my pet is boss

Chapter 278

Chapter 278
"After a long journey, we can use the latest technology to convert the subway, and directly dig a tunnel to Owendale!"

Ornn even thought of a way to go to Owendale.

Now that Shen Fei is the regent, the friendship between dwarves and humans is naturally restored.

The subway leading to Owendale is a strategic need, and he will build a subway leading to the holy city of mankind in the future!
The situation was urgent, and a huge dwarf airship gradually rose in the sky behind the lonely mountain.

Ori led the envoys and rushed directly to Elven Island in a dwarf airship.

At the same time, the dwarf players in Lonely Mountain get a purple task at the same time - [Great Friendship: Support Human Race].

The dwarf players read the mission description for the first time, and then they all started running around like crazy.

"Quick! You will be participating in the war soon, prepare the battle mixture and materials!"

"Attention everyone in the guild! Attention everyone in the guild! Take advantage of the time to upgrade your equipment, and tomorrow we will follow the NPC army to rush to Owendale as soon as possible!"

"Buy high-level blueprints at high prices! Buy potions at high prices!"

All of a sudden, the dwarf players were busy.

Originally when the new version was launched, the dwarves did not feel any changes at all. Now with the mission of the dwarf king Aoun, all players realized that the original [Empire's Afterglow] was a battle between humans and frost-cold orcs.

Now the dwarves decided to help the orcs. There are many bosses and tasks on the battlefield, which is an excellent opportunity to improve.

The dwarf airship is the product of the crystallization of dwarf technology and wisdom. It flies extremely fast and can cross the strait to Elf Island in only half a day.

What surprised the dwarf players was that these dwarf NPCs seemed to be more excited than them. Many unseen black technologies, as well as troops, were all gathering rapidly.There are also the heads of the top ten families, all blushing and thick-necked, and they can't wait to put on their armor and weapons.

Half a day later, Ouli took the airship to the sky above Elven Island.

Before it got close, elf air troops riding hippogryphs approached and surrounded the airship.

Ouli showed his identity and purpose, and entered the Elf Island under the "escort" of Hippogryph and Elven troops.

Humans, dwarves, and elves have not communicated for decades, at most it is business.

This time, Ouli said that he had something important to meet with the priestess, and the elf brought him here.

"Let me tell you in advance that the priestess has been in seclusion for decades, and now it is the elder maid who handles government affairs."

Ouli was a little apprehensive, His Majesty gave him an order to tell the elf that "that person is back".

But now that the white elf priestess can't retreat, can an elder maid be the master for the elves?

Ori was taken to the moonlight teleportation array by the elf guards.

Elf Island has no sun, only an eternal moon hanging over Elf Island.

The moonlight teleportation array directly sent Ori to Silvermoon City, the capital of white elves.

The whole city turned into a silver city under the moonlight, and there was an incomparably soft light everywhere, like a dream.

"my God!"

Ouli was dazzled. Even though he had seen many magnificent projects of the dwarves, he still sighed when he saw the harmonious coexistence of the elves and nature, as well as their incomparably exquisite main city.

This is a building completely different from the dwarven style, revealing luxury and elegance everywhere.

All the elves I met along the way were dressed in exquisite costumes, with silver hair and fair skin, as if they came out of a painting.

Ouli and the dwarf visiting group were taken all the way to the Temple of the Moon God.

"You guys wait here a moment, I'll go ask the head maid."

Ouli was a little uneasy, and they had already been served fairy tea on the table.

Even dwarves who are addicted to alcohol can't help but move their index fingers when they smell this refreshing and soothing tea.

Ouli took a sip, his eyes lit up, but immediately dimmed again.

"If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have drunk this tea."

The members of the visiting group around me are unknown, so this tea is obviously delicious!

"When I return to Gushan in the future, I will definitely not have the chance to drink this kind of fragrant tea, so I might as well not taste it. If I drink it now, I won't be able to drink it later. Isn't this a kind of torture?"

Suddenly, an ethereal and elegant voice came from a distance.

"If the emissary of the dwarf likes it, I can give you some fragrant tea in my personal capacity when I leave."

Everyone followed the voice and saw that she was a solemn and elegant goddess, with Xinghui with her, as if she was favored by the moonlight.

Immediately, several members of the visiting group felt ashamed.

"I am Landosi, the head maid of the Priestess. It has been almost a hundred years in Silvermoon City, and no dwarves have been here."

The head maid, Landosi, signaled the visiting group to sit down, and she herself also came to the host's seat.

Ouli stood up and bowed with one hand on his chest. In front of the holy head maid, he felt that all the etiquette in his mind could not show his respect.

"Dear head maid, I came to Elven Island this time on the order of the descendant of Nicholas, the lord of the Lonely Mountain, and the dwarf king Aoun."

Landos reached out his hand to signal Oli to continue talking.

"Humans and frost orcs are fighting on the border of Owendale, and the dwarves decided to send troops to help."

When Landos heard this, his face remained unchanged, as if he was listening to something that had nothing to do with him.

"Your Majesty means that I hope the elves will also send troops to rescue."

Landos' beautiful sculpture-like face still didn't show any changes, and after Ouli finished speaking, he slowly opened his mouth: "I didn't expect that the dwarves would decide to send troops to help, but since the dwarves have already helped, I think this time humans will definitely Can withstand the wrath of frost orcs."

Ouli seemed to have guessed Landosi's answer a long time ago, and was not surprised to hear this.

He had already seen the magic power of that name when he was in the Secret Council of Lonely Mountain.

He is just not sure if this maid, Landosi, has ever heard of this name.

"May I take the liberty to ask, how long has the maidservant been with the priestess?"

There was a trace of doubt between Landosi's brows: "Is this also what the dwarf king asked you to pass on?"

Ouli hurriedly shook his head and said, "Sorry, this is just my personal curiosity. If the head maid minds, just pretend I didn't ask."

"I have followed the priestess for 100 years, and I have been chosen by the priestess as the head of the maid for 95 years."

Ouli did some calculations, and according to the science popularized by Ornn and the ten masters, Landosi definitely knew Shen Fei during this period of time.

Thinking about it this way, Ouli felt relieved.

"If there is nothing else, I still have some things to do here. I will prepare a gift for King Ornn, and I hope you can take it back." Landos got up and was about to leave.

Ouli hurriedly said: "That person is back!"

Landosi stopped and looked curious: "Who is back?"

"Shen Fei!"

Landos turned around abruptly, with disbelief written all over his face.

If Landosi, who has no joy or sorrow, is a goddess, then Landosi, who faithfully expresses her inner thoughts on her face, is more like an elf with seven emotions and six desires.

"This is impossible! He has been missing for 95 years, and we have exhausted all methods but have not found a trace. How could he come back!"

Landosi's tone was strong, and the moonlight around her was even more dazzling, or furious.

Ouli's mouth was parched, and he felt that the air had become viscous and hot.

"At first, His Majesty Aoun didn't believe it, but I saw it with my own eyes. The current Elder Shen is the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple, and he is also the human regent, and his appearance has not even changed."

Landos didn't speak, the expression on his face changed again and again.

She believed it, but didn't dare to believe it.

A guy who disappeared for 95 years and is now back?
But even Aoun took the initiative to send troops, and even sent envoys to pass on the message, obviously there is no falsehood.

"Wait here, I need to ask for instructions."

After speaking, Landos quickly left and went to the Temple of the Moon God.

Landos entered the Moon God Temple and came to the innermost temple with its closed gate.

This is the real Temple of the Moon God, with the Milky Way starry sky at your feet, and the temple is a huge spinning moon.

"Landos, your steps today are a little frivolous, and your breathing is not steady."

There was an ethereal sound from inside the temple, and the Milky Way under the head maid's feet rippled.

"Shen Fei, you're back."

The temple was silent, and even the spinning moon stopped suddenly.

The galaxy stopped, and even all the starlight under his feet froze.

After a long time, a voice came from the temple: "Do as you want. Apart from his human status, he is the second person in the entire elf history to be blessed by the moon god. Even in the elves, his status is not high. under me."

"Then I'm going to use the magic circle of the gods and moon, and I hope the priest will help me."

"Just do it, it's all up to me."

"After seeing Shen Fei, let him have time to come to the Moon God Temple."

After saluting, Landos retreated and returned to the reception room.

With a wave of his hand, the moonlight projected a holographic image map of the mainland and appeared in front of everyone.

"I wonder now, the plans of the dwarves..."


After seeing off Oli and the dwarf mission, Landos changed out of her maid uniform and put on a vigorous and exquisite leather armor.

At the same time, in Silvermoon City, where the entire White Elf camp is located, all the White Elf players suddenly got a mission - [Moonlight Covenant]!
The specific content of the task is to select [-] elite players, and together with the head maid, Landosi, to aid mankind.

As soon as the mission came out, countless players were startled out of their eyes.

In an instant, the white elf also started to get busy.

Not only that, Landos also formulated a very strong battle plan based on the situation left by Ori.

The soldiers who went to Owendale this time were the most elite archers of the white elves.

The white elves got busy, and on the elf island, the night elves, who were separated by a magic barrier, also felt the abnormality on the other side.

Soon the night elves started various investigations, trying to find out what the white elves wanted to do.

All the information is gathered in Twilight City, the capital of the night elves.

As the supreme leader of the night elves, standing on the huge crow black tower, he looked at the white elves on the other side of the magic barrier.

"No matter what you want to do, it won't let you succeed!"

After all, he looked up at the blood moon in the sky.


Owendale, the beacon has been passed on, and even the great mage Jordan, who possesses great power, has no time to stop it.

Shen Fei patted Fat Tiger's tiger's head, and couldn't help but praise: "Fat Tiger is indeed my most trusted pet, and I just feel at ease when doing things!"

After being praised by Shen Fei, Fat Tiger showed off his muscles on the spot as if he had been on a stimulant.

"Although the flames have spread, whether the dwarves will help is another matter. We should think about how to resist the orcs."

Shen Fei fell asleep and walked out of the small house, seeing everyone.

Shen Fei found that there was something wrong with the way other people looked at him.

Although there is the archmage Jordan as a guarantee, saying that this matter was just an accident.

But this accident was too sudden, right?
It happened just after Shen Fei finished speaking and they rejected it, everyone couldn't help thinking about it.

But there is no evidence to point out that it was Shen Fei who did it, so everyone looked at Shen Fei with a little different eyes than usual.

"Fei Gong, I heard the beacon tower is on fire?"

Shen Fei bared his white teeth, giving Ferdinand the desire to punch and smash.

This guy's smile is too cheap!
But the more Shen Fei is like this, the less everyone thinks that he did it.

After all, who can do this and still show off in front of everyone?

Shen Fei is like this now, although he is cheap and indebted, but the suspicion has been removed.

"Well, as you wish, the beacon has now spread to the dwarven kingdom." Ferdinand said angrily.

"But don't have illusions, it is absolutely impossible for the dwarves to send troops to help."

Shen Fei shook his hands, nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter anymore, so do you have any new plans now? After all, the orcs' fighting power has improved so much all of a sudden, if we follow the steps, we will only have a dead end!"

Ferdinand sighed and shook his head: "But if you don't stick to the city, who knows if the Frost Orcs have any new plans. The best way we can do now is to keep the same. The combat power is already insufficient, and relying on the city wall to defend and counterattack is the right way .”

Shen Fei nodded, he has no talent in military command, everything should be based on Ferdinand.

Shen Fei couldn't help but think of the white elf who had extraordinary military leadership skills.

"It would be great if Shufen was here!"

Shufen is the Chinese name Shen Fei gave to Lan Duosi. Her military leadership ability is unique in the entire elf clan.

If it weren't for the identity of the Moon God Temple, Landos could directly become the Ranger General of the White Elf family.

It was just because she entered the Temple of the Moon God and was a servant of the Moon God, so after careful consideration, the priestess made her the head maid.

If there is Shufen in this war, together with Ferdinand, even if human beings only have 10,000+ combat power, Shen Fei will definitely be able to defeat the strong and the frost orcs in the end.

"It's better to be careful these two days. We have broken the plan of the Frost Orcs. It is estimated that the orcs will attack immediately after the Blood Orcs come out!"

"According to the information given before, it is estimated that it will be in these two days. But in these few days, how many people from various places can respond to Owendale?"

Shen Fei was also worried.

When mankind is in crisis, how many people can respond to him?
PS: I would like to recommend a book by a friend, Jiu Chizui's new book "I Killed Myself", the author's previous book has more than [-] subscriptions, and the reputation is reliable and guaranteed!

(End of this chapter)

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