnormal state did not jump out, Shen Fei's blood volume returned from 98% to 100% in an instant!

Everyone in the Quantum Foundation shuddered, thinking that their eyes had made a mistake.

But rubbing his eyes and looking carefully, the regent's blood volume has indeed recovered to 100%.

"Hiss! Boss, the blood recovery speed of this boss is too scary!"

Recover 2% of the blood per second, that is, at least 70 points or more.

"It's okay, at most it's a waste of one person's attack. It's absolutely impossible for him to escape from the undead forest alone! What's more, his terrifying range is useless in the dense fog of the undead forest!"

Soth said, and ordered his two skeleton soldiers to kill Shen Fei.

The undead forest is full of fog, and the attack distance that Shen Fei is proud of has no effect.

The effective field of view of the fog is only a dozen meters, and the attack distance of [-] meters can only see a thick fog, and nothing can be seen at all.

Fat Tiger rushed forward and repelled the two skeleton soldiers.

The corners of Shen Fei's mouth curled up slightly, Fat Tiger still understood him.

It's still one more than if it's not finished, how can it be entangled by monsters.

"Summoning skeletons, the housekeeping stunt of necromancers, looks nothing more than this..."

Shen Fei raised his hand and mocked.

These words were very steady, and Sous' neck turned from blue to purple at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his blood was surging.

The necromancer's trick, in this NPC's mouth, only deserves "but that's it".

If he didn't have enough [Bone Fragments], he would have made this weak human NPC speechless.

The others had already killed one after another, and Fat Tiger was in front as a meat shield to resist various injuries, and the percentage on the blood bar dropped extremely slowly.

"Two skeletons dare to be taken out to make a shame, let you take a good look at what it is!"

After Shen Fei finished speaking, he opened his hands to embrace him.

cluck cluck...

There was the sound of dense bones colliding behind him.

Suddenly, densely packed skeleton soldiers emerged from the fog.

There are melee skeleton soldiers, skeleton archers, and skeleton mages.

A large number of skeletons rushed past Shen Fei, as if a white wave directly submerged everyone in the Quantum Foundation.

Injury figures kept jumping out of the crowd.


After a while, everyone in the Quantum Foundation disappeared.

Shen Fei's army of hundreds of skeletons directly surrounded [Flesh Puppet].

Numerous numbers kept flying up from the boss's head, plus Shen Fei's own damage.

The 10 blood point bottomed out almost instantly.

Following the painful wailing of [Flesh Puppet], Rumble fell to the ground, and Shen Fei immediately stepped forward to touch the corpse.

【Bone Fragments】

Quantity: 100 units.

【Broken Corpse】

Quantity: 300 units.

[Steel Golem] (Purple)

Description: A general skill book that can transform a weapon into a steel puppet. The steel puppet can inherit weapon special effects, attacks, and attributes. Each transformation requires 100 units of [broken blood corpses]. .

A general skill book!

It's still a purple-quality skill book!

If it is said that the ultimate skill book of each profession can be looted, then this kind of purple-quality general skill book will directly attract all players in the game.It is the most difficult to obtain, because there are no thresholds and steps, players of all professions can learn, and the competition will only be greater.

In particular, the general skill book that Shen Fei got was still a purple quality summoning skill.

Without further ado, Shen Fei directly learned the skill book.

"I feel that if this goes on like this, you can build an army of undead." Fat Tiger complained beside him.

It feels like Shen Fei's fighting style has changed a bit since he stole the skills of the orc player.

But that's good too, Fat Tiger finally doesn't have to go up to hold a knife and shoot a gun.

In order to forge longbows and heavy crossbows before, Shen Fei forged many purple weapons and put them in his backpack all the time, and now they finally came in handy.

Shen Fei found two weapons with the best attack and attributes, and then directly used the [Steel Puppet] skill.

Iron and steel weapons melted and blended with flesh and blood, regardless of each other.

A steel puppet holding a bow and arrow was born and stood in front of Shen Fei.

Then the second steel puppet with a bow also stood in front of Shen Fei.

【Steel Golem (Bow)】

Type: Undead/Minion
Level: lv60
Attack: 500
HP: 5
Skills: Rapid Fire, Multi-Shot, Man of Steel, Freezing Arrow...

Description: Born from black magic and curses, a life conceived from flesh and steel, will unconditionally execute any order of the master, the most terrifying killing machine of the undead.

The two steel puppets have an attack power of 500 and a high blood volume of 5000 points. In addition to general skills, they also inherit some of the attributes of the two weapons. One is to cause additional frost damage, and the other is to cause bleeding effects. Stealth targets in nearby vision.

"Now you are more like a necromancer than a necromancer. With hundreds of undead summoned creatures, you may scare the enemy to death on the battlefield."

After Shen Fei was excited, he fell into deep thought.

"These undead summoned creatures are powerful, but if there is no way to increase blood, they will gradually decrease. Is it necessary to wipe out all the undead creatures in the undead forest to accumulate enough summoning materials?"

Shen Fei suddenly found that he fell into the same doubts as Aiken.

Shen Fei recalled the skeleton soldiers and steel puppets, countless skeleton soldiers clattered into bone fragments, and the steel puppets also turned into pieces of flesh and blood and weapons.

When summoning before, Shen Fei thought he would summon them one by one, but he didn't expect that because of the large number of summons, the system gave him the "convenient door" of one-click summoning and one-click dismissal.

Putting away all the materials, Shen Fei continued to move forward, looking for the last volume of memoirs.


The thief who escaped from the Quantum Foundation quickly ran to the gate of the Palace of Bones. On the way, he was shocked to see that the blood bars of the other members of the team were all empty for a moment.

"Why are you all dead all of a sudden?"

"Don't talk about it, the human regent controlled hundreds of skeleton soldiers from nowhere, and directly concealed and killed them. The twenty or so of us couldn't stop them at all."

"Isn't summoning skeleton soldiers a skill only learned by the boss?" The thief was a little confused, and the human regent is not a hunter, and he can control skeleton soldiers?

It's just that there was only silence in the team channel, and everyone didn't understand what was going on.

Why can human beings command hundreds of undead.

"Go to the Palace of Bones and report. I wonder if the undead may have cooperated with humans in advance?" Sous suddenly had a very bad idea.If humans really cooperated with the undead, it would be the worst news for them and the orcs.

"I've already arrived at the Palace of White Bones, boss, wait a moment!"

The thieves rushed to the Bone Palace immediately, but were stopped by the undead guards at the door with long swords.

"I'm from the Orc Mission. I'm going in to see the War Emissary and the Second Elder of the Warlock Council."

This undead was also an orc, so he could understand orc language.

It's just that all the undead creatures in the undead forest are only loyal to one person, the creator of the undead forest, the greatest necromancer in history, Emperor Aiken!

The undead guards did not speak, one went in to report, and the other continued to stare at the thief at the door.

There is nothing in the undead's empty eye sockets, but the orc thief player knows that if he dares to move around, the ax will really come down.

After a while, the undead guard came back and gave way to let them pass.

The thief player ran in without saying a word, and didn't even have time to appreciate the magnificent bone palace.

"What do you have to come in and say at this time?" The second elder of the Warlock Council looked very bad. He and the war messenger were discussing with Emperor Aiken about the undead sending troops to aid the orcs, and they had already talked about the distribution of benefits after the war.

The thieves player received the reminder that the favorability level has decreased, and he wanted to cry but had no tears, so he quickly reported the previous situation to the elder.

"What? You said you saw the human regent in the undead forest?"

The War Envoy and the Second Elder of the Warlock Council were all shocked, but they did not expect humans to come to their door.

After confirming again and again that there were only the human regent and the white tiger, doubts flickered in the eyes of the two of them.

If the human regent is killed in the undead forest, then half of the war will be won!

"Emperor Aiken, whether the orcs and the undead can cooperate sincerely, now comes a touchstone."

Both the War Envoy and the Second Elder have seen Shen Fei's heroic appearance on the battlefield. Now that they are talking about sincerity with the undead, why not use the human regent as an operation and a certificate of honor.

Emperor Aiken was thinking about this problem, but the thief player next to him couldn't help reminding: "But the second elder, that human regent can actually control a large number of skeletons..."

As soon as this remark came out, the three bosses present all stared at the thief player with sharp eyes.

The war envoy and the second elder were shocked. Could it be that Emperor Aiken had already cooperated with humans in advance and planned to make a round of the orcs?

Emperor Aiken was also stunned, his first reaction was that it was impossible!
How could it be possible for humans to control a large number of undead creatures in the undead forest? I am the undead with free will...

(End of this chapter)

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