my pet is boss

Chapter 267 The Lich's Fate

Chapter 267 The Lich's Fate
More than 100 skeleton soldiers in front of Shen Fei surrounded the war messenger in a swarm.

Shen Fei and the steel puppet output from a distance.

After the fog dissipated, Shen Fei re-established the range advantage, and fought and retreated to increase the distance.


The injuries on the War Envoy's head were densely packed, changing several times a second, making the eyes dazzled.

[Skeleton Soldiers (Bow)] and [Skeleton Soldiers (Fa)] are both long-range attacks, and there is no need to occupy space in close quarters.

There are also two [Steel Puppets] outputting crazily, and the blood volume of the War Envoy is dropping close to [-] points every second.

One hundred thousand blood points is almost an instant thing.

The enraged War Emissary tried his best to defeat seven or eight melee skeleton soldiers before falling to the ground with a howl.

When the Undead Emperor saw the war envoy who died almost instantly, a trace of emotion appeared on the skeleton's face.

Just now Baihu Tianshen's move [Thunder Moving Mountains and Rivers] wiped out all his followers.

The soul of the dead enters the magic circle, and it needs to be cultivated to reload the skeleton body to fight. Therefore, in the next period of time, the undead who were seconded before cannot fight again in a short time.

The moment the War Envoy fell down, Shen Fei turned to the Undead Emperor.

With 50 blood, now Shen Fei and the thugs can be successfully killed within 1 minute of damage.

The Undead Emperor seemed to feel a sense of crisis, raised his bone claws and began to chant.An incomprehensible black magic spell floated in the air, the ground began to crack, and four coffins rose from the ground.

As the coffin board crashed to the ground, four knights wearing armor and holding heavy swords walked out of the coffin.

At the same time, the sound of horse whistling wafted in the Immortal Forest.

Four skeletal warhorses came before the four knights, with the same will-o'-the-wisp flashing in their eyes as their masters.

Shen Fei flung it at him without saying a word about the scouting technique.

【Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse·Plague】

Type: Undead BOSS
Level: lv55+
Attack: 800
HP: 200
Skills: Dead Maggot Plague, Bone Shield, Desecrate, Vile Swarm...

Description: The Undead Emperor selected the four most powerful souls after the war, and resurrected them into the four strongest undead knights.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Plague, War, Famine, Death.Each of the four knights has different abilities, and they are the most proud masterpiece of the Undead Emperor.

Shen Fei's eyes swept over the four Apocalypse Knights one by one. Their blood volume and attack are the same, but the skills of the four are very different, just like their appearance.

A plague knight riding a white horse with a longbow in his hand.

The war knight of the red horse is a weapon that looks like a sword but not a sword, and a knife that is not a knife.

The Famine Rider on a black horse holds a scale in his hand.

The death knight on the miserable green horse held a huge scythe in his hand.

The four knights fought chaotically with Shen Fei's skeleton army very quickly, and then Shen Fei also discovered a terrifying fact, the HP of these four knights were still connected to each other, making them one.

The Undead Emperor cast a spell with both hands behind him, and soon a black energy tide appeared on the ground, and the ground was covered with purple-black energy fluctuations, like a black withered rose.

The blood volume of the skeleton army decreased by a percentage. Shen Fei stood in the distance and directed the skeleton army to change its position. At the same time, he found a small mound and directly replaced it with the [Blizzard Ballista] to start shooting violently.

The skills of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were dazzling, and soon there were only more than 100 of Shen Fei's more than 50 skeletons left.

Finally, after a set fire, the four knights of the apocalypse all fell off their horses, and their souls flew back to the magic circle, leaving only a group of armor and the bridle of the skeletal horses on the ground.

"Your strength has been recognized by me, mortal!"

The deep voice of the Undead Emperor came through the magic vibration, but his actions never stopped. After a series of spells, countless wandering souls flew out of his body. These wandering souls revolved around the skeleton, causing damage, and they were in an unselectable state.

Shen Fei directed the skeleton army to continue the attack.

Wandering souls can't attack, and there's no point in evading them, so they should seize all available time to attack.

The Undead Emperor lost his blood quickly, and [Blizzard Ballista] triggered a blizzard and a human cannon, as well as a crit state.

When [Elegy of the Soul] ended, all the wandering souls returned to the body of the Undead Emperor, and his bloodline also increased little by little.

The blood line that was so hard to suppress just now slowly recovered, and finally fixed at 30.

Devastated everywhere, countless skeletons on the ground fell down and turned into bone fragments.

Shen Fei's skeleton army only has more than 30 left. Fortunately, there are still more than a dozen skeleton warriors left, and someone can take the damage in the front row.

Shen Fei was outputting crazily, and the bloodline of the Undead Emperor was gradually decreasing.

The two will-o'-the-wisps in the eye sockets of the Undead Emperor were flickering. Obviously, he did not expect that someone could suppress his blood volume to such an extent.

It is said that the king of Hades is easy to see, but the imp is difficult to deal with.

The outstanding work of art that the Undead Emperor is usually proud of has become a doll in Shen Fei's hands at this moment, attacking him in reverse.

I used skills one after another just now, but now I can only silently attack the skeleton soldiers with normal attacks or ice arrows.

Soon the Undead Emperor's blood volume was only the last 5%.

"Mortal, you managed to piss me off!"

Shen Fei didn't dare to be careless, this is the strongest boss he has ever seen, with a lot of skills, the less blood volume, the more attention should be paid.

The Undead Emperor stretched out his bone claws, and suddenly drilled a skull in the state of a soul from under his gorgeous sleeves.

"Death Coiled!"

A ray of black soul quickly penetrated the skeleton, causing extremely high damage, and immediately knocked out all the melee skeletons.

Seeing this, Shen Fei hurriedly pulled the long-range skeleton soldiers and [Steel Puppet] out of the range, but the black soul quickly shuttled and cleaned up all the skeleton soldiers, and then disappeared into a cloud of flying ash amidst screams.

Shen Fei was sweating coldly, this move was really a bit terrifying, it instantly killed all his skeleton servants in the front row.

Grasping all the time to output powerfully, Shen Fei has replaced the [Blizzard Ballista] with a bow and arrow, and gradually opened up the distance as the Undead Emperor approached.

The two [Steel Puppets] are also outputting, but the speed of movement is not as fast as Shen Fei.

Under Shen Fei's distracted operation, the three of them ran in opposite directions, forming a triangle.

The Undead Emperor only has [-] blood points left, and the two [steel puppets] can cause [-] damage per second, and Shen Fei's damage per second is more than [-].

Shen Fei is now standing 120 meters away from the furthest range output, and the range of [Steel Puppet] is only 30 meters.

But now such a triangular position is the best output method.

The Undead Emperor first walked to a [Steel Puppet], killed one of them, and then went to the second one.

4% blood volume...


At this time, the Undead Emperor had already killed the [Steel Puppet], and ran towards Shen Fei who was a hundred meters away.

Seeing this, Shen Fei immediately took out his magical kite skills, and began to retreat while attacking.

The Undead Emperor's movement speed was similar to that of Shen Fei, and Shen Fei's expression brightened.

The ancestral skills have not been used for a long time and are almost unfamiliar, but I did not expect to commit crimes again today.

It's just that the Undead Emperor also saw through Shen Fei's thoughts, and simply stood where he was, and began to cast spells.

The blood volume is still decreasing, and two arrows are shot in a second.


The hands of the bone claws condensed the chill of the gloomy catacombs, condensed into an ice edge and rushed towards Shen Fei directly.

This ice edge is extremely fast, it can fly more than 30 meters in one second, and it only takes three or four seconds to reach Shen Fei.

Seeing this, Shen Fei gritted his teeth, and stopped kiting, and simply stood where he was, taking advantage of the three or four seconds to output quickly.

Although the kite can keep the distance, but with Shen Fei's current attack speed, the kite actually weakens the output ability in disguise.

Originally, two shots per second, but now you have to turn around and shoot arrows when you want to move, and you can shoot at most one shot per second.


Shen Fei kept outputting, squeezing the last bit of damage from himself.

The ice edge flew in front of him at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shen Fei triggered the berserk lv10, successfully hitting the blood volume of the Undead Emperor to black blood, and the panel shows that only the last 1% is left!

It was at this time that Bing Leng came in front of him, directly poking into Shen Fei's heart, causing a huge amount of damage on the top of his head.

The Undead Emperor's eyes were scorching. This was his bottom-of-the-box trick [Straightforward Ice Crystal], a blow that contained hatred, and the damage even exceeded the maximum value of Shen Fei's HP.

If this is a team to brush the boss, this move will be a direct instant kill, resulting in a terrifying move of attrition.

The ice edge pierced Shen Fei's body, and the chill instantly penetrated into the body and pierced into the blood vessels.

But almost instantly, the rattan sword on Shen Fei's waist shone with green light, and all the chills were forced back.

This blow didn't directly kill Shen Fei, after -9999, Shen Fei's HP was actually 1 point left!
Guardian lv1: Attacks that make you fatal now only reduce your HP to 1 point instead of dying directly, cooldown time 24 hours.

The damage from [Straight Death Ice Crystal] activated the guardian effect of the vine-wood sword, resisting a fatal damage for Shen Fei.

The Undead Emperor was stunned for a moment, Shen Fei was still standing there after being hit by the mortal skill, which was completely beyond his understanding.

The corner of Shen Fei's mouth raised a smile, and he shot the next few arrows unhurriedly.

The damage hit the Undead Emperor's body, knocking out his last trace of blood.

The blue flames in the skull's eye sockets burned all over the body in an instant, and the dark blue cold fire ignited the luxurious black feather robe, and the clothes fell to the ground with a clatter as if they lost their support.

"I remember you, I will be back!"

Following the angry roar of the Undead Emperor, a soul flew out from the charred wreckage.

The Undead King is an undead with free will, and a lich who is proficient in black magic and has an endless lifespan.

After Aiken was resurrected that year, the first thing he considered was his own life.

For those who have died once, even life is precious.

It just so happens that a lich is an almost immortal creature, and what it relies on is the lich's phylactery.

As long as the phylactery remains, the lich can be resurrected and reborn.

When Aiken made the phylactery, he also considered that if the phylactery was obtained by others, he would be controlled by others.

So he injected his soul into the memoir, and then divided the memoir into five parts, and placed them in inconspicuous places in various buildings in the Undead Forest.

No one would have thought that a lich would use a memoir as a phylactery, let alone that the memoir was divided into five and hidden in different places.

The soul of the Necromancer will now return to the place of one of the memoirs and be reborn.

The Undead Emperor could see that it was the weapon at Shen Fei's waist that blocked the fatal blow of [Straight Death Ice Crystal].

When he is resurrected, kill him immediately and kill him!

The soul of the Undead Emperor was flying, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

His soul flew not towards the white tower, but towards the human regent.

and many more!

How the soul went astray!
The Undead Emperor was flustered. He remembered that when he made the phylactery, the positioning was clearly set, and there was absolutely no way to make mistakes.

Shen Fei also breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the Undead Emperor fall, and then his soul flew away.

But before he stepped forward, he found the soul of the Undead Emperor flying towards him...

"Could it be a fatal blow after killing this guy!"

Without saying a word, Shen Fei put away his bow and arrow and ran away.

He knew that some bosses would release self-detonation or other skills when they died, dragging people into the water as revenge.

Seeing the soul of the Undead Emperor's "scarce face" flying towards him quickly, Shen Fei's soul was about to be frightened away.

Guardian lv1 has canceled out an attack. Although Shen Fei's current blood volume is recovering at a rate of 70 points per second, it will definitely not be able to stop the soul blow.

It's over, it's over, I'm really going to die now!

The fat tiger in the distance was far away, and it was too late to find the abnormality.

Just now I overdrawn my physical strength and mana with the big move, and now panting and trotting all the way, it is still not as fast as the soul of the undead emperor.

Shen Fei felt desperate, and used [Traction Chain] to pull the position away, but the soul speed of the Undead Emperor was even faster.

[Counterattack Storm] can only reflect physical damage, but this hideous soul attack is not physical damage no matter how you look at it.

Shen Fei gritted his teeth for the last time, the bosses were all killed anyway, and there was no one here, the worst would be death.

With Fat Tiger watching over him, there won't be any major problems...

So Shen Fei turned his head, and pointed his middle finger at the soul of the Undead Emperor who was chasing him!
The Undead Emperor was also stunned, obviously his soul had returned to the phylactery, so why had he been chasing Shen Fei all the time.

His heart is broken at this moment.

The soul of the Undead Emperor directly rushed into Shen Fei's body, surprisingly, it didn't cause any damage, and it didn't come out from behind, it just disappeared!
Shen Fei saw that he was intact and looked back, but he didn't see the soul coming out of the body.

Fat Tiger who was halfway running over was also dumbfounded, pointed at Shen Fei quietly and said: "That thing has entered your body!"

That sounds really bad!
But then, Shen Fei received a prompt from the system.

"Ding! Successfully unlocked the secret of [Aiken's Memoirs]."

Didn't he collect the memoirs before the battle?

Why is it suddenly prompted to unlock the secret?

Shen Fei opened the backpack suspiciously, and saw an orange item suddenly appearing in the backpack.

After seeing the explanation, Shen Fei's mouth opened wide, and he could directly stuff a fist into it!
【Lich's Natatorion (Memoirs of Aiken)】(Orange)
Type: mission props

Explanation: The Lich Phylactery of the Undead Emperor, after death, the soul can return to be reborn.

It turned out that the real purpose of Aiken's memoirs turned out to be the Lich's phylactery of the Undead Emperor!
"The human regent is still here, he has low blood volume, let's go up and kill him!"

"The Undead Emperor is also dead, and they lost both sides in the fight!"

"Hahaha, our Quantum Foundation is the final winner!"

Everyone from the Quantum Foundation came back to the scene after being resurrected, and found that there were bones and traces of battles everywhere. Half of the black feather robe of the Undead Emperor had been burned. Shen Fei was standing in the center of the field, and there were not a single one of the massive skeletons left.

Everyone can see that both sides were injured in the first battle just now. The blood bar of the human regent is only 15% now, and it is recovering at a rate of 2% per second.

(End of this chapter)

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