my pet is boss

Chapter 279 Reinforcement

Chapter 279 Reinforcement
Everyone was terrified that night.

Even the number of soldiers on guard at night was two or three times higher than usual, for fear that the frost orcs might make a surprise attack at night.

Fortunately, the orc camp twenty miles away did not move, and the Doom Mountain in the distance did not show any abnormalities.

An Ran spent the night, but everyone's faces became more dignified.

Everyone knows that this kind of peace is getting less and less day by day.

Every night passed safely means that the final battle is one day closer.

The orcs are accumulating strength, and the next project must be a fatal blow.

Following Shen Fei's final appeal in the name of the regent, people from the nearest town rushed to Owendale.

Shen Fei personally greeted these warriors who volunteered to defend their home and country.

Among these people are farmers with hoes, blacksmiths and craftsmen, and herdsmen on the grasslands.

"I would like to thank everyone in advance on behalf of the little prince."

The farmer shook his hand and said, "The regent is being polite. If Owendale can't bear it, the people in the villages and towns along the way will suffer first. Guarding Owendale will protect my wife and children, so I must come!"

"We also brought the best horses from the pastoral area."

Shen Fei showed joy on his face: "The front line is short of good war horses, this time it really solved the urgent need."

In frontal offensive and defensive battles, the final decisive battle must be on the plains.

Owendale mainly defends the city all the year round, so there is only a cavalry team of hundreds of people.

Now that the herdsmen have brought good war horses, they can form a cavalry unit of a thousand men, and incarnate as a sharp spear into the frost-cold orc formation during the battle on the plain, breaking their formation.

Later, people from other villages came to help defend the city.

There are even slovenly dressed homeless men who staggered all the way to Owendale on foot, saying that they would do their last for the country.

Shen Fei's throat choked up, and he ordered people to arrange accommodation for these rebels, prepare sufficient food and high-quality armor.

In addition to the common people, there were also nobles from many towns, leading gardeners, housekeepers, servants and private soldiers in their own manors to join.

In just one morning, the number of Owendale's rebels has expanded from dozens to 1000.

"As long as there is enough time, the number of rebels will increase." Ferdinand was relieved, but also bitter.

Defending the country should be the responsibility of the soldiers, but now these militiamen and even civilians have to go to the battlefield to defend the glory of the empire with flesh and blood.

He felt that this was the dereliction of duty of the soldiers, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Fortunately, with the continuous influx of rebels in Owendale, the atmosphere of the soldiers in the city has improved a lot.

Everyone seems to have caught the hope of victory.

Only a few high-level people know that the current number of people is lacklustre, and there is no way to compete with the menacing orc army.

"How is the organization of our Modern Corps?" Shen Fei asked when he came to the top of the city wall.

Ever since Ferdinand came to Owendale, his brows have been furrowed and never opened.

"The modern corps has been organized, but I'm afraid it won't be useful in a real battle. After all, these things have extremely high requirements on the terrain, and this kind of mass destruction is easy to hurt your own people."

Ferdinand thought very well, and Shen Fei also nodded.

The final battlefield must be outside Owendale, but when the 10,000+ armies of both sides are on display, there is almost no place for the modern corps to stand.

The human empire has made rapid progress in technology in the past few decades, and the modern corps has always been a major killer of human beings.

Tanks, helicopters, and artillery are all crystallizations of technology, but heavy weapons such as tanks are inconvenient to use on the battlefield.

Unless these heavy weapons can appear in the rear of the battlefield, the front and rear pincers can have the greatest effect.

"According to the current speed, it is estimated that today's rebel army can have about 5000 people."

"It's still a drop in the bucket! How is Mailer and Jordan's magic circle?" Ferdinand asked.

The current situation is the same as the battle 40 years ago. Everything can only be hoped that the joint formation of the two will provide combat power to the soldiers of the tribe and consume all the blood orcs.

"I heard that the magic circle has been prepared. When the time comes, directly control the mage tower to project the magic circle. However, the two are still checking to avoid mistakes during the battle."

Ferdinand nodded again and again: "It's good to check it several times. If something really goes wrong during the war, no one can bear the responsibility."

While the two were talking, the gate of the orc camp twenty miles away suddenly opened slowly.

Ferdinand and Shen Fei looked over at the same time, and saw orc troops coming out of the Frost Cold orc camp.

Ferdinand reacted the fastest and blew the battle horn on his waist. The human soldiers at the top of the city responded immediately, and Owendale's regular troops began to gather.

In the blink of an eye, the city was already full of troops.

Everyone looked solemn, it was not a good thing for the orcs to go out of camp.

At the same time in Doomsday Mountain, the blood orcs were completely bred, tore up rocks, and killed them from the inside of Doomsday Volcano.

The whole body is red, and even the magma that has not solidified can be seen on the body.

The orc soldiers of Doom Mountain saw the most powerful warrior in their race, their eyes were full of fanaticism, and they roared endlessly.

All the orcs on the front line have come out of the barracks and opened up the front line.

A hundred miles away, the orcs from Mount Doom also appeared, and a long line of dragons rushed towards the front line aggressively.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Shen Fei couldn't help but said: "It's started."

This time it really started.

"The orc troop on Doom Mountain rushed to the front line. It will take three to four hours. This is the final countdown."

Orc players are eager to try, because they have all got an epic task-【The Ultimate Battle】.

All orc players know in the mission description that Mount Doom has one of the most elite blood orc troops of Frostbite orcs.

The top [-] players in terms of killing points can all be favored by the great warlock Zorak after the war is won, and enjoy the same bloodline promotion treatment.

Now the orc players were boiling.

Bloodline promotion is what NPCs in the game say. On the player's side, bloodline promotion means opening a hidden job!
The first [-] kills will give you the chance to open a hidden job.

Although the NPC has a lot of points, it is hard to kill with a thick attack.But human players are as fragile as toilet paper, and if you kill a few more, you still have a chance to enter the top [-].

These orc players can't wait to fight immediately, and a second of delay will delay their opening of the hidden profession.

The countess also came to the top of the city, looking at the densely packed orc soldiers twenty miles away, she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Why don't we take advantage of the arrival of the enemy's follow-up troops to go out and defeat the existing force of the orcs?"

Ferdinand sighed and said: "We are at a disadvantage now, relying on the defense of the city wall to exert the greatest lethality. If we rush out rashly, the orc troops will not choose to fight but retreat, and our situation will be very difficult. When we want to withdraw again When they came, if the orcs attacked them aggressively, they could easily rush to the city, or even break through the city gate."

The countess said unwillingly: "Then we can only wait for the orcs to gather in their strongest form, and then passively defend?"

Ferdinand nodded and said, "For now, yes."

Shen Fei glanced at the soldiers in the city, many of them were full of fear, and they didn't even stand so neatly.

One could tell at a glance that these were rebels with new equipment.

But everyone's footsteps did not move, like pines and cypresses steadfast in the wind and rain.

The rebel army continued to join outside the city of Owendale. When they learned that the orc army was already in place outside the city, they did not rest or drink a sip of water. They put on their armor and weapons and joined the combat team directly.

There were no speeches, no declamations, and the people who came here had only one conviction.

Shen Fei returned to Xiaoshe, took out [Aiken's Memoirs], and used the Lich Phalanx to get in touch with the Undead Emperor.

"The final battle is here."

The Undead Emperor only said one sentence: "You will see the undead army in the Undead Forest at the most appropriate time."

Since Aiken said so, it must appear at the most critical moment.

Besides, Shen Fei frowned slightly, wondering if they could arrive on time...

The orc army has been lined up, and all kinds of siege equipment are ready.

Orc Warchief Eugene and Zorak are at the forefront of the camp.

Both of them had greed in their eyes.

As long as the grand pass in front of them is conquered, thousands of miles of fertile fields are waiting for them to occupy and conquer.

"No mistakes this time, right?" Great Chief Eugene asked.

Zorak showed a ferocious smile on his face, "The Glorious Blood Orcs have appeared. Next, the chief should think more about negotiating with the apostle after entering the customs. If I remember correctly, the apostle will arrive at the Lion Saint tomorrow." city."

"The war envoy sent to the Undead Forest has not returned, do you know that?"

Zorak laughed twice: "Don't worry, Chief, everything is ready."

"When the blood orcs arrive, we will launch a general attack. I will stand on the walls of Owendale to watch the sunrise tomorrow."

"I'm afraid the great chief will not be able to do what he wants. With the current stubborn resistance of humans, if Owendale is not completely destroyed, we will never have a chance to enter the city."

Zorak understood that this was a life and death battle between humans and frost orcs.

There is no such thing as surrender in such a genocide war.

As long as there is one human in the city, they will definitely resist desperately.

In such a tragic situation, Great Chief Eugene's idea of ​​climbing the walls of Owendale the next day to wait for the sunrise must definitely not be accomplished.

"Hahaha, then tomorrow morning, I will see that wherever the sun shines, it is the new home of my frost orc!"

Great Chief Eugene was not displeased by Zorak's interruption, on the contrary, he agreed with his opinion, and a new hope was born in his mind.

"The momentum must not be lost. The humans inside the city walls must be trembling now. Now is the time to show our momentum!"

With the drums beating, the army of tens of thousands of orcs still screamed.

Huge and orderly shouts raged for more than twenty miles, floating over Owendale, creating a mood of tension and despair.

The people in the city couldn't see the outside scene, but they were bewildered when they heard the shouts of the orcs, and began to ask if the orcs were calling.

Just as everyone was waiting in full force, suddenly everyone in Owendale City felt a rumbling sound under their feet.

This dull sound is like something moving underground.

The faces of Ferdinand and Shen Fei who were standing at the top of the wall changed at the same time, and Fat Tiger immediately determined the direction of the shock.

"over there!"

The location of the shock was impressively within the city of Owendale.

Ferdinand reacted very quickly, and immediately shouted: "Send troops to defend immediately!"

Without further ado, Shen Fei jumped off the city wall, and when he was about to land, he used the [Tow Chain] to pull him far away.

Shen Fei was a little unbelievable, he had already killed all the giant rock-breaking worms in the lair in Doom Mountain, why did the enemy still have such things.

More than half of the troops in the city immediately moved and rushed to the place where the mountain shook.

"It's a giant rock-breaking worm!"

Many players who went to Doomsday Mountain with Shen Fei to steal information also felt the shock, and rushed up immediately, ready to fight immediately.

Everyone in the city felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They didn't expect the orcs to have this kind of black technology, so they directly killed them in the city.

What Shen Fei is most afraid of now is that there is a group of blood orcs behind the rock-breaking giant worm.

With the powerful combat power of the blood orcs, if they appeared in the city, they would definitely disturb Owendale.

So you must hold on!

Shen Fei and Fat Hu also arrived at the scene soon.

The mountain was roaring and trembling, sand and stones were falling from the mountain, and even huge stones could not bear the weight and fell down.

The human troops were mobilized quickly, and all the people guarding outside were tense, and the fear in their eyes was clearly visible.


Cracks appeared on the mountain and spread to everyone's feet.

Shen Fei felt as if the ground was boiling, and the hard stone road instantly became as soft as cotton, as rippling as the surface of water.

"Quickly open!"

Following Shen Fei's shout, everyone retreated.

At the same time, a huge explosion sounded, and a big hole exploded in the entire mountain.

The rock-crusher giant worm that everyone had expected did not appear, but instead, a huge drill bit of an exploration machine protruded out.

The giant steel beast rushed straight to the square in Owendale, and even flattened the fountain in the center of the square and the statue of Lucian before stopping.

Shen Fei heard the sound of the soldiers beside him swallowing their saliva.

This kind of giant steel beast can't be damaged by a sword at all. Who can stop it!
The human players also looked at each other in bewilderment, what about the rock-breaking giant worm and the blood orc?Why is it just a big drilling machine?
What on earth happened?

We don't know, and we dare not ask.

Suddenly the door of the chassis behind the drilling machine opened, releasing a burst of rich steam.

There are ladders protruding from it all the way to the ground.

The archers all drew their bows fully, and the sweat beads on their foreheads gradually meandered from their foreheads to their cheeks and chins.

"Haha, unexpected, the dwarves are here!"

The first dwarf to jump out of the carriage was the head of the Golden Ax family.

Shen Fei frowned gradually when he saw the iconic blond hair of the Golden Ax family and the short and sharp ax in the hands of the old Patriarch.

After jumping down, Patriarch Golden Ax staggered a few steps, then looked around, and finally saw Shen Fei in the crowd.

"It's really Shen Fei!"

Afterwards, Patriarch Golden Ax trotted all the way to Shen Fei and said, "Brother Shen, do you still remember me? I am the son of Old Golden Ax. When I recaptured the Lonely Mountain, I was only five years old at that time!"

More and more dwarves descended from the carriage behind the drilling machine, all heavily armed.

The human soldiers collected their bows, arrows and weapons and looked at each other, never expecting that the dwarves would come to help them.

"Shen Fei, it's really you!"

There was a thunderous roar.

Many dwarves stepped aside, and Shen Fei walked along the path where everyone moved away, and saw a familiar person.

With red hair and a big red beard, the dwarf king Aoun strode forward wearing a battle armor and carrying a war hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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