my pet is boss

Chapter 265 Undead Emperor

Chapter 265 Undead Emperor
"This is absolutely impossible!" Aiken stood up, exuding a gloomy atmosphere.

His will controls all the undead creatures in the undead forest, and it is absolutely impossible for someone to occupy the magpie's nest without being discovered.

The Second Elder of the Warlock Council also had a serious face at the moment: "Great Emperor, are you not being kind? We are sincerely seeking win-win cooperation. Is it interesting for you to do this?"

Apparently, the Second Elder and the War Envoy already thought that the humans and the undead had negotiated a cooperation first, and planned to kill the orc mission in the Undead Forest Pit.

The blue flames in Aiken's hollow pupils grew stronger, obviously angry.

Suddenly, many skeletons crawled out of the ground of the Palace of White Bones, and all of them were at the elite level.

The white bone skeleton stared at the three of them covetously, holding a round shield and a battle axe in their hands.

"What's the matter? The Undead Emperor finally couldn't help but want to do it?"

"For the Chief!"

The war messenger and the second elder of the Warlock Council have also made fighting gestures.

The thieves player looked bewildered, but he didn't expect to start fighting without saying a word.

At the same time, he hurriedly sent messages to the resurrected teammates in other shrines on the team channel.

"Boss, now the White Bone Palace is on the verge of a sword attack, it seems that we are about to make a move..."

Everyone in the Immortal Forest Shrine and the revived Quantum Foundation are waiting for the news of the Palace of Bones.

After seeing the latest news sent by the thieves, everyone's faces were gloomy, especially Sous, the last thing he expected happened.

The undead actually got together with humans. In this situation, if they want to escape, they need to pay a huge price.

"As long as we can escort the War Envoy and the Second Elder back safely, we will be doing a great job!"

Inside the White Bone Palace.

Aiken let out a horrible laugh, staring at the trembling thief player.

"What I mean is, take me to find the human regent now, and I want to see how he controls the undead in the undead forest."

The War Envoy and the Second Elder were overjoyed when they heard the words, which meant that Aiken was about to make a move!

Humans must have come to win over Aiken, but they never imagined that they would offend Aiken for manipulating the undead. This is to directly push Undead Forest, the emperor of the undead, to the side of the orcs.

The war messenger looked at the orc thief in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

"You did a good job this time, very good! I will ask the great chief to reward you when I go back."

Immediately afterwards, the thief player received two messages of increased favorability, which was still a substantial increase.

The thief player hurriedly posted a message on the team channel: "Boss, I made a mistake just now. The Undead Emperor is now preparing to lead troops to attack the human regent, let us lead the way!"

Sous was overjoyed when he heard the news, and immediately took everyone from the Quantum Foundation to the Palace of Bones.


Shen Fei continued to search in the Undead Forest. After killing more than a dozen waves of patrolling skeletons, he finally found the last abandoned lighthouse and the last memoir in the pile of debris.

[Ten years have passed since I became an undead.

I finally found a way to make the undead immortal!
From then on, the will of the undead army in the forest will last forever!
Besides, I have another amazing discovery.

**(Erased), it turns out that your theory is wrong, you can never imagine this grotesque picture...

From now on, this forest is renamed the Undead Forest.

The past goes with the wind, and everything in life is like the past. From now on, there will be no priest Aiken in the world, only the Undead Emperor! 】

Shen Fei sighed after reading it, and was curious about the theory about Mailer mentioned in the memoir.

What kind of theory would Aiken never forget ten years after he became a dead soul, and he described it as "an unimaginable grotesque picture".

The five volumes are combined into one to form a complete "Memoirs of Aiken".

This memoir tells in detail Aiken's journey of awakening as an undead after his death in war.

Shen Fei let out a long sigh of relief after reading it. It seems that there are still many unknown things hidden in the war 40 years ago.

After Mailer visited the undead forest, Aiken's wandering spirit reconnected with his body. Isn't this called resurrection from the dead?

Shen Fei thought of Mailer's wretched and caressing image again, and couldn't help sighing.

"Although I already know that this guy is the strongest Archbishop of the Holy Light, but I didn't expect to be so strong..."

While Shen Fei was feeling, Fat Tiger's fluffy ears moved, and he heard a distant voice.

"There are a bunch of people coming from a distance, and the footsteps are very dense..."

Shen Fei laughed when he heard that: "Do those orc players dare to come back to find a place? That's just right, let them see my latest technology..."

Shen Fei threw all the materials on the ground, countless skeleton soldiers crawled out from the [skeleton fragments] and swore allegiance, and two [steel puppet] archers were also ready to stand guard beside Shen Fei.

The fog in the undead forest is visibly flowing, getting thinner and thinner.

The fog receded, and Shen Fei saw countless skeleton soldiers.

The Orc War Emissary and the Second Elder of the Warlock Council were the first to bear the brunt, and everyone from the Quantum Foundation stood aside and glared.

"Dare to move the rescuers!"

Shen Fei's heart sank, this group of orcs can gather so many undead, it means that the undead and the orcs have reached an agreement, which is bad news for Shen Fei.

The undead team moved out of the way, and a mage wearing a black feather robe stepped out of it.

If it weren't for the skeleton's hollow eye sockets and protruding bone hands, these conspicuous undead features, Shen Fei would have thought that this was some outstanding human mage.

No need to guess, this exquisitely dressed undead must be the only master of the undead forest with the will of the undead.

Although Shen Fei had never met Aiken, he learned a lot about Aiken from Mailer's mouth and the five volumes of memoirs.

In particular, the five volumes of memoirs record the process of Aiken's physical and psychological transformation from being the most outstanding priest and future successor of the Holy Light Cathedral to an undead.

The five volumes of memoirs were randomly placed in various buildings in the Undead Forest, and even Aiken himself did not remember these things.

When Shen Fei was looking at Aiken, the Undead Emperor was also looking at Shen Fei.

It wasn't until he saw the densely packed undead behind Shen Fei that Aiken accepted the saying that someone could really summon undead in the Undead Forest.

"It has been 40 years, and no living person has set foot on this territory."

Shen Fei used the reconnaissance technique to check Aiken's attributes, and his heart was shocked.

【Undead Emperor Aiken】

Type: Undead BOSS
grade:? ? ?
Attack: 1
HP: 1
Skills: Army of the Dead, Dirge of the Soul, Gaze of Death...

Description: The Undead Emperor of the Undead Forest created the undead with genius-like wisdom.Don't underestimate him, undead liches have endless lives, and what they need most is time. They have the most powerful and dark magic...

This is just the data of Aiken alone. The flesh puppets and undead guards standing beside him all show the existence of BOSS level.

Shen Fei looked at Aiken's 100 million HP and a bunch of bosses around him, and was a little speechless.

"This old guy, Mailer, did he find out that I cheated him with too much money, and probably tricked me into coming here to die."

"Fat Tiger, can you fight?" Shen Fei asked Fat Tiger without opening his mouth, communicating with his heart.

Fat Tiger's expression was equally serious. The strength of this undead emperor had obviously approached the god level.

With a blood volume of 100 million, it is almost catching up with the old turtle on Tenjin Island.

"It's not impossible to fight. Now my mana recovery speed has doubled, and I can use a big move. I can do other miscellaneous fish in seconds, but this undead emperor and the war emissary of the orc clan are difficult to deal with."

The Beast War Envoy has 60 HP, Fat Tiger's big move can only cause 50 damage, and Shen Fei can only find a way to solve the rest.

Shen Fei thought for a while, Fat Tiger made a big move in seconds, and he still has an army of more than 100 undead, so it shouldn't be a problem to fight against the undead emperor plus a war messenger.

Shen Fei gave Fat Hu a sure look.

Fat Tiger lowered his head and hid behind the skeleton army, secretly poking and starting to hold back his big move.

"I need 1 minute, try to delay!"

Fat Tiger's voice entered Shen Fei's mind.

Shen Fei was still looking for some excuses to delay the time, but he didn't expect that necromancer who seemed to be the leader among the orc players to stand up and "God Assist".

"No matter how high your attack is this time, no matter how many skeleton soldiers you have, you will still die!"

Just as I was trying to delay the time, a fool came to my door.

Shen Fei saw that this guy could be brought to such a place by an important orc NPC to do missions, it must be the Grand Guild of orcs.

This person's posture is either the president of the Grand Council or an important cadre. How can he be so stupid when he opens his mouth to speak? Don't you know that the villain died because of talking too much?

But the food was delivered to his mouth, and he could eat it by opening his mouth. Shen Fei was not stupid, so he naturally accompanied this guy to perform and buy time for Fat Tiger.

"It seems that the orcs have mixed with the undead? What conditions are the orcs offering? I guess it should be a given territory? For example, help the orcs win this war, and in the future, the Fountain of Youth and its north The area is all under the rule of the undead. Anyway, the human beings are defeated, and the frost orcs can go south to occupy the fertile human territory. This kind of worthless and bitter cold land in the northwest is a pity to eat and discard it, and it will be nothing to give it to the undead. Big problem."

Shen Fei's tone was flat, but the War Envoy and the Second Elder of the Warlock Council on the opposite side stared at Shen Fei with horror on their faces. What this guy said was not bad, as if he had personally seen the discussion of the orc internal group on this matter.

In the Palace of White Bones, the main discussion between the orcs and the Undead Emperor was here.

The Undead Emperor now occupies the Fountain of Youth, and he can expand his territory at any time as long as he wants, without the consent of the orcs.

It's just that I suddenly learned that humans have also entered the undead forest and manipulated the skeletons, so I temporarily put aside my prejudices and came out to see what happened.

Shen Fei's words were like a scalpel, nakedly showing the most shameless part of the Beast Race plan in front of all aspects.

Even the orc players of the Quantum Foundation were slightly ashamed.

After all, this matter is really unkind. If they were undead, they would definitely not accept this plan.

It's only a fool to be a thug for no reason.

The Undead Emperor had a skeleton face, but the faint blue flames in the black eye sockets suddenly rose a little, obviously angry.

"I don't plan to cooperate with the orcs or humans. I'm just curious that someone can control the undead in the undead forest, so I want to see it."

The Undead Emperor's tone was flat, like the calm sea of ​​the Fountain of Youth, without a single ripple.

Hearing this, the orc war envoy became anxious. Didn't the Undead Emperor plan to cooperate with the orcs?

But the second elder at the side hastily stopped the excited war envoy.

Failure to cooperate now does not mean failure to cooperate in the future.

As long as the human regent is killed in the Undead Forest, the relationship between the undead and humans will be settled.

If the orcs were defeated in World War II, humans would be the first to kill the undead forest to avenge the regent.

There is no need for an alliance between the orcs and the undead. As long as the human regent dies in the undead forest, then the orcs and the undead are grasshoppers on the same rope.

"Are you the regent of mankind? The Cathedral of the Holy Light or that old immortal Mailer?"

Shen Fei didn't hide it either: "It was Mailer who asked me to come to the Undead Forest, saying that there are some things here that need to be seen. If I knew that the Undead Emperor in the Undead Forest was Aiken, Mailer's most proud disciple in the past, then I would It won't come even if you kill it."

The blue flames in Aiken's eyes ignited, and when he heard the long-lost word "Aiken", Rao is the undead emperor who controls the immortal, and his emotions also fluctuated at this moment.

The orc NPCs and players were extremely shocked. They never thought that the emperor who controlled the undead in the Undead Forest was actually the favorite student of the Archbishop of the Holy Light, Mailer. This...

The Undead Emperor would not miss his old love and turn against each other, right?
For a moment, all the orcs were sweating coldly, and felt that the undead creatures standing beside them were all radiating murderous aura.

"Jie Jie Jie, I hope that old man will come over in person and appreciate my masterpiece..."

The Undead Emperor spread his arms, and these undead creatures are his outstanding works of art.

All the undead creatures in the Undead Forest were carefully carved by him in 40 years, and he treated each one as if it were a work of art.

The Undead Emperor floats in mid-air, and the Liches have no feet, and their powerful mana is enough to support them floating in the air.

"He never imagined that I understood the mystery of life and death from the holy light, and improved the answer that can make the undead live forever."

The fog dissipated completely, and Shen Fei saw three places in the Immortal Forest with soaring white lights piercing into the sky.

If Shen Fei remembered correctly, these three places were where the three buildings he had been to before were located.

"This is the magic circle!"

Shen Fei suddenly realized.

Those buildings were definitely not placed randomly. In fact, the entire Undead Forest had been transformed into a magic circle by the Undead Emperor.

The second elder of the Warlock Council looked at the soaring magic circle energy, and his consciousness was suddenly pulled back to the same battlefield 40 years ago.

At that time, the Great Elder Zorak sacrificed the blood of hundreds of thousands of orcs with darkness, and let these orcs burn their lives to fight.

In the human camp, the archmage and the archbishop jointly opened a huge magic circle, and the humans in the magic circle were continuously healed, and even if they were fatally injured, they could still stand up and fight again.

The monstrous magic circle in front of me, except that the light is not the golden color of the holy light, is actually similar to the peerless magic circle that turned the tide of the battle!
"This was 40 years ago..."

The second elder's tone trembled a little.

The Undead Emperor floated and turned around with incomparable elegance, like an outstanding artist.

"That's right, improved from the magic circle 40 years ago..."

(End of this chapter)

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