my pet is boss

Chapter 272 Horror Creatures

Chapter 272 Horror Creatures

The further you go inside the cave, you can feel extremely high-frequency vibrations under your feet.

The caves are completely mountainous, and the lines left by the erosion of the years can also be seen.

"What kind of machine do you think the orcs used to dig out such a smooth cave? And this is too high, right?"

Several people were amazed as they walked.

From the bottom of the feet to the wall, and then to the top of the head, there are traces of extremely flatness, obviously made by one-time push-casting with some kind of huge machine.

It's 50 meters high, and it has a strong push to drill things. It's scary to think about it.

You must know that Owendale is built on the mountain. If the orcs really use this equipment to dig a huge cave, leading directly to the main battlefield, or even the back of Owendale, bypassing the strong pass and directly entering the human empire, the mobility of the wolf cavalry will be infinite. Humans can be enemies, and the orc army will feel like they are in no man's land, and they can even encircle and suppress Owendale from both sides.

The more they walked inside, the more frightened they became.

The dwarves are a race that lives in the mountains. They can turn a mountain into the most exquisite palace, and they are also the race with the best engineering skills. For them, digging a mountain is as simple as eating and drinking. The races are all at the professional master level.

Even the dwarves don't have the machinery to dig and go through mountains on this scale.

Now that the orcs have mastered this black technology, Shen Fei is now worried, wondering what else the orcs are hiding.

"We've already walked three or four kilometers, why haven't we reached the end yet?"

Gradually some people feel uneasy.

This cave tunnel is too long!
Where is the end!
"I looked at the direction when I came in, and the direction of the tunnel is towards Owendale..." Gouzi hesitated to speak.

Several people now know that this tunnel leads to Owendale.

The further you go in, the stronger the roar becomes.

The sound was like an agricultural tractor roaring non-stop in a confined space, making noise and shaking everyone's eardrums.

The vibration under the feet of several people became more and more serious, and there was even a feeling of heaven and earth falling apart.

Suddenly the wall on the left made a crackling sound, Shen Fei and everyone hurriedly backed away, suddenly the wall of the tunnel was knocked open, a huge monster ran out from inside, and directly drilled through the mountain.

The worm's head is wrapped in hard spiral rock, and it relies on something like a drill bit to cut through the mountain directly.

This thing is like a giant earthworm with a drill on its head, and then drilled directly through the mountain from the other side, digging a straight tunnel into a crossroads.

The other four people were shocked by the scene before them, especially the priest Ayou, who was so frightened that he ran behind Shen Fei and shouted, "Ah, what a disgusting bug!"

Shen Fei felt two lumps of softness on his back suddenly, which were still beating non-stop, and his back stiffened.

From the corner of his eye, Shen Fei glanced at Zhuifeng who had opened his arms and was about to hold Ayou tightly in his arms. Seeing that Zhuifeng's face was full of disbelief and embarrassment, he hurriedly pretended nothing happened.

Taking advantage of the appearance of the huge earthworm just now, Shen Fei used the scouting technique to inspect this huge and terrifying creature.

[Giant Rock Crusher Worm]

Level: lv60+
Attack: 3
HP: 200
Skills: Digging, Corrosive Slime, Multiple Splinters...

Description: The giant worm accidentally bred by the orcs can drill mountains and attack cities, and can dig tunnels fifty miles a day. It is one of the trump cards of the orc war.

Shen Fei originally thought it would be some kind of large-scale engineering facility, but he didn't expect it to be a giant worm specially bred by orcs to dig tunnels.

He rushed forward in two or three steps, and directly drew his bow to start shooting at [Giant Rock Crusher Worm].


The strange group of four just came back to their senses, only to see Shen Fei running up to deal an output.

[Giant rock-crushing worm] The high damage coming out of their heads made them stare blankly again, and even forgot to dodge.

Shen Fei's attack quickly attracted the attention of the [Giant Rock Crusher Worm], twisted its body in the tunnel, and charged towards Shen Fei.

[Giant Rock Crusher Worm] moves very fast, with a diameter of 50 meters filling the entire tunnel.

[Phantom flashes]!
[Phantom flashes]!
[Phantom flashes]!
Shen Fei used it three times in a row, each giving birth to a clone at the intersection of the tunnel, plus the main body, a total of four, crazy output!


[Giant Rock Crusher Worm]'s blood volume dropped rapidly, before hitting the clone's blood volume, it bottomed out, and fell to the ground with a whimper.

It's just that it didn't die after falling down, but was directly divided into two smaller worms, and its blood volume became tens of thousands of points. After a few attacks to clear the field, the giant worm was completely killed.

Then Shen Fei stepped forward to count the spoils.

【Blood of the Earth Dragon】

Quantity: 2 units
Description: The rock-breaking giant worm has extremely thin dragon blood. After drinking, it can make the blood mutate. The more blood it absorbs, the higher the degree of evolution.

It wasn't until Shen Fei killed the [Giant Rock Crushing Worm] that the remaining four people rushed up as if they had just woken up from a dream.

Shen Fei frowned and said: "It seems that our previous guess is correct, the orcs plan to use this thing to dig a tunnel to Owendale."

"What is this? It's too scary, right? A mutated earthworm with a diameter of 50 meters?"

"This thing is kind of disgusting!"

Shen Fei looked at the half-dug tunnel, thought for a moment and said: "What worries me most now is how many orcs there are such monsters. If there are three or two, it's okay, if there are too many..."

Shen Fei didn't finish his sentence, after all, this kind of giant worm can divide and reproduce, who knows how many there are.

Shen Fei pointed to the direction of the giant worm's hole: "Let's go along the direction of its hole now, and see if we can find their old nest."

The few people were frightened by the scene just now. If there are really hundreds of monsters like this in the lair, wouldn't it be too scary?
With Shen Fei escorting them, several people timidly followed.

The team walked in the direction where the giant worm had dug its hole, without hearing any vibrations or abnormal noises along the way.

They headed deeper into Mount Doom.

After an unknown amount of time, the far end of the tunnel suddenly opened up.

Several people rushed up like a gallop.

Before it got close, there was a wave of heat coming from the end of the tunnel.

In the huge flame silkworm room, there are dozens of adult [rock-breaking giant worms]. The whole silkworm room is huge, like a small city.

"If these monsters are dispatched together, they can directly submerge Owendale."

"Shen Fei, what should we do now?"

All four of them lost their minds.

This is too much!

"These giant worms must be killed, otherwise they will fight head-on on the battlefield, and the orcs from Mount Doom will enter through the tunnel, and it will be like entering a land of no one."

"You guys stay away, the fight will definitely be a mess later, if these things touch you, you are all dead."

The attack of the giant worm is very high. According to the blood volume of several people in the thirties, as long as they are bitten, they will definitely fall down, so Shen Fei does not intend to let the four of them participate in the battle.What's more, there are too many giant worms...

"Although we don't have much blood, we can still output a little when we find an opportunity, so as to reduce your pressure a little."

Master Yin is embarrassed to say this, the combined attacks of several people are not as high as Shen Fei's, and they consciously dragged Shen Fei down.

"Okay, then you look for opportunities to steal a little output from a distance, and don't get close to fight!"

Shen Fei specifically emphasized the second half of the sentence.

In fact, Shen Fei didn't expect them to be able to shoot. After all, his shooting range of 120 meters is terrifying, and it is not up to the 30-meter shooting range of ordinary players.

The few people retreated three or four kilometers away in a sensible manner. They did not have the range and speed of Shen Fei, and the speed of the [Rock Breaker Giant Worm] was extremely fast, so it was easy to catch up.

Shen Fei came to the entrance of the tunnel, facing dozens of [Giant Rock Crusher Worms], he didn't attack directly, but took the [Earth Dragon's Blood] that fell from the previous kill.

"Ding! You took [Earth Dragon's Blood]*1, the blood mutated, and successfully activated the Dragon's Blood..."

"Congratulations on starting the hidden profession [Dragon Archer]."


A red experience bar appeared on Shen Fei's character interface.

Shen Fei took a bottle of [Earth Dragon's Blood] just now, and the number of experience bars changed from 0% to 0.1%.

[Dragon Archer]: An archer with the blood of a dragon has incomparable advantages in attack and range, and at the same time has a greatly enhanced physique.

Effect 10: Increase attack power by [-]%.

Effect 10: Increase the shooting range by [-] meters.

Effect 100: Stamina increased by [-] points.

Effect 30: Recover blood [-] points/second, superimposed.

Note: For every 10% increase in blood purity, special effects will increase accordingly.

Shen Fei didn't expect to forcibly activate the hidden profession just by taking a bottle of [Earth Dragon's Blood].

[Dragon Archer] This hidden class is quite powerful, but there are already four bonus effects in the basic state, which improves the archer's damage and survivability in all aspects.

Then Shen Fei took the second bottle of [Earth Dragon's Blood], the experience bar was 0.1% → 0.2%.

One bottle increases by 0.1%, which means that if you have 1000 bottles of [Earth Dragon's Blood], you can reach 100% Dragon's Blood.

"I don't know if the bloodline will continue to advance after the purity of the blood is 100%."

Shen Fei felt a new look, looking at the [Giant Rock Crushing Worm] resting in the huge lair, he shot straight up with an arrow.


The first giant worm was awakened by the damage, and immediately headed towards Shen Fei's position at the entrance of the lair.

Shen Fei stood still and continued to output.

At a distance of 130 meters, it would take two or three seconds for the [Giant Rock Breaker Worm] to rush over.

During this period of time, for Shen Fei, he could deal [-] to [-] damage.

When the giant worm is close, quickly use [Phantom Flash] to open the distance, multiple attacks to eliminate the giant worm.

Following the scream of the giant worm when it fell, the other giant worms in the lair were awakened, and all of them came towards Shen Fei to kill.

The mountain shook suddenly, and dozens of giant worms were all killed.

The entrance of the lair was extremely narrow, and could only accommodate two giant worms to drill out. The other giant worms directly broke through mountains and rocks, and dug and killed them from other opponents.

Boom boom boom!
The huge vibration caused the entire doomsday mountain world to tremble violently.

The four people hiding behind the tunnel couldn't stand on their feet.

The players who were quietly collecting information on Mount Doom also felt the ground shaking, and everyone's expressions changed wildly, thinking that the volcano was about to erupt.

The orcs who forged weapons were close to the volcanic lava underground. Because of the huge vibration in the ground, the plate cracked directly from the ground, and countless orc artisans fell into the lava.

The orc troops stationed on the ground also felt the shock, and the warlord in the military tent immediately summoned manpower to investigate.

The earthquake spread to the frontline camp of the orcs, and the slight roar dissipated after two or three shocks.

Warlock Zorak felt the vibration coming from Mount Doom, and his eyes suddenly sharpened.

A will-o'-the-wisp ignited in his hand, and suddenly there was a strong smell of sulfur in the air. A crack was suddenly torn out in the space in front of him. Through the gap, he could see countless demon armies inside, killing each other.

"I need everyone to go to Mount Doom to investigate and find that human beings can be shot or killed."

All kinds of demons appeared in front of Zorak with cruel smiles: "Delicious humans, I haven't eaten them for a long time!"

After saying that, the demons turned into a cloud of dark green will-o'-the-wisps and flew away from the camp, heading for Doomsday Volcano.

The city walls of Owendale also felt a change.

Jordan on the mage tower was the first to notice that the mage tower keenly felt the fluctuations from the ground and the air.

Then Mailer and Ferdinand also felt the movement.

"The shock from Mount Doom, could it be that the investigation team led by the Regent had an accident?"

A few people came to the Mage Tower, Jordan used the magic eye again, the light shone directly on Doom Mountain, and saw the scene of landslides and ground cracks, and the orc laborers fell into the abyss and were swallowed by the flames.

In the orc camp, Zorak saw the magic eye beam of the mage tower aimed at Mount Doom.

It can make humans so nervous, it seems that some humans have indeed gone to Mount Doom to investigate.

Although Zorak couldn't get away, he could still do it with a little interference.

With a wave of his hand, a cloud of haze suddenly appeared in the air.

The black curtain composed of tens of thousands of bats moved quickly in the night, blocking the vision of the magic eye.

Jordan originally wanted to see more and more carefully, but the vision of the magic eye was suddenly covered with a layer of black bats. No matter how he moved, the bats would always block the front.

Helplessly, Jordan had no choice but to withdraw the magic eye.

"At least we now know that the movement in Mount Doom should indeed be caused by the Prince Regent, and the orcs are the ones who suffer."

"However, just now Zorak used black magic to block the vision of the magic eye, so he must definitely send troops to reinforce Mount Doom. In my opinion, should we also send troops to respond? Otherwise, only the regent and a hundred adventurers, I'm afraid they're going to have a tough fight."

"Okay, then Mary and I will go to meet him. Jordan and Fei Gong are in Owendale. Beware of the front-line orc army taking advantage of this opportunity to attack."

"I've almost recovered, how could you not call me to save Shen Fei."

Fat Tiger didn't know when he suddenly appeared in the Mage Tower.

It originally wanted to participate in the previous action, but Shen Fei felt that its mana had not recovered, and it would be a burden to bring it there.

Now it's a day off, and it looks brand new!

In the Doomsday Mountain Tunnel, the sound of vibrations kept coming, and the [giant rock-crushing worm] shattered the ground. The entire excavated tunnel was no longer in shape. The elevators and smelting places built by underground mining and forging were also destroyed by the earthquake. into a sea of ​​flames.

Shen Fei is constantly moving and outputting, killing giant worms.

During the battle, Shen Fei discovered that the [Earth Dragon's Blood] burst out from the giant worm, in addition to the ability to enhance the dragon's blood, can also restore blood and blue, and drink a portion to restore all states!
With the ability to recover blood, and the powerful healing ability of the blood-sucking aura, the [Giant Rock Breaker Worm] has an attack power of 3500 points, in Shen Fei's opinion, it is not worth mentioning!
(End of this chapter)

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