my pet is boss

Chapter 277 That person, here comes the chapter!

Chapter 277 That person is back!
Aoun brought the conversation back to the topic just now.

Ouli said: "This Supreme Elder is a genius who created a legend of heroes card. He also organized a trial of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in the Monk Temple with several other major forces, and let a hundred disciples 'fight' in it. , to compete for the final winner, which is quite unique."

"This Supreme Elder is called Shen Fei. I don't know if His Majesty has any impression. When we were about to leave in Joshua Port, we also heard that he took over the status of Grand Marshal Ferdinand as the supervisor of the country and was officially appointed as the regent... ..."

Aoun first heard the first half of Ouli's words, and was very interested in this Supreme Elder.

This Supreme Elder still looks like a strange person!
But he was even more curious. Among the human beings he kept searching and knowing in his mind, there was such an outstanding person.

But when Ouli said Shen Fei's name, Ao En was shocked like a thunder, and he was stunned and froze in place.

[Shen Fei] These two words are already the deepest memory in his mind.

If Ouli hadn't said the name, he would have almost forgotten that he knew such a legendary existence.

It's just that Shen Fei disappeared on the eve of the Sanshan Council more than [-] years ago and has never been heard from. Why did he suddenly appear now...

"Wait, you mean that Shen Fei became the human regent?"

Aoun caught the key point in the words.

Ouli was a little dazed, Aoun's reaction was a bit too exaggerated, even if he was told that Ryan was back now, that's probably the expression on his face.

But Ouli could also tell that Aoun might really know Shen Fei.

Ouli nodded and said, "Yes, we were about to leave Joshua Harbor during the coronation ceremony. When I heard the news, I ordered someone to send a congratulatory gift."

"The Shen Fei you mentioned, is he good at using bows and arrows? Isn't he already very old now?" Aoun tried his best to retrieve the memory about Shen Fei from his brain.

Ouli frowned slightly: "Elder Shen is indeed good at using bows and arrows, but he is really young, he looks only fourteen or fifteen years old, but I heard from the human Archbishop Mailer and Grand Marshal Ferdinand that Elder Shen is actually more than 100 years old. At that time, there were many gossips all over the city because of this matter, saying that they were two stone statues in the inner sea of ​​humans, and the other one without a carved face was actually Elder Shen."

Fourteen or fifteen years old, good at bows and arrows, actual age over 100 years old, Lucian's best friend, met him...

All these conditions are met!
Ornn staggered and sat down on the throne.

Shen Fei is back!
Scenes from the past came to mind, and Aoun suddenly stood up and said: "Go and stop the chief guard! This time I will lead my own troops to help humans!"

Oli was completely dumbfounded.

His Majesty just said that the dwarf race should be the most important thing, and he should not easily participate in the hatred between humans and frost orcs.

Now after hearing Shen Fei, his attitude suddenly reversed 180 degrees, and he even said that he wanted to go on a personal expedition. This contrast...

"Go, stop the chief guard!"

Ouli subconsciously trotted out all the way, although he still hadn't figured out the reason.

Ouli saw the chief guard who was negotiating with his subordinates outside the palace, and rushed up to stop him: "Your Majesty said, take back the order just now, and he is going to lead his own troops to help the human race!"

The chief guard suddenly opened his mouth wide enough to stuff a fist into it.

"But, I just ordered someone to notify the news..."

Ouli and the chief guard suddenly fell silent.

After a while, the chief guard suddenly turned his head and said, "What's the matter with you two? I clearly mean that His Majesty wants to maintain the friendship between dwarves and humans, and this time he will lead the army to conquer. Why do you pass it down and become that His Majesty will not send troops?" ? Go and correct the mistake!"

The two guards were also stunned. After a while, they nodded again and again, and trotted all the way down to modify the information.

Ornn's solemn voice came from the palace again: "Go and invite the patriarchs of the families, I want to start a meeting of dwarf brothers!"

The faces of Oli and the head of the guard changed wildly. The dwarf brotherhood, only when the dwarf race encountered important decision-making issues, would it call all the descendants of Nicholas' blood and vote collectively.

The last time the fraternity was reopened, Ornn was elected because of Ryan's disappearance.

Every meeting of brothers will decide the fate and direction of the dwarves.

"Okay, let's go and notify the heads of each family now, and hold a brotherhood meeting immediately."

Ouli and the head of the guard immediately went to various parts of the lonely mountain to inform the members of the Dwarf Brotherhood to hold a meeting and send troops to aid humans.

When the Patriarchs heard the news that Aoun wanted to lead his own army to help the human race, their complexions darkened.

"Stupid! He is stupid! Human beings have nothing to do with us for many years, but now they want to lead troops to rescue human beings, and let our warriors bleed and die in vain. It is extremely stupid!"

"Hurry up and contact the other patriarchs. At the meeting, all the families will oppose Aoun's stupid decision!"

Every time Ouli and the chief guard came to a house, the replies received by all the heads were similar, Lei Ting was furious, and wanted to unite with several other families to stop Aoun's "crazy behavior".

Ouli and the head of the guard looked helpless. After they had notified, the envoys from the other families arrived.

The two came out after the notification, and said with a long sigh: "It seems that this time, His Majesty's idea will come to nothing."

The Dwarf Brotherhood is controlled by the top ten dwarf families, and the purest Nicholas bloodline descendant is the dwarf king.

The Dwarf King led the race to prosperity, but the Brotherhood and the Dwarf King had different rights. If the Brotherhood disagreed collectively, even the Dwarf King could not claim the fate of the Dwarves without authorization.

This is the rule set by Nicholas, the earliest dwarf ancestor, who is afraid that there will be foolish, incompetent and incompetent people among the descendants.

Now all the Patriarchs strongly oppose it, and they are not even afraid to clearly reveal their answer preferences in front of the chief guard, which is also to pave the way for the dwarf king Aoun in advance.

When Ouli and the chief guard came to the palace to take their orders, Aoun had already changed into his usual clothes.

"Since you are back, let's come to the meeting together."

The chief guard and Ouli are also powerful members of the top ten dwarf families. Now that they know about this, let's come in and listen together.

"Okay Your Majesty!"

Ouli and the chief guard followed Ornn down to the depths of the lonely mountain.

This is the real political center of the dwarves, and all meetings about the fate of the dwarves are decided in this place.

"What's their attitude?"

Ornn sat at the top of the round table in the stone room, and Ouli and the chief guard sat below.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Seeing the tangled look of the two, Aoun smiled and said, "Okay, I see, they must have the same idea as I did before."

Aoun was not angry, just smiled and shook his head, as if he was not affected by the attitude of these people at all.

Ouli was full of doubts, why did His Majesty's attitude change 180 degrees after hearing that it was Shen Fei? That's not what he said before!
"Your Majesty, what is so magical about Elder Shen? Why did you suddenly decide to send troops to help humans after hearing his name?"

Aoun laughed loudly, his face turned rosy: "It's a long story, and the heads of each family will explain to you when the dwarf brothers meet later."

Not long after Aoun finished speaking, the heads of other families came in, and the first thing they said when they saw Aoun was: "Aoun, anyway, our Golden Axe family will never agree to your request to send troops!" Pulling the chair and sitting down, his eyes were as big as copper bells, staring at Ornn.

Aoun laughed, and quickly comforted him: "My brother, please don't be impatient. After everyone is here and listen to my words, I believe you will change your mind."

Unexpectedly, the owner of the Golden Ax slapped the table and said angrily: "I won't hide it from you, we, the owners, have already passed each other before we came, and we firmly disagree with you sending troops to help humans. Our soldiers cannot sacrifice in vain, let alone Sacrificing for humanity is absolutely impossible!"

"Okay, okay, calm down first."

Aoun quickly comforted him.

More and more Patriarchs of various families came, and many people expressed their attitudes as soon as they came in.

Dwarves are like this, never hiding their likes and dislikes.

When the head of the ten families expired, the two juniors, the chief guard and Ouli, helped serve everyone good wheat puree yellow beer.

"Okay, now let's talk about business."

Aoun had a good time.

Both Ouli and the chief guard stared at His Majesty curiously, wanting to see how His Majesty turned things around when the ten schools disagreed.

"I disagree. We dwarves have no need or obligation to travel thousands of miles to lead troops to help humans solve problems!"

"I don't agree either!"

"Me too, it doesn't make sense at all!"

Several Patriarchs bluffed and immediately expressed their opinions, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Aoun didn't speak, just looked at them with a smile.

This made Ouli and the chief guard even more curious about what power His Majesty has that can turn decay into magic and make these people change their attitudes.

Does it rely on the word [Shen Fei]?

This Elder Shen is indeed very powerful, but what magical power does he have that can change the minds of ten Patriarchs?

Ouli didn't know, and didn't understand.

Even if King Ryan sat in this position, facing the protests of the ten Patriarchs, he might have to give up, right?
After everyone vented, Aoun regained control of the situation on the field, and said, "Owendale's beacon tower has never been lit. This time, humans may really be unable to withstand the distress signal."

"They must know that the dwarves will not send troops to rescue, but they still lit the beacon fire. Maybe we are their only chance."

The audience was silent, and after a while someone suddenly said: "If human beings are really wiped out by the Frost-cold orcs, then we will take in some humans and ensure that they will not be wiped out. There is no need to provoke the Frost-cold orcs, let alone Let our soldiers bleed in vain."

Aoun pointed to the talking patriarch and said, "That's right, I made the same decision after receiving the news."

Several Patriarchs looked at each other in blank dismay, in an uproar.

Aoun glanced at Ouli: "Ouli can prove this."

Ouli nodded, indicating that what His Majesty said was the truth.

"As the king of a country, you must first consider your own people, and then the relationship and friendship between countries."

The following Patriarchs nodded again and again, what Aoun said was human.


With just two words, the relaxed atmosphere on the court became tense and viscous again.

Ouli and the chief guard also became tense, and finally the most critical moment was approaching.

"However, I heard a person's name from Ouli. It was this name that forced me to make this difficult decision!"

Aoun made a loud noise, and tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table.

"Hmph! Who can make you change your attitude, Ornn, and even bet on the future of the dwarves!"

"Even if King Lucian is back, we have to discuss it carefully. You, Ornn, are not qualified to decide the future of the dwarves alone, right?"

The crowd chattered a few more words.

Aoun waited for them to finish speaking, and then slowly uttered two words.

"Shen Fei."

There was silence on the field, no one spoke, as if the ten Patriarchs had all been frozen in place.

When Ouli observed their expressions, it was exactly the same as when King Ornn heard the name.

After a while, an old Patriarch asked tremblingly: "Is that Shen Fei?"

Ornn nodded: "That's right!"

"He is back!"

"Now is the regent of mankind, right here in Owendale!"

The scene was deadly silent, and Ouli could even hear the heartbeats of everyone, as well as the sound of swallowing saliva.

He never thought that the name [Shen Fei] would have such a great magic power that it could make all ten masters shut up.

At the same time, he was even more curious about what Elder Shen had done to make the dwarf giants lose their composure.

The ten bosses were quiet for a while, and the owner of the Golden Ax family, who was the hottest just now, suddenly slammed the table, attracting everyone's attention.

"So, Aoun, when are we going to send troops? The beacon fire is coming, it must be an extremely urgent situation, and the fighter plane cannot be delayed for a moment!"

"Yeah! I have to go back to the family and quickly gather troops. We have to go there sooner!"

"When will this meeting be over? There is no time to delay!"

Ornn sat at the head, just smiling.

On the contrary, it was Ouli and the chief guard, both of whom looked confused.

These ten masters changed their faces faster than His Majesty!
"So Ouli, what were you curious about just now, hurry up and ask now!" Aoun said.

Ouli swallowed his saliva and asked: "So, what is the identity of Elder Shen? Why does everyone's attitude suddenly change when they hear this name, as if they didn't say what they said before..."

Ouli originally thought that the faces of the ten masters would be ashamed, but who knew that all of them had red lips, white teeth, and blinking eyes, showing no sign of shame.

"You juniors don't know that what happened to Shen Fei is normal, but you all heard the story when we were young, we dwarves were expelled from the lonely mountain home by the evil dragon, and settled in the Black Rock Mountain?"

Ouli nodded, and echoed: "Later, King Ryan and King Ornn led the remnants of the dwarves, killed the dragon and regained their homeland. King Ornn was even seriously injured at that time."

"But do you know? The person who really defeated the dragon at that time was Shen Fei. At Blackstone Mountain, humans and dwarves first contacted, and then cultivated friendship. It was Shen Fei and Lucien who led the human race and helped us win It was Shen Fei who finally killed the evil dragon Kersu."

Ouli was completely stunned, no one had ever told him this news, and he had never heard of Shen Fei's name since he was a child.

"Then why, I have never heard this name mentioned by the people in the clan?"

All ten masters shook their heads and sighed.

"In the homeland of elves, dwarves, humans, and elves originally wanted to form an alliance. The person who pushed for this situation was Shen Fei. He and the elves also had an incomparably deep friendship. We decided to set up the Three Mountains Council. From then on, the three races watched and helped each other. Unfortunately... ..."

"On the eve of the establishment of the Sanshan Council, Shen Fei disappeared unexpectedly, and there was no news of it. Losing this key hub, the three clans were suspicious of each other, thinking that someone wanted to sabotage the establishment of the council. More importantly, Shen Fei harbored the secrets of the three clans. , His disappearance made the three clans lose trust at all. After returning to the lonely mountain, King Ryan ordered the news to be blocked, so you have never heard of Shen Fei's name."

Oli is now completely speechless.

The image of Shen Fei in his teens in his mind, the dragon slayer in the mouth of the ten masters, and the great man who urged the alliance of the three clans, these images could not overlap at all, which made him feel in a trance.

"Let's talk about the deeper news on the way! This time, it's not the dwarves rushing to help humans, but all the dwarves, to repay Shen Fei for restoring the country!"

"Yes! We dwarves must repay our kindness! In this case, we must send troops! There is no delay!"

"If you, Ornn, dare to delay at all, then you are not worthy to be Nicholas' heir! We will impeach you!"

Aoun couldn't laugh or cry, and advised the ten masters not to be too excited: "I am more anxious than you! Shen Fei finally came back, and now we dwarves have a chance to repay the grace of restoring the country back then. The most important thing is that Shen Fei is the only one who got me. The only successor of my brother's forging technique. If he really falls in the war, the most essential forging technique of our dwarves will be completely lost!"

"Yes, yes, I would have forgotten if you didn't mention this, Shen Fei also knows the essence of King Ryan's forging, so there must be no mistakes!"

"You're all bullshit! A group of Frost-cold orc bastards want to move the dignified [Dragon Slayer], what a joke!"

Aoun stretched out his hand to stop the crowd from making noise, and said with a smile: "Since Shen Fei is back, it really doesn't make sense for us dwarves to help."

Then he looked at Ouli and said, "Ouli, I will give you a task now. You go to Elven Island and tell the white elves that that person is back! I think they will definitely send troops to Owendale."

"As for us, now each family counts the number of people immediately, and if there are enough guards, we can designate a battle plan to help mankind!"

The ten masters clattered to their feet, rushed out of the secret room, and went back to work.

Ouli and the head of the guards were stunned.

Even knowing what Shen Fei did, looking at the ten masters who were originally mature and prudent, now they are in a hurry like a child, which feels unreal.

PS: 5000 word chapter

(End of this chapter)

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