my pet is boss

Chapter 276

Chapter 276
"The Beacon Tower in Owendale has never been used since it was built. Besides, 40 years ago when humans fought against frost orcs, dwarves and elves pretended nothing happened. This time there is no reason to support it."

"I also agree with Fei Gong's statement that humans have never had other allies. What's more, if the beacon tower is lit this time, humans will lose their integrity for so many years, and even make dwarves and elves laugh."

Whether it is the Archmage, Ferdinand, or even Countess Mary, they also acquiesce that dwarves and elves will not come to help them.

Shen Fei remained silent, and did not mention the matter of lighting the beacon again.

I still remember that when we first logged into the game a hundred years ago, humans, dwarves, and elves experienced epic battles together, and accumulated an extremely profound friendship.

But now, the two sides have become so indifferent, even at the moment of life and death, they are unwilling to make a final call for help.

At the end of the meeting, everyone dispersed to make their own preparations.

As the regent, Shen Fei issued a summoning order for the final battle.

The summoning order was sent to every corner of the human empire by the Imperial Consortium and the teleportation mages of the Floating City Mage Academy at the fastest speed.

According to Shen Fei's expectation, because he killed all the giant rock-breaking worms in Doomsday Mountain, the plan of the frost orcs digging tunnels into Owendale fell through, and they could buy some time for humans.

After finishing everything, Shen Fei returned to the small house, and saw Fat Tiger sleeping soundly.

Shen Fei woke up Fat Tiger, put his arms around Fat Tiger and said mysteriously: "Now there is a major event that can change the fate of mankind. I think you are the most suitable candidate!"

Fat Tiger's eyes were still bleary, and he said impatiently: "You're talking so high-soundingly, but you're actually letting me take the blame, right?"

Shen Fei nodded in relief, it seems that Fat Tiger still understands him.

"I proposed to ignite the beacon tower in Owendale, but Fei Gong and the others are all protesting. They all say that they don't want to lose the dignity of the human empire at the last moment."

Fat Tiger was dumbfounded, "Usually these old guys are quite open-minded, why are they so rigid when it comes to this kind of thing?"

Shen Fei crossed his hands on his chest, looked at Fat Tiger and said, "What do you think, if the beacon fire is lit, will the dwarves and elves help us?"

Fat Tiger hesitated for a moment: "I don't know, the times have changed, and it has become something that even we can't understand."

"However, I still agree with you. Now we can't ignore any way to win. All attempts are worthwhile."

"Okay then, I'll leave this to you."

Fat Tiger is doing business, Shen Fei is relieved.

Fat Tiger got up and took a leisurely walk on the city wall after coming out of the small house, keeping his eyes on the beacon tower on the top of the city wall.

There is a group of soldiers guarding under the beacon tower, and there are also two soldiers patrolling under the beacon tower, which seems to be much stricter than before.

But these are not a problem for Fat Tiger, it doesn't need to go up and add fuel to the flames to ignite the flames.

only need to……

Fat Tiger stood under the beacon tower and snapped his fingers lightly.

A cluster of high-energy electric sparks appeared on the beacon tower, smashing down the lamp oil, and the electric sparks ignited the firewood and fuel oil.

The fire was on the verge of breaking out, and the fire became fierce in an instant.

At first, the soldiers patrolling under the beacon tower didn't notice it, but as the firewood crackled, the soldiers in other places also saw the raging fire, and they immediately became chaotic and began to organize to put out the fire.

The commotion in Owendale was so loud that even Jordan came out.

When he saw the flames burning, he was shocked.

The hands under the long sleeves of Jordan's robe formed a magic circle, analyzing the elements in the air, and accidentally discovered the element of electric fire.

"This is a big deal. Why did the beacon fire suddenly light up?" Archbishop Mailer and Ferdinand also ran out of the house, seeing the burning beacon fire and a circle of soldiers urgently putting out the fire.

However, the fuel and firewood in the beacon have special moisture-proof and waterproof measures. They are worried that the beacon cannot be transmitted in rainy and snowy days, so these fire extinguishers are not effective at all.

"Jordan, was it an accident or someone did it on purpose?" Mailer asked.

Jordan is an archmage, and he has a very subtle control over the magic elements. He can restore the situation just now through the fluctuation of element particles.

"Could it be the Prince Regent?"

Ferdinand couldn't help guessing, after all, Shen Fei just proposed it at the meeting just now, but was rejected by everyone.

Jordan took a meaningful look at Shen Fei's cottage and Fat Tiger wagging his tail and slipping back with his hands behind his back, looked at Fenghuo and said, "It was just a gust of wind in the air that knocked down the fuel lamp into the firewood, stirring up It was an accident that sparks caused the combustion."

"It's okay, give me a few minutes, I'll summon the ice element to stop the beacon fire!"

Jordan flashed to the Mage Tower and started working...

The first beacon tower in Owendale was lit up, and the raging fire was particularly eye-catching in the clouds and mist of the Snow Mountain.

The soldiers guarding the beacon tower five kilometers away were resting on chairs. Their duty was to guard the beacon tower.

Although the Beacon Tower has been built for 40 years, and the soldiers guarding it have changed one after another, but as human soldiers, dwarves and elves did not come to help them when humans and orcs fought against each other 40 years ago. tasteless.

The task of guarding the Beacon Tower is that soldiers are rotated every year. Three people form a team to guard a Beacon Tower.

After one year, new soldiers will be rotated in place.

There is enough rations on the high tower guarding the beacon fire, and it only needs to stay here in three shifts a day, which is regarded as a leisurely vacation position by the soldiers.

Today the soldier was resting on a chair, only to see a light on the opposite mountain five kilometers away.

The soldier froze for a moment, rubbing his eyes thinking he was dazzled.

Although the snow-capped mountains are thick with snow and fog, the fire still shines through the clouds and fog.

"Why does the Beacon Tower in Owendale light up?"

The soldier got up from his chair and picked up the binoculars to see what happened.

The flames of the Owendale Beacon Tower were blazing. After a brief surprise, the soldiers jumped up from their chairs like crazy, and shouted to their companions: "The Beacon of Owendale is on fire!"

The other two companions were in the room, and when they heard this, they laughed and said, "Brother, although the three of us are bored staying here, you should stop playing such unattractive tricks!"

"It's true, the beacon fire is lit, something must have happened!"

The other two were tense and unbelievable. Although they still didn't believe it in their hearts, they still got up and walked to the high place, and cursed: "If you let us know that you lied to us, you will come to the third class today." On duty!"

When the two climbed up to the high place and saw the flames on the opposite snow mountain, their mouths were opened so wide that they could stuff a fist into them, and they looked in disbelief.

"I didn't lie to you, Owendale's beacon is really lit!"

"Quick, quick, the beacon is lit, and we have to send the signal immediately!"

The three rushed to the beacon tower in a hurry, pouring oil and holding torches.

When the flames of the beacon tower rose gradually, the three of them showed satisfied smiles on their faces.

It is said that the work of guarding the Beacon Tower is boring, comparable to distribution.

But today, during their tenure, this beacon tower that has never been lit since it was built has finally played its due role.

Jordan in the Mage Tower saw the beacon tower ignited five kilometers away, and immediately transferred the energy of the Mage Tower.

A beam of ice hit the beacon tower, directly freezing the beacon tower and the flames inside.

Ferdinand and Mailer hurried up to the heights, only to find that the beacon fire to the east of Owendale was already burning in the distance.

"Hey, it's too late!"

The transmission speed of the beacon fire is extremely fast, a beacon tower is five kilometers away, and it will be transmitted immediately after seeing the beacon fire.

The Human Empire and the Dwarf Empire are connected by the Daxue Mountain Range. During this period, there are countless beacon fires, and it can be transmitted to the Lonely Mountain in half a day.

The three soldiers looked at the burning beacon tower with satisfaction.

It's like the joy of a useless thing that has been dusted and suddenly comes into play.

Several people clapped the ashes on their hands and returned to the high place, they couldn't help sighing: "This beacon tower is finally working!"

"Look, the beacon fire in the distance is also lit!"

Several people looked along the east side, and the beacon fire on the top of the mountain five kilometers away was also burning fiercely.

Like a relay, the three of them raised their hands high and shouted to the east.

When the three of them came back to their senses and looked back at Owendale, the eyeballs of the three of them would fall to the ground in shock.

Owendale's Beacon Tower has no flames!

"Are we hallucinating just now?"

The three shook their heads in unison, "But just now, Owendale's beacon was indeed lit, right?"

The three of them were stunned for a while, rubbing their eyes, and found that the beacon fire of Owendale was indeed not lit.

"Then what should we do now? The beacon has already spread, should we extinguish it?"

"Well, it's better to extinguish it, destroy the evidence..."

The three of them were in a hurry again.

It's a pity that there is not enough water source on the top of the mountain, and there is no powerful archmage. The three of them were disgraced, but they failed. On the contrary, they became more and more prosperous and brilliant...

Lonely Mountain, the kingdom of dwarves.

The business group doing business in the holy city of mankind traveled long distances and returned to Gushan along the strait between the continents.

The previous caravan brought the "most outstanding" creation of mankind-the legend of heroes card game.

The game soon became popular throughout the dwarf kingdom.

Become one of the three indispensable items on the table like beer and buttered bread.

This time the Human Empire seems to be going to war with the Frost Empire, so the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce decided to temporarily evacuate from the holy city and wait and see.

The elf also had the same idea, and even left early, thinking that he had returned to Elf Island now.

The president in charge of the chamber of commerce is a member of the Ori family, and the first thing he did when he came back was to report the situation to the dwarf king Aoun who was in charge of the dwarf void furnace.

The dwarf king Ryan went out to explore, but he disappeared with the artifact [Brotherhood Sword].

The younger brother Ornn temporarily shouldered the important task of the entire dwarf kingdom, and took charge of the dwarf treasure [Void Furnace] as the new king.

After Ouli came back, he handed over the handover of the chamber of commerce to his subordinates, and immediately came to the throne of the magnificent palace inside Gushan, and met Ao En.

"Your Majesty, the business group has lived up to their trust and has returned!"

A red beard is a sign of Nicholas' blood.

Aoun's big red beard has been carefully trimmed and braided, and he attaches great importance to this meeting.

Without further ado, he stepped forward to lift Ouli up, and then gave him a warm hug: "Just come back, my good brother!"

"You don't know that the Legend of Heroes card you sent someone before has almost caused a wave in our dwarf empire. As the president of the chamber of commerce, you have a unique vision, and your contribution is indispensable!"

Ouli hurriedly said: "All are blessed by the ancestors!"

"By the way, many people have suggested whether it is possible to negotiate with humans and make some hero cards for our dwarves."

It's just that after Ornn finished speaking, Ouli frowned and hesitated to speak.

After a while, he said: "Your Majesty, you don't know. This time, I withdrew all the dwarven chambers of commerce in the Human Empire, because there was a rumor in the Human Empire that the Frost and Cold Empire had sent troops to the north and was ready to go to war at any time. When I left, All human beings have entered a state of alert, and at least [-] troops have been mobilized from all over the place."

Hearing that the Human Empire was at war, Aoun didn't show any shocked expression on his face.

To be honest, the orcs and dwarves are only separated by the huge Daxue Mountain range, and they know exactly what the orcs are doing.

The orcs have indeed had a lot of activities recently, and they are gathering troops on a large scale, but what does this have to do with their dwarves?
There was only disappointment on Aoun's face, and the faint look in his eyes felt that a basin of cold water had been poured on his face.

"Unfortunately, the hero card cannot be added to the dwarf heroes. I have already sorted out the information of several dwarf heroes, and I am waiting for you to return to the Human Empire next time and hand it over to the designer of the legend of heroes."

When mentioning the designer of the legend of heroes, Ouli's eyes lit up, and he felt that there were endless stories in his mouth.

"By the way, Your Majesty, the designer of this Legend of Heroes card is the Supreme Elder of the Monk Temple. He also said that he used to have an old relationship with His Majesty. You will know his name when you mention him. He also asked me to say hello for you."

Aoun is also interested now. He knows Elder Sanchan in the Human Monk Zen Academy. When did he suddenly have the position of Supreme Elder?

And he was an old acquaintance with himself?
Humans and dwarves have not had close communication for four or fifty years, and Ornn became the new king early on, governing the dwarf kingdom, and did not know any new humans.

"What's his name?"

Aoun asked.

Ouli said: "This Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple is..."

"Urgent report!!!"

It's just that Ouli was halfway through speaking, when suddenly a dwarf guard ran in rushing in shouting outside, interrupting their conversation.

Aoun and Ouli Qiqi looked towards the gate of the palace, and saw the head of the guard quickly running up to Aoun, kneeling on one knee and handing over the information.

"Your Majesty, the beacon tower of Daxue Mountain is on!"

In a word, Ornn and Ouli trembled violently.

This is the earliest symbol of friendship between humans and dwarves.

No matter who is in trouble, as long as the beacon lights up, we will support.

"It must be a last resort for humans to light the beacon tower this time, Your Majesty..." Ouli has been doing business with humans for so long, it is impossible to say that he has no feelings at all.

Aoun took the information and returned to the king's position in despair, touched the dragon head throne made of pure gold, and whispered: "Brother, if you were still here, how would you choose..."

After a long time, Ornn looked at the map of the dwarven kingdom on the throne and made a decision.

Aoun stood up and said solemnly: "As an individual, I regret what happened to the human empire. If the human empire is defeated and refugees enter the dwarf kingdom, we will try our best to take them in. But as the king of a country, I want to do my best for you. The people under him are responsible, and they cannot be let into the anger of the orcs' revenge in vain."

"So this time, the dwarves will not participate in the war!"

The chief guard froze for a moment, then nodded heavily: "Yes! I'll pass the order on!"

Aoun watched the chief guard trotting all the way to pass the order, sighed and said: "Ouli, your father and I are brothers, and you are also my nephew. I watched you grow up. Do you think I did something wrong this time? gone?"

There were countless complicated emotions in Ouli's heart, and finally all of them turned into a sigh.

"Your Majesty is now the king of a country. It is not wrong to make such a decision for the sake of the Lone Mountain dwarf race."

Aoun also sighed softly, whether the human empire can survive it all depends on itself.

If they can't make it through, they can take in some refugees and give them some support. These are all for the face of the missing King Lucien. At any rate, they have fought side by side together.

"By the way, the human being you just mentioned is my old friend, what's his name?"

PS: Don’t ask why it’s so fast today, because I’m going to watch Avengers 23 at 4:[-]
(End of this chapter)

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