my pet is boss

Chapter 275 Perfect Connection

Chapter 275 Perfect Connection
The human players all took out the city return scrolls at this moment, and some of them pinched them without hesitation, and turned them into a white light and returned to Owendale.

After all, now that the task was completed, Shen Fei also asked them to leave, if they didn't leave now, when would they wait?
They all met Zorak during the first battle. This is the orc master, the leader of the warlock council. With one hand [Finger of Death], he forcibly beat back the decline of the orcs in the first battle, and almost lost the white tiger in seconds. God.

Before that, all players believed that the true god was the most powerful existence in this game besides the main brain.

But after witnessing Zorak's destructive finger, all players have doubts, and the true god may not be the strongest...

The task has been completed, and now facing Zorak to stay is sure to die.

Moreover, Shen Fei had already spoken, so they left without any psychological burden.

If you don't leave, why don't you stay and get killed by Zorak [Finger of Death] and lose experience and gold coins?
They didn't take this task because it was profitable, they had experience and prestige.

If it were any other NPC, perhaps the players would stay and fight to the death, trying to brush up their favorability.

But everyone knows that Shen Fei is not an NPC, but a human being, and he will never remember so many players, so it is useless to gain favorability.

Many players all turned into white lights and left, and only the wonderful group of four remained here.

"Why don't you leave yet?"

Shen Fei watched the four standing behind them, and even made a fighting posture.

The strange group of four also looked surprised, what did Shen Fei say, how could they leave in this situation?

"Just now, I raised several levels by fighting the demon boss, even if I lose 10% of my experience, it's not much. You run away, and we will help you hold it back for a while!"

"That's right, Shen Fei, if you die, you will be whitewashed. We still want to rely on you to take on a few more hidden missions in the future. You must not confess here." Zhuifeng joked.

Zorak's magic projection is hundreds of meters high, standing on the top of the snowy mountain, it even pushes away all the clouds and mists, and sees the moon through the clouds.

The huge spell projection moves very slowly, but Zorak's fingertips are already gathering green evil energy, exuding lightning-like power, tearing apart the space.

Shen Fei knew the power of [Finger of Death], even if he used [Phantom Flash] to flash out 1000 meters, with Zorak's current size, the range of [Finger of Death] might reach more than [-] meters, and he couldn't dodge it at all. go out.

There is no such thing as a city return scroll for NPC, Shen Fei can't use the city return scroll in NPC mode now.

Shen Fei looked at Zorak's huge figure and smiled wryly: "I can't leave at all in this situation, you are just dying in vain if you stay, it doesn't make any sense."

"I... now there is one last way. Whether we can escape depends on this wave."

[Phantom flashes]!
[Phantom flashes]!
[Phantom flashes]!
Shen Fei suddenly flashed on the spot three times in a row, forming three clones that lasted for 30 seconds at the same place.

The four "Shen Fei" turned their heads at the same time and said, "Okay, run now!"

Mr. Yin and the others were no longer the strange things they used to be. When they saw four Shen Fei appearing in place, they instantly understood what he was thinking.

"Okay, if you can escape this time, everyone will have their own destiny!"

This is currently the only way.

The four Shen Fei ran away at the same time, and the strange group of four also ran away.

Zorak's [Finger of Death] is very powerful, but it can only target one target at a time.

Shen Fei used [Phantom Flash] to create three clones, plus his own four "Shen Fei", Zorak can only choose one of them to release the skill, and there is a 75% chance of escaping.

So after Shen Fei used the flash to pull out three clones on the spot, the four immediately knew what Shen Fei wanted to do.

Indeed, this is the only chance they have now.

A small group of people began to flee in all directions in the distance, as long as they avoided Zorak's [Finger of Death], they could escape.

When Zorak saw Shen Fei's clone running away in place, an indescribable smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"It's naive to want to escape in this way."

Zorak's hand has been raised, pointing to Shen Fei in the middle.

The four Shen Fei turned their heads together, with panic expressions on their faces.

This was done on purpose by Shen Fei, in order to lure Zorak into being fooled, thinking that he had locked onto his true self.

But in fact, Shen Fei was located along the slope of Daxue Mountain.

When [Finger of Death]'s evil energy light tearing the space was released, Shen Fei's expression changed dramatically.

The [Finger of Death] shot out from Zorak's fingertips actually split into four, like a spider web expanding from the center of the circle, and hit the four Shen Fei at the same time.

Shen Fei never expected [Finger of Death] to have such a splitting effect, the forked evil energy instantly smashed down.

"Shen Fei, quickly use [Tow Chain]!"

Not far away, the dog holding a giant shield shouted loudly.

The others were all in front, stopping and waiting at the same time.

Shen Fei didn't know what tricks this group of people were up to, but seeing that they all stopped at this moment, out of trust in them, he decisively threw out the chains.

The dog holding the giant shield watched the chains fly towards him quickly, and the moment he pinched the upper body of the chains, he pointed at the farthest [Leap of Faith].

So the picture became that Gouzi was locked with a chain, and he was moving quickly with Shen Fei behind him.

After [Leap of Faith] landed, Gouzi hurriedly released the [Aid] skill to the monk chasing wind who was waiting not far away.

[Support] You can quickly rush to your teammates to block with a shield, and block a skill for your teammates.

Zhuifeng saw that Gouzi was about to rush to him, so he immediately used the monk's displacement skill [Rolling] to roll quickly on the ground.

【Rolling】It can be released twice in a row without interruption. After the two times, Chasing Wind has already rolled far away.

Gouzi and Shen Fei behind them moved quickly as if they were tied by a string.

Shen Fei at the end was dumbfounded, this group of guys can use skill connection to achieve a large range of displacement in such a short period of time.

After releasing these skills, the distance of rapid movement even exceeded the distance of triple [Phantom Flash].

The moment Zhuifeng stopped, Priest Ayou released his final skill [Holy Leap] on him.

A pair of huge wings of the Holy Light suddenly grew from the back of the two-hundred-pound chasing wind, and quickly flew towards the place where Ayou was.

Zhuifeng opened his arms, the excitement on his face was beyond words.

The dark green evil energy bombarded the ground, and the number -99999 appeared directly above the heads of several clones, instantly killing the three clones.

Shen Fei was dragged by several displacements to move a distance of hundreds of meters, and with the last move of [Holy Leap], he directly left the attack range of [Finger of Death].

Open mountains and crack rocks.

Shen Fei didn't look back, but a huge air wave violently passed by, and the sound of the boulder on the top of the mountain being exploded behind him shook the entire Daxueshan mountain range.

Ayou saw Zhuifeng who was flaring his teeth and claws, and immediately staggered his position before landing, and Zhuifeng fell straight to the ground.

Afterwards, Master Yin, who held up his shield, slammed on Zhuifeng's body firmly, and Shen Fei finally flipped lightly and landed firmly on the ground.

At this time, Shen Fei looked back again, and couldn't help feeling cold behind his back.

Just now, the ridge was blown down by a single finger, and a V-shaped canyon fissure appeared on the continuous and flat ridge.

If this hits a person, it will undoubtedly die.

Zorak also didn't expect that these little miscellaneous fish would use skills from different professions to help Shen Fei escape from birth.

The other hand was gradually raised, and the sharp fangs were gradually exposed.

"There is no clone this time, let's see how you escape."

Zorak has locked on Shen Fei.

As the most powerful warlock in the mainland, besides [Finger of Death], he also has many killing moves.

This time Zorak directly cast a curse on Shen Fei, the curse can be directly locked on a person, and Shen Fei has absolutely no way to escape this time.

Just when Zorak finished singing and released it, suddenly the surrounding air began to vibrate violently, followed by powerful mana forming a restraint, and a huge force pushed Zorak away.

"Zorak, you use [Spell Projection] to go to Mount Doom, but there is a price."

On the top of Daxue Mountain not far away, Archmage Jordan held his staff in one hand and broke Zorak's curse.

The Countess Mary on the side was equally murderous.

Zorak's eyes were filled with unwillingness, and he gave Shen Fei a hard look.

Jordan flashed to them with Countess Mary, and the archmage opened a portal with one hand: "Go back quickly, my queen."

Shen Fei let the four wonderful flowers leave first.

The four saw that it was the archmage and the countess who came out, so they were relieved and went directly to the portal to return to Owendale.

"Why are you here?" Shen Fei didn't enter the portal immediately, but asked the two of them instead.

The countess put her hands on her chest, and gave Shen Fei a blank look: "It was agreed to collect information, you made such a big commotion in Doom Mountain and shook the mountain, can we not know? Jordan saw the doom with the magic eye of the mage tower. Seeing the scene of the mountain collapsing, I guessed that the orcs would definitely send people to investigate, so they hurried over to help, fortunately they came in time."

"I'll tell you some things when I go back. Let's go back now."

Shen Fei knew that the Doomsday Mountain was giving birth to blood orcs, but with the three of them rushing over directly, not to mention getting no benefit, it is very likely that Zorak will attack again.

Human beings are at a disadvantage now, and they have to go back and make a long-term plan.

Archmage Jordan is really here. Although Zorak's spell projection can mobilize power, it will pay a huge price, and it will be extremely detrimental to Zorak.

Jordan didn't even think about fighting directly here. After all, it was near Mount Doom, and there were troops stationed there to reinforce him at any time.

The two sides gave up on this, and several people directly entered the portal and left.

Then Zorak's magic projection looked back. The interior of Mount Doom was still intact, and his army of blood orcs was still gestating. These frost-cold orc warriors would soon see the light of day again.

It's a pity that all the giant rock-breaking worms that were cultivated with great difficulty were wiped out...

Zorak's magic projection gradually shrank, and he came to the ruins. After searching for a while, he found the body of a giant rock-splitting worm.

Zorak, who was far in front of the orc camp, took out a small bottle of red blood from his arms, unscrewed the cap and poured out the bloody liquid.

The strange liquid didn't fall under his feet, but disappeared out of thin air.

The magic projection far away on Mount Doom gradually disappeared, but a stream of red blood flowed from the air, pouring on the body of the giant rock-breaking worm.

After a while, the blood was completely absorbed, and the body of the rock-breaking giant worm began to tremble slightly...

When everyone returned to Owendale safely, Shen Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a lie that he wasn't afraid of the situation just now.

[Finger of Death] This kind of skill, even a true god would not dare to directly pick it up.

This is a trick to destroy the essence, otherwise, even the system will recognize Zorak as the most powerful warlock in the mainland.

This battle gave Shen Fei a better understanding of Zorak.

The four wonderful flowers were waiting for Shen Fei at the mage tower, and they were relieved when they saw Shen Fei come out.

"Thank you very much, if it weren't for you just now, I'm afraid I would have died."

The tacit and coherent cooperation of the four just now, now Shen Fei would be amazed when he thinks about it.

"This is our unique skill. When we were unable to escape in dungeons before, we practiced this skill a lot." Chasing the wind was quite self-satisfied.

After all, it is impossible for four people to clear the dungeon without some unique skills.

You must know that these skills are connected to each other, and they will be cut off directly after a few tenths of a second. They are definitely capable of staying in such a critical moment.

Archbishop Mailer and Ferdinand were waiting in the Mage Tower.

Seeing that everyone was there, Shen Fei immediately became serious after talking to Zhuifeng and the others.

"This time I went to Mount Doom and collected a lot of extremely important information, which is enough to affect the entire battle situation."

Shen Fei's words set the tone, and the faces of Ferdinand and everyone suddenly became serious.

Countess Mary glanced at the four strange flowers standing beside them "shivering", and said, "It's fine to discuss the issue, let these adventurers go down and rest first."

This is an exorcism in disguise. After all, this is the highest-level meeting of human beings, and it is indeed not very appropriate to keep a few adventurers here.

During the period, many confidential things will be disclosed, which is not suitable for outsiders to hear.

"They saved my life just now, otherwise I would have died under Zorak's [Finger of Death] by now."

After Shen Fei finished speaking, several messages popped up from the system of Zhuifeng and Mr. Yin, all of which were information about the favorability of the high-level human beings present, and changed from ordinary to friendly.

A few people got the friendship degree, and Ayou also had a wink, and stood up and said: "We have to go back and take a rest now."

Said and left with everyone.

This move added a lot of favorability to several people.

Outsiders leave and the meeting continues.

"This time, there are two main gains from Mount Doom's intelligence spying."

When Shen Fei spoke, the others all listened attentively.

"First, Mount Doom has giant rock-crushing worms specially used for digging tunnels. The frost orcs want to use this giant worm to dig a tunnel directly leading to the interior of Owendale when the war is stalemate, and kill us behind the scenes. one strike!"

"Secondly, Zorak sacrificed a group of blood orcs inside Mount Doom, just like the one 40 years ago, but after improvement, there are no side effects at all, and they will not burn blood to death, and can continue to fight. For This orc selected the most elite fighters in the entire empire, and accepted the transformation..."

Ferdinand and Mailer couldn't sit still anymore, they stood up and asked, "How many blood orcs are there?"

Shen Fei glanced at the two meaningfully: "Fifty thousand!"

Ferdinand and Mailer slumped down on chairs.

With 10,000 blood orcs, the combat power will not be lower than [-]+ human soldiers.

The total strength of the orc soldiers overwhelmingly exceeds that of humans!

"Don't worry about the rock-breaking giant worms. I just cleared all of them in Doom Mountain and copied their lair. But for these [-] elite blood orcs..."

Shen Fei pondered for a moment and said: "My suggestion, we need the addition of new combat forces and the support of friendly forces."

Archmage Jordan frowned deeply: "But these soldiers are already the entire combat power of human beings, and if they are squeezed out from all over the world, I am afraid it will cause turmoil. Before the battle, the situation will be chaotic!"

"That's why my suggestion is to call up capable forces from all over the country, including the militia, and as the regent, ask all the people with lofty ideals in the empire to defend the empire. Furthermore, send a distress letter to the dwarves and elves, asking for their help."

Everyone nodded in praise at the first point, but everyone shook their heads at the second point.

"The friendship between humans, dwarves, and elves has long since disappeared. They will never waste their fighting power in vain to help humans. If His Majesty the King is alive, there may be a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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