my pet is boss

Chapter 273 God Teammate

Chapter 273 God Teammate

Shen Fei shoots three arrows in one second, [Vampiric Aura] plus the effect of "Unclean Power" activated by the [Grooming of the Dead] set, the accumulated blood sucking reaches 28%!

[Giant Rock Crusher Worm] One blow caused 3500 points of damage, and Shen Fei's blood-sucking recovery was around 3000, which could even offset the damage.

Shen Fei retreated while fighting, the nest had collapsed under the siege of giant worms.

The tunnel was blasted to pieces, and even the ground was sunken, the ground was torn apart fiercely, and the orc barracks stationed in Doom Mountain fell down with howls, and were buried under the ground.

Mr. Yin and Gouzi saw that the tunnel was showing signs of collapse, so they hurried outside.

The giant worm directly formed a collapsed field-like position in the ground, besieging Shen Fei frantically.

[Phantom Flash] has a cooling time of 1 minute and a duration of 30 seconds, with a 30-second gap in between.

After 30 seconds, Shen Fei immediately used [Phantom Flash] to create three clones while creating a distance. The powerful output quickly recovered blood, and the number of [Giant Rock Breaker Worms] was rapidly decreasing.

10 minutes later……

Shen Fei killed all the [Giant Rock Crusher Worms], and the [Earth Dragon's Blood] that fell out was also eaten by Shen Fei.

Shen Fei's [Giant Dragon Bloodline] became 5.1%.

The location where Shen Fei is now has been completely turned into ruins. It used to be an underground tunnel, but now he can directly see the Doomsday Volcano when he looks up.

The orc camp on the ground was already in chaos, like hell on earth.

A group of inconspicuous will-o'-the-wisps fell on the ground, opened a void door, and five different demons walked out from it.

"It's a pity that these orcs were all smashed to death. It would be great if they could be brought back to the Devil's Land for me to play slowly."

"After this investigation, you can ask Zorak to sacrifice a hundred orc souls for your amusement. But first we need to figure out what's going on here. Doug, get to work."

Following the speech of the tall and strong demon in the head, a scorched-skinned hell hound with four eyes came out.

At the top of the barb-like tail is a feather duster-like thing, with three or four ears of wheat sticking out of it to analyze the smell in the air.

"In addition to the fresh orcs, Doom Mountain actually has a lot of human breath..."

"Just look for the ones closest to us that cause the ground subsidence, and ignore them."

Sniff sniff...

The hell hound named Doug analyzed the breath in the air, focusing all his attention on the sinking here.

In the rich sulfur and dead air, they accurately found the smell of Shen Fei and the others.

Doug's tail pointed to the underground ruins and said, "There are five humans here, and I smell the death of the giant rock-breaking worm."

Several demons walked towards the ruins without saying a word.

Lord Yin and the others looked at the ruins in front of them, and the dust from the collapse rose into the air, covering the sky and the sun.

They couldn't see Shen Fei's figure, nor could they hear any sound.

"Is Shen Fei going to be okay?"

They couldn't see anything clearly in front of them, and they didn't dare to rush up, so they could only stand there and wait.

Suddenly they heard footsteps coming from far and near behind them.

Ayou's eyes lit up and he rushed forward: "Shen Fei, is that you?"

As a result, as soon as he rushed out two steps, he was grabbed by Zhuifeng.

"Be careful, there are several footsteps, it must not be Shen Fei."

Ayou was even more delighted: "That must be him right, doesn't he have a skill that can summon clones!"

Chasing the wind took a breath, is this so beautiful?

Jie Jie Jie!

There was a weird laugh in the dust, like the sharp noise of scratching the glass with fingernails, which made people feel a sense of irritability.

Five demons appeared in front of several people, and Ah Gou immediately guarded them with a huge shield.

The few people who were noisy just now immediately entered a fighting state.

"Is this a big deal? Five bosses come out all of a sudden?" Zhuifeng gasped, and the demons in front of him all had skull heads, that is, boss level.

"No, I want to know how demons appear on the land of orcs?" Gouzi held up a huge shield, and the other four stood behind the shield.

"This is Mount Doom. There are volcanoes and sulfur. Demons must not appear!" Lord Yin said.

If it's a boss, Gouzi might charge up and kill him.

But now that five bosses have appeared together, they are more concerned about how to protect themselves.

"Could it be that Shen Fei made too much noise just now, attracting demons?"

Several people were whispering, and the demon on the opposite side was also looking at them.

The giant demon with the machete at the head showed a sinister grin, and said to the four-armed demon next to him, "I figured it out, this thing seems to be done by a human named Shen Fei."

"That means we found this Shen Fei, even if we have completed the task, we can go back to Zorak to receive the reward?" The thin horned demon's face was full of joy.

A few demons were "whispering", but the four Gouzi were dumbfounded.

These four demons actually spoke human language and understood their conversation just now.

The four of Gouzi did missions together to make dungeons, and saw many creatures of other races.

Everyone knows that different creatures have different languages. In addition to the common language, each race has its own language.

It's just that these demons can understand human language and understand the meaning of their words.

This is unique before!

The most unacceptable thing for a few people is that they heard from the conversation that these demons came to investigate the cause of the abnormal noise under the order of the orc strategist Zorak, and now the demons also knew that Shen Fei was the instigator.

"Doug, there are only four people here, where is the remaining one? He is our target."

A hell hound named Doug "sniffed" with his tail, then pointed in another direction through the smoke.

"In the direction ahead, the distance is about 100 meters."

The original living environment of demons is full of flames, evil energy and sulfur. Now the flying sand and rocks and dusty "sandstorm" in front of them have no effect on them, and they can still see the scene in the distance clearly.

The faces of Gouzi and the others changed drastically.

When the four of them died, they would go directly to the shrine to be resurrected, but if Shen Fei died during the war, they would be forcibly whitewashed by the system and become level 1.

Zhuifeng made a decisive decision and shouted in the direction the hellhound was pointing: "Shen Fei, run! Zorak sent five demonic bosses to catch you."

Zhuifeng didn't know if Shen Fei heard or not, and he didn't dare to say more, and he didn't dare to ask more.

"Hey, none of you can escape!"

"Do you want to do business first, or do you want to have fun?" The four-armed demon held a weapon in each hand, and spoke with a unique high-pitched accent, which sent chills down the spine.

Having fun in the mouth of this devil is definitely not a good thing.

"If you want to catch Shen Fei, step over our corpses!"

Several people are ready to die.

If one of these bosses is taken out by itself, it will take a bunch of people to solve it.

When did the popular BOSS group come out?And the kind without a younger brother.

"Hehe, it's quite spine-chilling and interesting."

"Don't kill them directly later, the souls of these adventurers can return to the shrine to be resurrected after death. Keep them and bring them back to the land of no man. I want to train them well."

The backs of the four were trembling, and cold sweat was streaming down.

Is the intelligence of these demon bosses already so high?

He even knows the resurrection of players after death, and even developed "immortal training".

It's a pity that there are no teammates to hurt in this game, otherwise, Zhuifeng can make up for them all, and then he will be taken to the land of no man to enjoy the torture.

Two balls of green brimstone fire had already ignited in the demon's hand, at this moment an arrow shot out from a hundred meters away and landed firmly on the demon boss.

A -4567 floated above his head!of high damage.

Shen Fei crawled out of the ruins just after killing all the [Giant Rock Breaker Worms], when he heard Chasing Feng shouting for him to run away.

Shen Fei has been promoted to [Giant Dragon Archer], he already has the blood of a giant dragon in his blood, his vision has improved, and he can see the demon boss standing in front of the four of them in the distance at a glance.

All grades? ? ?level, each head has a blood volume of 40.

Shen Fei was also curious about why the devil suddenly appeared, and after listening to the conversation, he realized that it was Zorak who did it.

Shen Fei's heart sank, and Zorak found out that they were investigating the news of Mount Doom, and they would definitely not let them go back alive.

What frightened him even more was that even demons knew that adventurers could be reborn. The four-armed demon just now learned that he also mastered a way to keep players from dying but losing their mobility. This is a bit embarrassing...

This is even scarier than being whitewashed directly.

After cleansing, at least he can practice again, it's just that the level is a little behind and some equipment has exploded.

But if you are caught and imprisoned by the devil, and become unable to survive and die, and lose your freedom, then this account is really useless!

Shen Fei shuddered, even demons have mastered this method, let alone orcs.

But seeing these four weirdos standing in front of him in order to protect him.

Shen Fei found it cute and ridiculous.

He read all the information of these five bosses, if he attacked, it would really be two attacks.

The most important thing is that the BOSS said that there is a way to make them survive or die. None of these four guys directly squeezed the scroll back to the city and escaped.

Although the four of them are a bit weird, they are loyal!

How could Shen Fei just leave at this time?
The only thing Shen Fei regretted was that he couldn't pull Fat Tiger over. Even if this guy doesn't have enough mana now, it's still suitable to be a meat shield!

If Fat Tiger is here, Shen Fei is confident that he can kill all these demons!
Shen Fei fired without saying a word.

All skills are fully activated, and the boss is crazy.

By the time the tallest demon boss reacted, Shen Fei had already knocked out [-] to [-] blood.

Gouzi raised his shield to guard his face with a shocked face, this high amount of damage was caused by Shen Fei even without looking.

Didn't they let Shen Fei run away?
Why did this guy start outputting instead?

This time I can't go at all.

You must know that after entering the combat state, you can't use the city return scroll, and you can't run away even if you want to run.

There is also a hellhound who is good at tracking among the demon bosses, it is basically impossible for Shen Fei to leave now.

Several people were extremely shocked by Shen Fei's choice.

"I'm going, is this guy crazy? I still want to help him carry this time, and when I go back, I will make a py deal and ask Shen Fei to get me some high-experience exclusive tasks! This is all right, now I have to be Clean up and become a level 1 novice."

"Forget it. After we were caught, we were taken to the devil's no-man's land. It's still a question of whether we can take it out."

After laughing and teasing a few words, Gouzi charged forward and killed him directly.

Open the bow without turning back the arrow.

Shen Fei chose to stay, which was beyond their expectation, but there was a warm current in his heart.

Chasing the wind activated [White Tiger's Fury Thunder], and directly killed it.

Even Mr. Yin, after taking out his one-handed sword, he took out a flame shield for himself, and the melee mage went online again.

Ayou's firepower was fully fired, and green healing figures appeared above the heads of the four.

Shen Fei shook his head helplessly, their blood volume and attack could only be given away for nothing.But Shen Fei also understood their intention, which was to buy time for Shen Fei.

Since he is not going to leave, then buy enough time for Shen Fei.

"Be careful, the attacks of these bosses will knock you down twice. The blood volume is about 40!"

Shen Fei's voice came from a distance, reminding the four of them.

Gouzi rolled over one by one holding the giant shield, avoiding the attack of the big man, and said with a smile: "This has nothing to do with us! We are mainly buying time for you!"

The demon bosses didn't expect that these guys would dare to take the initiative to attack, and even dodged their attacks.

Of course, what scares them the most is that this human's attack is too fucking high, right?
A face-to-face wipe out one-tenth of the blood!

"Leave these miscellaneous fish to me to deal with. You go and catch that guy, and we will go back to receive the reward."

With a war sweep, the big man swung away all three people who were in front of him.

Seeing this, the other four demon bosses directly abandoned the battlefield in front of them. In their opinion, these four adventurers are no different from trash fish, and a big stupid one is enough to solve it.

What gave them the most headache was the one named Shen Fei in the distance.

This guy's attack is really high...

Shen Fei saw four demons chasing him, and fought and retreated to keep a safe distance.

He now has a range of 130 meters, which can be said to be a super long-range shooter.

Even the boss doesn't have such a long range, not to mention that the four rushing over seem to be melee bosses.

"I've said it all, I want to find Shen Fei and step over our corpses!"

Seeing that these bosses wanted to abandon them to catch Shen Fei, the four of them went up to block one of them, and the others took the opportunity to restrain them, not giving them a chance to get close to Shen Fei.

Shen Fei looked a little dazed, completely disbelieving that these skillful operations and coordination were made by these four wonderful flowers.

According to his eyesight, the strength of the main land reclamation team of the Great Guild is at most this level, right?
Especially Gouzi's ability to dodge, even the boss's basic attack must be dodged.

There is also the position of Mr. Yin. The mage who rushed into the monster pile before [Acanon Blast], although he still took the melee path, his position drifted and he avoided several skills one after another.

There is also Ayou, who has a lot of milk. One person breastfeeds three people, and he is calm and unhurried, as if he is used to it.

For Chasing the Wind... Although Shen Fei didn't notice anything for the time being, it wouldn't be too bad if he mixed with the three of them.

These guys, who haven't seen each other for a few months, have completely overturned Shen Fei's cognition...

(End of this chapter)

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