my pet is boss

Chapter 266 Thundering Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 266 Thundering Mountains and Rivers
The huge magic circle enveloped the entire undead forest, that is to say, the undead in the undead forest would never die under the protection of the magic circle.

Shen Fei suddenly realized that it was no wonder that after killing the skeletons, the soul would leave the body and escape. It turned out that it was because of the magic circle. After the undead died, their will returned to the magic circle, and then the magic circle gave them a new body.

"I'm fine, I can zoom in anytime!"

Fat Tiger's voice appeared in Shen Fei's mind, giving Shen Fei a reassurance.

"So you haven't promised to help the orcs?" Shen Fei caught the key point in Aiken's words.

For more than twenty years, as a talented priest of the Holy Light Cathedral, the next successor to the archbishop.

For 40 years for the undead, a generation of undead emperors, explore life and death and the mysteries of magic.

How could such a person become a tool in the hands of others because of the orc's wishful thinking?

"Orcs and humans, I am not going to help. But I still want to fight with you."

The Undead Emperor wanted to see how powerful Shen Fei was in controlling hundreds of skeletons.

In his understanding, only undead liches who have awakened free will can control skeletons.

Even the manipulation of necromancers is only a disguised form of signing a contract, temporarily enslaving skeletons.

The Undead Emperor saw the steel puppets guarding Shen Fei's sides at a glance, and the two will-o'-the-wisps flickered with doubts.

The Undead Emperor saw at a glance that the two steel puppets were different, and the method was splicing from [Flesh Puppets].However, steel weapons were boldly used as container carriers, and pieces of broken flesh were added to form new creatures.

What made the Undead Emperor most applaud was the steel weapon as a container, which not only enhanced the power of the [Steel Puppet], but also allowed the two puppets to inherit the characteristics of the weapon.The appearance is a steel weapon, but the inside is a core of flesh and blood. This design is simply unconstrained!

The Undead Emperor originally thought that after decades of transformation, he transformed all the plants in the Undead Forest into strengthened calcium elements through the magic circle, and the branches of the trees are bones, which can continuously provide the skeletons with bodies, which is already considered a pioneering feat. , and this kind of bone tree can still grow and multiply, the undead forest is expanding day by day, and the territory of the undead is also expanding.

However, compared with Shen Fei's [Steel Puppet], it is still slightly inferior in terms of creation.

The Undead Emperor raised his bone fingers slightly, and all the guards under him firmly followed his will and approached Shen Fei.

Sous reminded everyone in a low voice: "Once the scuffle starts later, we will also hide behind and output quietly."

Soth is ready, relying on the curse of the warlock to cast spells from a distance, and hit the first damage.

The Undead Emperor is like an outstanding artist, standing in the distance, peerless and independent, admiring his own undead army fighting against the skeleton army controlled by Shen Fei.

When the undead approached, a tiger howled suddenly, and a phantom of a tiger-shaped man with muscles exploding suddenly appeared in the void.

Immediately afterwards, with Fat Tiger as the center, everything within a radius of three kilometers was shrouded in lightning.

Looking from a high place, it looks like a ring of thunder. All the targets in the ring will be damaged by lightning, and a huge number of damage will appear.
100, 000!
100, 000!
100, 000!


The damage lasted for five seconds. The moment the damage was triggered, the orc players and the undead army were the first to be wiped out.

Then some flesh and blood puppets and undead guard bosses also returned to the magic circle with their souls in howling.

Three seconds later, the second elder of the Warlock Council twisted his face, and a green fel soul escaped from his body, disappearing along the horizon to the southern end.

Only the War Envoy and the Undead Emperor are left struggling.

Five seconds later, the thunder and lightning dissipated, and Fat Tiger collapsed a little. He supported Shen Fei's shoulder with one hand, and panted heavily with the other hand on his hip.

"Okay, I can help here, and then it's up to you, I have to rest."

Fat Tiger leaned against the tree, took out the ham from his pocket and began to chew.

Except for cutting off the water with the knife when they met for the first time, Fat Tiger has never shown its ability as a "true god".

Today, a thunderbolt shook the mountains and rivers, instantly killed all the skeletons and miscellaneous fish in the Immortal Forest, and by the way, killed the second elder of the Warlock Council in an instant.

When Fat Tiger kills a piece in seconds, Shen Fei's system also sends out a reminder.

"Ding! Congratulations on becoming the first full-level player on the Asian server, reward [Leveling Madman Gift Pack]*1, and start the skill upgrade mode..."

Shen Fei just heard a series of voices coming from the system, and even the whole world made an announcement.

[Congratulations to Shen Fei, a human player, for becoming the first full-level (60) player on the Asian server! 】

The announcement was made three times in a row.

All online players heard the announcement.

"My day, Shen Fei is a beast! I'm only level 25 and this guy is already at the full level? I'll report this guy using a bug to upgrade with his real name!"

"How the hell can people play this? The level is suppressed to 30, and the equipment attributes are crushed..."


At the port of Ramses, the kingdom of the apostles, the apostolic troops and players are boarding the ship, ready to set off.

"Chairman, these days the combat troops are hurrying to level up, and now the average level of our guild has increased to 34.7! The average level of the top combat group is 41! This time, the battle against the holy city can definitely be formed. crush."

"Good job. The scale of the national war in this expansion is huge. After the battle in the Holy City of Humanity, the level can be raised to a higher level. When the time comes to return with a full load, it's time for me to hit level 60!"

Sloppy stood on the deck of the battleship, looking at the endless sea, full of vigor.

His current level is the highest in the entire apostolic kingdom, with a full level of 49, which can be described as overwhelming!
After the national war is over, come back to receive rewards, and then it will be the day to sprint to the full level!
As soon as Sloppy finished speaking, the world announcement suddenly sounded in the sky, three times in a row.

[Congratulations to Shen Fei, a human player, for becoming the first full-level (60) player on the Asian server! 】

Originally the corners of his mouth were raised, ready to kill the sloppy man in the holy city, but the smile on the corners of his mouth tightened suddenly, and his face became gloomy.

As soon as he finished speaking and waited to come back, he sprinted to the full level with all his strength, and Shen Fei immediately issued a world announcement at the full level, and slapped him in the face again.

The deputy next to him was also speechless, and he didn't know what kind of bad luck the chairman had committed. Every time he set the flag, there would be an announcement from the world to slap him in the face, and it was still Shen Fei's.

In the past, Sloppy just regarded giants such as Little Ma and South as opponents.

It's just that he didn't expect that Shen Fei, whom he had never heard of, would break out of the chairman's good deeds over and over again, and even slapped the chairman's face. Now he has been listed as the number one enemy in his life by the chairman.

"Order, the rest of the guild members will reduce their offline time these few days, and hurry up to practice leveling! Give me 996 and go!"

The necromancer secretary not to mention a notice in the guild group, let everyone reduce the offline time, and upgrade the level as soon as possible in these two days!

When the secretary finished posting, the guild chat group was swamped immediately.

"Please rest assured, the chairman, all departments promise to work overtime to upgrade as soon as possible, complete the task, and live up to the chairman's high expectations! / Thumbs up"

"Roll up your sleeves and work hard, this time the upgrade assessment, our department is definitely number one!"

The heads and leaders of various departments issued battle slogans and military orders in the guild group, looking confident.

When the employees below saw the news, their expressions were as uncomfortable as if they had eaten shit.

After level [-], everyone more or less felt that the time for offline rest every day was shorter than before.The higher the level, the more obvious this is.

Players like Sloppy who are more than 40 levels will wake up after going offline for an hour every day, and they haven't felt any discomfort yet.

Although the mastermind didn't specify it specifically, everyone was guessing that as the level increased, the deeper the integration into the game, the more likely he would not need to go offline in the future, and just rest in the game.

"We just work in the company, we don't sell ourselves to the company 24 hours a day, why should we reduce our rest time and work overtime?"

"I still want to take advantage of the rest time to earn some extra money, but now I have no chance."


There were a lot of remarks like this. The secretary looked at the negative emotions that kept brushing past in the chat group, his face was livid, and he carefully looked at the chairman's face.

Sloppy was slapped in the face by Shen Fei across the sea, he was already angry, but now seeing his employees complaining in the chat, his mood suddenly became extremely bad.

Directly using the authority of the president, only the guild officials and the president are allowed to speak.

"996 is a blessing! Those who want to hang out in the guild are not my sloppy brothers!"

Members of the guild: ...

On the elf island thousands of miles away, the tx guild has established a good relationship and successfully rented a ship to the dwarf kingdom.

Before sailing, the chairman, Xiao Ma, stood up and gave some instructions.

"This time the top ten battle groups are rushing to the Human Empire, and the rest of the Elf Island should not relax. The guild will launch a series of incentive measures to reward the first one hundred members who are the first to upgrade to level 30 and level 40. Gold coins will be given , blueprints, equipment, skill books, and support from various resources.”

"At the same time, the contribution to the guild during the expansion period is doubled."

Because only two cargo ships were rented, only more than four hundred people from the tx guild under the leadership of Brother Ma took the boat to the dwarf kingdom, and then moved to the human empire.

It is estimated that it will take a month to reach the Human Empire.

Even if it is a round-trip manning, only a very small number of top players in the guild can personally participate in the version update.

But Xiao Ma didn't forget the other ordinary players in the guild. It was these players who supported the huge guild, so he arranged a series of incentives before leaving to increase their enthusiasm for upgrading.

After all, when he was on Earth, Brother Xiao Ma would stand at the door and hand out red envelopes to employees every year when he opened for business after the Chinese New Year.

It's not an irony to be elegant and easy-going, Brother Ma.

In the battlefield camp of Owendale, the sun just rose, and the players received world announcements one after another.

After listening to the content of the announcement clearly, the human players and orc players on the battlefield closed themselves off at the same time.

They are still struggling at level 60, this guy Shen Fei directly rose to the full level of [-].

People are more mad than people!
"Why did this guy reach the top level in one night?"

"Envy, the first person in the Asian server to reach full level will definitely have system rewards."

"I just want to know, if Shen Fei is at full level, with so many free attribute points all over his body, is the damage more terrifying?"

The human players ran to the top of the city and found that the orc camp had not been attacked, and it was peaceful and quiet.

So where did Shen Fei go to upgrade?

Ferdinand heard the chaotic discussions outside, and heard that they were all discussing the regent Shen Fei, so he came to Shen Fei's hut, but saw that the room and the bed did not have any traces of use.

"En? Isn't Elder Shen resting?"

Ferdinand was a little curious. According to the arrangement, several of them were on duty at night, so as to ensure that there was an emergency at night, and they had the highest command authority at the first time.

Shen Fei was not in the city, nor in his own house, where did he go?
Ferdinand broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately went to the Mage Tower and Owendale Church, found Jordan and Mailer, and told them the news of Shen Fei's disappearance.

The regent disappears during the war, which is a major event that disturbs the morale of the army!

He was on duty last night and didn't hear anything unusual.The way Shen Fei disappeared was exactly the same as that of King Lucian three years ago!
This gave Grand Marshal Ferdinand an extremely bad premonition.

Archmage Jordan also became nervous. The regent disappeared from the front line inexplicably just as soon as he presided over the work of the empire. If the news spread like wildfire, the army's morale would be completely defeated!

Archbishop Mailer's expression on the side was normal, and after both of them expressed concern, he calmly said, "The regent went out last night, so you don't have to worry."

The anxious two were stunned for a moment, and looking at Mailer's expression, they obviously knew something.

"Old Mei, do you know that?" Jordan squeezed Mei Le's shoulders with both hands and shook wildly.

Mailer was shaken all over.

Ferdinand frowned: "Since you know this, archbishop, why don't you stop it. Shen Fei doesn't know, don't you know the meaning of the identity of the regent king? What if something goes wrong!"

"Because... I... let him... go..."

Mailer's voice dragged out extremely long amidst the shaking.

But after saying this, the eyeballs of Ferdinand and Jordan almost dropped.

"So, where did Shen Fei go?"

Both of them had a bad feeling.

Mailer panted heavily, then smoothed out the wrinkled fabric, and said in a flat tone, "It's not a dangerous place, but let him go to the Fountain of Youth."

The two gasped in unison.

The Fountain of Youth is at least half a day's journey away from Owendale, and what's more important is that some time ago, there was news that tens of thousands of undead gathered in the Forest of Undead next to the Fountain of Youth.

Shen Fei and Fat Hu passed by, isn't it a dangerous place?

"That place is full of undead. If you let him go to that kind of place, aren't you looking for death?"

Mailer looked towards the Fountain of Youth to the north, and said slowly, "He seems to be looking for something at the Fountain of Youth himself, so I'll ask him to do something for me by the way..."


In the Undead Forest, there are bone fragments all over the ground.

Under Fat Tiger's [Thundering Mountains and Rivers], all the undead miscellaneous soldiers were killed in seconds, and Shen Fei's experience was stuck at 60% of lv100. He didn't rise to lv61, but the system sent a full-level reminder.

It's just that at this time, the War Envoy has already killed him first, and Shen Fei is not allowed to check the update.

The Undead Emperor on the side was also furious, and black magic was already brewing on the bone claws.

(End of this chapter)

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