my pet is boss

Chapter 268 The Trend of the Game

Chapter 268 The Trend of the Game

Without saying a word, everyone from the Quantum Foundation ran towards Fei Shen.

Sous was the first to react, and killed him without saying a word.

He was very sober at the moment, and was still analyzing on the way over.

The war messenger of the orc clan and the second elder of the warlock council, these two are the mainstays of the orc clan, and their blood volume is also extremely high.

Not to mention that there is also a big boss, the Undead Emperor, with tens of thousands of skeleton brothers.

Faced with this situation, the human regent actually killed all the enemies and survived, which shows his strength.

Just imagine how many good things can be exploded by killing him?
They have fought against the human regent before, and it is speculated that this guy's blood volume is only about 4000 points.

Now with this blood volume, everyone can kill him directly with a single shot!
The White Tiger God on the side looked exhausted and threatening.

Sous is running wildly, it seems that he is not heading for a BOSS, but a bright future.

After killing the BOSS, he will not only get a lot of rich rewards, but also a reward from the Great Chief!
Shen Fei stood on the spot, calm and unhurried, because there was another voice in his mind.

In Shen Fei's mind, it was naturally the exclamation of the Undead Emperor.

Because he discovered that the soul had indeed returned to the Lich's phylactery, but his proud masterpiece, the five scattered Lich's phylactery, was found and pieced together into a complete one!
The Lich's phylactery is controlled by others, so if he wants to be resurrected, it all depends on the consent of the person who got the phylactery.

"When did you get [Aiken's Memoirs] together!"

"That's not what you need to worry about now, is it? The orc troops have come back again. I don't have much blood now. If they kill me, you will never be able to resurrect!"

Shen Fei said it was extremely urgent, but he couldn't hear the slightest bit of nervousness from his words.

The Undead Emperor could only hear the taste of being ripped off.

If Shen Fei got the incomplete memoir, the Undead Emperor would not be nervous at all.

Because the incomplete memoir is a thing without an owner, he wished that Shen Fei would be killed so that he could be resurrected.

However, if the scattered memoirs were collected in Shen Fei's hands, the memoirs would become Shen Fei's belongings. If he died, the Undead Emperor would be sealed in his phylactery forever.

It's ridiculous to say that the life-saving Lich's phylactery turned out to be a permanent prison for trapped Liches one day.

When the Undead Emperor was making the phylactery, he considered the situation that the phylactery fell into the hands of others and he was checked and balanced.

So he poured his soul into the memoir, and then divided the phylactery into five parts and hid them in different places, just to avoid this from happening.


"The phylactery is already in your hands, so naturally you have the final say."

The Undead Emperor was speechless, even if Shen Fei let him out and he killed Shen Fei instead, he would not be able to get back his phylactery.

Now there is nothing to do but swear an oath of allegiance.

Shen Fei also saw the ownership of the memoirs, so he was naturally not afraid that the Undead Emperor would kill him after he came out, all he wanted was an attitude.

"Then do you want to support the human race?"

"Go! Go! Go!"

"The battle just now cost me a lot of combat resources. Is there any compensation?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"


The Undead Emperor was about to cry, and more than [-] orcs rushed over from the opposite side. Now the human regent's blood volume is less than [-] points, and if someone touches him, he will undoubtedly die.

"The Regent takes care of the dragon body, just leave these orc offal to me!"

The Undead Emperor knew that now was the time for him to show his strength, otherwise he would stay in the dark phylactery forever.

The freedom of an endless life has become an endless prison.

"You came here voluntarily, I didn't force you! I didn't force you to do anything!"

Even though Shen Fei had said so, he had already quietly opened the backpack.

The Undead Emperor noticed a little looseness, and immediately chose to resurrect through the Lich Phalanx.

Everyone in the Quantum Foundation was ecstatic when they saw the human regent standing still.

This guy has gone through the battle just now, and now he is exhausted, and he is standing still and recovering blood.

At this moment, a chilly wind suddenly swirled in front of Shen Fei, causing chills all over his body.

The gray-black wind swirled rapidly, and the figure of the Undead Emperor gradually emerged from the whirlwind, exuding a chilling chill.

The players of the Quantum Foundation never expected that the Undead Emperor would suddenly appear again.

Sous was taken aback for a moment, and then he covered his stomach and laughed wildly: "The Undead Emperor is not dead, you are finished, Regent!"

The other orc players rushed forward, with smiles on their faces as if someone came to express condolences and receive gifts during the Chinese New Year.

Even though they were slapped once, this boss is simply a free gift to them!
More importantly, the system has given a reminder before the war, that NPCs who died during the war will be permanently killed!

This is a great opportunity to weaken the human strength.

"Great Emperor, we came here to avenge you!"

By this time, Sous hadn't forgotten to brush up his favorability in front of the Undead Emperor.

Shen Fei almost couldn't hold back his laughter from behind.

The guy doesn't seem to have figured out what's going on.

The Undead Emperor is also extremely embarrassed now, this stupid orc is actually asking for credit in front of him?
"Sorry, I'm now serving the Regent!"

After the Undead Emperor finished speaking, he raised his hand and hit [Death Coil], and the resentful ghost in his sleeve flew out quickly, like a spirit snake passing through the head of the orc player.


I saw bright red wounds popping out from the top of several people's heads, and immediately fell to the ground and turned into a ray of white light.

At this stage, the player's life value cannot exceed 3000 points at all. This shot of [Death Coil] directly entered the soul and took away all the orcs.

When Shen Fei saw Soth dying, his eyes widened and his face was filled with disbelief.

I'm afraid this guy will never understand why the two people who were incompatible before joined hands.

The Undead Emperor killed all the orc players with one blow, and the undead forest regained its calm.

Because of the continuous death, some blue and green equipment even burst out where the player disappeared.

"Okay, now I have [Memoirs] and I can contact you at any time. I will leave the affairs in the Undead Forest to you to deal with the aftermath. Prepare enough [Bone Fragments] and [Blood Clots] for me, and I will go back right away."

As Shen Fei said, he directly touched all the corpses on the field, and collected all the spoils into his backpack.

The Undead Emperor bowed slightly and pointed to the distance of the Undead Forest: "The resources will be prepared for you at the entrance of the Undead Forest."

Shen Fei was quite satisfied, and immediately took Fat Hu away.

It was already noon the next day, and fighting could happen on the frontal battlefield at any time.

This trip to the Fountain of Youth can be said to be perfect. They found the materials [Fountain of Youth] and [Memoirs of Aiken], and also won the support of the undead. When the time comes, the orc army will definitely be hit hard when the battle is fought on both sides!

I have harvested a large wave of loot, and I have also received combat compensation. I am very happy.

Shen Fei took Fat Tiger all the way to the edge of the Undead Forest, and saw many coffins, inside which were the compensation materials prepared by the Undead Emperor.

Shen Fei learned the two skills [Summon Skeleton] and [Steel Puppet], how can he do it without the raw materials for casting spells?
Now that I have grasped the "seven inches" of the Undead Emperor, won't my own materials be in place every minute in the future?
Here I have to praise the great foresight of the Undead Emperor, who actually planted the bones like trees, adjacent to the Fountain of Youth, and there is no need to worry about the recycling of raw materials.

"Get [Bone Fragments] * 2000, [Flesh Pieces] * 500."

Fat Tiger's mana was not enough to return to the voyage, so Shen Fei simply sat on the spot and began to study the new gameplay after reaching the full level.

There were several rounds of battles just now, and he didn't have time to see what was going on with this full level.

Shen Fei saw that his experience was locked at 60% at level 100.

Afterwards, Shen Fei saw on the skill interface that each skill was followed by an experience bar, and the level of all skills was followed by a word level lv1.

"At the full level of the character, the experience value starts to act on the skill, improving the effect of the skill?"

Skills also have different qualities, which are divided into five qualities: white, green, blue, purple, and orange.

[Venomous Snake Sting] was born with white skills, and the [Summon Skeleton] and [Steel Puppet] that Shen Fei stole before were all purple skills.

White skill from lv1→lv2 requires [-] experience points.

Green is [-] experience, blue is [-] experience, and purple skills need [-] experience!

Shen Fei doesn't have the magic orange skill, but he guesses at least 50 experience.

What Shen Fei regrets the most is that his sufficient rest experience has not been transferred. It seems that the current full level of 60 is only temporary, and the restriction may be reopened after the version is updated.

Shen Fei glanced at the skill experience pool, just now Fat Tiger's move [Thunder Mountain and River] dropped tens of thousands of undead in seconds.

Among them are various undead bosses and high-level elite monsters.

Now 300 million experience is quietly lying in the experience pool, Shen Fei immediately messed up when he saw it.

These experience points are enough for him to upgrade many skills.

Shen Fei understood that as the player's level gradually reached level 60, the future direction of development was to improve the skill level and equipment.

Shen Fei didn't upgrade his skills hastily, and continued to count the spoils.

Most of the materials found on the undead who fell in seconds were [skeleton fragments] and other materials, and several blue skill books exploded on several bosses.

The rest are some outlandish materials.

What is the kneecap of the undead guard, White's left leg, the big eyeball of the flesh and blood puppet, etc...

What made Shen Fei speechless the most was that most of these disgusting-sounding materials were blue and purple materials, which were expensive.

Shen Fei froze for a moment when he saw the last blueprint.

This equipment drawing is different from the previous ones, it is a purple quality equipment drawing, and it is a suit blueprint!
Shen Fei was obviously caught off guard. In the past, the blueprints for suits were all dropped individually, and then they were made into a series of suits.

But the purple design in front of him was a complete suit design, including the head, shoulders, breastplate, leggings, hands and feet.

No need for other blueprints, a blueprint can create a suit of equipment.

[Dead Appearance Set Blueprint] (Purple)
Level: lv60
Description: Drawing of the grooming suit for the dead, which contains six major components...

Required materials: Undead Guard's Kneecap (1), White's Left Leg (1)...

Isn't this exactly the materials he picked up before!
Shen Fei compared them one by one, and found that all the materials were complete, and he only needed an iron felt to make the suit.

This is no different from giving away for nothing.

However, Shen Fei also noticed that this set of [Dead Appearance Set Drawings] is the only item that the Undead Emperor exploded, and the effect will definitely not be too bad.

The design drawings are directly of purple quality, so the equipment produced will be purple at the very least.

Moreover, it was limited to full-level suit blueprints. With this equipment, Shen Fei's attributes would explode again.

Putting away the blueprints, Shen Fei fixed his eyes on the last item - the [Leveling Madman Gift Pack] that the system gave when the world was announced at full level.

The big gift bags presented by the system are never stingy, Shen Fei chooses to open the big gift bag without saying a word.

"Ding! Congratulations on getting [Compatible Skill Book] (Purple)*2, Skill Book [Phantom Flash] (Orange), and Skill Book [Vampire Halo] (Purple)!"

The big gift bag disappeared, and four skill books that he had never seen before appeared in his backpack in an instant.

Compatible skill book, as the name suggests, allows you to be compatible with skills of other professions.

[Phantom Flash] (orange)
Occupation: Mage

Description: Master god-level skill, can flash twice within 10 seconds, the flash distance is 2 meters, and each flash will leave a clone on the spot.The clone has 30% of the body's health and 100% of the damage for 50 seconds.

As we all know, [Flash] is a mage's soul skill, just like [Charge] is for a warrior.

This [Phantom Flash] can still leave a clone when it flashes, it is indeed an orange legendary skill!
【Vampire Halo】(Purple)
Occupation: Death Knight

Description: Death knight skill, aura type.The blood-sucking aura provides 10% blood-sucking, the normal attack effect can trigger the blood-sucking attribute of the aura, and the avatar can inherit the effect of the aura.

After reading the two skills, Shen Fei used the [Compatible Skill Book] to learn these two skills.

Then Shen Fei took a look at the experience needed to upgrade [Phantom Flash].


With 100 million experience, Shen Fei's scalp felt numb after watching it.

If Fat Tiger didn't kill tens of thousands of undead in the Undead Forest with one move, I'm afraid I don't even have enough experience to upgrade an orange skill.

Without saying a word, Shen Fei spent 100 million experience points, and raised [Phantom Flash] to lv2.

After looking at the skill description, it can flash 15 times within 3 seconds, that is to say, it can leave three clones on the ground.

Shen Fei, who had tasted the sweetness, wanted to upgrade the orange skill to lv3, but after seeing the required experience, he shuddered.

After 500, four zeros!

500 million experience...

Afterwards, Shen Fei went crazy.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50!
It took 150 million experience to upgrade [Vampiric Aura] to lv5, and the blood-sucking effect became 18%.

300 million experience is now only 50 left, Shen Fei did not choose to upgrade skills, these experiences are kept for the time being.

As for [Summon Skeleton] and [Steel Puppet], there is absolutely no need to upgrade these two skills.

One is the sea of ​​skeletons, and the other depends on the damage attribute of the weapon, so there is no need to waste experience at all.


Shen Fei let out a long sigh of relief, this trip to the Fountain of Youth brought him too many things.

Now there have been earth-shaking changes from top to bottom, and more importantly, it has thwarted the orc's conspiracy to unite the undead, killed the orc war messenger and the second elder of the warlock council, and also subdued the undead emperor by the way, finding a reliable "ally" for mankind.

"Rest well, we should go back now."

Fat Tiger clapped his hands and got up, his current mana was barely enough to return to Owendale.

After a while, a pair of aura-transformed wings spread out, and Shen Fei and Fat Tiger started to return.

In contrast to the Immortal Forest Shrine, the players of the Quantum Foundation were still in a daze, unable to understand why the Undead Emperor suddenly turned against him.

"Why did the Undead Emperor suddenly attack us?"

"Could it be that he has reached a cooperation intention with humans?"

"Our NPCs are dead now. We must investigate this matter before we can return to the chief, otherwise we will lose the trust of the chief and affect the future of the guild."

A burst of white light shone, and the orc player was revived in the shrine.

When everyone was about to investigate the reason after the resurrection, they suddenly found that the shrine was densely packed with skeleton soldiers, staring at them.

In the next second, these skeleton soldiers rushed forward, and there were various screams in the shrine...

The Undead Emperor returned to the White Bone Palace, looked at the one-sided massacre scene in the shrine through the true knowledge ball, and let out a loud laugh.

"A group of idiots who still want to investigate? Just stay in the Immortal Forest!"

(End of this chapter)

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