my pet is boss

Chapter 269 The Grooming Set for the Dead

Chapter 269 The Grooming Set for the Dead

It took Shen Fei a long time to see the Owendale Grand Pass in the distance.

Fat Tiger didn't have much mana, so he couldn't fly at high speed, so he slowly walked around the orc camp with Shen Fei, and returned to Owendale.

Black smoke had already started to rise outside the orc camp, and the forest not far away was filled with the sound of working horns and cutting.

Fortifications were built around the camp, and such a scale was built outside Owendale in less than a day.

Deadly black smoke enough to burn the skin and respiratory tract is also spread over the Doomsday Volcano hundreds of miles away.

Although he obtained the support of the undead in the Undead Forest, seeing that the orcs did not lower their morale because of yesterday's defeat, Shen Fei felt a strong sense of crisis.

Shen Fei landed on the city wall of Owendale. The soldiers were stunned when they saw the return of the regent, and then stepped forward to greet him.

They always thought that the regent was staying in the city, and they had no idea when he left.

Ferdinand and the others quickly learned the news, without alarming everyone, they came to Shen Fei's room one by one.

Seeing that Shen Fei was fine, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Prince Regent, this is a critical juncture in the war. You must tell us when you go out. If something happens to you outside, the morale of the frontline soldiers and civilians will be lost..." Ferdinand said "caring" when he met him.

Shen Fei couldn't laugh or cry: "Didn't I come back? This time I went to the Immortal Forest to do something big. We will win this battle!"

After Shen Fei finished speaking, he swept across the crowd one by one, Ferdinand, the Archmage and the Countess all showed suspicion on their faces, only Mailer had a calm expression.But when Shen Fei looked over, Mailer immediately showed curiosity.

Shen Fei was sure that Aiken could be resurrected and transformed into an undead, becoming the emperor of the undead, this matter must have something to do with Mailer.

"What big event can make you go to the Undead Forest regardless of your own safety? We asked the archbishop before, but he kept silent and refused to tell us the truth." Archmage Jordan asked.

Even Shen Fei can say that the war must be won, it seems that this time there is really progress.

Shen Fei said calmly: "The Undead Emperor in the Immortal Forest has agreed to send troops during the war to help mankind defeat the enemy together."

When everyone heard the news, they all gasped.

The Undead Emperor in the Undead Forest, with tens of thousands of undead, is a force not to be underestimated.

How could he actually agree to send troops to help Shen Fei!

"Could the regent be bewitched? Undead cannot be trusted!"

"Or did he agree to some exaggerated request from the Undead Emperor? Otherwise, he could be the Emperor of the Earth in the Undead Forest, and neither side would be offended."

The first reaction of several people was that Shen Fei was cheated, or agreed to excessive demands.

Shen Fei's face turned dark, could it be that his image in their minds is like this?

"The orcs also sent people to the Undead Forest to win over the Undead Emperor, and also made a decision to hand over all the land north of the Fountain of Youth."

Every word Shen Fei said made several people tremble.

Especially the candid Ferdinand, with nervousness written all over his face.

If the orcs and the undead cooperate, then this time humans will inevitably face a bloody battle.

The faces of Jordan and Mary returned to normal. After all, Shen Fei just said that he had joined forces with the undead, so the orcs must have been caught in the air.

The orc's promise is still a bit tempting, and this undoubtedly confirms the "legitimate status" of the undead.

Although the north of the Fountain of Youth is a place of bitter cold, the undead race is not afraid of the severe cold. They can turn a large amount of land into irreversible rotten soil, thereby improving their activity area and ability.

Now they were worried instead, what kind of conditions did Shen Fei offer to make the Undead Emperor turn against the human side.

Ferdinand was a little nervous, maybe Shen Fei also started selling land for glory, right?

However, Shen Fei just smiled: "I am the regent of human beings, how can you confuse me with those brainless orcs. I found that the Undead Emperor in the Undead Forest is a necromancer lich, so I found a way to find the phylactery of the Undead Emperor, His life is under my control, so naturally he can only cooperate with me."

Everyone gasped, and even Mailer's hand trembled violently.

That's the phylactery of the Lich, so Shen Fei got it in such an understatement?
Everyone knows the uniqueness of the lich. With the phylactery, it can be revived infinitely and has an endless lifespan.

In order to prevent other people from finding his phylactery, the Lich usually hides the phylactery very deeply and has the strictest protection.

Shen Fei casually said that he got the Lich's phylactery, omitting the most dangerous and frightening part of it.

The fat tiger on the side was not happy, he was beaten the worst, and Shen Fei pretended to be the deepest, Fat tiger expressed that he had a psychological gap.

"Shen Fei, why don't you talk about my operation of killing tens of thousands of undead in one move!"

Fat Tiger hastily made a point aside.

Hearing Fat Tiger's words, several people gasped again.

The White Tiger God instantly killed tens of thousands of undead souls with one move. Are these two guys going to the Immortal Forest to make peace or cause trouble...

Shen Fei ignored it, and continued: "The war envoy sent by the orcs and the second elder of the Warlock Council have all died in battle, and the orcs will definitely pay the undead, so no matter whether the undead is forced or voluntarily, You can only join us."

With an excited expression, Ferdinand shook Shen Fei's hand and said, "This time, thanks to the regent, who risked his life, he won such a strong support for us!"

"Okay, since there is no problem now, let's leave quickly. When I came back, I saw that the orc camp was under construction, and there was also movement on Doom Mountain. It seems that the next attack will definitely be devastating. We must be fully prepared .”

Seeing that Shen Fei was fine, and they had recruited strong support, they all felt relieved.

When Shen Fei mentioned this matter, he couldn't help becoming worried.

This time, the orcs have made great progress compared with 40 years ago in terms of combat effectiveness and technology.

On the other hand, the human side does not seem to have made much progress compared to 40 years ago, and the next orc battle is bound to be a devastating battle.

"Okay, then the Prince Regent will take a good rest after a long journey, and we'll be busy."

Everything on the battlefield was simple, and the few people left together without exchanging greetings.

Shen Fei didn't rest, feeling that he was full of energy.

As soon as the few people left, Shen Fei arrived at Owendale's arsenal on the back.

Seeing Shen Fei, the blacksmith of the arsenal was extremely surprised. He didn't expect the regent to come to a place like the mountain.

The arsenal is the logistics department of the entire Owendale. The weapons of the soldiers on the city wall and all kinds of siege equipment are all from their hands.

Over the years, there has been friction with the orcs at the border. The arsenal has innovated many weapons and produced quite a few high-quality goods, contributing its own strength to guard Owendale.

"See the Regent!"

When the person in charge of the arsenal heard that the regent was coming, he hurried over to see what orders Shen Fei had.

"Go ahead, all of you, I'm just here to make something, just help me find an anvil."

The person in charge of the arsenal hurriedly said: "Whatever the regent wants to build, I am full of skilled craftsmen here. I will ask the most powerful foundry in the arsenal to help you."

Shen Fei waved his hand and said: "No need, I will forge this thing myself. Just help me find a workbench."

The person in charge of the arsenal had a hot face and a cold ass, but he still said unwillingly: "The arsenal in Owendale has the most powerful craftsmen in the entire empire, and it will definitely be able to meet your requirements, the regent."

Shen Fei realized that he didn't speak clearly, and said: "I am also a blacksmith, so I can forge this thing myself."

The person in charge of the arsenal couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that the regent was also a blacksmith, so he should know more about the strength of Owendale's blacksmith.

But the regent had already spoken, so he had no choice but to take Shen Fei to the best forging platform in the arsenal.

The forging table here is the closest to the fire in the center of the earth, and it is a forging table carefully crafted by human forging masters in the early years, and even has runes to condense firepower.

This forging table can be regarded as the most respected place in the entire arsenal.

As soon as Shen Fei approached the forging platform, he felt the heat wave sweeping over.

The fire in the center of the earth is blazing, and there are magic circles with constant temperature carved on the anvil, and there are even three or four magic circles visible to the naked eye on the ground.

The hammer next to it turned out to be forged from the core of the Death Star!

This forging environment is simply a dream place for forging people, even compared with the dwarves' earth core forge, it is not inferior.

As soon as he got close to the forging platform, a buff appeared on Shen Fei.

【Steel Anvil】

Type: buff state

Effect [-]: The highest-end forging table in the Owendale Armory was built by a forging master. The forging table has been strengthened by runes and magic. There is a probability that the forging will add favor attributes and effects to items, and the probability of forging top-quality equipment will increase.

Effect [-]: For the equipment that has been forged, some attributes or effects can be modified and reforged on the Iron Anvil.

Effect [-]: Forging with the Iron God Anvil increases the forging proficiency by ten times.

"This is almost the strongest forging platform that can be seen in the entire human empire."

Shen Fei couldn't help sighing, even the Holy City Royal Forge did not have such a forging table.

The person in charge of the arsenal was full of pride, "Even in the entire continent, there are not many forging tables that can compare with it."

To these words, Shen Fei just smiled sassyly, without commenting.

As far as he knows, there are two stronger forging platforms in the Dwarf Kingdom. Even the "bad" forging elves have a forging platform called [Moonlight Anvil]. Instead, the moonlight is used as a hammer, constantly beating and casting.The weapons and equipment created have a touch of "divinity".

"My lord, you forge, and I will stand by and help you."

The person in charge of the arsenal is also very discerning. He stands by and guards, and even if there is a problem, he can make up for it in time.

Some other blacksmiths came over curiously when they saw the Lord Regent personally forging.

If it were another blacksmith, no one would notice.

But Shen Fei's status is different, but the regent king, forging it himself naturally attracted many people.

"Go away, why should you go, don't surround yourself here!" The person in charge saw that his brows were tightly frowned. The group of blacksmiths had no eyesight at all. How could Shen Fei lose face when many people saw it?
Shen Fei was still admiring the workbench, he looked up and saw a group of people surrounded by a little surprised.

Hearing the words of the person in charge driving away, I thought about stopping it: "It's okay, just let them stay and take a look. After all, this kind of forging technology is almost lost now, and it's your chance to see you today."

Although Shen Fei couldn't dictate, there are many talented and intelligent blacksmiths in these arsenals.

If they can learn a little bit, it will be of great benefit to their forging methods in the future.

The person in charge and the blacksmiths in the audience were a little confused. Why did the tone of the regent sound so awesome?
At this moment, Shen Fei had already taken out the blueprints and materials, all of which were strange things.

The person in charge and the blacksmith all stuck their heads out, looking at the materials curiously.

Afterwards, Shen Fei picked up the hammer and began to knock, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Because [Dead Appearance Set Blueprint] is a complete set of blueprints, it is time-consuming to forge, and the progress bar takes as long as 5 minutes.

"Hey, why is this forging method different from ours now!"

"This, isn't this the long-lost three-ring technique!"

"I just read about the side attack just now, but no one has ever mastered this skill. I actually saw it with my own eyes today!"

The onlookers were all elated, and the forging technology displayed by the regent now seemed to be a long-lost forging skill.

The person in charge had already knelt down when he heard the sound of forging.

Many people in the audience were thoughtful and got inspiration from Shen Fei's forging technology, citing extensively.

The 5 minutes was finally over, even Shen Fei was sweating profusely.

But when the equipment was finished, Shen Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It is quite challenging to build all the equipment in one go.

When they saw several pieces of equipment in the hands of the regent, the blacksmiths gasped.

I thought it was to build a piece of equipment before, but after reading it, I found out that the regent made a set of equipment in one go.

This forging technique is so ingenious and so strong that everyone unconsciously wants to worship it.

"This forging technique is the most authentic forging technique for dwarves. How much you can learn and how much you can gain depends on your own understanding."

After Shen Fei finished speaking, he rolled up all the equipment and left.

When leaving, everyone in the arsenal consciously stepped aside and watched the regent leave.

"The regent knows the most authentic dwarven forging technique!"

The blacksmiths were all blown up.

After pretending to be aggressive, Shen Fei ran away, returned to his small hut where he was resting, and used the appraisal scroll to appraise all six pieces of equipment without saying a word.

Six lv6 purple outfits were opened.

Shen Fei couldn't help shaking his head, not very satisfied with the result.

It has the effect of [Steel Anvil], and there are blueprints for advanced suits, but there is no orange one. It seems that this orange suit is really difficult to get.

Without further ado, Shen Fei put on all the [Grooming for the Dead] kits on his body, and immediately received a prompt from the system.

"Congratulations for your equipment [Dead Appearance Head] being scored by the system and entered the top ten equipment list..."

"Congratulations for your equipment [Dead Appearance Shoulder] being scored by the system and entered the top ten equipment list..."


Six messages were posted in a row, and Shen Fei's [Grooming of the Dead] suits all entered the top ten equipment rankings.

It's just that this time Shen Fei didn't choose to make it public, and the equipment effects and names were all hidden!
(End of this chapter)

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