my pet is boss

Chapter 280 Dwarf support, the war begins

Chapter 280 Dwarf support, the war begins

Shen Fei's serious face gradually softened, and even changed into a faint smile.

The beacon passed to the lonely mountain, and the dwarves really came.

At this time, the human soldiers were still in shock, even whispering why the dwarves came to help humans.

Ferdinand at the head of the city, the Countess, and even Mailer and Jordan who were preparing in the mage tower all rushed to the square when they heard the news.

When they saw tens of thousands of dwarves descending from the carriage to form an army, they couldn't help but gasp.

Ferdinand even rubbed his eyes several times, for fear that what appeared in front of him was an illusion.

He never expected that the dwarf would actually come to help.

The Three Mountain Council failed in the end, and after that, the two races lost all cooperation except for the most basic trade.

Including the battle between humans and frost-cold orcs 40 years ago, the dwarves did not take any action and ignored them.

Since then, the relationship between humans and dwarves has reached a freezing point.

Including this beacon tower, Ferdinand and Mailer even felt that not only would the dwarves not come to help, but they would even joke behind their backs after learning of the human crisis.

They never expected that a day after the beacon fire arrived at the lonely mountain, the dwarf army really came to help.

Several people even saw the figure of Emperor Aoun, and they were a little at a loss.

The human soldiers standing beside Shen Fei became even more messy.

First, a dwarf with a big blond beard who looked very old and of high status rushed up to call Shen Fei's brother, and then the dwarf Emperor Aoun rushed up to embrace Shen Fei warmly.

Shen Fei looked at Emperor Aoun and said with a smile: "After all these years, you still haven't changed at all."

Emperor Ornn laughed out loud, there is nothing more joyful than seeing an old friend.

"So many years? At least it's been 95 years, right? You really haven't changed at all, exactly the same as I remember. Where have you been for so many years? We've been looking for you everywhere since then, and there is no clue at all..."

When Aoun met, he had a lot of questions.

Shen Fei just smiled awkwardly and said: "It's a long story."

Aoun patted his forehead: "Then after the battle is over, let's have a long talk!"

The two were talking, and Ferdinand led the high-level human beings forward

Ferdinand had the most sincere smile on his face: "Thanks to Emperor Ornn for leading the dwarves to the rescue, this is finally a solution to the urgent need."

Unexpectedly, the smiling face of Emperor Aoun suddenly pulled down, and his face was serious: "The dwarves came this time to repay Shen Fei for slaying the dragon 97 years ago, and let the dwarves return to their homeland on the lonely mountain. We are here to repay the favor, It’s not for helping humans, Grand Marshal, you have to figure it out!”

Aoun bluntly pointed out the facts, which made Ferdinand slightly embarrassed.

He never expected that Emperor Ornn would speak his true thoughts straightforwardly.

Shen Fei quickly interrupted the embarrassing atmosphere, and said with a smile: "It's good to be able to come, whether it's repayment or help, the result is the same!"

Everyone didn't bother with this issue any more.

Emperor Ornn triumphantly introduced the elite troops he brought.

"The troops I brought this time are all the elite of the dwarves. These fighters are definitely a force to be destroyed on the battlefield!"

Dwarven hammermen, as well as shock troops, and even shock troops riding mountain wolves and brown bears.

All dwarves are brave and brave.

This time, Emperor Ornn brought a total of [-] of the most elite troops of the dwarves, as well as [-] dwarf players.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. Before I left, I asked Ouli to go to Elf Island and tell the elves about Shen Fei's return. I believe the elves will also send troops to help."

The human beings were overjoyed. With the help of the elves, the confluence of the three armies might really be able to defeat the invincible Frost and Cold Recipient.

But Shen Fei poured cold water on everyone.

"There are still two hours before the blood orcs arrive on the battlefield. Ornn used a drilling machine to open the mountain and rubble. It took a whole day from Lonely Mountain to Owendale. The Elven Island is still in the far east. Even if Orin Timely notification, there is absolutely no way for the elves to reach the battlefield across thousands of miles in just half a day."

Everyone was silent, but Emperor Ornn patted his chest, and the battle armor was slapped.

"So what if I can't come? With Ornn and tens of thousands of elite dwarves here, a group of desolate orcs in the backcountry want to break through the walls of Owendale? It's ridiculous!"

"Dwarf soldiers, follow me to the wall!"

Aoun raised his sledgehammer, and hurriedly led tens of thousands of them up the city wall.

Ferdinand glanced at Shen Fei, with a delighted smile on the corner of his mouth, he patted his shoulder and said, "Thanks to you this time!"

Several high-level human beings really didn't expect the dwarves to come to help, although their focus was that Shen Fei was here and came to repay their favor.

But no matter what the reason is, with the addition of dwarves, the chances of winning for humans have improved a lot.

In just a few minutes, everyone experienced the transition from despair to hope.

The ground in Owendale City shook, and the shock also spread to the camp of Frost and Cold People twenty miles away.

The orc chief Eugene felt the earth rumbling and shook, and asked, "Master, have the blood orcs from Doom Mountain started raiding the enemy's interior?"

Zorak was also a little confused.

The day before yesterday, Shen Fei led people to raid Doom Mountain and destroyed all the giant rock-breaking worms.

Fortunately, Zorak still had the last bottle of dragon's blood, and successfully resurrected a giant rock-splitting worm, preparing to use it as today's trump card to attack Owendale during the war.

But he hasn't issued an order yet, and the giant rock-breaking worm is still obediently staying in the mountain, so why would it suddenly attack Owendale?

Zorak hurriedly frowned, and replied: "We didn't make this abnormal noise. The surprise attack plan will only be launched after a frontal battle."

Great Chief Eugene snorted coldly: "I don't want any mistakes in this attack plan."

Zorak hurriedly said: "It is possible that humans are blasting mountains and digging rocks, preparing to throw stones."

This explanation is quite reasonable. The war is about to break out, and the catapults need a lot of stones to defend the city. The vibration came from the mountain, and it is very likely that the mountain was blown up.

Ferdinand and Aoun the Great discussed the tactics and the allocation of areas.

The dwarf army has been mixed with the human army, and even mixed into one army.

As for the dwarf players and human players, now they get together to trade with each other.

The ore and gemstones in the dwarf kingdom are abundant and of high quality; the plants and herbs in the human empire are abundant.

The battle has not yet started, but the players on both sides are enjoying trading with each other, and they lament that this trip is not a loss.

The dwarves here are all high-end players, and the materials on their bodies are naturally high-end products.

Standing on the wooden box, Emperor Ornn saw a long dragon at the foot of Mount Doom from the hole in the wall, winding and winding, gathering towards the orc troops arrayed outside the city.

An army of [-] orcs spread out, densely packed.

Rao the Great Emperor Aoun who "spoke wildly" just now couldn't help but gasp at this moment.

"My dear, the Frost Orcs are playing for real this time. This is the gathering of all the troops in the Frost Land, and they are ready to fight to the death!"

"At this time, the defense of the Frostfrost Fortress must be weak. If you lead an army to kill it, it will definitely be looted."

Speaking without the intention of the listener.

The eyes of Generalissimo Ferdinand and Countess Mary brightened, but dimmed immediately.

This is definitely a good way. Unfortunately, Owendale is more than 2000 miles away from Frost and Cold Fortress. Now that the war is imminent, it is impossible to divide the troops to directly attack Huanglong.

"If Fenghuo had arrived one day earlier, I could have brought the latest rune-powered robot developed by our dwarves with me when I came this time, and I would definitely be able to sweep the battle situation."

Several high-level human beings blushed. They really couldn't answer these words. How could they know that the dwarves would really lend a helping hand.

"But it's okay now. With the power of dwarves and human beings, it's no problem to resist the frost and cold! Besides, the subway from Lonely Mountain to Owendale has been opened, and our dwarf troops will be transported here tomorrow. We just need to withstand today. That's it."

The words of Emperor Aoun gave everyone a shot in the arm. As long as they persist until noon tomorrow, reinforcements will arrive.

The orc reinforcements in Mount Doom are getting closer, and the heroes can even see the brutal and terrifying beasts in the enemy reinforcements with their naked eyes.

The Frost and Cold Empire has a huge territory and numerous mountains. It raised and tamed many wild beasts in the primeval forest, and controlled them into war machines.

Frost-cold sufferers even captured giant dragons on the snow peak, and used their blood to conduct countless experiments, and the giant rock-breaking worm was one of them.

Kodos, two-headed dragons, orcs, and even ogre behemoths.

"Come here, let you see how powerful the Lonely Mountain dwarves are!" Emperor Ornn was eager to try with a big hammer.

The atmosphere on the battlefield is chilling.

When the wind blows, it can only bring up sand and dust.

The orc army stood still in place.

The orc reinforcements from Mount Doom have merged with the large frontal forces to form a force.

A whole body of crimson blood orcs is extremely clear in the blue frost recipient.

It's as if magma has flowed into the ocean, and the two colors, one cold and one hot, mix together.




Stimulated by the murderous aura of the blood orcs, the blood of these blue-skinned frost-cold people boiled, and the fighting spirit permeated the army formation, and the murderous aura was overwhelming.

The strong breath hits the face like a tsunami, suffocating.

"Compared to the voice, when did we dwarves lose?"

Emperor Ornn swung his hammer, and the weapons in the hands of all the dwarves began to beat the ground rhythmically, while shouting rhythmically from their mouths.

Humans were a little restless. Many people saw the dwarf army for the first time, and they had never seen such a scene.

Dwarves are a race that lives underground and have a natural affinity for the earth.

The ground trembled slightly, accompanied by the cries of the dwarves.

The orcs, who were twenty miles away, began to march at Zorak's order.

The orc infantry rushed to the front line, followed by [-] blood orcs, and after that came the attacking troops responsible for the siege.

The formation of the orcs put the most powerful blood orcs at the forefront, and it was clear that they wanted to eat Owendale in one bite.

As soon as the orcs marched, they heard the sound of rolling thunder coming from the city of Owendale.

This sound is like the largest Leiyin Waterfall in the Frost and Cold Empire. Huge water waves fall and hit the rock wall and downstream, stirring up a sound like thunder.

This sound is actually the dwarf using the spirit to resonate with the earth, and has received the blessing of the earth.

All the dwarves looked in high spirits, with a menacing gleam in their eyes.

Seeing this, Ferdinand took the brunt of singing the human battle song.

The heroic voice infected everyone, and all the humans in Owendale stopped their work and spontaneously sang along with Ferdinand.

Shen Fei was shaken all over, stunned for a while, the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously, and hummed along with the crowd.

"There has never been a savior..."

This song was sung by Shen Fei when he had nothing to do before, but it was stolen by Lucian and used as a battle song...

In the battle song, human soldiers tap their potential and gain benefits.

[Earth Affinity]: Dwarves have an affinity for the earth, reducing the damage received by 5%.

[Human Courage]: Encouraged by humans, the main attribute increases by 5%.

The singing is loud and clear, and has been spread to the forefront of the battlefield.

The marching orc troops also heard the singing of human beings with faith and will.

There were orcs whispering in the team, and the morale of the army was shaken.

Zorak raised his hand and ordered the soldiers to beat the drums, so as not to let the human faith interfere with the army.

Although the two armies have not yet fought hand-to-hand, they have already launched a contest in terms of momentum.

A small commotion in the orc army would soon be covered up with overwhelming murderous aura.

"All staff are ready to follow orders!"

Ferdinand's orders were transmitted throughout the entire army. In this kind of battle of tens of thousands of people, disobedience to orders is the most taboo, and you must remind them repeatedly before starting the war.

The advance army of the orcs had reached the attack range of the mage tower, activated the defense mechanism of the mage tower, and began to attack the orcs who invaded the land.

Grand Warlock Zorak stood on the platform and unleashed magic.

"The Dark Gate!"

With a roar, a portal of darkness tens of meters high appeared on the battlefield.


The Dark Portal rises from the ground, and the door's rim is engraved with difficult and incomprehensible dark spells.

The two stone snakes meandered to the top of the Dark Gate, looking at each other petrified.

A faint red curtain appeared at the door opening, like an energy vortex.

The pungent sulfur smell permeated the battlefield, which gave everyone a bad feeling.

The Mage Tower was also attracted by the Dark Portal, and all the attacks were directed towards the red curtain of the Dark Portal.

The orc army continued to advance and entered the human attack range.

Ferdinand swung his long sword, and the flag of command began to change.

The iron cable on the winch rotated rapidly, and the boulder on the catapult was pushed directly into the sky by the surging force, and smashed towards the orc army.

"A finger of death!"

The fel energy in Zorak's hand exploded directly, stopping the first wave of dense boulders.

The boulder was directly blasted into gravel by the finger of death, and fell from the sky with a clatter.

Everyone on the city wall was taken aback. They didn't expect Zorak to use his big move so early.

The first wave of catapults failed, and the orcs on the front line were brave and quickly approached the city wall.

Emperor Ornn was also dumbfounded, and murmured: "Dwarves are good at hand-to-hand combat, but they can't deal with this kind of evil warlock."

Ferdinand remained calm and continued to command, and the archers and the second wave of catapults began to operate.

Although Zorak's [Finger of Death] is powerful, he doesn't believe that this powerful spell can be used non-stop.

The first wave of human attacks did not cause any damage, which greatly increased the morale of the orcs, and they rushed over like mountains and seas...

At this moment, there was a murmur of demons from the standing dark gate.

The first fat demon with wings emerged from the Hellport.

The icy light beam from the mage tower hit directly, and the fat demon opened his mouth and spewed out a flame of fel energy, resisting the attack of the mage tower.

"Hahaha, so many living people!"

Then, the second, the third...

(End of this chapter)

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