my pet is boss

Chapter 271 Visiting Doomsday Mountain

Chapter 271 Visiting Doomsday Mountain

As soon as Shen Fei finished speaking, many people rushed to the market in Owendale to prepare combat supplies.

Many of the remaining people have already prepared pharmaceutical supplies after receiving the task.

Shen Fei saw many familiar faces in the crowd.

Needless to say, everyone in the Leng Group Guild, the Leng family sisters, Uncle Guan, and the two managers who played the dungeon together were all selected.

Besides, there were several people in the crowd waving to Shen Fei.

Master Yin and Gouzi are wonderful couples, forging priest Ayou who is talented but chooses to make leather.

Well, everyone is here, and they are all partners he knew before.

As for the two-hundred-jin monk chasing the wind and licking the dog with a body like a mountain dangling behind Priest Ayou, there is no one.

Mr. Yin and Gouzi were very enthusiastic, they kept waving after seeing Shen Fei.The priest Ayou, who was dressed in white snow beside him, was a little cautious, with his hands on his chest, not knowing whether to lift them up or put them down.

Zhuifeng didn't notice Shen Fei at all, his eyes seemed to be on Ayou's body, never leaving him.

Looking at it like this, Shen Fei knew that this guy must still be the same, with no progress at all.

Several people stepped up boldly.

"Long time no see. The last time I came to the Holy City, I heard that you became the Supreme Elder of the Monk Temple. We wondered if it might be the same name and surname. We didn't confirm you until we came to Owendale and saw you killing all directions on the battlefield. It's Shen Fei."

Shen Fei listened to the music, and said: "I am not Shen Fei or who?"

"Maybe he is the Regent of the Human Empire, the Supreme Elder of the Monk Temple, the master of the White Tiger God, the owner of the number one legendary weapon in the top ten equipment rankings, and the former security captain of Tuke County."

Shen Fei was dumbfounded, "I don't even know that I have so many titles unless you tell me."

After finishing speaking, Shen Fei looked at the four people and said: "You are not bad, there are 10,000+ human players in Owendale, and I only selected the most powerful [-] players in the mission, and all four of you can be selected. It seems that leaving Novice Village After that, you all developed very well.”

Pastor Ayou's eyes were filled with admiration, and he said, "After you left, some of us thought that we were going to level up anyway. We are all casual players, so we might as well level up and download dungeons together."

Zhuifeng on the side nodded repeatedly and praised, "This journey is all due to Ayou's outstanding treatment techniques and milk volume, otherwise we would not be able to upgrade so smoothly! Ayou has contributed a lot! The best in the game!"

Chasing the wind still speaks in the same way, and he must lick every time he is good.

Seeing that everyone looked the same, Shen Fei was quite comforted, it was still a familiar feeling.

"Is there one more person? Don't you usually form a team with five people?" Shen Fei looked back and forth, but he didn't seem to see the figure of the fifth member.It stands to reason that all four people came in, and the people in the team shouldn't be unable to get in.

Gouzi hurriedly shook his hands and said, "No, there are only four of us in the team. At that time, I thought that there were no other familiar people anyway, and it would be restrictive for everyone to communicate with some strangers, so we simply formed a team of four all the time."

Shen Fei was a little surprised: "There are four of you in the dungeon?"

The three nodded, and one wagged his tail.

This made Shen Fei look a little different.

The levels of several people are very good, all of them are more than 30 levels.

If all the dungeons along the way are cleared by four people, the difficulty is far more than five people.

It's just that Shen Fei still finds it difficult to accept, a tank eager to protect his wife, a mage who rushes up with a staff to self-destruct in melee, a monk who feels comfortable moaning after being healed and a healer addicted to leather-making, this How did the fairy combination break through those dungeons?
Shen Fei had his own doubts. Could it be that these four guys got in by buying equipment and skill books with krypton gold?

After all, they are all people with "convicted records", it is very possible.

"The five of us are together when we do the task."

Shen Fei opened his mouth to suggest, and several people also agreed wholeheartedly.

After all, Shen Fei, who once led them, climbed to the position of the human regent as a player, and they felt honored.

"Look, I still have the staff you made for me back then."

Master Yin took out the [Energy Saving Staff] that established her melee mage. Although this staff has been eliminated, she still carries it with her all the time.

Shen Fei looked at the equipment of several people, and couldn't help but said: "Anyway, there are still two hours before departure, you go to the auction house to see what blueprints are there, I will build a piece of equipment for each of you, and it will be a gift."

Shen Fei has now accumulated a large amount of wealth, and under Fuman's management, the wealth is increasing by leaps and bounds every day.

This guy Fuman is now in the center of the empire, and he is already regarded as the god of investment.

Shen Fei is now secretly exchanging some of the gold coins for credit points every day, and the credit points on the account have already exceeded one million.

When you don't have money, you have to compare every penny, but when you have money, you don't care.

The four people's eyes lit up first, then they looked at each other with some hesitation and said, "Let's forget it, our current weapons are quite good."

Shen Fei was puzzled, forging top-quality equipment with his own technology is not easy, why are these four people so polite now?

"It's not that you don't know my forging technology. The blue weapon is stable, and if you're lucky, the purple weapon will burst out in minutes."

Chasing the wind was uncomfortable, and said: "We don't have that much money! You have two pieces of equipment on the top ten ranking list, and you still control the number one orange weapon. Now you are building weapons for us, we are afraid that we will not be able to afford the cost." .”

In the past, Shen Fei only forged a few gold coins at a time, but now that such a big guy makes a move, is it possible that the price is low?
Although they all rely on their families to have some spare money, they are all small fortunes.

Now some wealthy guilds are even offering billions of dollars for an orange outfit, and there are even rumors that the former leader of the Ma Group guild, which was number one on the list, was sloppy and spent tens of billions to build a full-scale guild. Take the first purple weapon [Dark Scepter].

If Shen Fei builds them a super powerful weapon, even if they sell the four of them together, it won't be enough!
When Shen Fei heard the worry of the four people, he was taken aback for a moment and then laughed.

"I, Shen Fei, am I the kind of person who sees money?"

The tens of millions of gold coins from the Imperial Bank is the confidence behind Shen Fei's words.


The four of them froze for a moment, then nodded together, didn't they?
Shen Fei was speechless, and after a while decided to fight for it again: "I am the regent now, so naturally I don't need money, you go and prepare the blueprints, there will be no such shop after passing this village."

Under Shen Fei's repeated assurances, the few people prepared the blueprint with half-belief.

Afterwards, Shen Fei came to the [Steel Anvil] in the arsenal again, and forged a weapon for each of the four.

This time her face was redder, and she was lined up in purple outfits.

This made Shen Fei suspicious: "They are all blue and green blueprints, and all of them can be made into purple outfits. My [Dead Man's Appearance] suit is originally of purple quality, but I can't make a legend. Is it because the full-level blueprints don't enjoy it?" addition?"

It's just that this point can't be verified for the time being, and the idea is just a flash.

After handing over the equipment to the four people, Shen Fei looked at the excited eyes of the four people, not to mention how comfortable he was.

Qiangdong returns to his hometown in fine clothes, and gives 1 yuan in red envelopes to each of the villagers in the village every year.

Shen Fei is not short of money now, seeing old friends, he feels very comfortable helping him casually.

After all, even if Shen Fei was killed, he wouldn't believe it. The system screened out the strength of such a wonderful four-person team based on equipment and skill scores, and the top ones were selected, but the actual strength was not within the scope of consideration.

Thinking of the wonderful operations of the four people before, Shen Fei thought he could help out.

These [-]-level purple outfits have very good effect attributes.

Especially Mr. Yin, who prepared a blueprint for a one-handed sword, and now he can't put it down in his hand.

Shen Fei always has a sense of sight of a melee mage returning to the arena.

After everyone assembled, Shen Fei led the crowd to detour along the Daxue Mountain, avoiding the orc camp in front of the battlefield.

Everyone wore the stars and wore the moon, and finally arrived at Doomsday Mountain in the middle of the night.

The crater of Doomsday, which is constantly erupting, has billowing smoke rising up, and the air is filled with a pungent sulfur smell.

The fire from the crater illuminated most of the mountain peak.

The interior of the crater is also full of flames, as if the fire is burning the clouds.

"After entering Doomsday Mountain, the main task is to detect intelligence, and if you encounter danger, call me immediately!"

"Let's form a small team of five, collect intelligence scatteredly, and be sure to come back here to gather at dawn."

The doomsday mountain has a huge boundary, and Shen Fei simply broke it up into pieces, allowing players to disperse in small groups to collect information to the maximum extent.

The talisman papers for communication were distributed to each team, as long as the talisman papers were torn apart, Shen Fei could receive the induction and know the approximate location of the team.

This is a good thing that Shen Fei brought out from the Monk Temple.

Guild players get together directly, and casual players also find each other's professional teams to form teams. After all, it is the most elite 10,000 of 100+ players, and a few words can form a team with good combat effectiveness.

Shen Fei naturally stayed with the wonderful group of four.

After explaining the precautions, everyone immediately dispersed and sneaked into Doom Mountain.

When the team turned over the ridge, everyone couldn't help but gasp, the sight before them shocked them.

The entire Doom Mountain was turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Half of the place is full of tents and lights, and the other half of the ground is directly hollowed out, and the flames and magma churning underground are clearly visible.

Thick black smoke poured out from the cracks, and there were bustling orc troops everywhere.

"What are they doing?"

Not only Shen Fei, but other players were also dumbfounded.

This looks like a rising industry.

Shen Fei's expression gradually became gloomy, it seemed that this trip was the right one, the orcs were indeed doing some tricks behind the scenes before the big battle.

The orcs were building a lot on the front line, which attracted everyone's attention. All human investigations focused on the front line, and no one paid attention to the situation behind.

It's been two days, if Shen Fei hadn't tried the effect of the suit on a whim, he wouldn't have known that the orcs were behind the scenes.

"It seems to be really right."

Twenty teams recovered from the shock and began to scatter down the mountain to collect information.

"Leave the investigation of the surface to others, and we will go to the dangerous places underground."

To be honest, Shen Fei didn't worry about the safety of the players at all. After all, even if he was found out, he would be resurrected in the shrine after death. If he really couldn't, he could crush the scroll and return to Owendale directly.

"Are we really going underground? If we are discovered, you won't be able to escape at all!" Ayou was a little worried.

After dispersing just now, Gouzi curiously asked Shen Fei how a player could issue missions, and later learned that Shen Fei in war mode has an NPC status, and more importantly, in this mode, he only has one life!

If it dies, the level will return to zero directly!Do it all over again!
It is obviously unwise to go underground under such circumstances.

"No, the four of us will go in and investigate, you can watch us outside." Gouzi said.

"That's right, even if the four of us die, we will be resurrected directly in the shrine, no problem." Zhuifeng followed.

But Shen Fei rejected their argument.

"It's okay, an enemy of this size is completely fine, as long as there is no big boss like [Zorak], we can walk sideways in the entire Doom Mountain!"

After Shen Fei finished speaking, he directly activated the [Vampire Halo] (lv5).

The whole team enjoys 18% attack lifesteal.

"I'll go, there is such a magic skill?"

"This is definitely a purple skill!"

Everyone's worries just disappeared, Shen Fei has a super high attack, and now he has [Vampire Halo], as long as he doesn't encounter that kind of instant kill, such as Zorak's [Death Finger] skills, Shen Fei will be fine.

"Then what are you talking about, let's go!" Master Yin's eyes were shining, and this halo was tailor-made for her melee mage.

Two hours later...

Everyone came from the Doomsday Volcano to the excavated underground.

Less than 50 meters in front of you is the cliff where the orcs work.

The sounds of various smelting and forging rang non-stop. The orcs used the lava of the Doomsday Volcano to forge sharp weapons and armor to prepare for the final battle.

Although these equipment are not sophisticated, they are far thicker than the armor on the frontline soldiers.

If the orc soldiers wear this kind of strong armor when attacking the city, it will definitely be regarded as a nightmare for the human soldiers defending the city.

At a glance, all of them are induced lava to provide heat forging.

Shen Fei found that there was a huge cave next to it, the surrounding rock walls were extremely smooth, and the deep cave did not know where it led.

The cave is extremely huge, with a diameter of 60 meters. It doesn't look like a man-made ax chisel, and there are no orcs around.

"Let's go to the cave and have a look."

There is no need to approach the underground forging place at the risk of being discovered, as it can be seen that all are steel forging in full swing.

On the contrary, the cave next to it was extremely deserted.

The huge hole is like a black hole, attracting explorers to take a closer look.

Shen Fei led the crowd to approach the cave quietly. The cave has a large air vent, but the airflow tends to stabilize after entering.

Ventilation shows that the cave is not sealed with a single mouth, but has an outlet, so the air can flow in the cave.

There are various crystals and glowing ores on the surrounding walls, which can illuminate the cave without lighting a torch.

"Although I don't know what this cave is for, it is definitely not a mine."

Gouzi saw that there are mines that can be mined everywhere, and all kinds of ores can be described as dazzling.

Everyone continued to explore the inside of the huge cave, and there were vaguely rumbling sounds coming from inside...

"This voice, why does it sound like excavation and construction?"

"Could it be the orcs trying to dig a tunnel to the front line?"

Ayou said casually, making Shen Fei gasp, it is really possible!

(End of this chapter)

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