my pet is boss

Chapter 274 Meeting Zorak Again

Chapter 274 Meeting Zorak Again

The demon boss who wanted to catch up with Shen Fei was intercepted by a few miscellaneous fish, and suddenly became furious.

If you want to leave, someone keeps harassing and blocking them, and they shoot on the spot. These guys are strong and flexible, relying on skills and positioning to avoid their attacks.

It's like a mosquito at night when you're sleepy, walking coquettishly, but buzzing in your ears all the time.

Although Shen Fei was stunned, the output in his hands never stopped.

The four people's operations were dazzling, and the dodge and skill release were just right. The four people were leading the five-headed demon boss to run. Up to now, they only suffered a little damage occasionally, and Ayou soon filled up their blood.

Shen Fei's output was super strong, and the high damage figures quickly appeared on top of the stupid boss.


The blood volume of the silly big man has dropped to half, and he immediately roared and released his skills.

The dog under his feet opened the distance with a [Leap of Faith], and the group injury skills were empty, and he used [Charge] to fight back in the air. The two displacement skills were perfectly connected, and he completely avoided the damage without wasting any points. output opportunities.

"Doug, hurry up and restrain that guy, I can't stand it anymore!"

"You trash, can't even a few miscellaneous fish break through?"

The silly big demon became furious and cursed at the other four.

Doug the Hellhound cursed back: "You can't even kill a trash fish fighter, so don't talk about me, iron waste!"

The Hellhound suddenly sped up while speaking, threw off Mr. Yin, and came straight to Shen Fei.

Unexpectedly, Lord Yin [Flash] immediately followed, and another [Ice Imprisonment] shot fixed the hellhound in place, and even slashed a few times in circles.

Although the damage was only a pitiful few hundred points, the acceleration skill was imprisoned halfway, allowing the Hellhound's skill to enter a cooling-off period.

Shen Fei was shocked in his heart, what exactly did this group of guys go through after he left, the four wonderful operations seemed to be top players.

Several other people also tried to break through, but were entangled by the four players.

In addition, Shen Fei's distance is extremely far, and he has been stuck at the limit range output of 130 meters, which does not give these demonic bosses a chance to get close.

Even the long-range demon girl has a range of only 30 meters, so it can't hurt Shen Fei at all.

After the textbook-like pulling, the bloodline of the stupid big man was on the verge of collapse, and his mouth was full of yelling and cursing.

At this time, the Hellhound's cooldown finally ended, and a white mist filled his body instantly, and then his entire skin merged with the surrounding scenery and disappeared in place.

"Shen Fei, be careful, this guy must have gone to look for you!"

Shen Fei nodded in response, Master Yin didn't aimlessly search for the Hellhound when he saw this, he turned around and joined other people's battle group, controlling several other bosses.

Shen Fei's blood volume and attack are very high, so he must have a way to deal with this hellhound.

Master Yin turned around and directed a [Blizzard] towards the crowd of demon bosses.

The invisible boss is definitely a player's nightmare when fighting.

But Shen Fei was unmoved, still aiming at the stupid big man quickly and ruthlessly, ready to kill him in seconds.

Just as Shen Fei was outputting, he suddenly used the [Strafing] skill without saying a word, and shot 360 arrows in 36 degrees.

An injury suddenly appeared 10 meters behind Shen Fei.

Hellhound takes damage to break the invisibility state.

[Phantom flashes]!
[Phantom flashes]!
[Phantom flashes]!
Shen Fei flashed three times in a row to distance himself from the Hellhound, and at the same time separated three clones.

The three clones attack the hellhound, and the main body attacks the silly big demon.

Accompanied by a powerless roar, the stupid big man fell to the ground with a bang, a green fel flame burst out from the corpse and burned the corpse, leaving only a shiny green crystal.

Seeing the big fool being beaten back to No Man's Land, Doug the Hellhound was terrified, he couldn't figure out why Shen Fei would find him.

Its high-end stealth skills, but even the devil can hide it.

But it never expected the effect of Shen Fei's [Appearance of the Dead] (6) set.

[When you have no enemies within 10 meters, your attack is increased by 50%, and your defense is increased by 50%. 】

Shen Fei suddenly discovered that the effect of (6) suit disappeared, and knew that there must be someone beside him, so he directly used [Strafing] to attack the whole body without any dead angle, forcing the Hellhound to show its original shape.

All the demon bosses were shocked.

Never thought that these few people could delay for such a long time, and even killed one of them.

Although the stupid big guy will be resurrected in the land of no man, but their five demon lord-level bosses were restrained by five adventurers, and even killed one of them.

If this news is sent back to the land of no man, it will definitely make other demons laugh.

The expressions on the faces of the demons gradually changed from ferocious to flustered, Shen Fei's attack hit them, watching the blood volume drop rapidly, the feeling was suffocating.

"Damn Zorak, I will never believe his nonsense next time!"

In the later stage, these demon bosses obviously wanted to escape, but the five of them didn't give them a chance to get out of the battle, and kept fighting.

Accompanied by bursts of wailing, the other demon bosses also died tragically under Shen Fei's arrows one by one.

Several people have gained a lot of experience, and the five bosses have directly increased their level by three or four levels.

Shen Fei came over and gathered with everyone, and said in disbelief: "Now I really believe that the four of you can clear the dungeon."

Shen Fei didn't play the dungeon with too many people, and only these four weirdos and a few people from the Leng Group guild.

But now it seems that the operation of the Four Wonderful Flowers is much higher than that of the Leng Group Guild, and even comparable to the disciples of monks who have passed the Shushan Trial.

Lord Yin slammed the giant shield into the ground, disapproving: "These are normal operations."

Zhuifeng stood beside Ayou, and said with a smile: "Actually, our level is very average, mainly because Ayou's treatment is too good!"

Shen Fei gathered all the trophies together.

"All these blueprint skill books are given to you, all I want is [Demon Crystal]."

Several people quickly refused: "We have gained a lot of experience in this wave, and we are only responsible for containment, the main output is still you, and these equipments are all yours."

Shen Fei forcibly traded the equipment to several people.

In this battle, Shen Fei looked at the four wonderful flowers with admiration.

"I took the most useful [Devil Crystal], these equipments are useless to me, but you can create the equipment as soon as you reach the full level."

At this time, a few people took a look and found that the equipment that exploded could only be used at level 60, and the skill book could only be learned at level [-] or [-].

After Shen Fei said so, they had no choice but to accept the things.

"Since Zorak will send the demon over, it means that he already knows the situation on the Doom Mountain side. Since he has destroyed the [Giant Rock Breaker Worm], he should quickly tell the others to retreat."

The orc garrison in the entire Doom Mountain was in disarray, and the forged orcs were buried in the ground, or fell into the magma and turned into fly ash.

Shen Fei and the others climbed up Mount Doom again, and arrived at the previously agreed place.

Not long after they came up, some team members returned to the mountain.

After that, players came back one after another, bringing the latest news.

"A player in our team accidentally learned the orc language before, and heard some plans of these orcs chatting. It turns out that these orcs are not the last batch of combat power. In two days, some more remote orc nomadic tribes will gather troops to come to the end Mountain. The giant rock-breaking worm is one of the trump cards of the orcs. In the final battle, when everyone has no time to clone themselves, the giant rock-breaking worm dug a tunnel directly into the interior of Owendale, and at the same time launched a difficult attack to conquer the strongest pass of mankind."

"That's nothing to worry about. The ground shook just now, and it was the movement of Shen Fei making a nest of giant rock-breaking worms. This plan of the orcs is now completely in vain."

"I also heard a plan. The orcs seem to be conceiving an orc army inside Mount Doom. They gathered here to wait for this army to be successfully conceived and join the front line to launch a general attack!"

Shen Fei frowned slightly, besides this company battalion, there are other troops in Doom Mountain!

"Any more definite news?"

The player shook his head, "At that time, our team found so many, and was discovered by the orc patrols later. When they broke out of the encirclement, they suddenly shook the mountain, so they escaped in the chaos, otherwise it would not be so early. return."

"Okay, this news is very important. When I go back, I will double the rewards for you."

Players came back one after another taking advantage of the chaos, and Shen Fei also got fragmented information.

Gathering these trivial information together, Shen Fei also summed up the complete news.

It turned out that Zorak used dark magic to secretly breed a group of blood orcs.

These orcs have red skin all over their bodies, stronger attack power and longer endurance than ordinary orcs.And this time the blood orcs will not die after exhaustion, and will always exist, so the orcs select the most powerful soldiers, and become the most glorious soldiers of the orcs through the transformation ceremony.

Now the frost orcs are not proud of their blue skin, but red.

And there are [-] such orcs in total.

Shen Fei's heart sank all of a sudden, no wonder the orcs took so long to choose to come out of Doomsday Mountain, it turns out that the transformation ceremony has been going on during this time.

He had heard about the blood orcs before. Most of the undead skeletons in the Undead Forest were sacrificed by Zorak with dark magic to gain power 40 years ago.

40 years later, Zorak not only made a comeback, but also improved the spell. These orcs will not die from exhaustion, and can gain power permanently.

That's pretty scary.

With [-] blood orcs, the attack power can at least be equal to an army of [-]!
The tunnel deep underground is for the blood orcs.

After the birth was successful, the blood orc marched in a hurry, and could walk a hundred miles to Owendale in half an hour.

After receiving this news, Shen Fei now needs to re-evaluate the combat effectiveness of both sides.

Humans don't have any foreign aid, plus the troops that have been gradually drawn from various places in the past two days, the human army has a total of 13.

Only the most basic law and order troops are left in various places, and if it is lower, they don't even have the ability to maintain law and order.

All the eyes of the entire human empire are focused on Owendale. If there are any ups and downs in the frontline battle, it will cause turbulence to the rear.

13 is all the troops that human beings can come up with.

Now the orcs have 13 soldiers on the front line, and there are still [-] to [-] troops in Doomsday Mountain, which has already competed with the [-] human army. As a result, there are still [-] blood orcs with incomparable combat power, and their combat power can be compared to [-] orcs. !

According to a rough calculation, the combat power of the orcs is at least 23.

On the other hand, on the human side, even if Shen Fei asked the undead to help him, he would still only be able to fight for [-] to [-] yuan, and his combat power could not compete with the orcs at all.

Even relying on the height of the city wall to fight a defensive battle, there is no benefit at all.

With the return of all the players who went to investigate, several teams were discovered by the orc army, and they turned into white light and went to the nearby shrine to be revived.

Shen Fei went to the shrine to receive all the players and prepared to retreat.

As soon as the front foot left, Zorak learned that all the demons he had contracted were dead. He used magic projection to come to Doom Mountain. He saw that the tunnel collapsed halfway, and all the rock-breaking giant worms were killed.

Communicating with the Demon Soul of the Borderlands, Zorak learned that it was the human regent Shen Fei who foiled the secret operation of the orcs.

"It's this Shen Fei again!"

The orc plan was destroyed again and again.

Zorak was furious, and directly released the spell [Devil's Eye] in the form of spell projection, and the flying out [Devil's Eye] searched for the whereabouts of humans in the entire Doom Mountain range, vowing to kill Shen Fei here.

The 100-man troop retreated along the Daxueshan Mountains, but they never expected that this scene would be clearly captured by the [Evil Eye].

Zorak locked on the positions of Shen Fei and the human team, and the spell projection quickly caught up, with a height of [-] meters.

Walking on the Daxue Mountain, he seemed to be the only god, and his whole body exuded a translucent green light of evil energy.

Boom boom boom!
Every step has shocking movements.

The people who were retreating suddenly felt a violent vibration under their feet, and when they looked back and saw a translucent Zorak hundreds of meters high, they were frightened.

Shen Fei felt his scalp tingling for a while, the giant hundreds of meters tall is definitely not Zorak's real body, but a virtual image can shake mountains on foot, and the countless snow and rocks on the top of Daxue Mountain seem to be free of money Rolling down from the top of the mountain, the momentum is huge.

Although it is a virtual image, it can produce real effects, so it is no different from the real one.

"You use the city return scroll directly, this guy is not something you can compete with!"

Shen Fei glanced at Zorak's attributes, and immediately took a breath.

【Dark Warlock Zorak】

Type: Orc BOSS
grade:? ? ?
HP: 3
Attack: 5
Skills: Finger of Death, Spell Projection, Fel Energy Absorption, Darkness Simulation, Demon Summoning...

Description: The most powerful warlock of all time, a fusion of fel and dark magic, now vows to create a new future for the orcs, even at the cost of his own life!
The orc with 300 million blood is the ultimate boss!

Zorak saw Shen Fei, and also saw other humans.

Slowly raising his hand, the cumulus clouds on the top of Daxue Mountain dispersed.

Shen Fei clearly remembered this raising gesture, and it was impossible for him to forget it.

"Today, you are all going to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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