my pet is boss

Chapter 270

Chapter 270

Shen Fei gloated a little, and finally chose to wear the ring made of millions of gold coins on his hand.

"Congratulations for your equipment [Ring of the Floating City] being scored by the system and entering the top ten equipment rankings..."

"An ancient vine-wood sword, two weapons, a six-piece suit, and a ring, if nothing else..."

Shen Fei smiled slyly, but now he will have fun!
Ten minutes later, the top ten equipment rankings were refreshed.

"I'm going, why are there so many hidden items popping up on the equipment leaderboard all of a sudden! Go and see if there's something wrong with the leaderboard, or something wrong with my system!"

Some players are bored and click into the leaderboard to see. Although these equipments have already been owned, it does not prevent them from clicking in every day to satisfy their hunger.

I can't get it myself, so I don't want them to look at it with envy!

This kind of psychology is like asking Zhihu: "If you won 500 million, what would you do with it?"

Everyone will have a variety of answers below.

Although there are not 500 million, it does not prevent them from dreaming!

【Asia Top Ten Equipment List】

No.1: [Ancient Rattan Sword] (legendary), player [Shen Fei], no guild.

No.2: Hide, hide, hide.

No.3: [Grooming of the Dead Head] (Epic), hide, hide.

No.4: [Dead Appearance·Shoulders] (Epic), hide, hide.


No.9: [Zakarum's Howling Longbow] (Epic), player [Shen Fei], no guild.

No.10: [Blizzard Heavy Crossbow] (Epic), hide, hide.

"Hey, the third to No.8 equipment has been taken over by the [Dead Man's Grooming] set effect!"

"This suit brother is too good, a suit with six pieces of equipment, all of which are on the equipment list, and directly won three to eight places!"

"Oh my god, I'm kneeling, I don't even have a purple suit, someone has already assembled a purple suit!"

"Don't panic, it is said that Ou Huang's lifespan is extremely short!"

"Go and have a look, the top ten equipment list has been updated, beyond your imagination!"

At first, it was discovered by a boring player, and then it was spread to hundreds of people, and everyone clicked on the equipment ranking list to see what happened.

After opening the equipment leaderboard and looking at it, the players are all dumbfounded.

"I declare that this suit brother will be my idol from now on!"

"This guy is too much! It's obviously a suit, but all the attributes and effects are hidden. Now I only know that this suit is called [Dead Man's Appearance], and I don't know anything else. Isn't this tempting?"

"Tell me, this suit brother can beat Shen Fei, who is ranked number one, with his suit attributes added up?"

"Shen Fei is only on the list with two weapons. The suit brother is wearing an epic suit. The additional attributes are estimated to explode. I think it will be no problem to beat Shen Fei."

"Let's do some calculations. The added attributes of Shen Fei's epic bow are all seventy or eighty points, and the [Dead Man's Grooming] epic set ranks three to eight in the equipment list, and the attributes are only high but not low. The six pieces of equipment added up, the main The attribute is at least 450 points or more! Whether it is damage or blood volume, it is not inferior to Shen Fei at all! Not to mention the set effect..."

The players have already expressed their opinions on whether Shen Fei and the set brother are stronger or weaker. The only regret is that all the attributes of these six pieces of equipment are hidden, including the effect of the set, so they cannot be seen at a glance.


The port of Ramses, the kingdom of the apostles.

The apostolic army officially set off, with [-] mighty ships lined up in a pointed warship in the strait.

"Chairman, according to the scheduled time, we will reach the inner sea of ​​the human empire in four days." The necromancer secretary said beside Ma Hu.

The battleship Sloppy was on was the pilot one, and he was standing at the forefront of the battleship at the moment, with the sea breeze blowing against his face.

"Into the human empire in four days! Don't be idle these few days, the guild has brought enough materials, and there is a blacksmith's station on the ship. I need a piece of equipment that can pull Shen Fei off the horse!"

Shen Fei had already seen the sloppy orange outfit, and he didn't believe that with his financial resources, he would lose to an unknown little player.

This time, he sloppily spent another 100 billion, did nothing, and asked his subordinates to give him equipment that could be on the ranking list, and the most important thing was a legendary weapon that surpassed Shen Fei.

"Chairman, please rest assured that the members of the guild have been working hard these few days, working overtime every day to improve their forging proficiency crazily. This time the chairman spent a huge amount of money, and he can definitely create a legendary weapon that is not inferior to Shen Fei!"

Sloppy stretched out his fingers to hang in the air, and said with an unhappy expression: "I want legendary equipment that surpasses Shen Fei, but it's not enough to be inferior, do you understand?"

The necromancer secretary panicked and apologized repeatedly.

"Humans and orcs are at a stalemate on the front line. This time, the army of apostles entered the holy city directly from the endless sea, directly captured the holy city of human beings, and made them lose all hope! Even if Shen Fei is sitting on a legendary weapon, he can't change the general trend of Taotao. !"

Sloppy took out his weapon [Dark Scepter], which he was most proud of, the first epic weapon in the whole server.

Although it is now down to third place on the leaderboard, it is still Sloppy's most powerful weapon.

Sloppy open [Asia Top Ten Equipment Ranking List].

But he glanced at it, and couldn't find his equipment in the third position.

The rankings from No. [-] to No. [-] are all dominated by the [Dead Appearance] suit, and the owner hides it directly, even the suit attribute effects are all hidden.

Sloppy suddenly died, his [Dark Scepter] was still in the third place before, but now he was directly squeezed out of the equipment ranking list, and the damage reward has disappeared.

"Check! It is absolutely impossible for someone wearing an epic suit to be an unknown person. I want all the information on this [Appearance of the Dead]!"

Sloppy is very upset now, he has spent so much money, and now he can't even get one of the top ten.

This is not hundreds of thousands, but tens of billions!

If it weren't for the game "Big Times" that the Ma Group also has development technical support, Ma Hu really wants to shout that there is a shady scene!
"Damn it, this is even darker than Sanshi's game!"


People of all other races also saw the updated leaderboard.

Shen Fei's No. [-] legendary weapon in the entire server was enough to attract envy, and now there is another suit brother who dominates the rankings. He occupies the sixth place in the top ten equipment rankings, and the eyes of others are red with envy.

The attributes of the equipment are invisible, and the attack rewards of the top ten equipment rankings alone make everyone envious.

Sweeping the third to eighth place, the accumulated damage rewards have a total bonus of 33%!

One-third more attack power, and in the case of a suit with explosive attributes, it is equivalent to having an extra orange weapon in hand.

When everyone outside was discussing the refreshed leaderboard, Shen Fei was already enjoying himself in the small house.

Really asked him to take the top ten!
Ancient rattan sword, whistling bow, heavy crossbow, million treasure ring, plus six suits.

Shen Fei succeeded in dominating the rankings, sweeping the top ten.

[Grooming of the Dead] It is indeed an epic set of lv60. The six pieces of equipment provided Shen Fei with a huge amount of attribute support.

Looking at the blood volume of 10500 on the panel, let alone how comfortable it is.

The attribute skyrocketed also included strength and agility.

Shen Fei's current panel attack power is already 875-1050, and the attack speed provided by a lot of agility allows him to complete three shots per second.

This is not the scariest thing yet, the scariest thing is that Shen Fei has won the top ten equipment rankings, each ranking has an attack bonus, and the top ten has a 55% attack bonus, which means that Shen Fei Now with a normal attack, the damage is around 1500.

Three shots per second, 4500 injuries per second!

Now if Shen Fei encounters orc air troops on the battlefield, he can kill the entire field one by one in a second.

Shen Fei looked at the [Dead Man's Grooming] suit in front of him, a little dumbfounded.

The blueprint for the suit I got the first time was obviously [The Wealth of the Holy Light Sect], but now that I have reached the full level, the suit is still short of raw materials.

On the contrary, the [Grooming of the Dead] suit obtained later was worn on the body first.

It is indeed a full-level set of lv60, and the effect attributes of the set can almost be described as invincible.

[Dead Grooming Set] (Purple)
Level: lv60
(2) Set: Will of the Dead, dealing 150% damage to all non-undead creatures.

(4) Set: Each of your attacks will accumulate 1 charge. After 100 charges, the "Unholy Power" effect will be triggered, increasing your strength by 15% and life steal by 10% for 15 seconds.

(6) Set: When you have no enemies within 10 meters, your attack increases by 50%, and your defense increases by 50%.

It is correct that Shen Fei did not choose to announce the attributes of the suit. If the effects of these three suits are spread, I am afraid that all players will go crazy.

When all three suit effects are triggered, it will cause an additional 215% damage.

If the [Ancient Rattan Sword] and the attack effect of the longbow are included, 5000 damage per arrow is not a dream.

Now Shen Fei can't wait to go to the battlefield and experience the special effects of the suit.


In the orc camp, everyone in the Warlock Council wore hoods, chanting words, and implementing some kind of consciousness.

Inside the tent, Zorak was talking to the Apostle Kingdom thousands of miles away through the ball of truth in his hand.

"The army of apostles has officially set off, and will reach the inner sea of ​​the holy city in the early morning of the fourth day. At that time, the holy city, the pillar of human spirit, will become a sea of ​​flames, and the lion empire will no longer exist!"

Inside the True Knowing Ball was a kobold wearing a golden battle armor, covered in black energy all over his body.

"Master Anubis, then we will meet in the holy city and drink the wine of victory together."

Zorak deactivated the Orb of Wisdom and came out of the camp to find the Warchief.

"Great chief, the army of apostles led by Anubis, the god of death, has set off from Ramses Port and is expected to arrive at the holy city on the fourth day."

Great Chief Eugene stood up suddenly: "Then our general attack must be advanced! The century-old wealth of mankind has been accumulated in the Holy City. After the cunning apostles capture the Holy City, it is very likely that they will tear up the treaty and transfer all the population and wealth."

The corner of Zorak's mouth rose, and he meant the same.

"There is already a group of troops in Mount Doom. Tomorrow, the last two batches of troops will be assembled, and the orcs will gather the strongest combat effectiveness."

Great Chief Eugene looked at Zorak: "Is there no news about the war messenger going to the undead forest?"

Zorak shook his head: "I haven't received any news yet."

Eugene snorted coldly: "I didn't expect that group of undead at all. After the humans are cleaned up and the fertile land of the human empire is occupied, I will turn around and raze the undead in the undead forest!"

"Go down and prepare. Tomorrow, the last two waves of troops at Doomsday Volcano will arrive. Take a day off and we will launch a general offensive on the third day."

Great Chief Eugene issued a countdown to the final battle, and when the first ray of dawn rises the day after tomorrow, it will be the time for the orcs to attack.

The walls of Owendale.

Ferdinand frowned as he looked at the sky-high flames in the orc camp, feeling a bad premonition.

"Why don't I take a troop to attack the camp?"

Shen Fei didn't know when he came to the top of the city, and volunteered.

Ferdinand shook his head quickly: "There are at least three half-orc assassination groups hidden around the orc camp. Not to mention the heavily guarded inside. The camp with hundreds of thousands of troops, with your ostentatious behavior, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out if you go in."

Shen Fei laughed.

Why, now even Ferdinand knows that he is infinitely insane, and if he gets going, he will definitely make some big things happen.

Shen Fei pointed to the Doomsday Volcano in the distance and said: "Isn't it okay here? The orcs are still gathering their final troops these days, and there should be orcs stationed at Doomsday Mountain."

What Shen Fei said was very reasonable, and Ferdinand had no reason to refuse.

"If you're thinking about it, it means there's something going on. Then go to Mount Doom tonight. Even if you don't do anything, you have to find out how many orc soldiers are stationed there."

Ferdinand was still moved by what Shen Fei said.

There is nothing more important on the battlefield than real intelligence.

According to the information passed on before, the Doomsday Volcano has indeed been gathering troops in the past two days, but they are all fighting forces assembled by the remote tribes of the Frost and Cold Empire, and the number should not exceed two legions.

Now that Shen Fei took the initiative to ask Ying to go over to understand the situation, it couldn't be better.

"Let me take the adventurers there, they can be resurrected after death, and there will be no loss."

Adventurer, this is the name given by the NPC in the game to discover that players can be reborn after death.

The player really lived up to the name, and dared to go to any dangerous place.

Without further ado, Shen Fei released a mission directly, summoning 100 people to go to Doomsday Volcano to investigate the enemy's situation.

The task is only released for five hours, and after five hours, one hundred players with the strongest strength will be automatically selected from all the candidates, and they will follow Shen Fei to the Doomsday Volcano.

After all, it is spying on intelligence, so there should not be too many people with great fanfare.

It's just that when Shen Fei saw the selected player five hours later, he showed surprise.

"Leng Qingqiu, Leng Ling, why are you here?"

"We are strong, so we were chosen naturally!" Leng Ling was triumphant.

Leng Qingqiu just nodded slightly, since the farewell to Tuke County, she has never seen Shen Fei again.

The two communicate more through chatting with friends in the system.

Shen Fei glanced at the [-] selected elites, and said: "You all know the mission, we are going to Doomsday Volcano this time to investigate intelligence, and there is a high possibility of encountering orc patrols and encountering battles on the way."

"Now I will give you an hour to prepare the combat supplies, and we will be ready to go in an hour."

(End of this chapter)

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